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VB: Sorry for posting


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
First things first, I'm not looking for sympathy at all or attention seeking!
I want to make that clear.
And, if you wanna flame me fine... pretty much past caring anyway... but to those that do care.

If you've read any of my posts you'll notice i've been a bit... angry/upset... whatever.
The past week has been a bit of a sh***er to be honest (not the worst, but its up there).

My mum was finally diagnosed with diabetes and put on meds and my dad found out that he has skin cancer.
Plus i'm highly stressed and heading for a stomach ulcer. (Is it any wonder with the arguements my parents have. I'm always worried about my dad's temper.) I've also got other problems medical and depression related which all get to me at some point.
So it's a bit difficult at the moment.

I just thought i would explain If anyone is worried... which i doubt anyone is :p


Wow, VB, I don't know what to say.... You've every right to vent as bottling it won't do any good. I guess all I can say is that I wish the best for all of your family and yourself and we're here for you if you need us! Don't forget that! I'm sorry VB. :(

edit: puts my dumbass problems into perspective, seriously. All the moaning about my problems that I think to myself.


Well-known Member
Wow that's a lot to take all at once. :( I'm sorry things haven't been well VB. Hope you feel better soon.


Nein, not ze puppies!
I really wish I knew what to say but I honestly don't. Feel better soon VB *hugs* When I read that it put my problems to shame...


Dante enthusiast!
If you need to talk or rant or whatever I'm always here if you need me.
I can't imagine what your going through and don't really know what to say, but I can listen.
Take care x x x


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks everyone. We all have problems no matter how big or small right? So it doesn't really matter. I just wanted to explain why i've been so.. off.


Oldschool DMC fan
Why would you get flamed for saying this? Is there honestly someone here who would do that? =/

I would say take care of yourself and that ulcer first, so you'll be able to take care of your parents as well if you feel it's your responsibilty to now. I have had family who got skin cancer on the neck before and recovered after a removal and chemo, there is often good treatment for it, and I have diabetic family members as well, although that is usually a permanent self-medication and lifestyle change treatment I think. It can be hard to make them adopt the lifestyle that the specialists say they have to - my grandfather was diagnosed and told he couldn't eat certain foods or drink alcohol anymore and he ignored all of that advice and still did it anyway. But you should look after No1. too.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks Lexy.

My gran had diabetes, and i can remember the night when she died. (She and my mother were arguing. They never got to patch things up) I can also remember seeing the paramedics working on her. The image is really vivid.

Dad is waiting for an appointment from a specialist, but he says that if he need's it, he is refusing chemo. Cancer is in the family anyway.

Mum has been borderline diabetic for a while, but it tipped over a few weeks ago.
I just worry how dad's behaviour and temper will affect (or effect?) her in the long term. If they have a really nasty arguement she could end up in hospital... or maybe worse.
I just pray she doesn't abuse her diabetes like my gran did.

As for the ulcer... I know that I've gotta take care of myself... but I'll worry about that if and when it gets worse. Its probably through the long term use of meds that i'm on are partially responsible for it anyway.


Oldschool DMC fan
I guess it's your dad's own choice, and I agree, I'd worry how he was going to take all this and how it'll affect you guys, usually it's a major shock to people who think they can handle anything, like my other grandfather who still thinks and acts like he's 25. He went into major... I don't know... freakout mode or something. He kept reminding everyone of it constantly, even after the successful treatment. I think it was because he never thought anything would ever affect him, but now he knows it's not the case he seems to have chilled a bit and takes better care of himself. Hope the same happens for your dad.

I'm not sure about diabetes as those who have had it in my family just went on acting as if they didn't and I'm not sure if it went its course or other things did rather than the diabetes. Is there anyone your mum could stay with for a while to get some calm, does it have to be with your dad? Any other family members can offer some sanctuary, some help?

This makes me think about my mother too... she had a brain aneurysm in 2001 caused by stress and excessive smoking and drinking which she was lucky to survive, and after two operations, they told her to quit smoking and drinking or it would increase her risk of dying, yet she smokes and drinks more than ever and nobody can tell her different. I'm almost expecting a phone call one of these days telling me she overdid it. =$


I'm sorry to hear that, VB. I hope things get better soon. I'm also around if you just need to rant at someone :(

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
My mom is diabetic, so I know what that feels like. But she's been diabetic my whole life. She's had to teach me how to check her blood sugar and give her insulin shots. But my word of advice would be that if your mom doesn't have her blood kit, give her sugar regardless if she starts to feel off. Because low blood sugar is a helluva lot more threatening than high blood sugar. As for everything else, I really hope you can get through it. It's always hard having to deal with these kind of things.


Oldschool DMC fan
I guess what you'll need to do to help your mum, VB, depends on the type of diabetes she has, whether it's Type 1 or Type 2. Dani's mum's sounds like Type 1, but Type 2 is slightly different and can appear at any age, but usually is a 'later in life' onset and related to high blood pressure and lifestyle, which the other is more of an autoimmune condition.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks everybody, and I'm sorry about your mum Lexy.
I think some ppl have the attitude of... "it'll never happen to me".

Daring Dani: it's weird you should say about high blood sugar, because my mum says that she always feels better when its high.

Mum doesn't have anywhere else to go, she's got one brother who lives in sheffield and another who lives close by, by they don't have suitable accomodation.
Mum has Type 2 diabetes (gran had it too). I can remember mum looking after my gran giving her meds and helping her out.
I know I'll definitely have it too when I'm older, but i think i'm starting to show signs of it now.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
My mom is so bitchy when it's high, but she doesn't feel light headed and sick when it's low. Also, I think that if you take care of your health, you shouldn't get it. Type 2 is completely avoidable (and I know a couple of people who got rid of it by getting into shape and eating healthier), unlike Type 1 (which is the one my mom has, Lexy).


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks Master Vergil

Type 2 diabetes is in the family anyway. My Gran and Grandad had it, my mum and her brothers have it, so i think its obvious that I'm gonna get it too.
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