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What if Dante falls in love in DMC 5

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Heavens declare His Glory
Ok! This might not be a serious subject like "if Vergil came back" or "if Nero is Vergil's son" or "If Dante will ever get out of hell" etc.

But, I'm curious as to what people would think if Dante actually fell in love in the game series.
Is it a good or bad idea?
I know that some will probably say they don't want another Nero/Kyrie relationship, but I bring this up b/c I was playing DMC 1 and saw the end cutscenes where Mundus, after being defeated by Dante, threatened that he would one day soon return. Dante accepted his challenge and finished by saying "give my regards to my son". We know Dante doesn't have a son. He was talking about the future.

I personally believe that Dante could fall in love with Lady. And if they did fall in love they would be the "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" of the DMC world.
Dante and Trish would just be gross and wrong because then he be going out with a reflection of his mom. It just gives me an incestuous image. NASTY!

Anyways, I really don't know how to begin this, so I leave this up to you guys.


Well-known Member
Freddy777;270977 said:
Ok! This might not be a serious subject like "if Vergil came back" or "if Nero is Vergil's son" or "If Dante will ever get out of hell" etc.

But, I'm curious as to what people would think if Dante actually fell in love in the game series.
Is it a good or bad idea?
I know that some will probably say they don't want another Nero/Kyrie relationship, but I bring this up b/c I was playing DMC 1 and saw the end cutscenes where Mundus, after being defeated by Dante, threatened that he would one day soon return. Dante accepted his challenge and finished by saying "give my regards to my son". We know Dante doesn't have a son. He was talking about the future.

I personally believe that Dante could fall in love with Lady. And if they did fall in love they would be the "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" of the DMC world.
Dante and Trish would just be gross and wrong because then he be going out with a reflection of his mom. It just gives me an incestuous image. NASTY!

Anyways, I really don't know how to begin this, so I leave this up to you guys.

did u watch the end cutscene of DMC 1??
it pretty much implied that dante and trish looks like a couple...i am just sayin


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Dante and Trish would never get involved like that, because Capcom know how wrong that idea would seem. Dante and Lady is the more realistic bond, but then I feel like there isn't much connection. If Dante fell in love, it would be further in the future, and with another human woman. And it's going to take Mundus a while to return, so Dante would have ages. And who is to say that he won't still be alive then? What if Mundus comes back sooner than we think? I think DMC 5 would be awesome if they brought Mundus back :) And Dante could of just been saying it. We know he isn't the type to be serious about things.


Super Penguin Number 2
No, not really. The relationship between Dante and Trish is held together because Dante sees his mother in her. I don't think Dante would want to be with her in a romantic way. Unless they introduce another new female character, I don't really see Dante falling in love with Trish, Lady or even Lucia. It's just not fitting.

Besides, Nero is already the "badass in love"

I don't think they'd want to give Dante that title too.

EDIT: LoD ninja'd me xD...and yeah, I really hope Mundus makes a comeback.


Heavens declare His Glory
I too would love to see Mundus in DMC 5, but Mundus's threat that he would return is not what interested me, it's Dante's mere mention of a "son" that got me thinking.

And Dante and Lady being a couple, I believe, is possible, since Lady was the only woman Dante flirted with alot and really got close to in more than just one occasion. Just look at the DMC 3 cutscenes, especially the library cutscenes.


New Member
Of course Dante can't fall in love with Trish, Lady or Lucia ya know why?


Sorry, Ladies (and Gentleman). He's taken.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

Man, did not see THAT coming!

Samus is single though. We all know how much those magazines lie. XP

In pure seriousness, Dante falling in love would be a bit out of character. He's too childish for that, I think.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Freddy777;270977 said:
1 - Ok! This might not be a serious subject like "if Vergil came back" or "if Nero is Vergil's son" or "If Dante will ever get out of hell" etc.

2 - But, I'm curious as to what people would think if Dante actually fell in love in the game series.
3 - Is it a good or bad idea?
4 - I know that some will probably say they don't want another Nero/Kyrie relationship.

1 - What about the all serious discussion about 'If Dante ever got out of the cookie jar'? He's still locked in there in one of the RP's >_< Just kidding, I know that probably made no sense.

2 - What I would think if he did...well, first off, I'd be heartbroken, and then I'd want to kill whoever it is he hooks up with.

3 - BAD IDEA!!! I want him to stay single!!! SINGLE!!! D:

4 - I think 'some' will need to consider the vast differences in Nero and Dante's personalities.

Okay, on to the seriousness (although I was quite serious about number 2) of the topic!

If Dante falls in love in DMC5, I wouldn't object to it unless

- they take him OOC
- they make him someone's lapdog (to put it nicely)

I didn't like the way things were settling between him and Trish at the end of DMC1, because Trish was clearly the one wearing the pants in the partnership, and that just didn't bode well with me. Although if you consider the interactions between Dante and Trish in DMC4, it's obvious they're still a pair, but I've never seen them as getting romantically involved, for reasons already stated. I figured they have more of a big-sister little brother relationship.

But Dante in love? If they do it right, and don't change him into a sobbing emo like they did Nero, and if they keep his personality the same as before, I think it'd be awesome. He's got a lovable side to him, but I'd like to think it would have to take one helluva woman to get under his skin and bring that out in him. Considering his sarcasm and vulgar manners and his childishness - yeah, it's going to have to take one hell of a woman to dig through all that.


Heavens declare His Glory
Chloe_Ryder;271029 said:
But Dante in love? If they do it right, and don't change him into a sobbing emo like they did Nero, and if they keep his personality the same as before, I think it'd be awesome. He's got a lovable side to him, but I'd like to think it would have to take one helluva woman to get under his skin and bring that out in him. Considering his sarcasm and vulgar manners and his childishness - yeah, it's going to have to take one hell of a woman to dig through all that.

That is why I compared the Dante/Lady relationship to the "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" movie. Dante and Lady both have the same job (to eliminate all demons) just as Brad Pitt and Angelina (they're assassin spies). Both fought with each other with ferocity just as Brad and Angelina. Brad had that calm and sometimes childish personality that Dante has, while Angelina had that serious and "ain't taking crap from nothing" personality that Lady has. Dante never wanted to kill Lady for attacking him (shooting him in the head twice and various other fight scenes, including the Lady Boss fight), just as Brad never wanted to kill Angelina despite her repeated attempts at killing him.

The only thing that is different is the fiery love flare b/w Brad and Angelina that Dante and Lady show very little of, if any.
I think Lady has gotten under Dante's skin, since she never took any of Dante's crap. The two head shots, the stommach shot, and the various bullet holes on Dante's coat is testament to that.

I don't know, maybe I have a Dante & Lady bias b/c DMC 3 is my favorite of all DMC games.
Plus Lady is my fav. woman in DMC series b/c she is tough/rough, yet kind/soft when she takes off her "mean" mask.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Yeah...I'm not sure about that either. I'm not a fan of Lady's, and if the anime is canon which as far as I know it is, I wouldn't think that any romance between him and her could blossom. She's too mean to him, and they provoke each other too much. Even in DMC4, their interaction was pure banter, but not the 'there might be something more here' banter. I wouldn't even put them down as friends. They hunt together sometimes, and Dante is somehow indebted to Lady, but that's the extent of their 'friendship'.

I don't know, personally I just don't think the canons that are there are compatible with Dante. This might be my anti-Vergil and anti-Dante in-love views on the series to blame, but I don't feel the chemistry between Dante and the existing canons are of the right blend to foster something as strong as love.

Good comparison between Dante and Lady and that movie though ^_^ But even in that, Brad and Ang had met before under different circumstances and they hadn't really known who the other was, and were therefore able to act on their attraction between each other. Dante and Lady knew, or had a pretty good idea, why the other was involved in DMC3.


New Member
First of all, let me get a lil serious here. No way, no how do i want love in my DMC games. I don't care if its in sum crappy novel or manga. But in no way whatsoever do i want love in DMC games. Its just boring and senseless.

Dante is not going to fall in love anytime soon. He enjoys his freedom way too much to tie himself down. Beside, why should he? He does get around ya know. DMC 3 manga and the DMC 1 novel does clue us in just a lil that he tends to sleep around and such.

Lady might have a crush on Dante (from what Trish was implying in the DMC anime). But Lady has too much pride to declare her "crush" on Dante. Besides, she's too into her job to concentrate on anything else. As long as she can get Dante's money (which she seems to do often) what reason is there for her to reward Dante when he's just giving it away for free.

DMC 4 had a love story, and looked how that turned out. It turned out like a POS for the uninitiated. Its just plain awful. Kyrie was a piece of fluff that we knew nothing about. Why did Nero fall in love with her? What makes this girl special? Why does Kyrie fall in love with Nero?

Its just senseless. Even Sparda & Eva's love connection is a big mystery. How did they come to meet and fall in love? Questions that needs answers but not really that interesting.

Besides, if you want to read about Dante falling in love with either Lady or Vergil or whomever. Go read fan fictions. They're flooded with crappy Mary Sue's and stupid romance plots that make Twilight seem like Rambo or sumthing.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Vampi;271013 said:
Of course Dante can't fall in love with Trish, Lady or Lucia ya know why?


Sorry, Ladies (and Gentleman). He's taken.
Royal? Persian? Dante, you sly dog, you.

Did you photomanip that or did you find it online?

/totally not contributing to thread


New Member
Found it online. The name of the site is on the lower right hand corner if you're interested in checking it out.


Heavens declare His Glory
I wasn't trying to make an exact comparison b/w Dante/Lady and Brad/Angelina. I knew the movie and Dmc game are way different, but yeah it does make one think "what if".

I didn't think this would get really serious and get many responses, but man is it getting interesting. thanks guys.


Heavens declare His Glory
Hey guys, I just looked in youtube and, man, there are many videos about Dante and Lady being couples.

I guess this is a really good topic and I was right on the money.



New Member
Honestly its not a good topic. Its kinda boring (don't mean to offend). But i'm sure alot of peoople don't like love in their DMC games...especially the games.

And...are you a girl or boy? Because i've never seen a guy so passionate about putting Dante and Lady together. That's mostly reserved for young fangirls that romanticize everything whether the couple makes sense or not. Look at the Yaoi fangirls for reference.

Also, don't double post. Use the Edit button.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vampi;271039 said:
Besides, if you want to read about Dante falling in love with either Lady or Vergil or whomever. Go read fan fictions. They're flooded with crappy Mary Sue's and stupid romance plots that make Twilight seem like Rambo or sumthing.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Romance with the boys...is just wrong. With canon females, with canon males, and with OC's. I mean really, you read one you've read them all. It's like a friggin Mary Sue apocalypse! Shyanon had a really good skit on Dante hooking up with Mary Sue, because the principle of that being possible really is laugh-worthy.
That's why I'm working hard at not letting my OC turn into another Mary Sue who just randomly falls in love with Dante, and so far people really really like my OC with all her flaws and oh-so-humanishness. The chemistry between them is also very rocky, in comparison to all the 'love at first sight' smut out there. I'm trying to challenge myself by writing romance in the DMC universe, writing it with an OC that is non-Mary Sue, and basically showing everyone how a story like that SHOULD be done. See it as me making a statement.
And I'm still going to have Dante hand her ass to her at the end in a very Dante-ish way
Like I said, I'm making a statement, and anyone who knows me knows I'm against DMC romance.

That's all just relative to fanfiction though. If Capcom brings us that in the actual game, I'm hoping it would be way better than anything amateur (and pro) fanfictioners can ever dream up.


Heavens declare His Glory
I'm not really into fanfiction, especially romance stories. But once in a while there are some good romance movies.

And I'm a man. Just look at my profile. I'm not that passionate. I'm not some extreme fan. It just seems exciting, that's it.

Besides, it is only recently that I'm contemplating Dante falling in love, and Dante & Lady seem perfect for each other, at least to me.


Heavens declare His Glory



I think one of these girls is Vergil's woman. (maybe Nero's mother)
Just playing around!
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