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TOP 10 Anime/Manga villains or heroes of all time (SPOILERS)


Devilicious Devi
Your TOP 10 Anime/Manga villains or heroes of all time (SPOILERS)

I`d like to know, what are your favorite villains or heroes of the anime`s and mangas you`ve seen/read. Before posting specify please what kind of characters are you posting about, only villains or only heroes.

I`ll go on with villains.

X ) Cell | Dragon Ball Z
Well, this one`s pitiful, to gain power, he needs to absorb other fighters, even his allies(especially them) - C series. Not much to say..

IX ) Genocyber | Genocyber
Couldnt think of a better 9th. Genocyber was originaly a young mute woman that was dragged into an experiment by a wicked professor, wich resulted in creating a new lifeform. She`s not really evil at heart, but it`s instinct that drives her to destroy the world, so that she could live peacefully. Ofcourse there are stimulators for that, the organisation that made her is trying to hunt her down.

VIII ) Kaneshiro Hokuto | Rasario + Vampire
By all means, there can not be a top without a villain that doesnt seek revenge. Hokuto, used to be just a normal human, just like Tsukune, that got into Yokai Academy by accident, but became sort of a twisted hybrid, something betwean a monster and human, now seeks revenge to the monsters within the academy for making his life into hell.

VII ) Akira | Akira
Not much to say about this one, a little kid with powers to destroy everything? Well, he`s a kid, maybe he doesnt know that what hes doing is evil. Still, quite the power..

VI ) Light Yagami / Kira | Death Note
His dream of world peace made him become the antagonist of the DN series. Despite his actions being for the sake of others, he still kills people(criminals) by protecting others and killing the ones that are trying to stop him from doing "good". He`s one psycho that you`d prolly never want to meet.

V ) Legato Bluesummers | Trigun
If there is one villain that`s cold about everything around him, then that`s Legato. He`s not really that evil as you might think, infact he`s just ignorant about everything and does as he pleases, nothing makes him tremble, not even death, for that`s what he wants. The best ANTI character.

IV ) Kishin Asura | Soul Eater
A coward of a God, that because of his cowardness as a human started eating human souls to become stronger, even ate his partners soul, but never became mentally stronger. After getting injected with the Black Blood he became even more physically stronger than before. Spreading madness all over the world is his ability, and to destroy everything - his will, to not be afraid any more. Supposed to be the all feared Demon God.

III ) Kamui, Earth Dragon / Monou Fuuma | X
Just like every villain, they are there to lay waste on humanity and the world as we know it, this guy is one of my favoites for his cruelty. When he becomes the Earth Dragon, he like, goes berserk, with only one intention to live on, to kill the Sky Dragon Kamui by all means. He`s just so cruel that after a loss against a powerful enemy, he absorbs one of his allies to be able to fight on, he even kills his sister just to make the Sky Dragon Kamui fight, even though the Sky Dragon Kamui considers him his best friend..

II ) The Major | Hellsing Ultimate
A former Waffen SS major, leader of Millenium squad. Even though he doesn`t look too dreadful or strong, infact he isnt, his strenght lies within his willpower to fight for ever. He`s a warmonger that will never be satisfied by peace, therefore he sets out to destroy Alucard and whole Hellsing Org. so that there`d be nothing in his way to stop his eternal war.

I ) Griffith, the White Hawk / Femto | Berserk
In the beginning he was a noble white knight, following his dream up the stairs to the kings throne, but when Gutts left his sight, Griffith lost a part of his sanity, for he couldnt move on without Gutts for some reason. Making a fatal mistake with the princess he got locked away and tortured for a long time. After being released by his friends, including Gutts, from the inprisonment. In an accident with a carriage, he almost lost his life, after his decision to sacrifice his humanity aswell as sacrificing all of his friends to demons in a ritual to be reborn, he became the Emperor demon, Femto. Not long after another season of events he comes back to the human world as he used to be before the torture, only that he was still a demon, lead by his dream of pursuing power and ruling the world. Another typical villain that sacrifices everything, just like Kamui, except for his own sake. A cruel one, therefore the number one.

That sums up my top 10. Post yours =D

Dark Alpha Wolf

The Ace of The Game
Good God, here I go:

X) Vegeta / DBZ --- villain/hero
There's not a whole lot as to why. He's sometimes funny, arrogant, loves to fight, and is pretty powerful. My perfect choice for number 10.

IX) Frieza / DBZ --- villain
This one's number nine 'cuz of all his transformations. I mean, seriously, you can transform FIVE TIMES!!! What the Hell!? That's just freakin' nice.

VIII) Spike Spiegel / Cowboy Bebop --- hero
Not too much reason. He's got gun-wielding skills, he talks a good game and can back it up, he flies SPACESHIPS, he's a bounty hunter...and the list goes on.

VII) Koga / InuYasha --- can't really call him a villain or a hero, so I'd call him AWESOME
My reasoning is simple: He's a WOLF-DEMON!!! Plus he's super-fast, strong, and he's got a TAIL! That's cool!

VI) Itachi Uchiha / Naruto --- villain
This guy's number six 'cuz he's just plain cool...he's laid-back, he's got power, he acts like he's the Prince of Darkness (THAT'S OZZY'S TITLE!!!), and overall, he's just got the cloud designs on his garb...that's cool (secretly, I'm dying of laughter over that).

V) Naruto Uzumaki / Naruto --- hero
Naruto's number five 'cuz hey, he's just plain funny!

IV) Alucard / Hellsing --- hero
I've just recently started reading this series, but I immediately was hooked on it. It's just so awesome!!! And Alucard is way cool. I mean seriously, regenerating from absolutely nothing but flesh and blood...that rocks!

III) Toboe / Wolf's Rain --- hero
This guy's number three 'cuz he was so hurt the first time I saw him in the series. It struck such a heartstring...I howled with him, I did.

II) Darcia / Wolf's Rain --- villain
Simply put, he's got the cool eye scheme, plus he's just a cool-lookin' villain.

I) Kiba / Wolf's Rain --- hero
Again, very simple reasoning: He's a WOLF, he travels with a WOLF PACK, he's so awesome in the beginning and ending scenes...and yet again, the list goes on.
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