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What DC/WB Are Doing Wrong and Why It's A Cinematic Train Wreck In The Making


Fake Geek Girl.
I love comic book superheroes. I love movies. I love both Marvel and DC which is why it pains me to see the oncoming suck that is the DC Cinematic Universe. For years I have been waiting to see the iconic Justice League together on screen kicking a$$ in all their rightful glory but, what we're getting is a group of ingredients that are just spelling disappointment. Let's start off with the reasons why they are failing.

1.They Clearly Don't Have A Plan
From the ending of the very first Iron Man it was evident Marvel was planning something big. Having Nick Fury show up at the end to confirm the inevitable appearance of The Avengers. They spent years building up a team of characters and introducing them all to the movie going public with time and care. Making a cohesive cinematic universe like comic books which has never been done before in the history of cinema.

The Avengers was basically just a movie that was their celebration party
. And a fun one at that.

"Hard day of partying calls for shawarma"

WB and DC on the other hand planned on using Man of Stool *cough* sorry, Man of Steel as the launch pad for the DC cinematic universe. Now Man of Steel just became an abysmal Superman flick and not the best start.

It was a movie that was so poorly done that Superman himself is barely established as the hero the movie wanted you to see him as. With poor writing and also a poorly structured story this movie was just.....eww. Failing to grasp Superman on just about every level and an insult to everything he stands for.

"Never thought I'd see the day where Godzilla caused less destruction that Superman"

But besides that, it's what they decided to do next that really shows how little they are looking down the road. Well, clearly they decided to just play it safe. I mean, you know, DC just has hundreds of heroes they aren't even bothering to touch really so resort to Batman! We CLEARLY have not gotten enough of him.

Aaaaaaaaand wait a minute......Wonder Woman? Cyborg? um....

"Hey guys, I just found out there's like, more than two guys in the Justice Team"

And that d0uchebag Goyer (more on his idiotic self later ESPECIALLY when it comes to recent events) even went on saying that the people at DC have not been discussing it properly. Vague conversations only.

2. The People Who Are Making These Comic Book Movies Are Pretty Bad And Kinda Don't Like Or Understand their source material.

You see this man?

He. Is. An. A$$hole. And a terrible writer.


For the man supposedly being attached to everything DC movie related he sure is a complete d!ckhead and his knowledge of the DC comic films he is suppose to have is not even there. Wonder Woman is in great hands if it's left in the hands of this guy. I mean, just look at his comments on She-Hulk.

Oh yea, and not knowing Martian Manhunter's backstory and turning it just in to your generic alien vision all while resorting to outdated stereotypes IN FRONT OF YOUR CORE VIEWING AUDIENCE is sure to calm anyone who loves these franchises minds.

To quote Mr. Goyer "How many of you heard of Martian Manhunter?" people raised hands, "How many of those hands raised have gotten laid?"

Your writer for Justice League ladies and gentleman! *slow clap*

He is also the guy responsible for writing such stinkers as Crow:City of Angels, Ghost Rider 2, Blade Trinity, etc. All pile of poop.

And who is our director for these?

"I make fetish films and slow motion films because that's also my fetish. I've only got a couple of saving graces but other than that I'm almost knocking on Michael Bay's clubhouse"


"It's doomed"

You know, at least Disney knows more than two people in Hollywood work on movies.

3. The terrible Casting Choices

You know, Ben Affleck as Batman is actually the best thing this film has going for it.

"Someone believes in me? I mean, I only earned two Oscars and did a complete 180 of my career over the last decade proving to everyone that I'm not only a good actor but a badass director and writer."

Yes. I believe in Batfleck. And it seriously won't be that hard to do better than f#cking throat cancer over here.

*hearing voice* "I thought my jokes were bad."


"It.......wasn't a joke......."

Anyway, Wonder Woman appears on the big screen for the first time ever! Who will play the mighty Amazonian warrior?!

The eye candy from those Fast Car movies?

And Lex Luthor is......


Superman's ultimate nemesis is going to be played by the twig from Zombieland? If you're gonna be anyone in Superman, it's gonna be Jimmy Olsen.


"He looks like someone I need to give charity to, not Lex Luthor."

Yea, after the crappy Man of Steel painting the vision of the direction these movies are going in and a bunch of factors of sh!ttyness in play, this turd is smelling already years away.


"Least we got your back in theaters"


Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms

The only thing I disagree with is...I loved the Dark Knight trilogy. :3 Other than that...yeah, I'm feeling kinda leery about The Justice League, now. I was really looking forward to it back when they were only talking about doing it...

Now, I'm not sure what to think. There's a distinct possibility that it will turn out better than we're expecting, but frankly, I wouldn't hold my breath. :/


Crimson Sentinel
It's nice to know that there's people besides me who thought Ledger wasn't some kind of legendary Joker. Sure, he did well, but it's doesn't conform to my vision of the Joker, and well... his acting seemed just as good as Bale's and Gary Oldman's.

Also didn't really enjoy The Dark Knight - I thought Batman Begins was better. It seemed less like an ordinary action movie and more like Batman. So far, the superhero movies that stand out as the best are Iron Man, X-Men: First Class, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

I suspect Affleck will do a fine job as Batman. Everybody likes ripping on him for his role as Daredevil, but they never thought that *maybe* the script was the problem rather than Affleck himself. Give him a chance. And I even liked Daredevil. Problem? :laugh:


Fake Geek Girl.

The only thing I disagree with is...I loved the Dark Knight trilogy. :3 Other than that...yeah, I'm feeling kinda leery about The Justice League, now. I was really looking forward to it back when they were only talking about doing it...

Now, I'm not sure what to think. There's a distinct possibility that it will turn out better than we're expecting, but frankly, I wouldn't hold my breath. :/
Don't get me wrong, I also really enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I mean, who doesn't like The Dark Knight? It's just I really hated The Dark Knight Rises and the thing is when DC is trying to adapt that Nolan-esque gritty style to everything it of course shows us that not only it doesn't work with every hero, it's been reduced to a worn out formula that has overstayed its welcome.[DOUBLEPOST=1401382426][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's nice to know that there's people besides me who thought Ledger wasn't some kind of legendary Joker. Sure, he did well, but it's doesn't conform to my vision of the Joker, and well... his acting seemed just as good as Bale's and Gary Oldman's.

Also didn't really enjoy The Dark Knight - I thought Batman Begins was better. It seemed less like an ordinary action movie and more like Batman. So far, the superhero movies that stand out as the best are Iron Man, X-Men: First Class, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

I suspect Affleck will do a fine job as Batman. Everybody likes ripping on him for his role as Daredevil, but they never thought that *maybe* the script was the problem rather than Affleck himself. Give him a chance. And I even liked Daredevil. Problem? :laugh:
Dude, I also liked Daredevil. Ben Affleck wasn't the problem and there's worst comic book films out there. It's flawed yes but, it gets way more hate than deserved.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Don't get me wrong, I also really enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I mean, who doesn't like The Dark Knight?

I know people, lol.

It's just I really hated The Dark Knight Rises and the thing is when DC is trying to adapt that Nolan-esque gritty style to everything it of course shows us that not only it doesn't work with every hero, it's been reduced to a worn out formula that has overstayed its welcome.

Ah, I see. I guess in some respects it is an over-used trope...but I kind of figured the character interaction/development made up for it, in some ways. ^^; Meh, it's okay. To each their own, right? And of the three, The Dark Knight still remains my absolute favourite.


"Plough the lilies"
I guess DC should just stick with their animated stuff. I love the Dark Knight Trilogy(Okay maybe except Rises if you delve into it, having more cringe worthy plot holes than both Begins and The Dark Knight combined) and i thought Man of Steel was fun but this Superman v Batman....I don't feel any kind of hype inside of me whatsoever.


Oldschool DMC fan
it's from the guy who made Watchmen and 300. both of which failed to capture the heart and soul of the original story, so I'm not shocked MoS sucked. Snyder likes his visuals, but his movies do tend to be "shallow as a pygmy's paddling pool" (quote).

ergo, not exactly pi$$ing my pants for this Batman vs Superman movie.
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Fake Geek Girl.
Zack Snyder is a director that's all style and no substance. Teamed up with a writer that is terrible and also really doesn't understand the stuff they're working with, do you really think this movie will be anything but garbage?
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