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The prospect of Metal Gear Rising 2


Well-known Member
I will be talking about Metal Gear Rising project and prospect of a sequel.​


How did the project begin?
First off MGR was a spin off experiment for the younger developers to become better at Metal Gear. Kojima's objective was to make the younger developers reach a level of skills so that he could pass the development for major SOLID games to them.
Since that responsibility was to big, they did a spin off instead. Kojima wanted it Gray Fox to be main character but his team wanted Raiden.

Platinum Games on board
The team had issues with designing the game based on the concept of cutting things. Blade mode...
So the project was on hold, until at a party Kojima casually asked Atushi Inaba if PG wanted to develop MGR. PG accepted.

Why did Metal Gear Rising turn out as it did - above average?
I think from a gameplay perspective, time constrait had a significant role. I believe Platinum Games had roughly 2 years to develop the gameplay.​
Here is a quote from a PG developer:​
Any studio has its specialities, and things it excels at, and we only had a limited amount of time to create Revengeance for our specific deadline. We had to sacrifice a few things, but if we were to work with Kojima studios in the future, we’d like a little bit more time to show a little bit more of Platinum Games’ unique points that we excel at.
And a quote from Kojima:
That, and we gave a deadline. It was pretty rough schedule, to be honest, but we got it done with hardly any delays. For a title of this size, even if we had an archetype to work with, it was developed astonishingly quickly.

So tight schedule, quickly developed, deadline and a developer expressing need of more time for a possible sequel is a clear indication that development took a blow that demanded more compromiss. Because even with 3 years development, compromiss must be made.
Perhaps this constrait affected even the story?

The Passion of Kenichirou Yoshimura
He was one of two who worked on characters for MGR. Here is pharagraph written by him on PG blog:​
Three days before I was about to leave Platinum to go freelance, without much left to do, I strolled over to the nearby Rising team to see if they needed any help. “I could design something small, if you wanted,” I said.
Then I saw their designs – the art style could not have been further from the Metal Gear universe. Immediately, I slammed my fist on the director’s table. “You cannot put this in a Metal Gear game!” I told him. Before I knew it, my last three days at Platinum turned into over half a year.

I’ve played through the entire Metal Gear series and I share the same impressions as so many other fans – Shinkawa-san does unbelievable character and mech design. I collect all the art books like everyone else, (not to mention that I love Z.O.E., too.) so if you had told me I was going to be working on a Metal Gear game someday, I never would have believed you. Joining the team, I was as excited as I was terrified.

Metal Gear Rising sequel?
This is what Kenji Saito said about Kojima production:​
One big difference I think all our staff believe is that Kojima Productions is almost too detailed when it comes to its settings. [Everything is] so precise, and that level of detail is something that Platinum Games has never experienced. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, and we believe that keen eye has made our staff a lot better. That’s something we can take back for our games in the future.
Hideo Kojima thoughts on PG:
Honestly, I’ve been making games for over 25 years and the state that this game was in when it went to Platinum... was really a mess! The fact that they were able to pull it off is very impressive.
"As far as [Metal Gear] Rising 2 is concerned, I really do have that in my mind, and I want to make it," Kojima explained. "And if we do make it, it would definitely be with Platinum. I don’t think anyone else could do it.​

Now imagine Metal Gear Rising 2 with standard development time with Fox engine and Kojima team collaborating with Platinum Games. Kojima taking the story, Platinum the gameplay.
Sounds pretty great if you ask me.

And it could happen...Konami is Rising.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I was surprised by how much i liked it so i would be very excited by a Rising 2.

I'm surprised by the desire to switch from Gray fox to Raiden and that's the only flaw in their PR because Gray Fox is the more beloved but i feel gray fox wouldn't fit the game they were planning on.

His game would be more off an assassin creed game rather than a stylish action game because during his time as a cyborg, cyborg technology was more in its infancy so he wouldn't have a decent challenge. Plus it would be a shame to bring him back because his death is really deep.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
I was surprised by how much i liked it so i would be very excited by a Rising 2.

I'm surprised by the desire to switch from Gray fox to Raiden and that's the only flaw in their PR because Gray Fox is the more beloved but i feel gray fox wouldn't fit the game they were planning on.

His game would be more off an assassin creed game rather than a stylish action game because during his time as a cyborg, cyborg technology was more in its infancy so he wouldn't have a decent challenge. Plus it would be a shame to bring him back because his death is really deep.

It'd be like using his popularity to milk a franchise. His death has meaning and it's okay to know how he became who he is - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. It's much easier to make games about Big Boss since he's pretty much a normal man capable of extraordinary things. He wasn't much of a legend either until Metal Gear Solid 4 which was more in-universe and glorified and falsified. Gray Fox on the other hand was more enigmatic and felt like a real legend.

This is sort of why I don't want to see a DMC game centered on Sparda, but DmC would be okay since that Sparda failed and seemed more like a normal demon than an ultra-powerful hero in DMC. I'd be worried about seeing a game about The Boss or any character whose past or death has tons of meanings. Sometimes it's more of the creating gameplay that doesn't seem broken. I mean, how fun would it be to play as Sparda who could wipe out entire armies compared to playing as Dante who took more time? Or playing as The Boss and finding out she's just basically Big Boss but with better CQC skills. It'd be a let down in gameplay. Story-wise it might feel off since we only heard about their exploits. Now living through them, they might not be as amazing as when we first heard them. Oh, so that's how it happened. I thought bullets would be shooting over her while she gave birth along with the usual Bay-splosions.

Maybe that's sort of why some superheroes don't really work in films and games. The Flash's gameplay would be ridiculous to try and make. Sonic isn't all the fast sometimes. If he was, I bet his games would be impossible to play. Try doing everything while running at the speed of sound. Plus it might be boring since everyone would be "moving" in slow-motion since Sonic is moving so fast. Green Lantern gameplay would be kind of weird since the Lanterns can create any construct. So what constructs should be in the game and what are the limits and liberties of gameplay?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Um, yea. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is on the way and is shaping up to be the best goddamn Metal Gear ever. Revengence what? That's still a STUPID F@CKING NAME AND IT BUGS THE LIVING SH!T OUTTA ME. Revengence is such a f#cking stupid word that I seriously still think can't be real.

Why don't you stop acting like you know what you're talking about. You're not a Metal Gear fan. Rising was just an average hack n slash ninja gaiden with Metal Gear wallpaper.

Holy balls. I was going to comment that I wanted a Rising 2, but what in the holy f*ck prompted such a downright hostile and vitriolic response like this?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Holy balls. I was going to comment that I wanted a Rising 2, but what in the holy f*ck prompted such a downright hostile and vitriolic response like this?

Because he's not a Metal Gear fan either, he's a Metal Gear fanboy who calls anyone who likes Rising "Not a Metal Gear fan"


Fake Geek Girl.
Holy balls. I was going to comment that I wanted a Rising 2, but what in the holy f*ck prompted such a downright hostile and vitriolic response like this?

My bad. Maybe I was a little vicious. I've haven't had the best weekend. Dealt with some stupid crap last night and I guess I'm pretty irritable at the moment. I'm just not gonna get involved at all here.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
My bad. Maybe I was a little vicious. I've haven't had the best weekend. Dealt with some stupid crap last night and I guess I'm pretty irritable at the moment. I'm just not gonna get involved at all here.

We all get worked up and the internet is a convenient, but improper place to vent. I know the feeling, trust me.


Well-known Member
There was a survey on facebook that took 20min to complete asking questions about a sequel.
Source: MGR section at MGSforums.

Dont know if it was offical or fake though :p

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think people were excited to have those 5 years between mgs2 and mgs4 were Raiden was doing a walkabout and becoming a badass so you could do those adventures in full.

or you could have a game where you have flashbacks to that period as they affect Raiden's actions in the modern day.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
First off, I wouldn't mind seeing another MGR game.

I mean, I enjoyed the first one to a degree. Was it silly and over the top? Yes. Was it sort of Metal Gearish? Yes. But what I would like to see in the game is a better stealth and combat system. I mean, a better system overall. The combat was fun but it relied to heavily on quick time events. I would love to see the ability to switch your weapons in mid combat, rather than have just one useless weapon and a dumbed down version of your sword. However I would also like a better stealth system, something that works better than what it did in MGR. But those are my wishes.

I would personally like to see Jetstream Sam and Blade Wolf return. Those two were by far my favorite characters in Rising.


Well-known Member
First off, I wouldn't mind seeing another MGR game.

I mean, I enjoyed the first one to a degree. Was it silly and over the top? Yes. Was it sort of Metal Gearish? Yes. But what I would like to see in the game is a better stealth and combat system. I mean, a better system overall. The combat was fun but it relied to heavily on quick time events. I would love to see the ability to switch your weapons in mid combat, rather than have just one useless weapon and a dumbed down version of your sword. However I would also like a better stealth system, something that works better than what it did in MGR. But those are my wishes.

I would personally like to see Jetstream Sam and Blade Wolf return. Those two were by far my favorite characters in Rising.
Your input on MGR is extra ordinary constructive.
So i applaud you for your input. And just so you know your not alone, i have said "If your going to involve stealth, do it right, otherwise scratch it".
Similar comments to other parts of the game as well.

But if your not aware, MGR was rushed, and i think this is important to take into consideration before evaluating if the game was crap or good (general statement). And they started from scratch again i believe.
So always state your critique of MGR, but dont forget it in light of the projects length.

I have high expectations on my own and MGS fans behalf for MGR 2.
The stealth (if there is any) must be done well.
The story must be better (it wasnt that bad really, Bladewolf, Sam)
And there must be a better H&S gameplay (camera, switching of weps).
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