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What Devil May Cry Should Try Next

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay don't confuse the title for THAT topic. This is just a random assortment of ideas of what I think should be ideas, game mechanics and whatnot that Devil May Cry (yeah rather it be DMC or DmC) should try next.

This is my opinion and my ideas. You can share your own if you want.

Okay now onto the ideas.

I have 5 main ideas that I've structured and is willing to share. This ideas only specify to gameplay and really that is it and its not limited to DMC or DmC. These ideas I got from either looking at other hack and slash/fighting/action games (mainly Capcom's) and myself on what I think....although a majority of thinking behind these ideas stem from playing DmC, DMC2, DMC3, and DMC4.

A. Sengoku Basara 3 Style Meter System

I was playing Sengoku Basara 3....and one thing I enjoyed (and was slightly upset when I heard they removed it from Sengoku Basara 4) was how it had a style meter like the DMC games (but you can raise the meter by spamming the same attack) but unlike the DMC bland style meter when you reached a certain point you gain boosts (forgot what exactly they were) such as invincibility frames, speed boosts, whatever. I think when you reach S rank up to SSS rank you gain a boost and a rather special temporary boost to your Devil Trigger whether it be invincibility/Super Armor, major speed, unlimited DT energy, or anything really. Yeah I didn't think this one out fully yet. I know DMC4 had style meter specific taunts for Nero and DmC was said to gain 10% speed boost when reached S rank (although I didn't feel or see it) but it could be so much better.

B. Customization

Taking notes from Kingdom Hearts and MegaMan Battle Network 3-6, there should be a customization system where there is a grid and you can equip various abilities that grants boosts and perks and the perks can range from Item Finder and stuff as well faster running/movement speed, attack and defense boost, and some can be weapon specific like increasing the frames to pull off Ex/Max Act for Red Queen from 1/60 the frames to 1/30 or 1/20 the frames or move/character based such as Vergil's Summon Swords takes up less DT energy. The better or greater the ability the larger the ability to fit on the grid and the more place it takes up so it requires management and fitting abilities you find useful for your particular playstyle. Even bringing back some ideas from DMC2 DT customization system but more intricate.

C. Style Based Devil Triggers

Its basically a Devil Trigger or demonic transformation that is based on a particular style so like Dreadnaught in DMC4 but activated in conjunction with DTing and strongly affects or boost said style. Trickster Dante resembles a lizard or velociraptor and can move at blinding speeds (giving him greater attack and movement speed) and any dash turns into a high speed movement and he can pull off unlimited dashes and teleports. Royal Guard is basically Dreadnaught with shields on both arms and a more knight like appearance, all damage is cut in half, he has Super Armor (invincibility so he can't flinch to any attack), all Guards are turned into Royal Guards, all Releases are turned into Royal Releases, and the Royal Gauge is always filled. Gunslinger turns him into a mecha like demon where all shots are fully charged, do massive damage, can stun any enemy and juggle foes even sending them higher in the air, and constantly shooting in midair will keep him airborne. Swordmaster he looks like a rogue mixed with some dragon like aesthetics as all melee and Swordmaster attacks gains a damage boost and can stun/flinch enemies, pulling off any melee and SwordMaster attack will keep Dante airbourne unless its something like Helm Breaker, and attacks have wider range (larger hit boxes). These modes are temporary and may require special conditions to be met (like using up the Royal Gauge and each style has its own Gauge that it drains when using). Dante will still have his regular DT.
This can work with DmC's modes but I'm not sure how it would work but I do for DMC and its styles.

D. Removal of lock-on....or do what DMC2 did but better (as well as DmC)

Yeah the lock-on in DMC has gotten old and dated but DmC was the most effective answer. I saw do what DMC2 did which was removed lock-on and add an auto lock-on feature where you can turn it off by holding R2....but instead why not just do what One Piece Pirate Warriors or Metal Gear Rising/Anarchy Reigns did and map an auto lock on feature like pressing R3 will activate lock-on allowing the player to lock on to a target or activate the auto lock on feature and toggle using the L stick or L3 and turn off pressing R3 again or Select/a button on the D-pad to activate and R3 to toggle targets....or whatever. All the incorporate a soft lock system like in DmC just for extra precaution.

E. A More Streamlined Control Scheme (Part 1)

This may caused controversy but as long as I can still pull off the same tricks and more like before when we had to switch between 4 styles and not be a DmC situation then I'm fine. I don't know about DmC but with DMC each of Dantes 4 styles can be mapped to a particular button or function/action such as O/B is Trickster like in DMC2 but with some dodging/acrobatics in there, R1/RB would've to be an action button where holding it and inputting an action will allow the player to pull off new moves and lets call R1/RB the Action Command button and through the Action Command button the player can pull off style feats mapped to a particular button such as square/X to shoot through Action Command you can pull off some Gunslinger moves like holding R1 + any direction + square to perform TwoSome Time or R1 + Forward/Back + square with the shotgun to do GunStinger/BackSlide, triangle/Y is to use your melee weapons while through the Action Command button the player can use SwordMaster moves with it or as much as possible like R1+Triangle is Prop and press Triangle again while holding the R1 button to perform Shredder or pressing R1 and Triangle in mid-air will allow the player to pull of Aerial Rave and even using tips and ideas from Nero's combat scheme like R1 then back to forward and even forward to back for other moves and try to incorporate as much as SwordMaster moves as possible, and Trickster by Action Command (R1) and O so before Dante could dash/evade now with action command he can do more Trickster like stuff and using Action Command with jumping (X/A) is Royal Guard as silly as some may think that is. The Trigger buttons to switch weapons and L1/LB for Devil Trigger and the D-Pad....geez with styles out of the way....not really sure and I don't want to go back to DMC3's method of wasting it for inventory and maps.

E. New and Old Inputs to Suit the Slightly Altered Combat System (Part 2)

Alright I'm just to list the basic inputs for say the trademarked guns (E&I and Shotgun) and sword (Rebellion) incorporating the weapon specific styles (Gunslinger and Swordmaster) and the non-weapon specific styles (Trickster and Royal Guard) incorporating the inputs and to try and fit all or some of the old moves and see if its possible to try new moves.

Okay Rebellion w/ SwordMaster:
  1. Basic Combos of course and including pause combos or whatever or however you want to do combos (on ground)
  2. Helm Breaker (basic melee in mid-air)
  3. Prop (R1 + Triangle on ground)
  4. Shredder (Still holding R1 press Triangle right after Prop)
  5. Aerial Rave (R1 + Triangle/Melee combo in mid-air)
  6. Stinger (R1 + Forward + Triangle/Melee on ground)
  7. Million Stab (tap Triangle repeatedly after Stinger)
  8. High Time (R1 + Backward + Triangle/Melee on ground)
  9. Charge Attack whether it be Drive or Round Trip but I guess lets say Drive (Hold Triangle and release)
  10. Overdrive (Press Triangle repeatedly after pulling off Drive)
  11. Dance Macabre (R1 + Double Tap Forward + Tap Triangle on ground)
  12. Round Trip but a bit different to suit the new command I guess (R1 + Back, Forward + Triangle on ground)
  13. Crazy Dance (Triangle+O at the same time)
It looks like 13 but can be 14 or more if incorporating combos.

Ebony & Ivory w/ Gunslinger
  1. Shoot (Square)
  2. Charge Shot (Hold Square and Release)
  3. Twosome Time (R1 + Square + Direction to shoot in another direction/enemy)
  4. Rain Storm (R1 + Square in mid-air)
Coyote A w/ Gunslinger
  1. Shoot (Square)
  2. Charge Shot (Hold Square and Release)
  3. Fireworks (R1 + Square)
  4. Fireworks Air (same as Fireworks but in mid-air)
  5. Gun Stinger (R1 + Forward + Square)
  6. Backslide (R1 + Back + Square)
Now the Non-offensive styles

Movement + Trickster
  1. Dash Evade (Direction + O)
  2. Extra Dash (Basically Double/Triple Dash so press O again and again and maybe some more)
  3. Sky Star (Direction + O in mid air)
  4. Wall Run (Dash Evade or Sky Star/direction + O near a wall)
  5. Air Hike (R1 + Forward + O)
  6. Cartwheel Dodge (R1 + O to pull off a forward dodge and all other directions except Forward + O to dodge in other directions)
Royal Guard
  1. Block (R1 + X)
  2. Air Block (Block in mid air)
  3. Royal Block (Just Block)
  4. Release (R1 + Forward + X)
  5. Air Release (Release in mid air)
  6. Royal Release (Just Release)
  7. ???/Dreadnaught/??? (R1 + Back + X)
Well that is it and the movesets could get altered but that is what I got and this is not counting DT specific techniques.

I got more but I guess this is enough. Originally I thought I was going to list the possible movelist later but hey and originally I had DmC in mind but I lost track.......oops.

I had more ideas but I'm super tired I guess I'll post them later. See Ya!


I Saw the Devil
Wow, that is a lot.

From what I read, though, there are a lot of things that would just facilitate the games, there are a lot of bonuses and aids in you're alterations.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Wow, that is a lot.

From what I read, though, there are a lot of things that would just facilitate the games, there are a lot of bonuses and aids in you're alterations.

I don't know what "facilitate" means but thanks.

There was more I wanted to incorporate or mention but I lost track or train of thought but its not over yet I plan to update it with more of my ideas (and I advise others to contribute if they're willing).

I have some more such as ideas for Nero's combat mechanics and using the PS4 controller to an advantage. I find the PS4 controller to be the best controller this next gen due to how it could improve game experiences using the touchpad interface and the internal microphone but that is besides the point.

Right now I'll only share my 3 ideas for improvements to Nero rather limited combat system (although its currently full of depth, creativity, and potential).

A. Improve the Devil Bringer (both the pulling mechanics, holding, and grapple mechanics)

I saw like how Bayonetta and DmC Dante can pull in their enemies or be pulled in. Nero can easily pull in enemies ,or be pulled in based on the enemies, by pressing R1+O so it should be rather easy to incorporating being pulled in by doing R1+Forward (or Back) + O or R1+Double Tap O...ANYTHING. Another thing they should improve is how he performs "Hold" rather than having to hold O he should either have to do something else like I'm thinking of incorporating the Hold mechanic with the Buster mechanic. I'm not fully sure but the Hold mechanic needs a bit of an alteration. As for the Buster, I think the type of buster animation he does shouldn't be based off the enemies (well except a select few) but based like a grapple in Tekken the player can determine what animation comes out like taping the Buster button (O) Nero performs the basic buster you do on scarecrows, wildly mashing the O button to do the advanced one done on Mega Scarecrows. I don't know about the rest, they could incorporate the touchpad interface I don't fully know yet but the player should be be able to perform an array of Buster animations on various types of enemies rather rather than one (although performing the command in mid-air, in DT, and in DT in mid-air will be the same as it was in DMC4). That one I'm still working on.

B. Use the unused R2 button for switching melee weapons and other melee weapons (Yamato duh) and the some buttons on the D-pad for other guns/range weapons.

Self explanatory. Nero can hold 3 melee weapons that are cycled through via the R2 buttons and one of them being Yamato and these weapons use the L2 button for a special function like Red Queen like using L2 with Yamato allow Nero to dual wield Red Queen with Yamato like Vergil with Force Edge or something of that nature. The gun/range weapons are switched using the D-pad and are mapped to the 3 buttons on the d-pad (up, left, and right) like styles for Dante in DMC4. Nero can (and should) have more than 3 melee weapons and 3 gun weapons that he can map to the 3 slots for each too. Leaving the down on the d-pad for another function.

C. Devil Trigger Improvement

Each melee weapon should have an effect on Nero DT such as Red Queen its his regular DT in DMC4 with the phantom spirit holding Yamato. Not only that but his basic RQ Devil Trigger should have some improvements and alterations like attack delay very similar to doppleganger delay in DMC3. Like how whenever Nero attacks the DT follow up with a similar attack I think the player should be able to delay it and have it attack it later like pulling off that combo where Nero repeatedly slams the ground with his sword and the DT will do the same but stabbing the player should be able to delay it or store it and have the DT follow up with said attack later. Not sure how it would work though. Now as for the other weapons I think his DT should differ based on the melee weapon he is wielding but not only in design but use like wielding Yamato turns him into demon like Dante and grants speed and super armor while say another weapon grants him Doppleganger like say his weapon are a pair of Shuriken Yoyos and in DT he can create dopplegangers (not A Dopplegangers but DopplegangerS with a S, plural) like this dude.

But instead of mimicking his every attack they pull off similar congruent attacks that fit well with whatever attack (or input) you're pulling off and you can DT cancel and delay their attacks and switching weapons won't alter the DT needing to turn off the DT, switch weapon and activate it again to use the weapon's DT effect. I'm not sure about the Doppleganger yet I need to look into that one.

I guess press "Select" or whatever to delay the actions for both the RQ and Doppleganger DT and press it again to activate the delayed actions.

It needs work but that is all I got....for now.
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