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why it's a good idea to go forward with DmC2 (from a neutral party)


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i love the classic series. if you don't believe me...then to bad. DmC is promising but it didn't live up to the fans expectations. but, let me tell you why it would be a bad idea to have capcom take dante back and try to recreate the magic.

remember this movie? i do. this was an attempt to recreate the magic that all those boys and girls have yearned to see. but when it came out, the fans resented it. mainly because it tried to fit in with the originals but when tried it failed. it couldn't recreate the magic that the old guys felt when they watched reeves in the theatre.
how about another example?

after a while, the series milks itself out. and in the end...we get nipples.

NOW...we can do what prince of persia did and just throw the reboot out the window, but that would be a bad idea. mainly because devil may cry is a much more popular title. but thats just me and my cwazy ideas.


Solid Ocelot
I don't really like comparing things that have no connection to each other. Maybe Batman got back to its origins a bit too late. Maybe the people creating it weren't the right people for the job. All I know is, the last DMC game was released in 2008, and that's not so long ago. The team at Capcom pretty much stayed the same, I think (at least since the company Arika was founded). It could go either way, I'd say. I think a new DMC could be good. I think DmC2 might become as mediocre as DmC, especially if the control scheme with all the angel and demon stuff is kept. And maybe DMC5 would be mediocre as well, but at least it would be a DMC (not DmC) game, and the story could even be continued. In the end, the DMC series needs to be finished. Might as well make DMC5, then rename DmC2 to something completely different so that it would be clear a new series of independent games has begun.


More people want DMC5 instead of DmC2. DmC sold worse than any other games in series (even all that hype from journalists didn't help). Game didn't have such big community support, like has classic DMC. Reboot even has his own army of haters.
So, DmC 2 will be pretty stupid idea. But dont forget who is a game publisher. It's CAPCOM. So judging by all of the above, we should wait reboot sequel instead of classic game. Or just nothing. (also a good option for me, but DMC5 would be better one)


Keyser Söze
I can see where you're coming from but from your view isn't just making new DMC games overall is a bad idea ?? I mean if its being milked the label "Reboot" doesn't really help.

From my point of view i think all they need to do is change the art direction for DmC IMO i just don't buy the juvenille dante demeanor and punkish wub wub new age sh!t... i want THIS BACK >

I want BADASS dante back !

So that's all i need.. i don't want a DMC 5 i just want a change in art direction and personlaity change for mr trashy angsty ****ed of jerk of a dante.

The only reason why Batman movies started to suck is because they booted off burton because he made Batman 2 too dark and serious.

And i still stand by my word that Batman Dark knight trilogy is mediocre and overrated that doesn't mean i love the burton version i just love the cartoon versions so much.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I would be happy with either DMC5 or DmC2. Both versions of the game appeal to me for different reasons. DMC is stylish, fast action and it just looks great to play, while DmC2 gives me that brutal "Splatterhouse" vibe with its aesthetics and emphasis on "heavy" hits that you really feel the impact of.

@Unknown: It's bad to generalize, you know. I want DmC2.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
Hm, sadly I can't relate to the examples given, but I really think they should *at least* make a DmC2, for one to continue that story (it has a much bigger cliffhanger than the orignal series, imo), and to give it the chance to become as amazing as DMC3 gameplay-wise. Or better. Yeah, I'll settle for even better :p
I believe that this new universe still has so much more potential, story-wise, aswell as gameplay-wise, and c'mon guys, we can't let such a beautiful and unique artdirection go to waste, now can we? ;)
M'k I'll just say it: I'd take DmC2 over DMC5 anyday. Please don't hate me ._.



From a neutral standpoint, it would be good to see either DmC2 or DMC5 produced. Both have their appeal, and regardless of sales, both have their fanbase.
I did get a nasty smack on the hand for expecting too much from DmC, so unless NT improves where they failed, I'm not buying DmC2. DMC5 - yeah, if Dante's got the silver hair, blue eyes and Langdon as vo.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Hm, sadly I can't relate to the examples given, but I really think they should *at least* make a DmC2, for one to continue that story (it has a much bigger cliffhanger than the orignal series, imo), and to give it the chance to become as amazing as DMC3 gameplay-wise. Or better. Yeah, I'll settle for even better :p
I believe that this new universe still has so much more potential, story-wise, aswell as gameplay-wise, and c'mon guys, we can't let such a beautiful and unique artdirection go to waste, now can we? ;)
M'k I'll just say it: I'd take DmC2 over DMC5 anyday. Please don't hate me ._.

DmC's art design/direction is nothing impressive or new/original. Even if DmC never gets a sequel I can find plenty of games that uses a strong color scheme theme or strong emphasis as well as floating platforms, shape-shifting environments, dark/grotty decrepit environments, and lively areas.

Want to know what the Raptor News Network and Devil's Dalliance reminds me of?

So not continuing DmC will not let its art direction go to waste as they're plenty of games that uses a similar art direction. Same way how DMC's gothic art design won't be gone as we got Castlevania for that and if Castlevania is gone we got some other games with a similar gothic design.


I liked the original feel of the first trailer. It had me thinking 'resident evil' - which is very different from the DMC universe, but I recon they'd do well to follow that route (for DmC2, I mean). Wasn't that what they initially intended for Dante and he just didn't fit/was no longer needed for RE? And they've done a pretty good job with the characters (excluding Vergil here) and the plot, they can make a sequel without sitting down, scratching their heads and wondering what to do because the potential is there.

(Off topic: I watched the DmC cutscenes again and the story ties in so well with DMC3, they ought to do a DmC remake of DMC3. Explains why Vergil wanted power, why he wasn't worried about the humans, why he didn't kill Lady, why he invited Dante to the tower, etc. DMC3 only started making sense after DmC. Except for the flying whale, I still don't get that. Oh. And I take back what I said about NT not doing their homework on Nephilim and that stuff - they did. My bad.)
I'd like both.
DmC2 would be fine,because I won't like to have it half-way done leaving questions unanswered.I'd want one mostly because I want to watch a final confrontation between Dante and Vergil just like in DMC3.

But as the same time I want DMC5 because DMC hasn't come to an end yet and it's after all the original franchise and many still have a thing for it,besides it's one of the best Hack n Slash games so it'd be a pity,and personally I still want good action,thrilling atmosphere and the real Dante back.
I'd like a true DMC like the old ones,not one like DMC4 truth to be told.

I believe that this new universe still has so much more potential, story-wise, aswell as gameplay-wise, and c'mon guys, we can't let such a beautiful and unique artdirection go to waste, now can we? ;)
Let's not let so much praise get in our way,there are hundred of games these days which have way more unique art direction,just how nor DMC is that original,but it was in its first days.
Truth to be told there isn't much to be amazed by in our days ;).
Gameplay-wise I wouldn't say so but story-wise yes.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I see where you're coming from, but I half agree.

I would love a DmC2, but not right away. I want NT to first look over what made DmC strong and what held it back. Improve on some aesthetics for it and then get back into the DmC series. I hope they also try and do some things that Capcom didn't let them do like those un added places, harder enemies, and Dante's choice of attire and style. Of course I want Dante to keep his tough as nails attitude. I don't want a copy and paste of old Dante just to please fans.

for 2015, I'd want to see a DMC5, just to see if Capcom has learned anything about making a good DMC since DMC4 left a bad taste in my mouth when I actually got to the end of the game. I just expected more. So I'd want at least one more game from DMC and hope they don't mess this up like they've been doing after DMC1.

So yeah, 2015 I hope to see DMC5, and after that THEN I'd want to see a DmC2. Seeing a DmC2 as the very next game would put me on the edge. Especially when there's already an unnamed game NT is working on.
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