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The Shadow Of Heaven.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Ok, folks i hope you like it.

One day in Heaven, two angels were born to a Arch Angel. One of the babys at a face of peace, the other one was different to his brother it show happyness.... The two grew in Heaven under the wacht of their father, he trained them in the art of the sword, While the brother of peace used a fluent and quick style, the other preffered a style of quick swoops, and kicks mixed on the battle, the two boys grew and now these boys work for God.

Sombra nicknamed by his brother as a hot headed fool, he is a tall and thin angel with very well formed muscles, with a unique black short hair, he wears a white robe, that hide his white spiked armor below, his wings, their name Viento, resembling his advanced ability to fly at hight speeds, and even places where there is no wind to glyde.

Cainus nicknamed by his brother as a "Slow Turtle", he is the exact copy of his brother, but there are differences, he has yellow hair, he doesn`t wears a robe, he uses a knight looking armor, with a chainmail below, his wings Fuerte, hold this armor weight and Cainus own very well they are very long, almost reaching the floor.

This day the have been called by the own God..... They received a message of a Cherubin they were instructed to go to the God chambers.......

They reached the door, a little wooden carved door they looked at each other eyes, they looked the door again, first Sombra opened it, his brother remarked that he was a hot headed fool again, making Sombra grinn his teeth, Cainus steped inside after his brother, they where now in a place above the clouds, a gold shine above them, emited a warm welcome with a ray of light going though each boy face.

Sombra smiled as he feeled a warm hand slide though his face, Caidus grinned his teeth as his brother received the shine first, but after a few seconds the ray shovered him in the purest form of light, a voice echoed on the room."My boys, you will be given your first mission....to seal a demonic warrior named Kabal". Sombra smiled as the words were spoken, Cainus instead remained like a statue.

"And now you go". The boys closed their eyes, when they opened their eyes they where on a great plain, above of then was a little tree, with his branches almost devoid of leaves, they moved as the wind crashed with them, making little dark dots going though Cainus face, Sombra looked to the great grenn plains, with little towns and settlements on the landscape, but to Cainus and Sombra surprise there was a little settlements light on fire, they could hear the screams coming from it, of womans men and children alike.

The boys looked at each other, they spreaded their wings and wawed then creating a flow of hair that maked then flow, they continued wawing their wings until they reached a hight winds, and they glided to the settlement, mine cars and several entrances to a coal mine could be noticed from afar, but the most important thing... Was the demon on the center of the town, killing people and tearing them piece by peace, until leaving just the main body and then it proceeded to eat the heart of his victim, Sombra grab one knife of his pocket, and throw it to the beast from the air, it hit him on the shoulder.

The beast spoken."Who dares to fight the Demon Lord Kabal". The demon revealed his identity and pulled out the knife from his shoulder, looking at the two angels in the sky, Cainus sighed and talked to his brother."Now you seriusly fu**ed the plan".


I hope you liked, also a little pic of Kabal.



God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
That's AWESOME so far. ^_^

And Kabal kinda looks like an evil version of Bahamut. Cool.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Thanks DT, last chapter was the Prologue, now is the first chapter.

Chapter 1: The Battle Of The Mines

The two boys landed gracefully on the ground, Sombra removing his robe, revealing his armor, the chessplate had form of a wolf face, with deep eyes, the leg were armored enought to give protection and now make Sombra slow, the boots had two spikes that pointed to Sombra back, the shoulders were plated, and they had a gold trim, one had a spike resembling a wolf teeth pointed to the left.

Cainus unsheated his sword, a silver longsword, with a gold trim that reached from the handle to the tip of the blade going though the edges, Sombra unsheated his sword, a white bastard sword, with a little green gem on the handle, it had a really simple desight, the two looked at each other weapom, and pointed them at Kabal, the demon though it didn`t had a mouth his voice could be heared like echoes."Angels, ahahaha i am more powerful that you two". The boys smiled and talked in unison, but it was heared as a totally different voice as they did."Ahaha you fool lets ee who is stronger now".

The three charged, Kabal unsheating his claws as he closed them, the boys looked at each and in a fraction of a second each one slashed each enemy, looking back to where Kabal was now, they noticed he had received a clean cut on the chess."Thats my points". Sombra sayed, but when he closed his mouth, a line of five little cuts opened on his face, leaving the blood spur front it, thought they healed really quick, when the guys saw Kabal he runned at them, and did a quick sweep to Cainus legs, he jumped and dobged the attack.

Kabal put his hand on the ground, and propelled himself to kick Sombra chin, but Caigus grab a hold of his ankle and slammed Kabal to the floor, Sombra grab his sword, and jumped at Kabal trying to impale his weapom on Kabal chess, to the boys bad luck and to Kabal good one he could roll before the sword was pinned on his chess, Caidus runned to Kabal as Sombra tryed to pull his sword of the ground.

Kabal got up and grab one piece of coal, he used the stone and threw it to Caidus, tha could block it with his arm, but destroying the coal and leaving a little black cloud that leaved Cainus blind, Kabal used the moemtn and unheated his laws, he ran to Cainus and stabbed his hand on Cainus chess, though the armor slowed his attack a little he leaved a hole and leaved a cut on Cainus chess.

Sombra looked how his brother got impaled, he had already got his weapom out of the ground, he charged at Kabal holding his weapom with two hands, Kabal was enjoying the moment when he impaled his hand on Cainus, Sombra slashed and cut the claws of Kabal, he feeled the pain of his claws getting a cut, he used his now clawless hand to punch Sombra gut, making him go back a little feets back, Kabal laughted as the boy felled, Cainus got behind him and slashed his back with his longsword, leaving a gap between Kabal meat.

Kabal voice was heared."You fool". Kabal turned around, aiming for a fist on Cainus ribs, he succeded, and sended Cainus flying to one of the house of the settlement, Sombra painting got up and spited some blood on Kabal back, he rushed at Kabal and slashed three times, leaving three more gaps on Kabal back, Kabal falled to the floor, and put a hand on his back.....he was losing too much blood, Sombra hands got white, and he impaled his sword on Kabal back, leaving a huge gap, Cainus woke up and impaked his weapom on Kabal head.

The two had their hands shining, Cainus put his hands on Kabal face, and Sombra did too, Kabal tryed to run, but he was impaled to the floor thanks to the weapoms, Kabal screams could be heared from afar, his soul was getting sealed right now, his body shined of a white color soo hard that the boys losed their ability to see by a few seconds, when he stoped shining he was not moving or doing anything, Sombra removed his hands from Kabal head and walked to his side, he kicked Kabal ribcage and the entire body became ashes.

Sombra grab the two weapoms he handed to his brother the longsword, and Sombra sheated his."It was fun right?". Sombra sayed. Cainus sighed and remarked again."You hot headed fool". The two closed their eyes and dissapeared in a flash of light.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Brilliant imagery, TCD. This is your own work, right? Or is it fanfiction?
Really really REALLY good story you've got going here, I hope to see more from you! ^_^

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Thanks CR, is my own work in a original story, bein RPing for almost a year really helped me :D, i will do a new chaper.

Chapter 2: A Prize And A Warning.

The two boys appeared in Heaven, Sombra sighned."No it was just getting fun bein on the human world". Cairnus sighned, but not to support his brother."Dont you ever think in work". Sombra sigh ended when god light appeared above them, the ray of light was pointing at a necklace, tied to a green gem."Take this my son, is a prize for Sombra". Sombra spreaded his winds, and flyed slowly to the necklace, more close that ever to god he feeled a warm and confortable hug, smiling Sombra took the necklace and tied it to his neck, he could feel a soul inside it, but he didn`t cared about it by his free personality.

Cairnus was not happy, Sombra got the prize and he got nothing, but a voice echoed on his head."Protect your brother". Cairnus nodded showing acceptance to this task, God retired and the light fainted until it dissappeared, the room ended in a shadowy color, the only thing that could be saw was a green light emited from the gem, until it fainted and the boys closed their eyes on the great dark.

They appeared again on the same tree as before, this time it had more leaves, the landscape was still the same, mines of coal, steel and gold where now in the settlements where they battled Kabal, the death of the demon had bringed new life to those people on the settlement, Sombra smiled, but Cairnus face didnt changed anything, he was sited on a rock, looking at the other side of the plains, where several little lakes, trees roots going from the ground to the water, Sombra closed to his brother.

"Lets go and swim....but first a race". Sombra started running, his robe wawing with the winds, revealing his legs, Cairnus folloed his brother, not runing, but by walking, by the time he reached the lake where Sombra was he was already removing his armor, but he stoped when he saw a group of people going though the other side where a road was, they could be defined as peasants and workes, they where just a few, two mans, with no hair, they were wearing pants but not shirts they were a lot muscular and tall they obviusly were miners by the tools they carried.

Two youngers man that them, they were tall and thin, they did had hair, and two girls, one with long blonde hair, she weared something between a noble rank and a peasant rank. The other girl was a peasant, she weared a dress of color brow, she had red hair. Sombra looked at they, he could not stop looking at the girl with red hair, those people looked back at Sombra, they could see his armor, his half naked body, that was still wearing his legplate, but they could not see his wings.


Ok this chapter was made only to introduce a few characters

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Chapter 3: A Dark and Powerful enemy.

Sombra keeped staring at the group of people that just walked in front of him, after they where out of Sombra line of the horizon he walked towards the water, his wings coming together and making a sort of a shield on his back, as he swimed in the lake Cairnus reached him, removing his chess plate, and showing the chainmail below, he sitted on the other side of the lake, where the tree was and he was trying to focus in his thoughs, but the noise Sombra made as he swimed didnt leaved him even to close his eyes.

Sombra floated in the water, looking to the sky, as it turned dark and rain came from the clouds, Sombra spreaded his wings, making slow wawes with the water, he closed his eyes and tryed to feel the rain crashing with his skin, after ten minutes of a hard rain Sombra got out of the water, after other 10 minutes both Cairnus and Sombra had their respective armor, Sombra with the robe above his armor, the sky remained dark and the rain stopped, but it was a supernarural dark, the wind started to blow, the trees leaves seemed to be scared or afraid of something.

A lightning fell right in from of Sombra, he was blinded by the light, though he put his arm in front of his face, Cairnus got blind too, but not soo much as Sombra, he could just see a figure in front of them.

"Thunder Gard 10, name Sevastian". The figure was another race of angels, the thunder gards, a group of what humans descrive as lords of the lightnings, Sevastian was clad in armor, it looked like Sevastian muscles, well formed and a single hit could destroy a man, all muscles had a sort of black steel, and the lines between them looked like in a sky blue shining color, he wielded a claymore, half of Sevatian size, with the same shining sky blue color, but with a pointy end, made for stabing.

"I have been send to warm you". Sevastian sayed, Sombra and Cairnus walked forward to listen the warming."A Dark godlike entity is coming here, i have been sended to help you". Cairnus sighed waiting for his brother reaction, but to his hope it was not his usual response, Sombra didnt rushed to the battle, he just sited down in the floor."Finally a challenge". Sombra sayed getting hi sword out of the sheat, and Cairnus sitted besides his brother, and Sevastian sit in front of them, everyone having a slight smile as the sky turned darker.


Here is a pic of the Dark entity. Its the demon looking one.

Also found a theme for next battle.

This link takes you to the music.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Chapter 4: Dark Lords.

The sky turned darker and darker as it started to rain and rays fall from the sky, the wind becoming stronger, wawing the hair of the three mans sitted on the ground, Sombra had his bastard sword on his left hand, and one knife on his right hand, opening his eyes as the rain hit his face.

Sevastion sliding his hand though his claymore, checking his shard and pointy tip, and he cut his own finger while doing soo.

Cairnus was now using a handerkief to polish his long sword, opening his eyes as the wind wawed his hair, a disgusting howl could be hear close, the mans standed, looking at the sky, how dark cracks appeared on the clouds, the clouds broke like glass, leaving a eye on the storm, the demonic being laughting while it floated comtemplating this world, while it started to glide and go to the tree from where Sombra and Cairnus just came, cutting it with his claws the tree started to shine on white as it dissappeared.

The being looked over his shoulder to see a caravan of people heading to a town the same people that Sombra saw a while back, when Sombra noticed the happy expresion of the being when it saw the humans he rushed at it, using the knife he stabbed it in the beast wrist, as the demon turned around to see the serius expression of Sombra the demon smiled when he saw the angel, it used his free arm to punch Sombra face with great force that send Sombra flying back, he removed the knife and started to play with it, cutting his own veins and cutting his shoulder.

When Cairnus saw his brother flying he runned even quicker at the beast, using his sword he tried to slash at the demon, but his sword got caught on the beast hand, while Cairnus continued to push in a futile effort the demon could still hold the sword with only one hand.

In the meantime Sevastian got besides Cairnus and kicked the demon stomach, making it laught while he backed off, Sevastian now tried to stab him with the tip of his claymore just to be stopped by a mere finger of the beast, while the demon still laughted the purple stones on his chess started to shine a little ball of energy appearing on the biggest one, Sombra had already standed and returned to the battle, he pushed Sevastian out of the way, the demon removed the smile of his face, and returned the knife to Sombra."This is our battle". The beast sayed, a purple sphere appared around Sombra and the beast the floor becoming painted with purple runes and a star with five tips as the center of the sphere, he handed the knife back."I am Arcon, the Lord of Truth even demons have honor".

Sombra smiled and relaxed his face, he thinked."Then why do i have to kill him?". He grab the knife and got his bastard sword out, walking back and giving the demon room to breath. When Sevastian standed again he was besides Cairnus that didnt sayed a thing, instead he pointed to the group of people that was in the road, they were the same people that they spot a while back, they runned at the people."Please stop, you should not be here". One of the muscular mans walked towards them and pointed his musket to Cairnus, instead of talking Cairnus grab the musket and breaked it easily with just one hand.

The people stoped, they gived food to their hungry and fearful horses, Cairnus looked at the woman with red hair that Sombra saw a moments ago, and started to think, Sevastian remained standed looking at the purple sphere and sometimes to make sure that the muscular man didnt tryed to play dirty.

The demon inside the sphere waited for his wounds to heal, as it saw Sombra wounds healing too he smiled."Lets make this something to remember". Sombra smiled too and the green necklace on his neck started to shine his face relaxing even more to the point of showing a gentle smile.

He readied his weapom and pointed it to the demon neck, the demon chuckled, and runned to Sombra, Sombra tried to slash at the demon, but he side-rolled and made a quick swoop at Sombra legs that he dobged by jumping he tryed again to slash after the jump, but could only make a little scracht at Arcon legs, Arcon smiled with joy, when he stoped he made a uppercut at Sombra, Sombra ducked and made Arcon miss by a few milimiters.

Arcon them jumped back, spreading his wings and floating he wawed then sending feathers at hight speed to Sombra his armor reflected the feathers and he runned to Arcon covering his face with his right arm, he grabed another knife and threw it to Arcon wing making he fall and laught with joy."Finally someone that can be a challenge". Arcon got up, and started to bledd from his wing, a black ichor started to float, creating a sort of black sword, in front of Arcon, with a curved edge and dented sharp, he grab the sword and rushed at Sombra, who deflected the blow of Arcon with his own sword.

Arcon staggered, and almost losed his balance, Sombra rushed after that and pushed Arcon, though he regained his balance and slashed again, cuting the chess plate of Sombras armor and his skin, blood started to flow from his chess.

Sombra grunted and Arcon slashed again cuting the chess again and making the pieces of armor fall to the ground as the flow blood from Sombra chess, though this time Sombra holded the pain, Arcon looked in respect at his opponent."Lets balance things a little". Arcon used his hands to tear his own wings from his back, when he did they dissappeared on mist and drops of black ichor fell from his back, Sombra looked in respect the demon and proceeded to spin his sword on his hand and point it to Arcon just as the start.

Arcon closed his eyes and his sword mitted a cry, a battle cry.

When the two rushed at each other the pointed their swords at each other heart, the two slashed, Sombra got a cut on Arcon stomach and blood flow from it like cataracts, Arcon didnt make any kind of damage on his opponent, he fell to the ground with some words."My brother helped you".

Sombra raised one eyebrow but noticed that his opponent was already dead, he walked towards the corpse, prepaing to purge it, though this time his hands didnt glowed white, his entire body had a green aura around now, he put his hand on Arcon face and closed his eyes, a green line going from the purple cristal on Arcon chess to Sombra necklace.

When Sombra purged him he could feel his soul going inside the necklace and going inside Sombra, Sombra smiled, and the sky turned now even darker comparing to space, the rain now even harder, and the ray too, Sobra fall to the ground and he felled asleep.

The other two angels and the people of the caravan runned at him, his brother grabing his brother head, and the people helping him to mount Sombra on a horse.


(Note: Only humans with a very close relation to angel can see their wings).

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Sorry for double post

Guys please if you liked this, leave a comment, i got the enought inspiration, motivation, time, and everything else to write this.

But i need that you point my mistakes so i can correct them and you ike the story so please i need you to comment and tell my mistakes :(

Do you want this to die? :(


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I honestly don't see any mistakes besides the kind that can be easily fixed, TCD. This is good work. ^_^

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Thanks DT, i can now give you guys a new chapter :D!!!

Chapter 5: Humans, Angel, and Demons.
Sevastian:What more can you ask for?"

While Sombra was being taken to a village close he had a nightmare, he couldn`t move, his eyes were opened, but he couldnt close them, he was in a dark space, and all he could see was a man with long white wings, a grey armor and a opera mask as his face, two angels appeared besides the man, Sombra tryed to talk, but he coulnt open his mouth.

The other two angels walked towards Sombra, they grabed a pair of sword from the unending darkness of the room, the sword were made of pure energy, they impaled the sword all the way of Sombra wings to the floor leaving him kneeled on the floor, the angels dissappeared in a flash of light that gived Sombra enought time to see the room, and endless hall, he taked a quick look at the walls, they were filled with weapoms, of all forms and sizes, drops of sweat fell from his face to his knees.

The man with the opera mask taked a little spiked hammer from the wall, and started pummeling Sombra with it, he feeled the little spikes going inside his skin but he didnt feeled the pain.

The man taked a black apple from the wall and used a knife to cut a piece, he walked towards Sombra and forced him to eat the piece of the apple, his body started to change, his skin became black, goat horns grow on his face, and his wings changed to bat-like ones.

The opera mask changed, instead of a sad face it changed to a happy face, he dissappeared, and Sombra closed his eyes in relief for a few seconds, when he opened them a crow of humans appeared in front of him, each one armed with stones, picks, shovels and sword, Sombra closed his eyes as the humans walked towards him.

"Lets punish the demon"."Gods has sended his followers a trial".

That was all that Sombra could ear, he feeled how he was being pummeled by all the humans, util one came to him, it was a woman, she was wielding a sword, Sombra looked up to her, but before he could reconigse her she slashed to Sombra neck...............

Sombra waked up in a jump, he looked at his hands, his hands normal, he looked at his chess and he didnt had any injury, he looked around he was in a room, not much was in that room, just a little mirror and a bed in which Sombra was, when he looked all the room he wachet a woman going inside, she was the same of the group of people that Sombra saw a while before falling unconcius.

She looked at Sombra and blushed, Sombra raised one eyebrow, and looked again at his chess, he was almost named except by the pants he was wearing, he pout a hand on his chess, and blushed.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Great story. The worst is your grammar, but that is excused because of where you live. :p You will learn english grammar one day, don't give up. And don't give up on this story. It is awesome.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Chapter 6:Altissimus.
Ethan:I am happy to meet you brother.

Sombra had standed already from the bed, he asked kindly to the woman if she could wait outside while he put a few clothes on, he looked at the pieces of his armor in the floor, broken, cutted and filled with blood both of his own and from the other demon, Sombra looked at his chess, the scars were healing, and his wounds had completely closed themselfs. He looked at another bed besides his own, there it was a white pant and the hood Sombra had been carrying since he got to the human world."Probably Cairnus finded it". He though, he put his clothes on and walked though the door, Sevastian and Cairnus have been waiting for him.

"Good to see that you are fine lord". Sevastian sayed, kneeling in front of Sombra, Sombra put a hand behind his head and raised one eyebrow."Lord why? you seem to be stronger that me". Cairnus used his palm to hit his brother head."You fool, you because we defeated that demon the sons of the archangel, you and me have been selected to be Altissimus". He whispered trying that the humans that were in the other side of the room listened.

"Wait a moment......you and me?....Come on i was who freaking got his as* kicked ti kick the demon as*". Sevastian stood up and put a hand on his chess."It looks like God wanted to give the prize to you two Lords". Sombra turned around to see Sevastian."If you call me again Lord, i will kick your face with my Lordly foot". Sevastian smiled, and speaked again."Yes Lord". He walked slowly out of the room, going though the door where the humans were talking, everyone gazed at Sevastian."Well we should be heading back to home, thanks for being so nice people". Cairnus sayed to the humans in the door, Sombra followed him, and smiled went he walked besides the woman with red hair."Ummmmm wait......my name is Alexa might i know yours?". The red woman revealed her name, Sombra stoped and smiled."Sombra, nice to meet you". He continued walking, and Alexa smiled as she blushed.


Mean while in Heaven, Both Etahn and Azriel we waiting in the room of God, Ethan was a tall and thin man, with brow hair and wearing glasses all the time, he always liked to wear gentleman clothes, he looks to be on his earlier 20, but with the clothes he wears seem to make him a very wise man.

Azriel is a beatiful woman, with long golden hair and she wears a white dress always, but she is currently the most powerful of the Altissimus, a group of the more powerful angels, that only follow the orders of God.

The three mans Sevastian, Sombra and Cairnus reached the room, they were greeted when they saw the Altissimus, and kneeled as they saw the light of God coming down.

"You the sons of the archangel have been chosen to be Altissimus, please Cairnus walk towards me". Cairnus stood, and smiled as he walked towards god, God washed over him a ray of light, and in a few moment Cairnus armor and wings changed*, he had evolved towards a Altissimus."Cairnus you have been chosen as the first Altissimus, the Follower Of Light". Cairnus walked towards his brother and embraced him.

Sombra walked towards god now he was nerveus and started to sweat."Sombra you have been choosed to be the fourth Altissimus, The Angel Of Death". A ray fell on Sombra, he opened his eyes seconds after, ad he saw his new form.

Everyone started clapping, he walked towards his brother and embraced him."Now Sevastian please walk forward". Sevastian did, and a storm of rays fell over him., his armor taked a even more menacing look."Now you can walk back Lord Of Thunder".(Sevastian is not a Altissius instead he is a rank 1 thuinder Gard).

All Altissimus walked towards god, and they kneeled in front of Him."Now you can return to your dutys".

Chapter ended.

Thunder Lord Sevastian(The guy with the helmet9

Dead Angel Sombra.

Normal Cairnus.

Follower Of Light Cairnus

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Thank you my faith reader^

I might take more time doing the chapters, i have realized that first i have to think the plot.

Though i prefer wrtiting as it comes to my mind. And as you can see Ethan can be a nice guy sometimes.
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