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TvTropes That Describe You

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I've been looking for tropes that fit me to put on my Contributor's Page at TvTropes, and I thought I'd make a thread about tropes that describe us here.

Here is a list of Tropes.

Here we go with me~ And screw ABC order. D<
-Has Two Daddies. Kind of.
-Berserk Button. If you call me a Daddy's Girl, even though I am one. ._.;
-Daddy's Girl. Obviously. Even if I deny it.
-Catch Phrase. In real life. ****ing serious? Awesome!
-Can't Hold Her Liquor. Don't ask how I know this, I just do.
-Cloudcuckoolander. You guys should know this by now.
-Nightmare Fetishist.
-Informed Loner.
-Don't Look At Me
-Die For Our Ship. This isn't news, is it?
-Yaoi Fangirl. A-duh.
-Yuri Fan.
-Don't You Dare Pity Me.
-Brilliant But Lazy.
-Crazy But Lazy.
-Hates Being Touched.
-Jerk With A Heart Of Gold. In real life.
-Kids Are Cruel. My classmates.
-Gayngst. Don't ask. Just. Don't. Ask.
-Ridiculous Procrastinator.
-Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
-Brainy Brunette
-Bratty Teenage Daughter
-Deadpan Snarker
-Cluster F Bomb. This surprised no one.

I think that's it. Your guys turn!


Bad Dreams
Berserk Button
Be All My Sins Remembered
Beware the Nice Ones
Brilliant But Lazy
Dark and Troubled Past
Don't You Dare Pity Me
Fatal Flaw
Hates to be Touched
Honor Before Reason
I Have Brothers
Jade Colored Glasses
Never Got To Say Goodbye
Tragic Dream
Undying Loyalty
The Snark Knight
Precision F Strike
A lot, I know, but menemeh >.>

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Authority Equals Ass Kicking.
Ass Kicking Equals Authority.
Neutral Evil/Chaotic Good. (I can never decide which one I am, I seem to switch a lot...Neutral/Lawful Good is boring.)
Being Good Sucks.
Beware The Honest One.
Dark Is Not Evil.
Good Is Boring.
Berserk Button.
Never Got To Say Goodbye.
Wouldn't Hit A Girl.
Ignore The Fanservice.
A Lighter Shade Of Grey.
I'm Not Angry.
Crazy But Lazy.
Hates Being Touched.
Jerk With A Heart Of Gold.
Amicably Divorced. (My parents)
Badass Family.
Hot Blooded.
Belief Makes You Stupid.
Screw The Money, I Have Rules!
Screw The Rules, I Have Money!
Screw The War, We're Partying.
Screw Destiny.
Screw This, I'm Outta Here.


Just some of the one's I could be bothered to pick out:

Allergic To Routine
Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!
Beware The Nice One
Born In The Wrong Century
Dark and Troubled Past
Drunken Master
Friend To All Living Things
Mood Swinger
More Than Meets The Eye
Not A Morning Person
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