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Why is everyone uptight about the original being anime-ish?


Well-known Member
This I honestly don't understand. Sure it has it's look but overall I'm sure before this game even came out you weren't think like that until DMC 4 hit shelves, now mostly I see where people are calling DMC 3 anime-ish and DMC 4 as well. That said why does everyone refer to it like that?

Sure the series got an anime from it but still...


Well-known Member
The reason i enjoyed and related myself to DMC 3 and 4 was cuz i watched animes like rurouni kenshin and inu yasha. I don't find anything wrong with them having anime appeal since sources of both games and anime is japan. People who enjoy japenese products would not find it different but if others want to be skeptic about it,it does not bother be one bit.


Well-known Member
The reason i enjoyed and related myself to DMC 3 and 4 was cuz i watched animes like rurouni kenshin and inu yasha. I don't find anything wrong with them having anime appeal since sources of both games and anime is japan. People who enjoy japenese products would not find it different but if others want to be skeptic about it,it does not bother be one bit.

As do I, I guess those who state otherwise don't watch anime. I find the Japanese culture very interesting than the American way.


Keyser Söze
Well its obvious isn't it ?

DMC 1 =
IT was like a Resident evil Mesh with Red-red redemption

DMC 4 is more like a shonen anime-meshed with Devil may cry
HE looks WAYYY to Clean and yaoi

the eeriness isn't really there anymore and its replaced with heaps of over the top action sequences and anime character designs


Fake Geek Girl.
As do I, I guess those who state otherwise don't watch anime. I find the Japanese culture very interesting than the American way.
Devil May Cry really cramped itself into a corner of just being a generic anime and like it or not but that kind of style doesn't appeal to everyone alone. I am an avid anime fan but there are trends in anime that set of my alert to make fun of how stupid it is. I can't point at DMC 4 and say that over there. I can definitely rip Dante to shreds in that one. After personal experiences I can come to the conclusion that people still butthurt over the reboot are anime fans who just don't like that it isn't trying to be an anime anymore. Like I said, I love anime but the fanbase for the most part I don't particular like at all. Always putting everything from Japan as if it's automatically superior.

What do you think Japan is anyway though? Some wonderland of anime, cosplay, and pocky? I do find Japan's historical culture and history interesting (I like world history in general) but going to Japan isn't so much culture shock you might think or hope. Living there isn't so different at all. America is a country that is a melting pot of different cultures in one country. The native country will have their ways more relevant in more ways than one but at the end of the day, spending time in Japan will feel relatively the same as living just about anywhere else in the world.

Japan might be the patron saint of the internet when it comes to the wacky and or adorable but it's not really like the internet paints it out to be at all. You love anime? Over there anime is viewed exactly like people in the west view cartoons because that's what it is, cartoons. I'm not trying to keep you away from Japan because it's a fantastic place to visit but trust me, staying in Japan was really not too different at all from living in the west. This all comes from living over a month in a half in Japan myself.


Well-known Member
Devil May Cry really cramped itself into a corner of just being a generic anime and like it or not but that kind of style doesn't appeal to everyone alone. I am an avid anime fan but there are trends in anime that set of my alert to make fun of how stupid it is. I can't point at DMC 4 and say that over there. I can definitely rip Dante to shreds in that one. After personal experiences I can come to the conclusion that people still butthurt over the reboot are anime fans who just don't like that it isn't trying to be an anime anymore. Like I said, I love anime but the fanbase for the most part I don't particular like at all. Always putting everything from Japan as if it's automatically superior.

What do you think Japan is anyway though? Some wonderland of anime, cosplay, and pocky? I do find Japan's historical culture and history interesting (I like world history in general) but going to Japan isn't so much culture shock you might think or hope. Living there isn't so different at all. America is a country that is a melting pot of different cultures in one country. The native country will have their ways more relevant in more ways than one but at the end of the day, spending time in Japan will feel relatively the same as living just about anywhere else in the world.

Japan might be the patron saint of the internet when it comes to the wacky and or adorable but it's not really like the internet paints it out to be at all. You love anime? Over there anime is viewed exactly like people in the west view cartoons because that's what it is, cartoons. I'm not trying to keep you away from Japan because it's a fantastic place to visit but trust me, staying in Japan was really not too different at all from living in the west. This all comes from living over a month in a half in Japan myself.

I see, well I haven't been to Japan and would like to see what it is like. The history is something I liked about Japan. Samurai's and sword honestly was the favorite part I liked. I love Anime yes, but I can see where your point stands to where you can point out if something is stupid, I have been there but still I enjoy it though because it's different than what we have over here.


Well-known Member
Devil May Cry has always been Japanese. It has always had an animé style to it. Just Dante's looks reeks of it, the red coat to represent his heroic side and the white hair to represent his otherworldly heritage - typical animé. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I love animé!

Part of DmC is about westernization though. It's trying to get away from the Japanese animé stereotypes. To broaden the fanbase, reaching those who animé is not their cup of tea. That means DmC has brought in people who don't like animé and thus finds the original series not to be within their taste. That's where the complaints come from.

The original series is animé. DmC is Hollywood. Personally, I like both. However, there are people who prefer one over the other, so you are bound to hear that from people. This is the internet after all, people complain if they want to and they don't hide their opinions or respect others' if they don't want to. You should know this, VegilNeroDante, as you do exacty the same.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I like anime, but I didn't like how DMC took that anime feel. There is anime that is really good and absolutely dominates over others, but DMC has none of this. DMC3 immediately reminded me of Inuyasha for a few reasons, and at least Inuyasha had character development and a real feel for the characters. DMC3 was just action and one liners to me. Except Lady, who didn't have really large character development. Even Vergil and Dante fit into that anime trope. Dante was a cocky, goofy, OP character who dressed like an emo J-rock singer and spit one liners that I would expect to hear from a lack luster English dub. Vergil was one dimensional with wanting power and was just so boring character wise, but was a blast to see do all this stuff and the way he carried himself. I just wished he more personality to carry that appearance.

DMC4 sh*t all over my love for DMC along for anime, and threw it in my face. It featured a cliche anime romance between the hot headed handsome male who's rebellious (Nero? Rebellious? pffft) and is a loner, and a cute, shy girl who was actually even more one dimensional then an actual love interest should be. The setting was good...till backtracking came in. The enemies were good and bad. Demons were awesome, but the main enemies:

Credo seemed like the only one with real action game development and not anime styled development. He realized that he had to rebel against his order in order to save Kyrie and Nero.

Agnus was just annoying and was jealous of Credo a lot. Pretty much that anime type that is jealous and takes everything offensive.

Sanctus was a generic old man anime enemy but had an interesting character in believing to bring evil into the world and then save them with power to make himself out as the hero.

Lady was a walking otaku's wet dream who chose tight small clothes instead of be the respectable and badass Lady that she was in 3 and the anime. She didn't do anything and was very underdeveloped in terms of doing anything.

Trish was hardly doing anything as herself, but was a panty-less regal stripper with a knife and looks like lady gaga. As Trish she was just a walking model and had no real significance to the story except giving Sanctus the Sparda, which was dumb. She served as the anime's hot and sexy female who doesn't even do much but yet still has a fanbase from her looks.

Kyrie was bland. The end. Still like her though, but she was as dull as any anime shy female. (except a few)

Nero was alright for me because he had some character and was flexible to see. But he really did remind me of Ichigo cause of the voice actor being the same, and his attitude, along with both having large swords and switching to long katanas. Just mod Nero with Ichigo's color and boom!

Plus he was also the stereotypical anime shonen protagonist since he was also very needy with Kyrie and was a bit of a whiner. Like when Agnus had Kyrie hostage in that container, after the boss fight, why didn't Nero just ignore Angus and try to get Kyrie out of there when he had the chance. Plus he piggy backs off Dante in the character he has from shooting out lines that I would expect DMC3 Dante to say if he was raised in the Order of the swords.

AND DANTE?! Oh, Lord, let me tell you about him! HE was completely clowny and was seriously in need of some sort of character development. He was nothing but cocky and OP. He had to even try harder just to look cool. He didn't stop all this before it got out of hand, and let Nero get sucked up to death. His outfit was generic anime style clothes mixed with overly tacky western appeal and if this was capcom's way of getting more people from the west to play DMC, then this was a wrong way to do it.

But that's me. I like anime, but not DMC3 and 4's description of anime.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
i dont think the story is bad because it is anime inspired, its bad because its unenthusiastic about the story its trying to tell and doesn't really do a good job of developing it or making it interesting.

there is a lot of potential for interesting storytelling and interesting but they dont really do that. Dragonmaster covered it better so just look at his for a fuller explanation.

I like anime, but I didn't like how DMC took that anime feel. There is anime that is really good and absolutely dominates over others, but DMC has none of this. DMC3 immediately reminded me of Inuyasha for a few reasons, and at least Inuyasha had character development and a real feel for the characters. DMC3 was just action and one liners to me. Except Lady, who didn't have really large character development. Even Vergil and Dante fit into that anime trope. Dante was a cocky, goofy, OP character who dressed like an emo J-rock singer and spit one liners that I would expect to hear from a lack luster English dub. Vergil was one dimensional with wanting power and was just so boring character wise, but was a blast to see do all this stuff and the way he carried himself. I just wished he more personality to carry that appearance.

DMC4 sh*t all over my love for DMC along for anime, and threw it in my face. It featured a cliche anime romance between the hot headed handsome male who's rebellious (Nero? Rebellious? pffft) and is a loner, and a cute, shy girl who was actually even more one dimensional then an actual love interest should be. The setting was good...till backtracking came in. The enemies were good and bad. Demons were awesome, but the main enemies:

Credo seemed like the only one with real action game development and not anime styled development. He realized that he had to rebel against his order in order to save Kyrie and Nero.

Agnus was just annoying and was jealous of Credo a lot. Pretty much that anime type that is jealous and takes everything offensive.

Sanctus was a generic old man anime enemy but had an interesting character in believing to bring evil into the world and then save them with power to make himself out as the hero.

Lady was a walking otaku's wet dream who chose tight small clothes instead of be the respectable and badass Lady that she was in 3 and the anime. She didn't do anything and was very underdeveloped in terms of doing anything.

Trish was hardly doing anything as herself, but was a panty-less regal stripper with a knife and looks like lady gaga. As Trish she was just a walking model and had no real significance to the story except giving Sanctus the Sparda, which was dumb. She served as the anime's hot and sexy female who doesn't even do much but yet still has a fanbase from her looks.

Kyrie was bland. The end. Still like her though, but she was as dull as any anime shy female. (except a few)

Nero was alright for me because he had some character and was flexible to see. But he really did remind me of Ichigo cause of the voice actor being the same, and his attitude, along with both having large swords and switching to long katanas. Just mod Nero with Ichigo's color and boom!

Plus he was also the stereotypical anime shonen protagonist since he was also very needy with Kyrie and was a bit of a whiner. Like when Agnus had Kyrie hostage in that container, after the boss fight, why didn't Nero just ignore Angus and try to get Kyrie out of there when he had the chance. Plus he piggy backs off Dante in the character he has from shooting out lines that I would expect DMC3 Dante to say if he was raised in the Order of the swords.

AND DANTE?! Oh, Lord, let me tell you about him! HE was completely clowny and was seriously in need of some sort of character development. He was nothing but cocky and OP. He had to even try harder just to look cool. He didn't stop all this before it got out of hand, and let Nero get sucked up to death. His outfit was generic anime style clothes mixed with overly tacky western appeal and if this was capcom's way of getting more people from the west to play DMC, then this was a wrong way to do it.

But that's me. I like anime, but not DMC3 and 4's description of anime.


"Plough the lilies"
It doesn't matter whether it's anime style or comics style. If it's bad, don't blame the latter. Blame the writers.

Dante was a cocky, goofy, OP character who dressed like an emo J-rock singer

How in the holy hell is classic dante emo?
Classic Dante = Gothic
New Dante = Punk

People's definition of Emo now a days is pretty annoying.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
I never thought it to be "anime-ish" because I...didn't even think of it in that style. I just thought of it as a biker-rocker-kinda-ish style of game made in Japan, and I still don't see it that way (anime).

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Anime-ish? The only thing anime-related about DMC for me was the anime itself, which by the way has a sweet song. I always felt an Asian martial arts film vibe from the series, especially DMC3 and a little of 4, but that might be because of the Bruce Lee homages with Gilgamesh and Cerberus. The DMC series felt like old, bad but in a good way, martial arts films, like ones with Jackie Chan (older films), Sammo Hung (older films), Bruce Lee, and Stephen Chow, maybe a little Jet Li. DmC seems more like Jet Li and Donnie Yen who have more action-y and grittier styles.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
I applaud you for mentioning Donnie yen. The Freaking Ip man!
And Chen Zhen, from Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen (2010). Donnie Yen did say that he didn't want to be part of Ip Man 3, he said that Ip Man 1 and 2 were all that was necessary and probably because 3 would involve a young Bruce Lee and Donnie Yen isn't what many would considered an old martial arts master.

Flash Point (2007) is probably one of two great martial arts films that used MMA, the other being Warrior (2011). Here's the end fight scene.

If DmC Dante had a more refined fighting style, I think MMA/Muay Thai/Krav Maga would fit him more than Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, Savate, the various and multitude of styles such as Wing Chun, Hung Gar, Praying Mantis, Northern Shaolin, Ba Gua, etc. in China, taekwondo, hapkido, etc. from Korea, karate, judo, ninjitsu, etc. from Japan. DmC Dante needs to be more rugged, messy, and violent compared to DMC Dante in my opinion.

Also, it be nice to have a baton in a future game, not necessarily DMC/DmC. I know that Watching Dogs has a telescoping baton for a weapon. Donnie Yen's SPL (2005) having one great fight scene with it.


"Plough the lilies"
Man, i have watched Chen zhen but i really want to watch Flash point :/
I also have watched SPL. The storytelling is so damn good but it's way too depressing.

And man, you know your martial arts ^_^

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Man, i have watched Chen zhen but i really want to watch Flash point :/
I also have watched SPL. The storytelling is so damn good but it's way too depressing.

And man, you know your martial arts ^_^
Do you have Netflix? Flash Point I think is still on Netflix. So is Warrior, I'd really recommend it as a counterpoint for people saying that westerners can't make good martial arts films. With warriors, that's a hell yes they can. Otherwise, you might have to rent is somewhere else, Amazon? Local video stores; I still have one near where I live, it's great sometimes for films that aren't on Netflix.

And yes, I do know a lot about martial arts. Which is why I love gauntlets and/or greaves weapons. I really wish there were more greaves only weapon in games, I'd love to see capoeira, alongside with other kicks from other martial arts, in a game outside of fighting games. Well, maybe DmC Vergil might have a greaves only weapon. Imagine him break dancing or flamingo-ing his way to victory.


"Plough the lilies"
Do you have Netflix? Flash Point I think is still on Netflix. So is Warrior, I'd really recommend it as a counterpoint for people saying that westerners can't make good martial arts films. With warriors, that's a hell yes they can. Otherwise, you might have to rent is somewhere else, Amazon? Local video stores; I still have one near where I live, it's great sometimes for films that aren't on Netflix.

Sadly, i don't have netflix and it seems it's not available here on my country. I also have watched Warrior. It's definitely a masterpiece in both action and the Story.

Well, maybe DmC Vergil might have a greaves only weapon. Imagine him break dancing or flamingo-ing his way to victory.

lol i still hope that he would use some Choi Lee Fat moves or some Shotokan Karate like what he is using in DMC 3 but it would be hilarious if Vergil would use some Ballet or flamingo style of fighting in DmC.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Sadly, i don't have netflix and it seems it's not available here on my country. I also have watched Warrior. It's definitely a masterpiece in both action and the Story.

lol i still hope that he would use some Choi Lee Fat moves or some Shotokan Karate like what he is using in DMC 3 but it would be hilarious if Vergil would use some Ballet or flamingo style of fighting in DmC.
Oh, well that sucks. And hey, don't diss Vergil if he's dancing and killing at the same time. He is:

Heck, DMC Dante used flamingo (or whatever dance it's actually called) for Lucifer in DMC4. And maybe DmC Dante could be more of a grappler than a stand up fighter. I don't know, it's just not a lot of games like this have grapples, maybe it because of balance and that grappling would give too many invincibility frames.


I suppose for some people anything from Japan is anime-ish. If you are saying that Dante is too yaoi in dmc4, you just dont know definition of it.
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