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Understanding DMC Timeline and Origins.

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New DMC Player

Well-known Member
Ok this is going to be a very loaded post. It is mostly questions and me answering them with more questions. So I expect people to give their interpretations. But mainly has to do with Sparda and his timeline and a bit of history.

The beginning:
The war between demons and humans began and ended(?) 2000 years ago with Sparda sealing 'a' or 'the' Hell Gate. In doing so he sealed his demonic power on the other side and remained in the human world. If he sealed his demonic power wouldnt he be powerless? Or does it mean no Devil Trigger? Or did he become super human with super strength, healing abilities and longevity?

Now after the war of 2000 years ago, did Sparda meet Eva right away and have a family? Therefore Dante and Vergil are much older but age slower? Or did he roam the earth for 2000 years fighting demons and maybe questing(or something like that). THEN he meets Eva and decides to settle down with her? Because if thats the case Sparda really didnt stay with her for a long time.

I thought I had more to ask. But if there is more to add please elaborate.


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First off... It is believed that Sparda did seal his powers away, but the cause of his death is unknown. Thus meaning, we do not know when and where he died, and even if he was demonic at the time.

I believe he was powerless after he sealed away his power. And that made him weaker, but he feared that his own strength may be his undoing, and left the power to his sons.

I believe he had two kids with a woman through love... And because it would've been hard for him to find a she-demon, and impregnate her.

Also, I think that Sparda fought all he could before his death, and that the children were born soon after he died... Meaning that he did indeed protect Earth until his children were born.

It also states in dmc1 that he roamed the Earth until he died... Thus, this gives me a reason to believe that he waited until his sons births...

WHY? Because Sparda knew he had sealed away the dark prince, and this means he couldn't rush into the kid thing straight away... Because if he did, then the twins would be too old when Mundus returned, that they would be weak, or nearly dead of old age.

New DMC Player

Well-known Member
Interesting and I see your response very plausable. But the age and time thing is still confusing me. If Sparda had sealed away his powers he would be human in terms of strength and longevity. But if he roamed the earth for 2000 years before meeting the human woman he falls in love with that tells me he still retained some powers. :O



New Member
Let me clear It up for you, and other members unclear of these questions.

The Devil May Cry timeline, according to the games released - in chronological order, is Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry 1, Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry 2.

Now, about Sparda...

He used the amulet, a set of his blood, a set of the blood of a virgin priestess named Mary, using also the Force Edge to seal the Temen-ni-gru, a holy tower used as a portal to the Underworld, built by the disciples of the Demon Clan.

The True Hell Gate was located in Fortuna. Right away after sealing the tower underground, he sealed the hell gate, using the Yamato.

Now, about the age thing...

Sparda wasn't born on year 0 and defeated Mundus right away. It is presumed Sparda was born some thousands of years ago, as his strength was at a higher level than that of Mundus.

Sparda met Eva in the 20th Century, and conceived the twins Dante and Vergil.

Although Sparda sealed his powers, he still had demonic powers, which he could access through a Devil Trigger, using the Perfect Amulet - the two halves united.

He turned to a human trait, but the demonic advantages such as - longevity, regeneration and such were still present.

It is impossible for a powerful demon like him, to die by natural causes, or being slain. The most powerful warriors known by that time, were Sparda and the Devil King Mundus.


Well-known Member
ok here is everything sparda has done

- fought through the temen-ni-gru (because nevan and beowulf knew him)
- somewhere he made the perfect amulet from the sparda making it revert into the force edge
- used the force edge to seal the demon world (spliting the amulet came in there somewhere)
- sacrificed a priestess to seal the actual temen-ni-gru
- somewhere he sealed the demon world with the yamato
- somewhere defeated mundus
- eventually married eva
- had twin sons (i believe he had them for love i dont think he did it so someone could defeat mundus later on)
- gave the amulet to eva who gave it to dante and vergil and gave the swords to dante and vergil
another point: does it even say that sparda died at all? he might not have
all this stuff isnt in that order

New DMC Player

Well-known Member
Thanks for your responses Dante Aseroth and koibito. Definitely clears up some of my confusion though I always let myself get bogged down in tiny details.
- sacrificed a priestess to seal the actual temen-ni-gru
Ok this part confuses me too. When I think Arkham says Sparda sacraficed a priestess did it mean he took her life or only a blood offering like what Arkham did to Lady in DMC3? Because I took the whole priestess thing as that woman was Lady's ancestor.


Well-known Member
well i dont think sparda would take a human life and if only a blood offering was enough to open it it had to be the same to close it


New Member
The priestess was named Mary. That's why Arkham named his daughter Mary, so that he could use her blood as one of the main keys to unlock Sparda's power.

Everything you need to know, don't be shy to ask.^_^

New DMC Player

Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;107353 said:
The priestess was named Mary. That's why Arkham named her daughter Mary, so that she could use her blood as one of the main keys to unlock Sparda's power.

Everything you need to know, don't be shy to ask.^_^

Am I correct to assume that the Priestess Mary was Lady's ancestor on her mother's side?

And in your sentence I will also assumed you meant "his daugther Mary" and "so that he could use her blood"?


New Member
New DMC Player;107367 said:
Thank you Dante Aseroth :) You are 'THE' resident DMC expert in my book :cool:

Glad to be there, and most importantly, to be an aid to Devil May Cry amateurs. Thank you!:)
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