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Which Dante would you relate to?

Which Dante would you relate to

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Well-known Member
Yep, like the title says.

As for me, I'm a little between the DMC2 Dante. I'm usually quiet as a mouse and a nice person but if things get riled up or if I get ****ed off, I'd resemble DmC Dante by that.


Praise the Sun!
DMC3 I can get pretty annoying and say stupid things that make my friends laugh but when things get serious so do I :lol:


Devil hunter in training
Wish there was a chance to double vote. I'd go for DmC and DMC3 Dante.


Oldschool DMC fan
I act most like DMC2 Dante, but I'd 'relate more' to DMC1 Dante. I'm just too lazy to be that nice.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
none of them since i find it hard to relate to a hedonistic pretty-boy who is a jerk .That doesn't mean i dont like him just i wouldn't relate to him a lot.

i relate to nero more since he is closer to being a regular guy than Dante is. Even if i cant actually call nero an everyman, he is closer to being a regular guy than Dante is and i ultimately know what his life was like in more detail than i know about dante.


Dark Slayer
Since I can only pick one I'm going with DMC3 Dante, but I'd say I relate to both DMC2 and DMC3 Dante.


Well-known Member
i can't relate to any of them because my personality doesn't mirror anime stereotypes and i'm not a teenager anymore nor do i curse profusely


Keyser Söze
LOL why is DMC 1&DMC 4 dante in the same option ?

it should be opposite DMC 4&3 dante should be in the same option..

Anyway my Pick is DMC 1's dante badass,Ruff and snarky with his cheesy ass one liners reminds me of one of those military men


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
DMC1 Dante. I like to say cool things to antagonize people I don't like, but will also be serious if needed.

I'm also DMC3 Dante cause I talk a lot of **** to people I don't like just to be an ass.

And last, I'm DmC Dante cause I get mad easy and say "F*ck you" to people who **** me off.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
To be honest, I can best relate to DmC Dante. Maybe that's why I like him and his character so much. I can relate to his past (except for the amnesia part), I've been singled out and treated like an outcast my entire life. Its just now that I've been able to overcome my past issues and grievances with my parents, and I honestly see a lot of myself within this new Dante. He isn't immune to past angst or past troubles, and has actually found a way to overcome his sadness and grievances through connecting with his lost brother and his friend Kat. He was able to open up to new people and actually learn to care about people other than himself, as in with Kat and his brother. Its inspiring to be able to connect with a character and see yourslef within this virtual person. He isn't this "Almighty" character that can just brush off missing parents or wanting retribution for his lost childhood and messed up life. I feel the same way as this new Dante, and maybe thats why I enjoy him so much as a character. Both of us have found a way to overcome issues and learn to deal with things, XD.

LOL, Ignore my rambling.

- The True Nephilim -

Devil Trigger Expert
DmC Dante, he isn't some wise ass for everything he says like he was in the other games. He is cocky, but he knows when the situation is serious and not time to be a smart ass. Plus he seems the most believable of the other Dantes.
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