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The Rule Of The Antichrists

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Location: A small town just outside of Pennsylvania.

Wanderer came into the remains of a church destroyed by the demon war. He looked around the whole place stank of death. It had been a long time now, the story of Sparda had been legendary but even Sparda himself was a demon. What he had done wasn’t an act of sympathy for humans but an act in spite of the oppressive demon ruler whom he loathed. His son Dante now continued his father’s work, blind to his true purpose and when the inevitable took place Dante would turn on humanity. This was why Wanderer had come. Wanderer was here to destroy all the demons.

Wanderer took a few steps towards what remained of the altar, no sooner had he done so when several valaraukar appeared. The valaraukar were fire demons who were allied to darkness since before the dawn of time. Wanderer was prepared for this; his fists were trained in many arts such as iron hand, shaolin splashing hands and tsu men chuan. On top of this he was a direct male line descendent of the messiah. He thrust his fingers through one of the demon’s chest and impaled their heart, he then punched one onto a silver crucifix then he drew his sword, a dual bladed weapon and cut through the rest of them with blinding speed. Finally he spoke “pathetic” he said.

Location: Dante’s shop

The telephone rang, Dante picked up the phone and answered “Devil May Cry” The caller replied “Are you Dante?” Dante stopped to look in the mirror and said, “I sure was the last time I looked, how can I ya?”
“The caller replied I have need of your skills, demons are breaking out everywhere I am informed that this is your field”
“Yeah, alright, I’ll get there cos last time I got invited to a party that crazy I ended up being bigger than Jesus”
The phone was hung up.

“Right SSDD here I come!” Dante picked up his guns, Ivory and Ebony along with Rebellion, his sword. Dante got onto his motorcycle and headed for the surge of evil he felt emanating from the east.

Location: A small town, just outside of Pennsylvania

Dante parked his motorbike.
“Trish?” Dante saw Trish and ran over to her.
“Dante?” Said Trish stunned to see Dante again.
“What happened?” asked Dante
“It’s a long story but I managed to escape, the townspeople here are being massacred, Dante, I tried to use my power but these ones, they’re too powerful, it’s up to you to save them”.

“Right, I’ll kill the *******s just give me five minutes, that’s all it’ll take”
“Oh, Trish I got a call, I don’t know who it was but he had a very deep voice, it almost sounded like Arkham”
“Arkham?” Trish hadn’t heard of Arkham from Dante.
“No, it couldn’t have been, I saw his corpse”
“Right never mind” Dante went into the town centre, where he was ambushed by a magnesium white demon and then three more joined it.
The demons took Dante into the great coliseum of despair. They drew huge swords and headed straight for Dante. Dante however was one whose skills in combat weren’t to be trifled with. He severed two of their heads with one swift slash of rebellion and nailed another with a jackpot shot. The last one was another beast entirely. Instead of having a zanbato, it had a dual blade. Dante fired several bullets but it caught them in a circular swipe. Dante had seen something similar when he fought his brother Vergil many years ago but this seemed refined even beyond him. Dante came in with rebellion and landed a strike that should have cut the demon in two but it just bounced of its scales. “What the **** are you?” Dante screamed as he made another energetic but fruitless attempt to kill it. “I am Wanderer” it replied, I am no demon and neither my comrades that you just killed. We are here in this guise to draw you to us then I will kill you, we are demon hunters, pure blooded demon hunters, abomination”.
“Hey, I’ve lost count of all the demons I’ve killed and so what I’m part demon, what you guys are doing is generalising weren’t you nut cases ever told that all generalisations are wrong, wait that doesn’t make sense, never mind, you know what I mean.”
“Yes I do, but the thing is soon the day is coming when all demons will ravage our world, including you half breed” said wanderer, taking off his mask so Dante could see him.
“You know, human or not, my status is no excuse for you religious nuts to antagonise me.” Said Dante to Wanderer, a man who’s face was heavily scarred, a kind of Darth Vader minus the mask but it wasn’t Arkham, both of his eyes were the same colour.

Wanderer made to attack Dante but Dante used some holy water to dispel the coliseum and return to reality. Trish was still waiting as Dante came running around the corner, he grabbed Trish’s hand pulling her along. “Dante, what’s going on?!” shouted Trish.
“They aren’t demons, this was a trap for me, I couldn’t kill their leader” Said Dante not turning to look around. They made it to his motorbike “backee?” asked Dante as a rhetorical question, they both got on and Dante really put his foot down.

They were just about exiting the town when a bullet popped one of the tires, Dante had to stop in order to prevent being thrown off. “Son of Sparda, you can’t escape me!” Dante heard Wanderer’s voice as he looked around the area for the gunman or more correctly gun-demon. He heard a roar a demon called Megalomania. Megalomania uttered an incantation and several more demons came to oppose him. Dante stood on the side of his motorcycle, drawing rebellion and then surfed his motorbike spinning around, lacerating the demons.

Dante got sight of the sniper that had punctured his tyre, he shot it.
“Well, what’re we going to do now?” asked Trish
“Look, I need to get a new tyre for my bike” Said Dante
“The hell with your bike, I meant the old dude who’s overdue to see a plastic surgeon”
“Oh, that guy, well I think the two of us can deal with him in less than ten minutes”
“Five minutes” said Trish in reply.
Dante smiled but his eyes didn’t because it was then when a sword cut the air, but it missed Dante’s neck because rebellion was already there to parry the blow and then found its way into the demon’s gastro-intestinal regions.

Dante’s cell rang and he answered “Yeah?”
“Most impressive Mr. Dante, I look forward to our next encounter”
“Forget it, Baldy, I’ve had enough of you!” Dante practically shouted.
“We will meet again, whether you like it or not” The phone fell silent.
“Trish, you okay?” asked Dante
“****ing fantastic thanks” Said Trish from the height of her sarcasm.
“Well we aren’t going to get home quickly unless I get a new tyre, so where’s the shop?” Dante asked.
“There’s a shop up the road on the first right, cross over three doors down and it’s staring you in the face” replied Trish.
“Okay, I’m off” And he was.

Dante arrived at the shop
“Dante!” Said a venomous voice
Dante looked up and…
“It’s been too long, I came for power and what I got was disgrace. Not this time though. Prepare yourself, you will not forget this devil’s power”
“Whao, watch out bro, our matches are currently 3-2 in my favour so don’t get cocky”
“Ha, Dante whilst you have pledged your lives to these inferiors, I have grown e’er stronger, and now is my chance to get even”
Drawing a giant buster sword he leapt down and struck at Dante, Dante parried, locked swords and even got in the occasional hit. Vergil was more demon than anything now but his sword skills were as fast and as deadly as he’d had them before. Vergil was slashing at speeds exceeding light and with much more strength than before, he was complete, Sparda. Legendary force was behind each slash of Virgil’s and some sort of force was making it so that Dante’s attacks didn’t hinder him or stagger him even slightly.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
“This time I win, Dante” Said Vergil.
“Yeah, you’ve got much stronger” Panted Dante
“You’ll never be a Sparda if you don’t dedicate yourself to it entirely, even sacrificing your humanity, morality and other such insipid and worthless ideals. This is necessary to become what you were born to be a demon with unsurpassed might, and now you’re on the run from a human! This is a disgrace Dante, you have betrayed your bloodline with your foolishness. A human isn’t powerful, they envy us our might and power. They can be controlled by us, they worship us and most of all they fear us. That is how this hierarchy goes it’s us gods, then the petty demons, then the humans followed closely by the beasts of the field ”
“I see you’re as full of yourself as ever” Replied Dante to this.
“And you’re full of crap as usual” hissed Vergil.
“In any case Dante, just think two Spardas sitting on the thrones of this plain, the rule of the antichrists. We’ll be able to do what even Beelzebub herself failed to do, we can rule over the creator, what do you say?”
“I think you’re crazy” replied Dante
“Ha, I see you’ve been even more indoctrinated by this pathetic system than I’d thought possible”
“No, Vergil, our father was a hero, not a tyrant and I will not let you bring shame to his name”
“Dante, your scared of a human that I could crush without exerting any real effort so when it comes to that, you have no freedom of speech, also Sparda WAS a tyrant. You see after Mundus was defeated about two millenniums ago, Sparda ruled over this world, as well you know. However do you know how he ruled, a wise king but not a merciful one, during the reign of Sparda, capital punishment was invented. Chaining them to the walls of the castle and left to rot was the punishment people found guilty of serious crimes. Any attempt of euthanasia for these criminals was forbidden and anyone who tried it were thrown to the Msiras.”
“Oh, I see why old baldy wasn’t one of my fans then” muttered Dante.
“Here!” Vergil threw a tyre for Dante, Dante caught it.
“What’s this for?”
“Your motorcycle”
“No I mean, why are you helping me?”
“I’m not, I’m helping me” replied Vergil
“Meaning?” asked Dante
“Meaning I want to kill that son of a ***** myself, and I don’t want small children to be watching, got it?” Was Vergil’s reply.
“Hey, don’t patronise me!” Dante said loudly.
But Vergil had disappeared.

“Talk ‘bout brother issues” Dante said under his breath.
Dante got back to his bike without any further hassle.
Trish asked “What took so long?”
“Vergil” Dante replied dryly
“He’s alive!” Trish was shocked
“Yes, he says that he’ll be able to take care of the pensioner. In the mean time I think we’d best help him out. There are still lots of enemies still at large”
“You’re right” replied Trish.
“Okay, you ready to mop up?” asked Dante
“More than” was her reply

Just then a huge demon descended on them. It was Nnud “Who dares to confront the lord of the pit?” he asked.
“We do” It was Trish who replied.
The shadowy enemy drew his sword, a serrated cutlass carved of the horn of a doppelganger.
“I shall vanquish thee” Nnud said, his voice metallic and venomous.
Then a vicious battle ensued Nnud was a good swordsman each of them met their enemy parry for parry, blow for blow for a while. Dante and Trish then burst into their demonic alter egos Nnud began to stagger from each swing from Dante and Trish and was eventually bested.
Later they found Vergil, he’d found his target. Wanderer and Vergil were engaged in fierce combat. Vergil appeared to have the upper hand, his sword lacerated through one of wanderer’s legs at the knee but almost impossibly Wanderer came back with a lightning quick punch that knocked Vergil the length of a truck.
“Human, you have no chance against a Sparda. Despite your strength, you aren’t invincible, I am” Vergil said to Wanderer.
“Your callous ways will only be mended in death” was Wanderer’s reply.
“Ha, ha, ha, ha, you actually think that a Sparda can be judged by your god, we are gods and the sooner you realise this, the better. I will free you from this world as soon as you realise that all you’ve known to be true is nothing but a pointless cliché” Was Vergil’s response.
“Let’s finish this” Vergil ran at him.
“Take this!” Wanderer threw a ball of holy water at him and it hit Vergil in his mid-section.
“Unnngh!” Vergil groaned in pain.
Using this time Wanderer teleported out of the vicinity of the parking lot.

“Dante, why are you here?” Asked Vergil
“Do you think I’d eave you to get your *** kicked, tempting though it is”
“Right, time to catch him; he can’t have limped too far away”
“Time to get even!” said Dante taking the lead
Vergil shook his head but followed after Dante. They were approaching one of the skyscrapers where Dante could sense a strong emanation of evil. Dante and Vergil broke in, swords swinging and guns blazing. Many demons were inside Vergil spun around and caught eight demons with his sword, faster than the eye could follow. Dante used Rebellion and Ebony in combination to massacre the demons. Vergil and Dante then threw their swords at the demon general that was there, double impaling it to the wall. Dante gabbed Rebellion and Vergil’s buster sword and unleashed a lightning supernova against the remaining ones, only Vergil was unscathed.
“Easy as shooting sitting ducks!” shouted Dante
“Dante, your big mouth will be the end of you” replied Vergil
“Ha, not against these guys” was Dante’s response.
“I don’t know, your fanaticism of the human race has weakened you.”
“Alright, I can see where you’re coming from”
“Good, let’s go” Said Vergil shortly.

Location: a skyscraper 1 floor up.

Now take a wild guess who was waiting for them at the top. You guessed right, Wanderer. In spite of having only a leg and a half, he seemed rather smug. Dante ran at him first but Wanderer evaded Dante’s attack by sidestepping and then thrusted a choker of thorns onto Dante’s neck and his blood flowed freely. Dante breathed heavily and collapsed to the floor “That is the crown of thorns worn by the messiah, it drains the demon force out of you, you will soon be mortal, after that a glorious pain will engulf your body, your lungs will fail to draw air in, then you will die. Vergil tore it off Dante and made another lightning quick slash at Wanderer. Wanderer almost impossibly deflected the slash with his dual blade. After that a massive fight took place Wanderer was able to keep both Dante and Vergil on their toes with his dual blade, spinning, thrusting, slashing no one was able to land a hit until he locked blades with Dante and Vergil’s sword went through his back. Wanderer groaned in pain. “Who are you working for?” asked Vergil, his hand still on his sword. “Say who you’re working for and your death will be less painful”
“M, M, M-J 12” replied Wanderer.
“M-J 12, aren’t they the alien conspiracy guys” Asked Dante
“We found that there were no aliens, all of the strange occurrences, uhrgh, were your fault!” was Wanderer’s response.
“Who else are they sending?” asked Vergil
“They will be sending many of the black suits and some elites, like me”
“Who are the elites?” asked Vergil, some smugness in his voice.
“unngh, Usurper, bringer of destruction, Nemesis, master of martial arts, Pluto, bringer of eternal rest and Seraphim, the breaker of souls.”

Vergil withdrew his sword and Wanderer fell to the ground.

Location: the city borderline.

Dante and Vergil were approaching the borderline of the city when they were ambushed. Reatath a long waiting demon sniper launched a bullet that went through the cerebral oblongata of Vergil. It staggered him but did not kill him; Dante then whipped around, gun in hand and got the sniper right between the eyes.
Trish appeared and took out an antagonist approaching from behind by throwing the Sparda sword at them. The enemy let out a groan of pain before she withdrew her sword from its putrefying body.
“What’s the matter?” Trish asked Vergil who was looking at her bewildered.
“M-Mother?” asked Vergil
“No I’m Trish, I’m a silhouette of your mother, her doppelganger if you prefer. I’ve been aiding Dante in his venture since the incident at Mallet Island” Replied Trish
“Trish, you’re handing yourself too much anonymity. You are a great person but you are different to our mother. You are your own entity” Said Dante.
“Ah, you would say that” was Trish’s reply.
“Enough, we have a new threat at large. I hate to disrupt your romantic chit-chat but we are currently hunted by one of the most advanced frontiers of the human paranormal ops militia.”
“Relax, bro, they’re only human” Was Dante’s reply
“Look, I acknowledged just how dangerous they can be when they develop an interest into the ways of demons, remember Arkham, he was a rogue, these are the professionals.”

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
They walked off into the night unaware that their every gesture down to a footstep was being recorded.

Location A village

Dante, Trish and Vergil looked at the night sky. The moon was full and the stars appeared like a veil over the dark face of the night drenched in the splendour of vestals far and wide across the plains of reality. The air was cold and sterile and skeletal trees hung dead with their limbs still outstretched as if forced by some unseen puppeteer. Even for winter it was cold as if all reality had been chilled by a frozen malice nowhere to be seen or heard but it was everywhere.
“It’s Pluto” Said Vergil, “He won’t come to us, I don’t think, Dante, Trish, be on your guard, ambushes and other traps are sure to be amongst his arsenal. Looking down they saw light of flame torches and a war chant amplified by the deep “Doom, Doom” Sound of the battle drums. If you were there your heart would be practically trying to burst out of your chest it would be beating so loud. The antagonists came up to Dante and Vergil, Vergil sneered at them “You can fight if you want, but I tell you now, if you antagonise me you can expect your claret to splatter everywhere, you are pathetic” Said Vergil whipping out his sword and shattering the nearest foeman’s skull with the side of it, the others ran.
“You have a way with people, ya know” Said Dante
“Heh, I just can’t be bothered with them” was Vergil’s reply.

They found accommodation at an inn, Dante dropped off and so did Trish when they woke up Vergil was sitting in the Lotus position, if indeed he did sleep at all was dubious. “Why don’t you sleep?” Asked Trish
“Sleep is a luxury afforded only to the dead and the good as dead, true might comes from absolute dedication so I decide to take the path of the warrior a quest for power that will either kill me or make me stronger and that is an opportunity that I cannot afford to not take seriously”
Just then a spectre emerged and materialised as a man his eyes, skin, hair and clothes were a monotone of dark grey.
“Pluto!” Dante cried, his gun drawn, level with the antagonist’s head.
Pluto smiled and drew two miniature death scythes, still quite long and as sharp as they were black.
Without another word Vergil thrust his sword at his opponent, but it was stopped, a swarm of black, bat like enemies blocked his strike, Dante did the same but it was locked by two scythes that launched his sword out of his hands, flipping him up in the air. Dante whipped out Ebony and Ivory and launched himself, like a gun toting spring, off the wall and tried to gun Pluto in half, most of the bullets were deflected but one caught the antagonist in the kneecap, crippling him. Then Dante reached for Rebellion and skewered the foeman. Withdrawing their swords Vergil said “That was the mighty Pluto? Well, we should hope that their ranks contain officers of more skill or this is going to be too easy”,
“Easy?” Said Dante panting “Alone we’d never have beat him”
“Yes you would” said Trish enigmatically.

End of “The rule of the antichrists” part 1 of 3


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Nice work, Phatarch! Keep those Devil May Cry stories coming! ;)

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
devilmaycry;17726 said:
Nice work, Phatarch! Keep those Devil May Cry stories coming! ;)

Thank you very much Devilmaycry, I've noticed that you always compliment everyone's stories/fanfics. If there's any constructive criticism anyone could give me that would be very much appreciated. Thank you once again.;)


Demon a$$-kicker
Yippee!Finally it's finished! Well As I've told you before this story is freakin' awesome, but I've noticed sometimes you don't give enough details to actually visualize a place or a situation. Just telling you what I think.^_^


Apprentice of Doom
the third post of yours was extremely descriptive, i loved it, i got right into the story and visualized it!

one question though, does vergil look like Nelo Angelo, or Sparda, or like he did in DMC3?

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Vergil looks older now than in DMC3 but he doesn't look like Nelo Angelo or Sparda. Think an more matured version of him in DMC3, He wears the wardrobe of corrupt Vergil from DMC3 his eyes are always calculating and slightly pugnacious but mostly vacant, he is taller than Dante but slightly skinnier and in this he has none of the madness from his past, he is nigh on completely soulless. That's the way I thought he should look.
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