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The return of the Edit button


Is not rat, is hamster
Seriously, I've never been more impressed with how quickly so many of you have gotten with the programme and changed your behaviour. If I had lollipops to give you, I would still probably eat them anyway, if I'm honest. But the sentiment is there.

Thanks for taking it on the chin, sucking it up and generally trying harder. It's been unpleasant for some of you over the last 24 hours or so (myself included, don't forget ;)) but I think it has now served its purpose and made its point - so your button is now back :D

However, as previously mentioned, there is now a time limit imposed as a compromise. It's currently 5 minutes, but if that proves problematic for a significant number of you then we can look at increasing it accordingly. Let's see how it goes.

I also wanted to just take a moment to say a thank you to ToCool74 and CoolDemon - to the former, thank you for the thread you made (which we have all now derailed horribly!) because you kept it calm, pleasant and expressed your points in a way that made it easy to respond without having to calm people down first. I appreciated the feedback and it made a huge change from the threads we've had in the past with "WAAAAAH! UR HITLER!" type comments. To CoolDemon, thank you for the support you have shown - I appreciated the PM and considering the clashes with staff you've had in the not-too-distant past, it's even more appreciated. So thank you both and to everyone else who has been affected badly by recent events but has taken it well and carried on as normal.

As ever, you guys rock. Enjoy the button again, PLEASE make appropriate use of it in terms of double posting etc and of course let us know if the time limit is too restrictive - but try it out first before assuming it will be, at least.

Oh, and so you know? I'm still "off-edit" until Saturday. So enjoy my spelling mistakes and how I'll have to yell at myself for double posting ;)


X will never be Y
No problem Angel. I honestly didn't experience being stopped from the abscence of Edit button.
And Tony was really nice and merged comments for me.

To celebrate the return let's all watch some Cat pictures:



Lol Cat pictures with captions crack me up :D


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Capshuns FTW. :3

You're welcome for the support as well, Angel. ^_^ I'm sure I wasn't the only one who messaged you about it, but I was probably one of the few calm ones. XD


Is not rat, is hamster
Haha- yeah, sorry DT, I know you contacted me as well and I appreciate it :)

To those having issues with the VM editing function, it was never touched so I have no idea what happened there. Everything in the CP is enabled so...erm? Steve will look into it :)


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Glad my thread had some effect on you Angel.

Although some people didn't think I had the right to say anything, I still felt the need to give my input on the matter.

I never had any intetion to just going off the handle and saying "PUT THE EDIT BUTTON BACK NOW!" lol.

Like I said in my post on the topic, you guys can run the site however you want.

You can make any rule you want and I would obey them because I like it around here and i know its your site.

But I'm still a very outspoken person and won't hesitate to say whats on my mind unless I deem it to "mean" or "offensive" to other members.

That is why I always try to keep it civil and pleasant so we can have actual discussions rather than arguments lol.

But thanks for bringing the button back!


TimeLord Detective
Yes and it will remain that way. Unless some super-demand appears.

But unless you want to edit and add an essay I think 10 minutes are ok right?


Keyser Söze
Yes and it will remain that way. Unless some super-demand appears.

But unless you want to edit and add an essay I think 10 minutes are ok right?

Yeah i guess i need to keep that in mind posting anything that i have a 10 min's timer running it would have been without it though well atleast we got it back :)


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Woah..... I guess that it was a good thing that I was missing in the black abyss for the past few weeks then. o_O
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