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Vergil = Nelo question

How did Vergil become Nelo?

  • Vergil was tortured by Trish until he cracked and was thus forced to become Nelo.

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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Because I want to see if anyone has a similar theory as I do.^_^
I think Vergil willingly became Nelo.


Dante enthusiast!
Gah! I dunno, I haven't really thought loads about it - just that it happened!

*Poof* - that was the sound of Vergil = Nelo
Vergil = "Rah!"

I've always thought along the lines of something inbetween choices 2 and 3, but I'm not gonna vote until I've made an informed decision by hearing other people's theories. ^_^

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I always liked to believe that at first Vergil became Nelo willingly after being defeated and offered infinite power. But Like Darth Vader slowly became more and more consumed by his new power. And in Vergil's case it reached a point where he had pretty much completely forgotten who he was.
I don't think Mundus could control Vergil against his will even if he wanted to.


Well-known Member
I don't think Vergil had choice in the matter. For him, it was either defeat Mundus or be defeated - he wouldn't surrender. But when he was defeated, Mundus was free do to whatever he wanted with him.


Oldschool DMC fan
Hard to say... Vergil doesn't seem to be quite himself as Nelo, so he's either been brainwashed or forgotten who he once was.

He definitely serves Mundus in the first game, which human Vergil I doubt would ever have done; he just strikes me as wanting to serve no-one but himself. Can you see him grovelling to Mundus, even if he got the power of Nelo in return? I doubt it. If he was still himself, he'd have wanted to do exactly what he did at the end of DMC3, even if he was Nelo. Dante was able to defeat Mundus, so there's no reason Vergil wouldn't have been able to with his power as Nelo - unless he'd been indoctrinated or forced to comply with Mundus will in some way.

But... Mundus could have killed him outright and didn't, probably for the amusement and irony of it. I'll guess that Vergil was out of his mind after defeat enough to accept being Nelo.


You Think You Know Me
well the story goes Vergil thought that he could defeat mundus but during there battle Vergil was killed and mundus enslaved his soul creating Nelo Angelo

in DMC4 once you beat the game you unlock the history of DMC it basically explains each storyline

and also on DMC3:SE Nelo is Vergils Super Sparda costumes DT XD i love crushing demons as him


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Found this stashed on my hard drive with the other Vergil stuff.
Now, I know the Comics aren't cannon because Nelo can talk.

Mundus probably had to take precautions just incase Nelo/Vergil rebelled against him just as Sparda did.
Maybe Mundus took Nelo's talking privilages away so he couldn't be reminded of who he was by speaking to Dante. But when he saw the amulet, Mundus' plan backfired.
(If that makes any sense.)


(I don't know how to do spoilers.)

So because of this page in the Second comic, i choose "Vergil fought Mundus, lost, was offered the chance to become like Sparda - Mundus's right hand man."
Especially when Nelo says "That creature no longer exists". (In referrence to Vergil)And calls Mundus 'Master'.


Dante enthusiast!
^ That makes perfect sense. ^_^

I totally want to reply the first game again now (it's been a while!)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I chose the 2nd option because:

1. Vergil is not a person who will bow down to Mundus to become his right man. He is very proud of himself. Plus, he is the son of Sparda.

2. It can assumed that Vergil lost the fight with Mundus (he is weakened after his last battle with Dante) , thus Mundus manipulated him, brainwashed him, or whatever to transform him to his slave, by the name of Nelo Angelo.


Well-known Member
Most debatable and debated gap in the series.I think gap is controversial on vergil's esteem . I am not sure wat was capcom intending by ending DMC3 with vergil drawing sword towards mundus and have him as nelo-angelo in DMC1. Vergil was a samurai in most aspects and he will have my due respect as a character but am not sure if nelo-angelo will.Nelo angelo's character design was very primitive and don't think can relate to vergil.I think gap is as wide as introducing nero in the series.


Hope with Doubt
KenekaKowazaki;241357 said:
well the story goes Vergil thought that he could defeat mundus but during there battle Vergil was killed and mundus enslaved his soul creating Nelo Angelo

Thats how it happened


Oldschool DMC fan
VB, those were the scans I was going to send you... looks like you have them all already ;). See what I mean about accuracy, though? Probably not much good for a reference.

Back to Vergil - it seemed to me when he was forced to work together with Arkham it was bothering him just having Arkham around (or maybe having to put up with him till he finally opened that last door). He's not patient by nature, even though it looks like he was trying to be, and doesn't suffer fools. There's no way he'd lick boot for Mundus, is there?

The amulet seemed to be the only thing that brought back memories of his former self - it would be strange of Mundus to let him keep it, (other than as a keepsake plot device of course).


Well-known Member
Lexy;241460 said:
VB, those were the scans I was going to send you... looks like you have them all already ;). See what I mean about accuracy, though? Probably not much good for a reference.

Back to Vergil - it seemed to me when he was forced to work together with Arkham it was bothering him just having Arkham around (or maybe having to put up with him till he finally opened that last door). He's not patient by nature, even though it looks like he was trying to be, and doesn't suffer fools. There's no way he'd lick boot for Mundus, is there?

The amulet seemed to be the only thing that brought back memories of his former self - it would be strange of Mundus to let him keep it, (other than as a keepsake plot device of course).

I believe this is where we refer cr@pcom lol. Vergil - Never cares about or has masters/Nelo-angelo serves mundus.I think each game is adding new face to characters that contradict former.Its best to stick to gameplay and treat each game as its own.


I picked the first option (even though 1 and 2 are bascially the same) and agree with those who have mentioned the fact that vergil would never willingly become a slave to mundus. I'm sure vergil had plans to become something more than both sparda and mundus put together.


Oldschool DMC fan
I guess to all intents and purposes the 'Vergil' in Nelo was dead... only a flicker of something from the past came back brought on by seeing the amulet. Even though... he has his own amulet still on him somewhere at that point.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
@VB I didn't know Nelo Angelo could talk...

Anyway, I think Vergil was defeated easily and corrupted. No choice, just a pawn.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
I'm between the first and second option otpion,though I choose the first.If Vergil made a bet,he made it with himself not Mundus.And remember people,the Dreamwave Comics are not canon.

Also for spoilers it's this :
and another [] with /SPOILER in it.


Oldschool DMC fan
DreadnoughtDT;241841 said:
@VB I didn't know Nelo Angelo could talk...

Anyway, I think Vergil was defeated easily and corrupted. No choice, just a pawn.

I just heard him say "come on" as a taunt. :p
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