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What's in a Name?


Well-known Member
How much do labels matter to you? Would you buy something because it has a label you like?

Take Devil May Cry for example. Are you buying it/not buying it just because its labelled DMC? What else would you buy with the DMC label? And why?

Basically, discuss what a label really means and how important they are for you. :)


Don't trust people
I love using labels.
Wait... thought you meant Visual Basic. <.<

I usually do not. Because some of the most epic labels are mediocre things in itself and the label tries to overhype it. <.<

Pale Rider

Wickedly good
Label = Nothing but something, in a sense that, if given a list of different games, I'd tend to choose/favour the game of the label that I liked but not to the extent of buying it, atleast not before I googled and youtubed everything about it's gameplay and stuff.

For me, it's like
Gameplay > Graphics > Storyline > whatever may come here.

So, in a nutshell, 'Labels' don't prompt me to buy a game.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Well, seeing that Dante was in Lucifer's call, i bought it for the fact that dante was in it.
I've also bought Viewtiful Joe and Marvel V Capcom 3 because Dante is in the games. And I'll be buying Ultimate Marvel V Capcom 3 because Vergil is in it.

It's not the name, its the characters. (If that makes any sense)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I second what VB said. I'd buy anything with Dante in it, regardless of the label.

Although where it concerns fashion, I'd rather buy a cheap rip-off of some brand than pay two months' salary for a brand name that is crap quality anyway.

And with grocery shopping it's different. The Home Brand sometimes have good quality stuff for cheaper, and other times it's best to stick to a label that you KNOW is good. Like coffee. Netcafe coffee is disgusting. Gregg's coffee is the worst. Nestle coffee = heaven.


Welcome to my world....
I did exactly what Vergil’s Bitch and Dante’s Stalker said. I’m glad I did! SMT: Lucifer’s Call was the awesome sauce! I also buy comics and what not if it’s got anything to do with DMC. I even bought DMC2! XD

What VB said about character’s too. Anything I obsess with I buy, so I guess fandoms can be a label in their own sense.

I bought Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) playing cards at MCM just ‘cos Sebastian was pasted all over it. I don’t have anyone to play with and when I got home, I’m like WTF do I do with these? So now they’re sitting in my draw doing nothing.

I do love a good game of cards though… and drinks.

I would also buy Twining’s tea all the time if I could afford it, only ‘cos Stephen Fry advertised it. So, he counts as a label too.


Enma Katana no Kami
i don't think familer labels make most people buy things. they just get people's attention(except for clothing, shoes etc. and even then they aren't buying the label they are buying the opinions other people have of that label. )

everyone on this forum is aware of DmC: Devil May Cry because it is a Devil May Cry game but i doubt anyone is buying it just because of that. people are buying it because it looks cool or they are curious about the story or it just seems like it willl be good game. if it was called "Angel/Demon Guy". alot less people would have looked at that first trailer but the ones that did would still make the same decision they will about it now.

another example: imagine if Capcom announced a Devil May Cry themed puzzle game. Devil May Cry fans would notice it (because of the label) but most would probably not buy it (except for the ones that also like puzzle games). but fans of puzzle games who have never even heard of Devil May Cry and don't like action games would.(there are exceptions, some people decide to collect all the merchandise based on their favorite thing but they know that they are buying it just for the label and don't try to claim otherwise)


Oldschool DMC fan
It depends. I don't mindlessly follow or flaunt brands. But I do recognize quality in something and I go for those brands and names that associated with (tested!) quality, and that I know a little about already. CAPCOM for instance, has created games in the past that I have enjoyed immensely, so I follow their work. But I will *not* rush out to buy the next thing that falls off the CAPCOM production line, just because it's them. I tend to scrutinize carefully things before I buy, even from those companies or people I have positive history with. I can tell you I will not rush off to buy DmC just because it's got DMC's label on it. The other DMC games I considered before buying them, too. This one is going to be openly different so I will consider it even more.

In short, knowledge of a name or label might attract me, but it won't convince me on its own. I always do my research and I'm always wondering if I'm going to be ripped off. It's unconscious, not a thing I do obsessively or anything. It's just engrained behaviour to research things as much as poss before I dive in.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just thought of something else.
I paid quite a bit for the Fable 3 Collectors Edition just for one (yes, ONE) of the playing cards, Reaver. :D
The best thing is, I already have Fable 3, so now i have two copies.


Humanoid Typhoon
I have to say everything with a DMC name on it gets my attention pretty fast. And capcom has done nothing but keep my attention through out the years with each DMC game. Thats just because im a fan. I still critic the game with my own opinion and for dmc its always been pretty good from gameplay to story to graphics and music. Im always willing to try something from capcom, but i'm usually sold when it has dmc on it. Theres not too many games out there that got my wallet in a choke hold but just to name a few that i'm totally gay for are. Team Trico, DMC series, MGS, and i will sell my soul for zone of enders 3
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