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The Wrath Project


Super Penguin Number 2
-Edit: I fixed grammar and spelling errors-


The year is 2133. It has been thirty years since the opening of the Feral Dimension. The Feral Dimension was an alternate universe created during the Great Cataclysms. The Great Cataclysms were a series of wars in which billions of innocent humans were killed all across the galaxy. For everyone one person that died, there were always thousands more to come, and this massacre began to pool all of the energy left behind from the dead to form the Feral Dimension.

The Feral Dimension is an alternate universe in which the raw energy left behind from the dead, named L-Energy, creates monsters of vast strength, size, shape and ferocity. Rifts began to tear in between the Feral Dimension and the normal universe, and soon after, the evil creatures began to pour out, seeking blood. Remaining factions left from the Great Cataclysms were forced to create the Coalition, a union of former enemies, as a measure of countering the monsters.

Soon it was discovered that conventional weapons, vehicles, and even WMDs would not work on a portion of the creatures, only wiping out the smaller ones, leveled in size from 1 to 4. Larger creatures of levels 5 and 6 came out unscathed and would always continue to rampage against humanity. To fix the problem, the Coalition funded a Project which would create towering mecha known as Peace Enforcers, or PEs. For a while, it seemed as if the plan would work, but it was recognized merely as a failing project once the Coalition realized that they were losing trillions of dollars and battalions of the machines against only dozens of monsters at a time.

Due to the loss in money and hope, the Coalition began to produce only minimal quantities of the machines at a time. It has seemed for sometime like humanity would be extinguished by the threat of the Ferals, as many call them, but the secretive organization, Oni, under the control of the Coalition works restlessly on a new project. The Wrath Project, which combines specialized PEs and organic compounds created from DNA samples taken from fallen Ferals, is being put into effect. Five Angelica, the specialized machines, have been created, and five young pilots have been trained since childhood.

With these Angelica, the Coalition and Oni finally have a way to fend off the Colossal Ferals. It is up to the young men and women who have been chosen to pilot the Angelica to successfully defeat the terrors.

Can they do it?
A.D. 2133 - Dezos District - Planet New Haven

Alarms sounded off in all directions as a giant explosion blew out in the middle of the base. Soldiers clad in completely black armor scattered all around as helicopters lifted off and tanks rolled out.

"Delta Base! Come in, Delta Base!" The radio screamed in the comm-tower. General Haverack stood over the young man sitting next to the radio.

Haverack spoke into the headset, "This is Delta!"

"General Haverack, what's the status of Delta Base?"

Haverack peaked out of the window, staring at two massive creatures crossing over the horizon in front of the setting sun, "Situation is FUBAR...we have two Level 6 Ferals! There's no way that Delta can take punishment from both of them if they get much closer."

"Understood Delta. We will reinforce your perimeter with a squad of PEs. Help will arrive shortly. ETA four minutes."

Haverack slammed his fist into the table, startling the young man in the chair, "I don't know if we can last that long, dammit! We will-"

The young man cut in, "General! A private hailing frequency has opened!"

Haverack stared over at the comm-device, "Open it up." The young man flipped a switch and suddenly a voice erupted over the channel, "Delta Base, we are sending help your way. The time for the Wrath Project to be put into effect is now!"

Haverack gasped, "Is it even ready?!"

"Angelica Paramour and Enigma are on their way. Do not doubt Oni's judgment. They are ready." The voice said, before the channel closed.

Haverack growled, "Those bastards at Oni don't even know what they're doing! There hasn't been enough preparation time for any of the Angelica!"

Stepping closer to the window, Haverack began to see little bursts of light. Gunfire. The Ferals were already close enough to be within range of small arms fire. Haverack could already begin to make out some of the features of the closer Feral. It was disgusting. Pustules covered its chest, opening and closing to release some form of fluid on its attackers. At every joint, jagged bones protruded outward, and its face was the worst, comprised mostly of two long sets of razor sharp teeth, and two yellow, glowing eyes.

Then Haverack noticed something in the distance. Five orange lights. The PEs were closing in, but Haverack doubted their standard 132mm Assault Rifles would actually manage to affect the Ferals in any way. As they closed in, the Feral that was farther away turned to target its new attackers. The five mechs quickly jumped out of their flight route, landing close to the Feral before opening fire. Five new comm-channels automatically opened with the tower, "Delta Base, this is PE squad seven of Epsilon. We're here to ensure your survival."

Haverack stepped closer to the window. The PEs were E2 Type models. They were built for speed, and so had extra engines and joint points installed, along with Class 1 stabilizers. The pilots had to be agile to control the machines properly. A sphere of energy materialized in the Feral's mouth, and a beam shot out, already blowing two of the PEs apart. Short screams were heard over the comm-channels before they cut out.

"Johnson, flank it! Flank that bastard. Open fire!" One of the PEs deashed past the Feral and began firing on its back, while the other two opened up on its front. The monster roared, thrashing forwards, tackling one of the PEs. Both the monster and the machine fell to the ground, at which point the Feral began ripping the PE apart. Another scream, this one lasting longer before the channel cut off.

Then the Feral closer to the base turned to face the bigger threats. Its chest released the acidic fluid on the craft that had been flanking the other Feral. Johnson began grunting and shrieking out in pain as the acid burned through the PE and his piloting-center. Then the PE exploded.

Haverack punched the window. Being made out of a dense, bullet-proof material, it didn't shatter, "Dammit! At this rate, Delta's surely going to be lost to these things!"

Then the closer Feral's arm split open as a beam of energy hit it. Blood spurted out as its arm separated from its body. Haverack's eyes widened, "What the hell was that?!"

The young man in the chair rolled over to the camera-control. "Sir! Cameras three, four and five are showing some new kind of PEs! They're massive!"

Haverack ran over to the screens, "Oni wasn't lying after all...those are the Angelica."

Haverack stared at the screen in awe, as the two new machines entered the battle. The one on the left was pure white, with a single, red eye sliding around within a wide socket. Its form resembled that of a sleek suit of Samurai armor. It was carrying a large saber of some sort. The one on the right was a deep, blue color, with thicker armor than the white one. It's shape was boxier, and it was carrying a large, rocket launcher shaped weapon, but with a barrel that coned inward to the tip, which was very small.

Haverack caressed the whiskers on his chin with his white, gloved hand, "Enigma and Paramour, eh? And just to think, there are three others."


Super Penguin Number 2
Chapter 1

"Fushigi Ranpu here. Keikoku Sukihime, are you ready?" Enigma's head turned to face Paramour.

"Yes, of course. Beam cannon fully charged. Side and back boosters cooled from the drop. All systems fully operational." Paramour raised its large cannon over its shoulder, "Would you like me to take the shot, Fushigi?"

Enigma pulled a circular device from its side, pressing a button to unfold it into a blade, "Fire as you please."

"Alrighty." Keikoku giggled before flipping a switch to charge the Beam cannon. Paramour began to aim at the Feral closest to them, and fired the cannon. A large beam of purple energy flowed out, striking the Feral in the arm. It's shriek could be hard all of the way to where they were.

Enigma stepped forward, "Hit. You finish that one. I'll handle the other."

"No problem Fushigi!" Paramour jumped into the air, dashing through the sky, a trail of purple fire following her as she flew.

Enigma kicked off the ground, blade at his side, and cut through the air, landing next to the farther Feral. It turned away from the final PE to face Enigma, and screeched. Fushigi groaned, "Noisy. Let's handle that."

As it turned, a large sphere of energy began to form in its mouth once again, and a beam poured forth. Enigma bounced to the side, dodging the attack, before dashing forwards and grabbing the Feral's face with its gleaming white hand. Fushigi clinched his fist, and Enigma followed, crushing the monster's head. A gurgling noise could be heard as blood trickled down in between Enigma's fingers.

Fushigi pushed a lever forward, and Enigma jabbed its blade into the Feral's gut. Fushigi twisted the lever, and Enigma ripped the blade out of the creatures side. Letting go of its head, Enigma stepped back as the monster toppled to the ground.

Paramour slid next to the other Feral, continuing to recharge the Beam Cannon she held. Enigma turned to face Paramour, "Keikoku, don't play with it. Finish the job already."

"No problem, Fushigi." She giggled once again, mimicking Paramour into leaping forward and planting a thick, metal knee into the monsters chest. The Feral shrieked, pustules on its chest busting, spewing forth a slimy liquid. The creature stumbled back, landing on its back in a densely forested area. Paramour stood triumphant in front of it, as the mecha's two chest plates slid open to reveal dozens of missile pods, all of which fired.

The missiles all struck the Feral, exploding into a concentrated ice-like substance, much like Hydrogen. The Feral froze in place. Paramour lifted its leg, and stomped into the middle of the Feral. It busted in dozens of pieces. Infantry, tanks, and even a few remaining helicopters finally stopped firing at the monster, seemingly halting to stare in awe at the two Angelica that stood before her eyes.

Paramour raised its free hand, and waved at the base they were sent to protect. "Buh-bye!" Keikoku said, before both Paramour and Enigma lifted off into the sky, taking off into space.

General Haverack's mouth fell open, astonished by what he just saw. Looking over to the young man still sitting in the chair, Haverack scratched his head, "Nothing should be able to move that fast, or act that powerfully. Those two each took a Level 6 Feral on by themselves, one-on-one."

"Sir, we're being hailed by Oni again!"

"Put them on." Haverack stepped closer to the communications console.

The same voice as before spoke through, "Congratulations on being the first to witness an Angelica in action. This is just the first of many demonstrations."

"Demonstration?! If that was just a demonstration, I'd hate to see what the real thing is like." Haverack stepped away from the console.

The young man looked over to Haverack, "Should I issue a clean up order?"

"No...not just yet. Let everyone take a break from what just happened for a few minutes."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Uhmmm... Wow. You SERIOUSLY need to consider getting into game or anime design... This stuff is not golden, it's pure freakin' PLATINUM!


Super Penguin Number 2
Chapter 2: Part 1
A.D. 2133 - Dezos District - Space Station Olympus

"Ah, Fushigi! There you are!" A young woman shouted, coming around the corner. Her hair was silver-blue, and her eyes were yellow. Just like his, and the three other Angelica pilots.

Fushigi nodded at her, "Hello, Asuka."

She floated over to him, using the walls to propel her in the zero-g environment, "So, Fushigi, how was it? Your first run with Enigma, I mean."

"It was okay."

"It was okay? Okay is all you have to say?! You're one of the first ones to pilot an Angelica in an actual combat situation, and all you can say is okay?" Asuka raised a brow.

"I've said this to everyone on this ship before. What more is a machine without its pilot? Enigma was merely a tool in the whole ordeal." Fushigi frowned.

"Just a tool?! What are you saying?! You know that the Angelica have minds of their own. You both worked as a team. You gave it instructions, and it carried them out. Did you forget the whole thing about Oni combining state-of-the-art PEs with Feral DNA to-"

"To create a new life-form capable of following orders without question. Yes. I remember. And as I said, with no pilot, the machines are nothing. Without orders, Enigma is just a piece of metal." With that, Fushigi floated off down the corridor.

"How can he be so stuck up?" Asuka sighed, floating towards the mess hall. Passing another corridor, she felt a hand graze her shoulder. Turning to look, she saw one of the other pilots, Jin Kintora.

"Asuka, where did Fushigi go?" Jin brushed the long strand of red hair from his face, pushing it back with the rest of his shoulder-length hair.

Asuka blushed. She'd had a crush on Jin since the beginning of their training. He always struck her as the pure good guy, and he was nice to everyone, but it seemed like he treated her especially well. She hesitated, "Uhm...oh, I think he went to his quarters. He was headed that way at least."

Jin nodded, "Thanks. I have something I need to discuss with him."

Asuka looked at the wall, "What about?"

Jin paused, "Enigma. I checked its systems logs when he came back. There was no synchronization. He didn't properly prepare for the operation, and so jeopardized the mission. He could have easily lost the fight due to his arrogance."

Asuka sighed, "Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, I'm going to go nibble on something for a bit."

Jin smiled, "You know, tomorrow, Indigo, Eclipse and Goddess are set to perform an operation."

Asuka turned back to Jin, "Oh?! You, Yancha and me?"

"Yup. We'll be briefed on the mission later tonight by Miss Marlene. Supposedly, five massive heat signatures were detected on the outer rim of Nexus IV."

"Five? Sounds like a challenge." Asuka smiled, and then turned back to head for the mess hall once more.

~To Be Continued~


Super Penguin Number 2
Chapter 2: Part 2

"So, Miss Marlene...what you're saying is that there are actually only four Ferals?" Jin asked, fidgeting with a soda bottle.

Yancha and Asuka both sat nearby, Asuka staring intently at Miss Marlene while Yancha brushed through his short, black hair. Miss Marlene was a middle aged woman with long brown hair, and unlike the five Angelica pilots, her eyes were blue. She, along with the rest of the non-combative crew on-board, was fairly normal, minus proper training for operations in space. Her hair curled outward at the bottom, and when ever she moved, the hair bounced.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, Jin. Only four Ferals." She nodded.

Yancha cut in, "Then what the hell is the fifth one?"

Marlene sighed, "We're pretty sure it's a rift, which would explain why its signature was much larger and easier to read."

Asuka looked over to Jin, seeing him shaking, "Are you okay, Jin?"

He ignored her question, "A...a rift? Are we capable of closing one? Oni never gave us the proper tech to handle a rift."

Marlene smiled, "No need to worry. Olympus will handle the rift. We have our own means of closing the rifts. As you may already know, a massive wave of heat is all that's needed to close one. We are more than capable."

Asuka looked back to Marlene, "So...when do we launch?"

"Tomorrow, at 0600. Exactly. Meaning I want you prepped and ready to go by 0545."

In unison, all three of the pilots saluted, "Yes ma'am."

"Dismissed. Hope for an excellent operation tomorrow."


It was the next morning already, or at least it was on Earth. Olympus, being in space, didn't get day and night. But that didn't matter right now. Asuka was in her Angelica's piloting-center, preparing all of the mecha's systems for the coming drop, and the battle that would follow. A large cord was plugged into her spine, a link clipped to every one of her vertebrae.

She flipped one more switch and a cool sensation flooded her body. "Ah, good morning, Goddess." She greeted the pink Angelica. Goddess was the thinnest of the five, having more cylindrical arms and legs, and a tiny torso. The largest thing on the mech was the shoulders. They were large, bulbous things. That was Goddess' weapon too. Each shoulder carried three rapid-fire, beam rifles. The Angelica was made for speed.

Jin's voice erupted over Asuka's comm-set, "Are you and Goddess ready for this?"

Asuka smiled, "Of course we are. What about you and Indigo?"

Jin chuckled, "No need to ask that."

Indigo was more of an average sized Angelica, matching Enigma's basic shape. Differences were easy to point out though. Indigo was purple, with violet fingers and feet. It's thighs were boxier, and slightly larger, housing extra boosters. Indigo's head also had a large crest going straight across the top, in which a large, red plume stuck out. The most notable difference was the weapon. Indigo carried a pair of vibro-blades. On it's shoulder was a small energy cannon, as well.

Yancha's voice came on too, "Well, I'm also ready. So I guess we're just waiting for this thing to start."

Yancha's Angelica, Eclipse, was also easy to tell apart from the rest. It was built for scouting, and so had a small frame, but thick plates of armor in key points. Its main body was formed with a V shape, the tip of the shape acting as shoulders for the arms, while the legs extended from the bottom. It's head supported a long, thick antennae, sticking out above the eye. Eclipse was colored black with a few red highlights at the joints, and it's weapon was a large, sniping, beam weapon, which could be collapsed for close combat.

Miss Marlene's voice echoed through all of their piloting-centers, "Hope you guys are readied up. Combat Operation...engage!"

A loud clank was heard, before three massive doors opened, one under each of the active Angelica. Suddenly, the mecha were propelled from the ship, shot straight towards a designated point on Nexus IV. As soon as they hit the atmosphere, shields came online to protect them from the fires burning upon their entry. Asuka radioed Jin, "So, did your talk with Fushigi go well last night?"

Jin sighed, "No. I tried to explain to him what the synchronization process was for. He said he understood, but just that he was purely better than Enigma. I tried to tell him that if he linked with Enigma, his fighting skills would improve, as well as his relationship with his machine. He wouldn't have it. One of these days, he's going to die because of that one little thing. And it'll cause this whole Project to fail. Let's hope that day isn't anytime soon."

"Oh shut up. Concentrate on the now. We're about to land." Yancha barked. And he was correct. Not even a minute later, all three of them crashed into the ground, standing up in the midst of four Ferals and a rift.


Super Penguin Number 2
Chapter 3

Landing right next to a Level 5, Goddess immediately went into action, grabbing the Feral's arm and swiftly bringing her knee up into its elbow. A load snap sounded off, followed by the monster's shriek. Goddess delivered a quick palm to the shoulder of the same arm with her free hand, tearing the Feral's arm off. Asuka cringed, "Ew. These things are nasty."

Goddess threw the arm to the side, both of her shoulder compartments opening to reveal her rapid-fire beam weapons. All six weapons fired relentlessly on the Feral. "Weapons recharging. Revert to melee combat." The soothing voice of an older woman spoke to Asuka.

"But Goddess! I wasn't done yet." Asuka sighed, looking out of Goddess' eye to see the Feral through the clearing smoke. It was definitely dead, shredded to pieces from her laser fire. The Feral laid in a big bloody pile. Goddess turned away to face the others.

Eclipse had automatically retreated from the battlefield upon landing, and was now unseen by Goddess. Then Eclipse's Beam Sniper fired off. The thin line of energy cut through the air quickly and the Feral closest to Asuka was hit, a large hole appearing in the monster's neck. It clawed at its wound, falling to one knee, and roared, finally jumping into the air. Goddess stepped back, seeing the Feral falling towards her. Its arms were outstretched and its hands were wide open, ready to grapple her. Then two more beams flew through the air. The Feral's left leg seemingly exploded, taking a shot through the bottom of the foot all of the way through the shoulder. The second shot wiped its head clean off. The Feral landed next to Goddess.

The last two Ferals began closing in on Indigo. Jin spoke over the comm-set, "Asuka, Yancha. Leave these two to me and Indigo."

Yancha scoffed, "Show off. Me and Eclipse only got one kill out of this whole deal."

Jin sighed, "There were only four Ferals to begin with."

Indigo released both of his vibro-blades, charging the closest Feral. The monster's slow, calm movements suddenly got sharper and more spastic, two pink spheres of energy forming in its hands. Indigo jumped up to avoid the two pillars of plasma, landing in front of the Feral. Indigo brought his left blade up into the Feral's jaw, lifting it off of the ground. Using his right blade, Indigo cut the monster in half. The blade went through the Feral's waist like butter. As the legs toppled to the ground, the Feral's intestines drooped down. Indigo tossed the remains to the side.

All of the sudden, Miss Marlene's voice echoed over all three of the pilots' comms, "Guys, back away from the rift! We're detecting unnatural activity from behind it!"

Yancha chuckled, "Isn't everything about those rifts unnatural?"

Miss Marlene growled, "You know what I mean you jackass! Something big is back there! Its readings are off of the chart. If what we're seeing is true, this thing is larger than the Level 6 Feral that attacked Hymnsberg!"

Yancha coughed, almost choking, "WHAT?! That thing was as big as the Empire State Building back on Earth!"

Miss Marlene sighed, "Yeah, and this one's bigger! So get out of there now. Forget that last Feral, we're going to close the rift right now!"

Jin spoke up, "You heard her...get out of here now!"

Indigo began speeding off past Goddess, followed by Eclipse, who appeared out of nowhere. Goddess trailed behind them as they dashed through the nearby lake. A bright, neon green light sparkled in the sky, as a massive beam of energy blasted through the atmosphere and hit the rift. It kept coming until the rift began changing color from its dark blue to a bright orange.

Miss Marlene's voice came back, but it wasn't directed at the three of them, "Eigo! What the hell is wrong?! The portal should have closed by now!"

Eigo was always sort of shy. He had short, brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Eigo responded, "Something's blocking the beam and directing particles back at us. If what I'm seeing is correct, then we'll be disintegrated within a matter of seconds!"

Someone else's voice sounded off too, "Shut that damned thing off! You hear what he just said? SHUT IT OFF!"

Miss Marlene's voice was shaky, but she was talking to the three of them again, "We're about to lose contact due to a power reboot. Please, survive whatever's coming."

Indigo stopped, Eclipse and Goddess halting behind him. "Concentrate your weapons on the rift. Whatever's coming out, we're killing it." Jin said

Eclipse aimed his Beam Sniper, flipping a switch on the weapon. The gun increased in size out of what seemed like virtually nothing. The scope elongated as well. Indigo's shoulder cannon extended, charging up to release on whatever was coming. Asuka spoke over her comm-set to Goddess, "Are our weapons recharged yet."


Asuka smiled, looking back up to the rift. A gigantic hand finally emerged through the portal. Yancha spoke up, "That is definitely going to be one big ass monster."


Super Penguin Number 2
Chapter 4
A.D. 2123 - Earth - Metropolis

It was raining, and Fushigi was freezing. Only a pair of raggedy socks, a torn pair of pants, and t-shirt shielded him. He was lucky that Keikoku and Jin were with him. He would've been killed by that chef downtown earlier if it weren't for them rescuing him.

It would be Fushigi's birthday tomorrow, and he would be nine years old. It would just be another day for him though. Another day to try and survive the metropolis. Jin looked at him from under a piece of tin-foil, "Hey, Fushigi, did you like how we took that guy out back there?"

Fushigi giggled, "Yeah, you were great. You punched him square in the nose!"

Keikoku sighed, snuggling closer to Jin to keep from getting wet, "You two are so mean. That poor man didn't deserve to be beat up like that. We were stealing."

"So? He came at me with a frying pan." Fushigi reasoned, pulling a saucy meatball from his pocket and popping it into his mouth. "I bet it was the same pan I stole this from." Fushigi laughed, chewing.

Keikoku cringed, "Eeew! You're nasty, you know!"

"Whatever! You're just saying that cause you're a girly girl." Fushigi pulled the skin under his eye down, and stuck his tongue out.

Keikoku squealed in disgust and threw a rock at Fushigi, hitting him in the gut. He grunted and fell over, wailing like a baby. Jin sighed, "Shut up, Fushigi! We'll get caught out here. And besides, you've taken a punch to the face without crying. Crybaby."

Fushigi sat back up, wiping a few tears away along with the mixed in rain, "Don't call me names!"

All of the sudden, a woman's voice interrupted them all, "What are you three kids doing out here in the rain? Oh look at you, all dirty. You must be so cold and hungry. Here, follow me." She smiled at them under an umbrella, her hair bouncing around her shoulders as she stepped forward to look at them all with her icey-blue eyes.

"I'm Marlene Murakami, but you can call me Miss Marlene if you like." She held her hand out for Fushigi to take.

Present Time - Battle on Hexis IV

Jin shook the memory away, smiling as he stared at the rift. Both of the Feral's colossal hands had emerged now, and it was trying to crawl the rest of the way out. A drop of sweat trickled down Jin's cheek, "Damn, this thing is taking its time."

Yancha sighed, "Yeah...I wish it'd hurry. Eclipse is itching to shoot something else."

Asuka giggled, "So is Goddess."

An immense roar answered their call, and the monster's head finally emerged. It resembled a human skull for the most part, minus the mandibles and the third eye socket. Yancha cringed, "Wow, he's ugly."

"FIRE!" Jin yelled. Indigo discharged his shoulder cannon. A ball of energy hurtled through the air, striking the Feral in the top of the head. The Feral's head cracked, and it shrieked.

Yancha laughed, "Nice hit, but mine'll be better!" Eclipse steadied its rifle, and fired five shots. Each one hit the monster around its third eye, making a perfect pattern.

"Here we go!" Asuka exclaimed, Goddess being the last to fire her weapons. Both shoulder compartments opened again, and all six of the guns fired, blasting the Feral's head. As the smoke cleared, the Feral was revealed to still be there. Its sights were set on the three of them, and it quickly crawled the rest of the way out of the rift, standing straight up. Jin gasped, "The thing is parting clouds!"

A yellow ball of energy formed in the monsters mouth, and it spat it out in their direction. The ball sped towards them, exploding upon impact. Goddess was hurled to the side. Indigo took minor damage from the blast radius. Eclipse was knocked onto his front. Yancha groaned, "Big bastard."

Goddess stood back up, Eclipse soon following, and they all turned to face the Feral. Asuka gasped, "Look! The rift is closing!"

Jin smirked, "Good, cause I'd say our hands are pretty tied up right now."

Eclipse once more flipped a switch on his rifle, and the gun condensed to one third of its original size, "I want to be up close to that thing when we kill it. I want it to know who caused its death."

Jin chuckled, "Now we're talking."
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