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The Next Tameem: "Deal With It."


Supporter 2014

You know, the good thing about all this is that maybe people will finally leave Tameem alone.

This guy is purposely going out of his way to troll, whereas Tameem was merely defending himself against undue criticism.

But we're not here to talk about Tameem. We're here to talk about:

The Next Gaming Industry's Whipping Boy: Microsoft Creative Director Adam Orth




Take it away, elitists! You'll do so much of a better job insulting this person than I ever could.

Ok, seriously folks, I was already planning on making a thread like this:

Just Say No To Durango (and all other next gen)

And it seems that the universe has decided to give me a little "push", as it were.

I personally have nothing against Adam Orth. I just thought he said too much at the wrong time. However, I neither condone nor advocate his actions. I flat out don't think he should have said this.

My main issue, is that the PS4 and Durango are going to be too difficult to deal with. You guys think things in the gaming industry are bad now? You haven't seen anything yet.

Provided that the inevitable economic crash doesn't wipe away the industry completely, you can expect to be screwed over at every turn. From the original purchase price (rumored to be $70) to the DLC that will force you to buy the rest of the game. And that's not even counting the DRM that at least a few publishers will force on players even on the PS4 (previously code-named "Orbis")

I have hope for the Steambox, the Linux platform, and Ouya... but I honestly think that only the Steambox will make any bit of difference in today's market.

On a side note, I am against streaming games. Downloading them (the entire game, I mean) is fine once in a while, because you have the actual data. But in this case, it would simply not be feasible.

I am also against always online DRM and DLC (whether it's downloadable content or "disk-locked content").

However, most people have embraced DLC, so I don't see that trend stopping anytime soon. I do however, see DRM failing miserably. Therefore, I see Durango failing miserably as a result of that.

No platform is ever perfect. The best thing we got to an affordable, wide variety of choices of gaming options would be the PS2. I say that however, only because of the size of its library and the fact that it had backwards compatibility.

I think things may go back to the way things were; when games released on schedule and launched as a completed product.

However, this means that the market will have to suffer first. Developers don't bother with change as long as things are going good for them.

A shift in power however, is indeed on the way. The market is too unstable, and there simply aren't that many people interested in next-gen. Sony themselves said that they wanted "more women to be interested in PS4. That's not going to happen. Not with the world the way it is, nowadays.

Whatever is left of the gaming market will probably flock to the Steambox. Many more developers will go out of business, and gaming studios will be forced to make cheaper games.

When I said that things may go back to the way they were however, I was slightly off-base about that.

In terms of at least a few downloadable games, the product itself will appear in increments. The player will pay for each new section of the game accordingly.

I think that most games though, will be released online as a finished product. The market itself doesn't have a lot of patience, despite the mandatory wait in-between releases.

During those waits, gamers usually occupy themselves with other games, or other pastimes. It wouldn't make sense to have an entire catalog of unfinished games out there. Variety must be present at the forefront of the market in order to it to survive.

This also means variety in the way games are made available. Brick-and-mortar stores may disappear completely, but the physical product will always be available for purchase in one form or another, due to the fact that most people out there (in the world) don't have a strong enough internet connection to download entire games. Not even smaller ones.

What this all come down to is the fact that while Durango will die a slow death, and PS4 will barely stay afloat with its own IPs, and Nintendo will be able remain "low-key" enough (due to their business efficiency and tendency to cut most unnecessary costs) to not have to take too many financial risks, all of them will most likely fall short in comparison to other new platforms that can adapt to an increasingly unstable atmosphere.


Don't let your previous loyalties sway your wallet. Just wait it out, and see which platform has the most games to choose from in the end.


Devil hunter in training
I saw this over on IGN. This guy is not giving a good name to the Microsoft/Xbox brand. Someone needs to do damage control quickly.

I'll be sticking with my PS3 now....


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Microsoft came out later and said it was a joke between friends but i don't buy that bullshit in the slightest, if that were the case why close his twitter? Why take so long to issue that statement? If you ask me it reeks of a badly veiled attempt to save face.

He's said something stupid and they don't want to own up to it, he should be fired, not covered for.

This guy is purposely going out of his way to troll, whereas Tameem was merely defending himself against undue criticism.

Tameem is just as full of **** as this guy is, difference is that what Tameem said didn't deserve as much backlash as this does.
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