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Thoughts on DMC4....


Devil May Own
Ok jus finished it again im now on SoS mode

yes i started on human cos its been a while :p

The game was in a word great !!!!


i didnt think there was enuff dante

im getting quite sick of this 20 or so mission limit the games are too easy to complete in a day or less.

nero is cool but what was with the 1 sword 1 gun combination all the way thru.

They are reeli the only bad points about the actual game/gameplay.

so the big issue seems to be lack of unlockable content namely costumes!!!

artworks all well and good but it doesnt add to lastability

some people are saying that it will be realesed as downloadable content... but i searched on google and found numerous differant articles tht say DMC will have no dwnloadable content :(

capcom have stated they think there is enuff content in the game...

... well capcom ... your wrong!!

2 heros... Nero who doesnt vary .. a dissapointing addition to the series hes only entertaining for one play thru altho he did remind me of DMC3 dante a bit so he gets a thumbs up as long as he keeps to the sidelines in DMC5

dante who still kicks *** but his styles are feeling rather old and used ... the addition of dark slayer was cool but for anyone who played DMC3 SE we have seem these moves a hundred times be4 and they are only a fraction on vergils darkslayer moves.

no costumes

no sparda which is sorta tradition for dante at least

the bloody palace is a fraction of the size of the old one 101 levels compared to 9999 levels :\
also the old bloody palace gave you random fight whereas the new one is the same everytime

the only half decent unlockable is the good old super devil trigger.. however to unlock this you need to complete dante must die mode

which basically means by the time you unlock super devil trigger youve done pretty much everything in the game ... besides the bloody palace and its new frustrating time limit :\

capcom needs to release either some downloadable content or a special edition of the game

someone tell me if they hear anything on either of those please.

dont get me wrong tho i LOVE the game and i will do it on DMD but itll hit the shelves after that cos theres nothing new to look forward too :(

PHWOOOAR thets enuff of my rant what were ur thoughts guys...???????

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
I feel exactly the same, as I'm sure many others do. Red Queen was a great weapon, but being the ONLY weapon it couldnt beat a decent selection of weapons, theres only so much you can do using different combinations of directions and Y - for instance I was playing DMC3 a few days ago, and I'm still using moves I've never used before (I was practising with Nevan).

Although DMC4 was awesome, I feel the replay value has been very dampened - no other weapons to use, no new costumes, so each playthough will be pretty much the same, while as on DMC3 I would sometimes play through the whole game using one of his five DA's - in this way I could go through the whole game with 5 completely unique movesets.

If Capcom release some DLC it could be awesome, but if they don't, as good as DMC4 is it falls short of my expectations.

On a good note, the fighting was very fluid and enjoyable, and I really liked Nero as a character, and thought the story was good.

Son of Dante 33

Well-known Member
The game kicked *** but it didnt live up 2 all of the hype

story-(slight spoilers) it was ok nothing special and really disapionted that they didnt explain y neros arm is like dat wats da conection between him and dante and wat da **** in all dmc games da main character goes 2 hell 2 stop da bad guys y didnt they do it here
DMC3 story is way better than this one

gameplay- i thought it was more fun than all other DMC games but i liked DMC3s gameplay better cuase its deeper

dificulty- kinda easy and short i beat in human devil hunter and son of sparda al ready

things campcom should do 4 da future- 1st of all come up with a story thats all about dante and answere all of the unanwsered questions of DMC4 hav dante go 2 hell
make it after DMC2 since this one was before DMC2 make it a PS3 exclusive so that they only hav 2 make one version of the game and we wouldnt hav 2 wait 3 years 4DMC5. If capcom wouldve done that in 2 dmc4 it wouuldve been a much better game than wwat it was.

things DMC4 did right- it was still gothic it was better than DMC 2 and 1 but not better than 3


Well-known Member
I think its great, although it has a few short comings. Such as the weapons Dante picks up, on my first play through (technically my second since I first started on Devil Hunter but kept on getting my *** kicked after Credo so I switched to Human to power Nero up and now I've gone back to DH) I had no need to use anything other than Rebellion and Ebony/Ivory.

I loved the story but agree there wasn't enough explanation into Nero's background and how he got the Devil Bringer;
I'm assuming it was from the demon attack mentioned in the manual(or at least in mine)/the voiceovers when Nero blacked out in the DT cutscene and just how he has Sparda blood.
But I think if Dante wasn't a playable character there'd be time to explore that (if that happened then there'd be complaining that there's no Dante - so we're gonna lose out in either case, would have preferred to find out more about Nero) but hopefully that'd be covered in DMC5 if they make it.


i think they made nero only have a 1 sword and one gun to do an intro. of him but in dmc5 im pretty sure nero is going to have new stuff


Unloved Someone
Why do you start talking about a 5 already!? I get all hyper thinking about a 5th one XP I'm an addict, what can i say?

Anyways, I thought that the whole thing was really good. I couldn't care less about not having a wide variety of weapons with Nero, considering the Devil Bringer was pretty much the only thing I really used aside from the Red Queen, of course, the Blue Rose was just an ornament in my opinion XD I really enjoyed the storyline and personally, I think it's worthy of a Golden Globe or a Grammy :lol:
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