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The Reviews thread

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Another forum I'm part of has a board similar to this thread.
Everyone can come here to share reviews they have received for their writing. The cool ones, the funny ones, the nasty ones that you just Have to tear apart and rant about, the nice ones you can't help but show off... And the occasional creepy one that makes you wonder wtf.
Thread is for writers to have a few laughs and congratulate/encourage one another according to reviews posted.


the horror was for love
Okay...I've gotta post here. >_> And...let's begin. (Sorry if I seem catty in any of my comments.... *sometimes gets catty over reviews**has a feeling this thread will be her review therapy*) I'm just gonna copy the reviews and not edit them, okay?

From a-friend-of-mine-who-I'm-trying-to-convince-that-reveiws-can-indeed-contain-more-than-a-one-liner-talking-about-how-good-it-was about FI:
excellent chapter. Its probably just me but the first thing i thought when Marcus asked jenny to throw him a rock was that she would over throw it in her panic and hit him in the face. XD Very Enjoyable. and Zach has awful timing but thanks goodness it wa shim and not Tom.
Well...thanks and LOL, I did. But you're doing it again. This is the third time this week that you've mentioned someone hurting Marcus or something bad happening to him. For the hundreth time, can you not poke jabs at him? Maybe I'm just touchy because he's the muse most like me, but still...it just ticks me off. And yeah, Zach has terrible timing. :p But if it had been Tom, Tommy-boy would have gotten his you-know-what kicked by two stressed out shadow men...which might relieve some of this stress. Hmm.....

From...Darthvader (Insert "wait, what?" moment here....) about my Hollows and Harry Potter crossover:
A good start, but in 'Pale Demon' Jenks stops using Tinkerbell's name for expletives, after going to Disneyland. Other than that don't forget that Jenks also let a fairy stay in the garden.
Um...thanks. Uhhhhhhhh, what? Excuse me, I'm gonna just blink and stare. Jenks did use Tink's name as an explative.... Look: "I was eating Tink-blasted cotton candy while fairies were attacking my children!" It's on page 425 a third of the way down. I remember because I'd been reading the ending of Pale Demon as I worked on the first chapter.... Unless that doesn't count as cursing. I'm confused now. @_@ As for Belle...I didn't forget her. But it's the middle of the night in the very first chapter. Belle never even got an introduction til the very end of Pale Demon. So...I'm waiting til I can find a good place to put her in. :/ Thanks for the fav, though....

>_> *stops talking about reveiws before she says something worse than she already has*

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Poor Marcus. Why is he so hated? Is it because everyone knows how much he's loved so there are the odd few who thinks he needs a little from the other side? XD
I'm going to copy and paste my reviews without edits as well. Just for authenticity. ^_^

I don't think I've said this before, but I love how you include and describe the twins' relationship, and the depth you give it.

Anyway, another great job. I look forward to reading more. :)
*hears angels burst into song* HAAAALLLEEELLLUUUUJAAAAAAA!
Glad to know SOMEONE picked up on the effort I've been putting in!


This is really good! =P
Wap wap waaaaaap :/

^Reviews for I Hate Everything About You

And I got a couple others from someone who I ended up somehow befriending on Facebook. Whom happens to be very good friends with Reuben, my stalk-interest. Coincidence? I think not! It is FATE! Muahahaha!
Anyway. Post moar reviews!!! XD


the horror was for love
^ I'd like to know that, as well. Maybe it's cuz he's slightly...mental? >_> *likes your theory* It's kinda disappointing for me, though. Marcus takes more offense if you ignore him than if you say bad things about him, so.... *thinks that's what people should do if they don't like him*
And...I hate reveiws that just say they like it. >_< Want. Details!

Okay, since last time I complained...I'm gonna post my favorite reveiws this time!

From my Gran about various fics:
Short - but GREAT!

Power - Control - Manipulation - Dante has it all!
^ She confused the twins. :p

Keep writing - I need to know what happened!
Like the ending or is that the beginning:)

Fantastic as usual!
Very good beginning - new start - she reminds me of you :)
Enjoyed very much - as usual - I'm confused :)
^ In most of her reviews...or when she sees me, she tells me that she's confused about a story. >_>

I think what I like most about my Gran's reveiws is that she's always so enthusiastic. It doesn't feel...lazy when she just says she likes something. She's just very...bubbly.

From Claire (*le gasp*) on RWWC:
Ha ha ha. I luv Julian! (bangs head on table) Sorry!

Nice little one shot, well done with the characters :)
^ Probably my favorite review ever. ^^ The head banging on tables worries me, though. :S Can't that be dangerous? *knows the last time she banged her head on something she got a headache*

Oh...and a random pet peeve about reveiws: Anon reviewers who ask questions and leave no way to contact them. One commented on all my Supernatural stories on FictionPress and did that. I about went mental when she did that. It's like, "excuse me, but what do you want me to do? post a reply to the end of my chapters? just flat out listen to you regardless? I don't know you and you don't have an account to contact you at so...what the heck?" :/ I have my email on my accounts and my policy on email reveiws posted there too. If they really want answers...why don't they do that? @_@

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Maybe because they're too chicken? The anon reviewers have the most bite but that bravery would die if we actually knew where to reach them. And. I think some anon reviewers are just pained writers who want to either make themselves feel better/amuse themselves by raising our hackles like that. I'm not that gutless (or bored) so I always let people know who I am when I don't login to review.
But I can't disable the anon reviews, as much as my heart begs me to. For every six pointless anon reviews, there's at least ONE that has good intentions. The only decent concrit I've first received on FFN was in an anon review so... I don't want to shoot myself in the foot because they annoy/anger/hurt me.

Amazing! I love the beginning of FBG told from Kaylen's point of view, especially since she can see Julian! A sequel/another one shot would be great; I can just picture a scene where Kaylen decides to play cupid for Jenny and Julian..!
For Through the eyes of a Child (I really hate long titles)
Blast it! Don't tempt me to keep on writing! I suffer from sequelitis!!! D:
Also, that's the first time I've seen someone shorten The Forbidden Game to FBG. ^_^

Oh. And in my defense, I blame the coffee for the head banging. It does things to me.
Sorry if I scared you with that, though. I know I'm going O_O about it right now. ._.


Well-known Member
I got a rather nice review recently:

~ I was not kidding when I said Lightning had me near tears. Very VERY GOOD writing Meg, it's not easy getting readers to feel a scene
~ I was also having giggles at the comic relief that came right after
~ I also think you owe me a choc chip cookie for nearly giving me emotional whiplash
~ this chapter was less work and more leisure reading for me. That's bloody brilliant! I'm so proud of yous!!! XD XD

In short, this chapter overshadows the previous ones with its writerly goody-goodness. Here's a toast to keeping up the goodness *raises coffee mug* Cheers! ^_^

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
^ :D
hey, i think that you are a great writer and that you should continue writing this story . it's really good and i say that truthfully cause i couldn't stop reading it and i just wanted to find out what would happen next, in each chapter i read. i think you have a real talent like seriously i would would kill to write as good as you because honestly i fail horribly at writing anything. the only thing about writing im good at is my penmanship. LOL :p

so i hope that you finish what you started because i think that not only your readers will appreciate it but you'll feel really accomplished, i know i would . so i hope you continue to keep writing
Is it just me or did all the fanfic readers come together in a secret meeting and decided that this will be their 2-step-method of attack? Step 1: FEED THE AUTHOR EGO. Step 2: PUT AUTHOR ON GUILT-TRIP.
It's a nice review, regardless, but I've gotten quite a few that are in the same lines as this one.

In the big crash, the engine would not have come through the windshield unless someone/thing that was incredibly strong lifted it out from under the hood and threw it through the front window. If you don't want Julian flinging engines about, then replace the engine with something off the truck coming through the windshield. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything large, just moving quickly and at the right height/angle.

I'm really enjoying the story.
Dear reviewer,
Yes, and that something incredibly strong is called impact. If you're doing more than the speed limit on a downhill and suddenly crash into a truck, it's fairly possible that the engine would have been sent flying. Stating that the engine would not have come through the windshield is akin to stating that a car could not end up looking like a squished stress-ball after a crash. Or like stating that if you crash into a truck, there's no possible way that you could be decapitated. I've seen some pretty nasty crashes in my lifetime, and since I've been an indirect victim of a fatal car crash, why would you think I would write lightheartedly about a car crash?
Also, it's not Julian that's throwing engines around. Julian was in the form of the mist. He didn't touch the car. The impact itself threw the engine out.
I'd also rather not have something come off the truck to crash through the windshield. This is a horror. I'd rather replace it with Dee's head bouncing through the glass than something coming off the truck.
Yes, thank you, I realise that it doesn't have to be something large to cause damage, but writing that something smaller, faster, and at the right height/angle smacks too much of Final Destination to my liking.
I'm happy with the scene as it is. I'm sorry you found fault in it.

That review also reminds me of the time Dante was arguing with me about erosion. Which I can't seem to find right now because I wanted to quote it, but yeah, he was basically telling me that Vergil's fingerprints can't logically still be imprinted in the ground around his grave after 20 years because of erosion and nonsense like that. It's like, SO WHAT? It's friggin FANFICTION. The point is, Vergil had to crawl his way out of the grave. Point made. The point is, the crash was hectic enough to throw the engine INTO the car. Point made. Why sweat the nitty-gritty details when I'm writing about a shadow man walking around in broad daylight? That's like Spongebob burning the party invitation in a fire because the writing was all distorted because somebody doesn't understand the physical limitations of underwater :rolleyes:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've revised/rewritten WLFH, and found this review by Adam:

Eh...anyway, it's Vergil's kid, how the hell does he think he got there, by bus?
It had me in stitches. Despite all the other harsh critique he was packing on me. That really really made me laugh.

Here's the original thread with all his nitpicking:

AND, due to his nitpicking, I'm starting a new thread for the new version instead. Overkill, Adam.


the horror was for love
New reviews! =D *seems to get those every few days*

For Over And Over:
It was definitly...intresting. It leaves alot to the imagination which is what
you were going for, right? It also seems general enough that there is not a
specific pairing. Anywho, it's a good story!

Interesting? :S Interesting isn't a good sign. :S Interesting means it was bad but you don't want to tell me. :S *panic attack* And, yeah...I was going for vague (I think, dunno...was half-asleep when I wrote it), but I get a feeling you're not fond of the pairing I chose.... @_@ Or maybe that's the paranoia. Why can't people just be up front about what they want to say? If a story of mine's bad, tell me and then tell me what needs to be fixed. Don't sugarcoat it. :/ I have a mother and a grandmother to sugarcoat things for me.

AnnaliseRose (on FFN) sent me two nice reveiws yesterday. One for Dear Bro, and one for Behind Closed Doors. I'm notposting them cuz they're on the longer side (for me) and they're pretty straight forward. But, I like how she (I think it's a she) did them. She hit the "work the ego, then work the guilt" thing most writer's do, but she highlighted parts that made her emotional (mainly on edge seeing as both of those are suspenseful stories) and explained what parts resonated with her. I've rarely seen a reveiwer do that, so...yeah. ^^

Also, reveiwers for Fear Itself are making me wanna bang my head on the table. I feel like it's the same person reveiwing multiple times cuz all the reveiws say something along the lines of "I like it, keep it up!" Oh...um...yay? Glad you like it, but...'keep it up'? I'm not sure how I even started making it sound good in the first place, how am I gonna do that? @_@ *just puzzled by reviewers wording*
/writer rant over

Out of curiousity, how long was the longest review you (any of you) ever recieved?
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