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The Matrix


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
It's without a doubt one of those films that revolutionised the movie industry. Taking us into a concept that was well thought out, and almost completely impossible to understand.

Within the film there are certain areas that don't make sense. In particular when Neo drops his guns to dodge bullets. In the next scene, his guns are gone. They cleared that up by saying it's The Matrix, anything is possible. The guns disappearing could be a glitch in the system. I find this is probably the best cover up for an 'error' within a film. With any other film, that explanation wouldn't of applied. However, considering it's The Matrix, it makes sense. As within The Matrix, a Program, anything is possible. Also you can view it as the following, be it far fetched however. But when those 'errors' in the film were made, who is to say that they weren't made due to a system error here? Try looking at a bigger picture. Those errors may of only occurred because of a glitch within our World. You'd only believe that if you believed we were living inside something like The Matrix. Which to be honest, wouldn't even seem that crazy. At least, not to me.

The Matrix is about finding a way in which we can free ourselves. Free our minds from a World that we are trapped inside. And the best part about The Matrix is the very thought that it could be true. We could be trapped inside a World. Are we not set inside a World with rules, with laws, with Governments. A World where money and power means control.

We're in a World that accepts these rules. We could be living in a fantasy World. You try to question everything logically. What does living and being alive amount to? We question our true purpose. It's because of these purposes that we seek, that we have a meaning to our existence.

The Matrix shows us that the purpose of life is to have a purpose. And without purpose, there is no point in life. Cause and effect. Action and reaction. Everything happens for a reason. A World where if you want something, you can have it. You can break the rules, you can defy the laws, you can control the World as you see fit. All because you seek that ultimate purpose. Power and strength and time itself are all controlled by the mind in this World, it isn't about faster or stronger.

The Matrix is a story that tries to examine the Universe. It tries to depict human emotions. It tries to understand the possible, and see the impossible as possible. The Matrix ultimately tries to justify the World around us. It tries to open up doors into our minds and make us think out of the box. It tries to give our minds the sense of feeling as to, "What if I'm not living a life in which I choose the rules?".

The Matrix makes sense, but at the same time it does not. Much like everything in life. One real life theory goes by, 'When you try to uncover the true purpose of the Universe, it vanishes. Only to come back as something far more complicated to grasp" This real life theory is implanted within The Matrix also, truly meaning it covers literally everything and anything. The Matrix reloads itself at certain points, starting again. Ultimately when a purpose is fulfilled, in which the meaning for existence is no longer required. When the ending happens, it starts back up again. I believe that is what The Matrix Reloaded was trying to explain. That every beginning has an end. But every ending, has a beginning. Think of it as life and death. Opposites to balance an equation that can't be unbalanced. Cause and effect. Action and reaction. The Matrix views it like this. For every life gone, a life is born. And when everything ends, everything is reborn. This is life, it continues around in a circle. Thinking like this means that nothing can truly die, not ever. It can only end, but never die.

You could question that if a life has lived out its purpose, is it destroyed? Does it have an ending? I believe not. I believe a life is imprinted onto this World, like a code imprinted onto a machine. I believe once that life has served its purpose, it dies and is reborn anew. Once its purpose is served, it is reprogrammed within the machine (The machine being The World, The Universe, Everything as we know or do not know it). This is sort of like believing in reincarnation. Which I somewhat do believe in anyway.

So if everything repeated itself, there would be no real purpose any more you would think? Ultimately it would be over, why reload something that is finished? Well, why have a Universe created in the first place, if your wishes are to end it? Maybe The Matrix is a continuation, a loop, a never ending story that stops and restarts. Simply to keep The World as we know it alive, and stop it from ending? Then again, maybe it isn't. Then again, like I said, everything could start anew after 'death'. What is a life without choice? This is one of the biggest things that The Matrix continues to question. Without choice, there is no need to have a purpose. If you can't make your own choices within the World you know, then why have a life at all? Living is to make choices, to make mistakes. I played a game recently called 'Every Day The Same Dream'. This game also goes by the idea of choice that The Matrix does. In the game you go to work, do the same thing every day. But your choices to act differently make a new direction within the story. You begin to change it, until the true destiny is revealed. Those choices made result in the outcome. If we 'die' and start anew, we don't do what we did before. We do everything differently, we make different choices. We take different paths. That is why I believe nothing is truly 'ending' in life.

In The Matrix there is something known as Deja Vu. Deja Vu means to sense something that you sense has already happened to you (It has the same meaning within The Matrix) In The Matrix however, when Deja Vu is experienced, it means something has been changed. Something different has happened, something has been altered. I could go into so much detail as to how this could be to do with alternate realities. Rips in time and space. But I won't, I'll save you the boredom of all of that. In real life, I've experienced Deja Vu a few times. I am sure we probably all have. When that occurs it feels surreal, it feels almost like you have lived it already. Maybe you have, and maybe this time you are living it again but making a different choice this time?

Also going far more deeper into The Matrix, there are others that believe that one Matrix may not be so. There may indeed be other Matrices. Perhaps a Matrix inside a Matrix. A World within a World, a Universe inside a Universe. Think on it. It's not impossible is it? If you agree with most things I've mentioned, you would believe that anything is possible. Earth is a small planet, probably not the only superior one. There is a whole Universe out there, things yet to be discovered. More than the human mind, or probably any mind could come to terms with. Within our planet, there are billions of things happening every second. There are a trillion more thoughts and commands happening as we speak. As I type this, the World around me is continuing to do what it does. It never ends, it never stops, day and night. Like The Universe, it keeps on going and continues to go. When we supposedly 'end', who is to say we aren't reborn? When the planet 'dies', who is to say it isn't reborn? I'm not highly religious, but wasn't Jesus reborn? Didn't he 'die'? And did he not come back to the Earth to start anew? Yes, according to The Bible he did. And if that was written so long ago, wouldn't that make you think that an understanding of life as living and ending and starting again was already present back then? I can't say that it is true, and I can't entirely support my thoughts there with religious matters. All I am saying there is, it isn't evident that all things ultimately come to an end. It isn't evident that things truly die, or cease to exist. I believe once you are born, you imprint your mark onto this World with the choices you make. And however much you are remembered when you 'die', you are never truly gone. Not even if time moves forward a trillion light years, you were still once here, and always here forever more.

There are billions of ways in which I view the meanings behind the film's story. And I don't just look into the story of the film, I see past that. I try to go deeper into the thinking process, and try to understand what it might all mean. The only problem is that there is never going to be a true meaning. As life itself is interpreted differently by everyone. Just like how everyone has a difference of opinion. The way in which all of these things are put could be viewed totally different to somebody else. Some may agree with me entirely. Some may entirely disagree. Some will agree with some points and not with others.

My own opinion is that life, the World, the Universe, (Whatever you want to call it) serves no true meaning. It has no purpose for us all. We make our own purpose, our own choices, our own lives, our own Worlds and we make that into our Universe. It's not life that makes us, it's us that make life. And we all serve in this Universe we've created to live out our own purposes, individually. That is the ultimate purpose of life, to have your own separate purpose. At least, this is what I believe.

So how do you depict The Matrix? How do you interpret the story, the meanings? Do you view things differently to how I view The Matrix? Of course you do. Do you have a different opinion towards the World we know or do not know? Please enter The Matrix and let me know how you think and feel.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Interesting take about the Matrix movies, LordOfDarkness.

I personally think that the Matrix movies provide rather interesting turn about life itself, but can be rather confusing to most viewers. The last two movies particularly, makes the first Matrix movie to be rather pointless with all the philosophical stuffs told in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions.

Should they made The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions without the philosophical terms and questions, I believe that both of the movies would be perfect sequels for The Matrix, because theoretically, the first movie is much more interesting to watch with less philosophical terms.

I have no intention to view the Matrix differently, as I don't like complicated philosophical stuff.
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