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This game feels particularly hard to be good at.


Well-known Member
Obligatory: I've beaten the game on Dante Must Die and all(though not even close to finishing Bloody Palace), that's just the beginning. I'm not talking about that, I mean doing the fancy stuff. I'm trying to get good enough at DMC4 to at least do some flashy combos and canceling, and it's really tough. I can never get the combination of buttons and timing just right to do Dark Slayer/ Swordmaster aerial rave combos, and Full House is really hard to cancel for me. It feels like it can only be done the instant the attack comes out, not any time you're in contact with an enemy like in DMC3. It feels a lot more restrictive, timing-based and fighting game-ish compared to how fluid DMC3 is. Especially Nero, because sitting around trying to get Max-ACT consistently is annoyingly similar to practicing fighting game links.

The point is, where should I start? What combos and cancels should I be practicing? Where should I practice them? I've seen the advanced combat tutorials and watched a number of combo videos, so I don't need to be pointed to those. Just wondering if there's some advice to be given.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Start with your button config having the jump and attack or jump and style buttons right next to each other t allow enemy step and attack to be fluid.swap around your melee weapon and firearmcswap buttons too. Practice the raves on downed mega scarecrows til you barely jump when u step. Do three attacks of the rebellion aerial rave and on the fourth switch to dark slayer, then do one yamato aerial rave attack switch to Gilgamesh dive kick do a Lucifer spin and go back t aerial raves.Keep practing til that becomes easy and ten you can mix it up between combos and work in some inertia with rainstorm and other moves.


Well-known Member
I've seen people saying they use default controls, but is it recommended to use X/ Square as the style button? It's baffling that people can switch between the default controls so quickly that they don't even move noticeably upward during Aerial Rave.


Supporter 2014
Yeah, DMC4 can get rather challenging when it comes to pulling off some of the more advanced moves.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I'd recommend triangle as style square as jump x as shoot and circle as melee and switch the shoulder buttons up too. My config on Xbox and PC is y style b melee x jump a shoot Lt switch devil arms rt switch guns lb lock on Rb Devil trigger and it is perfect for JC for star raves guard flying side raves sky running inertia etc


Well-known Member
I'll try it out when I can. I got back into DMC3 for now, so I'm probably going to get lazy about DMC4 and its disappointingly awkward divekick cancel. Thanks.
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