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You May Wish To Consider Moving...


Supporter 2014
... to places like these.



Now we know who's at least partially responsible for the mess we're in.


However you feel about the inalienable right to self-defense, just let it be known that living in a safe place is probably your best chance to survive what's coming...

Think the banks in Cyprus will be the last to be affected?


That was just a test run...

What do you think will happen during the real deal?

"It's just a glitch... nothing to worry about."

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Er... so does Nigeria, and Congo, and let's not forget about all the criminals running around with illegal firearms in the rest of Africa. What's happening in America now has been happening in Africa for far, far, far longer. So much for first world countries, eh? Seems like they're backtracking fast.


Supporter 2014
The American government has been flooding guns into those countries and straight into the hands of the dictator regimes...

Don't believe everything you hear. People are safer with guns than without.

Tell you what, AngelGeneral, when you're forced into the hard labor FEMA camps, I'll come and bust you out.

But not before saying, "Told you so." :troll:

Seriously though...

Look, you don't have to believe me, but the fact remains that the banks are planning to clean out your bank accounts, replace the dollar with another currency, ship your job overseas, then put you in prison for some contrived new law.

Then torture.

Then death.

Read up on the NDAA. That law allows anyone to be shipped off to Guantanamo (or other ghost sites) without trial.

I'm only warning those who'll listen so that they can prepare or get out of the country while they still can. Moving to a place where guns are still legal (and encouraged) to own is a great start.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I think this is about themes is DmC game coming true....banks ruling the world and then causing hell on earth...or something like that....and gun violence.

>_< Nah it's the other way around. These are themes that have been present for a while. DmC is based off our current society.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I don't actually think guns are that dangerous, it just depends who's got them. Africa has a lot of corrupt governments and poorly enforced laws, and also a lot of desperate people. No wonder they use guns, in self-defense, in uprisings etc. where would the Somali pirates be without weapons? Jail most likely. It's clearly not a good idea to sell firearms in unstable places.

In America, guns maybe aren't such a big problem, aside from the Connecticut massacre, and ones before it. I think gun laws should at least be stricter so people who are unstable are less likely to have access to them.


Is not rat, is hamster
I don't actually think guns are that dangerous, it just depends who's got them. Africa has a lot of corrupt governments and poorly enforced laws, and also a lot of desperate people. No wonder they use guns, in self-defense, in uprisings etc. where would the Somali pirates be without weapons? Jail most likely. It's clearly not a good idea to sell firearms in unstable places.

In America, guns maybe aren't such a big problem, aside from the Connecticut massacre, and ones before it. I think gun laws should at least be stricter so people who are unstable are less likely to have access to them.
But firearms are a HUGE industry, making many rich people very happy indeed. For some places, it forms a large part of their economy and to remove that element with nothing else in place would cause a great level of financial turmoil (like we don't already have enough of that as it is).

Also, I am the last person to ever handle a gun. Last time I held one (it was a rifle for target practice so no proper bullets, just ball bearings), I managed to shoot myself. In the face. Via ricochet.

I got mad skillz, yo...


Devil hunter in training
But firearms are a HUGE industry, making many rich people very happy indeed. For some places, it forms a large part of their economy and to remove that element with nothing else in place would cause a great level of financial turmoil (like we don't already have enough of that as it is).
That's a good point. So I guess even if a place wanted to put a ban on firearms, they would be backing themselves into a financial corner. Either way you silce it, there's going to be a problem.

Also, I am the last person to ever handle a gun. Last time I held one (it was a rifle for target practice so no proper bullets, just ball bearings), I managed to shoot myself. In the face. Via ricochet.

I got mad skillz, yo...


Is not rat, is hamster
It's like that with many things that humanity may be better off without - they are already so established in many societies that to remove them becomes not only a financial issue but also potentially could be viewed as a human rights violation.

Take tobacco and alcohol, for example. If we were to outright ban these substances then it would cause the most unbelievable problems. Job losses, financial crashes, import/export difficulties...sure, we all know that smoking kills you and drinking to excess does the same (as well as many other problems) - but to remove it from society completely would be a pointless undertaking whilst things stand as they are.


Well-known Member
Give a killer a gun and he will shoot you. Take the gun from him and he will choke you.
It is not the gun that is the problem, but the fact that it is now easier for people to kill each other by giving them a weapon to do so. You can only prevent people from dying by firearms by taking the firearms away from people, however, those who wants to kill other will find other means then. A gun just makes it easier.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I don't actually think guns are that dangerous, it just depends who's got them.
I don't think that's the case. My country is a first world country, and people here love to hunt. Even the experienced hunters acknowledge and warn others that the more experienced you are, the more you are at risk of making a mistake. A guy shot his hunting partner by accident, thinking he was a deer.

So, look, you get the psychos who probably never used a gun before, or did in practise shooting or whatever, and decide to massacre people in cinemas, schools and camping trips. They don't really know what the hell they're doing so they pose a risk to themselves and everyone around them.
Then you get the experienced gunmen - the police, soldiers, hunters, who know what they're doing, but that makes them doubly as dangerous because they're trained. They'll shoot you down before you can run or shoot back. Accidents happen.

I don't think people are the issue. Firearms are an issue. Bombs are an issue.


Supporter 2014

You're right.

Prohibition never works.




"In summary, despite a widespread ban on gun ownership in the United Kingdom, it is the most dangerous place to live in terms of violent crime in the entire western world."

"Now let’s take a look at a country which is geographically-speaking a stone’s throw away from the United Kingdom – Switzerland.

With a population of just six million, Switzerland has 2 million publicly-owned firearms. Despite the fact that guns are everywhere in Switzerland and are a deeply-ingrained part of Swiss culture, the gun crime rate “is so low that statistics are not even kept,” reports the BBC.

Indeed, with its population of law-abiding armed citizens, Switzerland is one of the safest countries to live in the entire world, with homicide rates at just 2.2 people per 100,000.

So the UK is one of the most dangerous places to live in the developed world, while Switzerland is one of the safest, and yet Switzerland is a nation of gun owners. How then can we possibly conclude that gun control reduces violent crime when in virtually every instance it has proven to have the opposite effect?

The figures clearly show that gun control does not reduce violent crime, and in fact only emboldens criminals to use guns illegally – safe in the knowledge that their victims have been disarmed courtesy of government legislation."
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