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The Spawn Shooter Comedy Show!


This partys getting crazy
Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to your first exciting installment of The Spawn Shooter Comedy Show! in case its your first time viewing ill go over the rules.

....basically ANYTHING! that's right folks our contestants will come up one by one and try to get YOU, the viewer to smile :)this can consist of a good joke,pun, witty anecdote, story, picture or anything thing else they themselves feel is funny.As long as its offensive in no way shape nor form(we dont want to get canceled now do we!)

There will however be certain "rounds" to this show, please feel free to place your entry into any of the following catagory's

1.P.O.T.M- Pun of the month, a witty little contest where we play on words and try not to get hurt?(sorry best i could come up with!)
last months winner was VB with

"If there's trouble and no police around, you get vigilante justice.

If Ninja theory mess up Dante's Brother, it'll be Vergilante Justice!!!"

nice one!
your prize... a pun themed pick YAY!


2.General jokes- any jokes whatsoever.

can be rude...

Why did the man cross the road?

He got his d*** caught in the chicken!

or they can be socially acceptable...

Whats the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anyone can roast beef!(kinda pun so DOUBLE POINTS!)

or they can be just plain bad...

How does a polar bear say hello?

*in deep muffled voice* "Herrow"

3.Pics- any pics on the internet that are humorous like megs car


and so the creepy car isnt lonely i have a house :)


4.witty anecdotes- exactly what it sez on the tin for example

When I was young I used to pray for a bike, then I realized that God doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.

5.Personal storys- just something funny that happened to you

6.competition section- in addition to P.O.T.M i will be running miny competitions and if your the lucky winner you will get a joked themed prize! our first contest...

DOG PICTURES!- any funny dog pics you can find :)

and there you go guys get your entry's in fast because its only with your support we can keep this show going.We hope you enjoy!

our first contestant is.....
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