Dogs annoy the ever living **** out of me. Actually, most animals do. Except for kitties and bunnies. <3 Kids annoy me, too. They're just as bad as dogs.
Most rap music & hip-hop, people not STFUing about Michael Jackson (if, say, Ben from BB died, no one would give two ****s, but when it's MJ people still wangst after a year of his death. I get they're sad, but c'mon people. It's been a ****ing year, and you still have his CDs) most mainstream music, Train and Green Day's new stuff, and when people call me Daniella instead of Danielle. There is no 'A' at the end of my name, like some people think there is.
Oh! And one more thing: How stupid my Sims are in Sims 3 annoys me.