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The Dante of...


Uh huh! A thread where we can all give our opinion on what happened to the original Dante through the years.

I'll go with explaining alot of stuff in DMC 2.

In Devil May Cry 2 it's known as the last of the series, why? Because Dante...well spoiler alert disappears.

DMC 2: Dante has been through alot since DMC 3. He has finally outlived Lady, Nero, etc. He is alone and decides to not befriend anyone else because the pain of losing them is too much. Dante has nothing to show for being around women, not a child in sight. I'm certain he thought about those things when he saw Nero and felt Vergil's presence around him.

DMC 4:possibility: Spoiler alert: When he handed Nero Yamato, he knew that Sparda only made those weapons for his sons and if one of those sons were to pass then the offspring of that son inherited the sword. It's a family tradition.

DMC 2: Dante has fled away from his emotions and became completely controlled by his duty. He is a drone and keeps small momentos of those who'd effected him in his past. Much like the motorcycle' the women in his life had shown him how to drive.

DMC 1: In the opening scene, Trish enters on a motorcycle and attacks Dante with it.

DMC 3: At a point in the game, Lady appears on a motorcycle. At another point in the game Dante takes this motorrcycle and shreds demons with it. Yelling as if this was an awesome experience. When he finishes with the motorcycle, he learns he cant use it as a weapon.

.DMC 2: Dante is very educated on the past and the what nots of the demon lore. It's easy for me to assume that he has taken a bit of Vergil's curiosity to educate himself over the years, rather than looking into magazines about nothing. Dante finally made good use of his time.

DMC 3: Vergil is seen reading and reflecting. Because, it may sound corny, but knowledge is power.

DMC 1: Nelo Angelo appears in a room filled with books, a study. Vergil never gave up that piece of him. He was possibly trying to find a solution to his current problem through will alone. It's like an infiltration because Mundus wouldn't think or know anything of it.

DMC 2: Dante may have driven a motorcycle in DMC 2, but the end teases that Trish or Lady could still be alive. My bet is on Trish because she's a manifestation of Mundus's power and Mundus isn't dead. She is also a playable character in DMC 2 though she has no part in the storyline. I believe they were telling us the ending with that. A mock ending of Sparda. Dante/Sparda goes into the demon world, seals it, leaves the woman (Eva/Trish)in the human world. History repeats itself.

Dante's weapons and abilities are all from the previous DMCs before they were created. All of the styles were placed into one and Dante's powers hadr isen to godly levels. His Ebony and Ivory cannons are now capable of throwing his enemies back in just one hit and he fires them as if they were truly that powerful. Where-else it took a charged shot or a shotgun to achieve that. These guns deemed most useful and fun to me next to the rocket launcher. Stylized mobility such as the wall run came from future installments as well. The way he swung his sword was much more trained and less flashy, this is only because he became a master swordsman and leaves barely any weakness in his swings.

Besides all of that, he could just be upset that there isn't anymore sundaes or pizza shops because of the demons.

Well that's it for me. Anyone else wanna give it a go? Would be nice to read your opinion on things.


I Saw the Devil
What happened to Dante through the years...

Well, DMC1 was delayed for almost a year do to director Hideaki Kamiya's desire to add features to the game half way through the project but capcom liked what they saw so they beggan development of DMC2 before 1 was finished, but since the original (Hideaki Kamiya, Shinji Mikami, Hiroyuki Kobayashi and team little devils who would latter become Clover Studios) staff was still working on 1 they needed a new staff, they saw what the deal was but didn't quite get the concept. Some inovations were made but alot of the execution was pretty much the same as games of the previous generation, it had alot of the problems the original DMC fixed. The original staff was made to move on to create new IPs or work on other projects. Half way through DMC2 there was a change in directors, and so enters Hideaki Itsuno but unfortuanatly the damage was done and nothing could be done but finishing the product. Fortuanatly the new director moved on to DMC3 as soon as DMC2 was done giving him the opportunity to start fresh with the game and having some time while working on two to think of things to do. At the time of DMC3 films like those made by Ryuhei Kitamura got pretty popular so DMC3 hired famed action choreagraoher Yuji Shimomura, who is famouse for the very crazy, out there, over the top action sequences and Bingo Morihashi, a famed anime screen writer and novelist, for the story and scenario design, Capcom also thought to themselves: How can we appeal to a younger audience? Not exactly rocket science, they made him younger, duh.

The game hits big, people love it, get a re release, and make alot of new fans. The formula worked so they do it again but this time they bring in Hiroyuki Kobayashi as executive producer who has been the executive producer for such succesful titles as DMC1 and RE4. He comes in with ideas as to how to change the world and, yet again, bring in a younger crowd. A younger Dante's been done so they create a new, younger, fresher, edgier protagonst. Kobayashi also thinks that he can bring in female gamers if they redesign the characters to look more like something girls would like and if they remove any elements that might be scary or horror oriented and put in a heavier emphasis on romance. Add to that the creature designer of Monster Hunter (Whose name I don't know) and Breath of Fire character designer Tatsuya Yoshikawa to give it a different look and there you go.

As for the story... Weelllll Iiiiiiiii'llll leave that for later.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
What happened to Dante through the years...

Well, DMC1 was delayed for almost a year do to director Hideaki Kamiya's desire to add features to the game half way through the project but capcom liked what they saw so they beggan development of DMC2 before 1 was finished, but since the original (Hideaki Kamiya, Shinji Mikami, Hiroyuki Kobayashi and team little devils who would latter become Clover Studios) staff was still working on 1 they needed a new staff, they saw what the deal was but didn't quite get the concept. Some inovations were made but alot of the execution was pretty much the same as games of the previous generation, it had alot of the problems the original DMC fixed. The original staff was made to move on to create new IPs or work on other projects. Half way through DMC2 there was a change in directors, and so enters Hideaki Itsuno but unfortuanatly the damage was done and nothing could be done but finishing the product. Fortuanatly the new director moved on to DMC3 as soon as DMC2 was done giving him the opportunity to start fresh with the game and having some time while working on two to think of things to do. At the time of DMC3 films like those made by Ryuhei Kitamura got pretty popular so DMC3 hired famed action choreagraoher Yuji Shimomura, who is famouse for the very crazy, out there, over the top action sequences and Bingo Morihashi, a famed anime screen writer and novelist, for the story and scenario design, Capcom also thought to themselves: How can we appeal to a younger audience? Not exactly rocket science, they made him younger, duh.

The game hits big, people love it, get a re release, and make alot of new fans. The formula worked so they do it again but this time they bring in Hiroyuki Kobayashi as executive producer who has been the executive producer for such succesful titles as DMC1 and RE4. He comes in with ideas as to how to change the world and, yet again, bring in a younger crowd. A younger Dante's been done so they create a new, younger, fresher, edgier protagonst. Kobayashi also thinks that he can bring in female gamers if they redesign the characters to look more like something girls would like and if they remove any elements that might be scary or horror oriented and put in a heavier emphasis on romance. Add to that the creature designer of Monster Hunter (Whose name I don't know) and Breath of Fire character designer Tatsuya Yoshikawa to give it a different look and there you go.

As for the story... Weelllll Iiiiiiiii'llll leave that for later.

And that's why DMC4 was dissapointing for me. But DMC2 was gettin' it's ass kicked with the sudden change in directors at the end of the damn thing.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
^DMC4's direction doesn't make sense to me because wouldn't it have been easier to just keep Dante young and bridge the gap between 3 and 1?

its not like they new what to do with the series after DMC1 so they could have just kept on going with what they know how to do.


Well-known Member
The formula worked so they do it again but this time they bring in Hiroyuki Kobayashi as executive producer who has been the executive producer for such succesful titles as DMC1 and RE4.



I Saw the Devil
^DMC4's direction doesn't make sense to me because wouldn't it have been easier to just keep Dante young and bridge the gap between 3 and 1?

its not like they new what to do with the series after DMC1 so they could have just kept on going with what they know how to do.
That's not how they saw it. Kobayashi said several times that DMC4 was a new DMC for the next generation of councils. So having a fresh start somewhere else with a new character that people didn't need to have a background knowledge of would bring in a newer younger audience. Actually, they said the same reasons for the change of direction in DMC4 as they are giving for the reboot, almost to a T.


Do you know how to install true FEAR?!
Uh huh! A thread where we can all give our opinion on what happened to the original Dante through the years.

I'll go with explaining alot of stuff in DMC 2.

In Devil May Cry 2 it's known as the last of the series, why? Because Dante...well spoiler alert disappears.

DMC 2: Dante has been through alot since DMC 3. He has finally outlived Lady, Nero, etc. He is alone and decides to not befriend anyone else because the pain of losing them is too much. Dante has nothing to show for being around women, not a child in sight. I'm certain he thought about those things when he saw Nero and felt Vergil's presence around him.

DMC 4:possibility: Spoiler alert: When he handed Nero Yamato, he knew that Sparda only made those weapons for his sons and if one of those sons were to pass then the offspring of that son inherited the sword. It's a family tradition.

DMC 2: Dante has fled away from his emotions and became completely controlled by his duty. He is a drone and keeps small momentos of those who'd effected him in his past. Much like the motorcycle' the women in his life had shown him how to drive.

DMC 1: In the opening scene, Trish enters on a motorcycle and attacks Dante with it.

DMC 3: At a point in the game, Lady appears on a motorcycle. At another point in the game Dante takes this motorrcycle and shreds demons with it. Yelling as if this was an awesome experience. When he finishes with the motorcycle, he learns he cant use it as a weapon.

.DMC 2: Dante is very educated on the past and the what nots of the demon lore. It's easy for me to assume that he has taken a bit of Vergil's curiosity to educate himself over the years, rather than looking into magazines about nothing. Dante finally made good use of his time.

DMC 3: Vergil is seen reading and reflecting. Because, it may sound corny, but knowledge is power.

DMC 1: Nelo Angelo appears in a room filled with books, a study. Vergil never gave up that piece of him. He was possibly trying to find a solution to his current problem through will alone. It's like an infiltration because Mundus wouldn't think or know anything of it.

DMC 2: Dante may have driven a motorcycle in DMC 2, but the end teases that Trish or Lady could still be alive. My bet is on Trish because she's a manifestation of Mundus's power and Mundus isn't dead. She is also a playable character in DMC 2 though she has no part in the storyline. I believe they were telling us the ending with that. A mock ending of Sparda. Dante/Sparda goes into the demon world, seals it, leaves the woman (Eva/Trish)in the human world. History repeats itself.

Dante's weapons and abilities are all from the previous DMCs before they were created. All of the styles were placed into one and Dante's powers hadr isen to godly levels. His Ebony and Ivory cannons are now capable of throwing his enemies back in just one hit and he fires them as if they were truly that powerful. Where-else it took a charged shot or a shotgun to achieve that. These guns deemed most useful and fun to me next to the rocket launcher. Stylized mobility such as the wall run came from future installments as well. The way he swung his sword was much more trained and less flashy, this is only because he became a master swordsman and leaves barely any weakness in his swings.

Besides all of that, he could just be upset that there isn't anymore sundaes or pizza shops because of the demons.

Well that's it for me. Anyone else wanna give it a go? Would be nice to read your opinion on things.

This does explain a lot. Granted Dante does disappear at the end of DMC2 because he is in Hell and the end of the game does leave you wondering who is on the Motorbike. I think Capcom would not continue the series after DMC2 which was a bad game but I guess if the story and concept was good they might continue it and we could find out what happened to Dante in Hell. I like to think it was Dante on the bike outside his shop because it would be sweet irony that Lucia would choose that moment to remember Sparda returned from Hell to find out Dante did as well.

The only thing about the Dante/Sparda history repeating itself is that Sparda defeated Mundus two thousand years before meeting Eva and siring Dante and Vergil. Also Sparda never sealed himself in Hell after that battle. I think it was when he sealed the portal on the same island as DMC2 but Lucia said at the end of the game "But Sparda did come back." meaning it was probably before he sired Dante and Vergil then too. How Sparda died...no one knows that and that add to his legend. If Capcom decided to make a game about Sparda and explained what happened to him it would spoil DMC1-4 because the mystery would be reveled.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
This does explain a lot. Granted Dante does disappear at the end of DMC2 because he is in Hell and the end of the game does leave you wondering who is on the Motorbike. I think Capcom would not continue the series after DMC2 which was a bad game but I guess if the story and concept was good they might continue it and we could find out what happened to Dante in Hell. I like to think it was Dante on the bike outside his shop because it would be sweet irony that Lucia would choose that moment to remember Sparda returned from Hell to find out Dante did as well.

The only thing about the Dante/Sparda history repeating itself is that Sparda defeated Mundus two thousand years before meeting Eva and siring Dante and Vergil. Also Sparda never sealed himself in Hell after that battle. I think it was when he sealed the portal on the same island as DMC2 but Lucia said at the end of the game "But Sparda did come back." meaning it was probably before he sired Dante and Vergil then too. How Sparda died...no one knows that and that add to his legend. If Capcom decided to make a game about Sparda and explained what happened to him it would spoil DMC1-4 because the mystery would be reveled.

Plus making a Sparda game would smug Sparda's mysterious streak, and the legednd tittle would seem a bit un usable since we know what happened now. Not onl ythat but I always have the strange feeling that Sparda's past in a game would be like Asura's Wrath to a T except different names and a sword. That or GoW with a different character toplay as.


Do you know how to install true FEAR?!
Plus making a Sparda game would smug Sparda's mysterious streak, and the legednd tittle would seem a bit un usable since we know what happened now. Not onl ythat but I always have the strange feeling that Sparda's past in a game would be like Asura's Wrath to a T except different names and a sword. That or GoW with a different character toplay as.

Exactly but a lot of fans (Not me) wanted a DMC game all about Sparda and how he defeated Mundus then chronicling his life till he sired Dante and Vergil then up till his death.

But that would spoil Sparda and his Legend which makes him The Legendary Dark Knight.

Also I don't think it would be like Asura's Wrath or GoW. They would probably start it out with Sparda on Mundus' side then get to the point where he felt compassion for Humanity which makes him turn on Mundus and his army and defeats them single handed.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Exactly but a lot of fans (Not me) wanted a DMC game all about Sparda and how he defeated Mundus then chronicling his life till he sired Dante and Vergil then up till his death.

But that would spoil Sparda and his Legend which makes him The Legendary Dark Knight.

Also I don't think it would be like Asura's Wrath or GoW. They would probably start it out with Sparda on Mundus' side then get to the point where he felt compassion for Humanity which makes him turn on Mundus and his army and defeats them single handed.

Oh yeah, the starting point of the game. That would also be hard to do, since some would be curious as to how Sparda came to be, and how he was able to transform his sword to have the power he needed to win against the Prince of darkness. Sure, they could use the "Heart that could love" tale, but some fans would feel that was a bit overrated. (Not me)

Also do you think that a game of Sparda's meeting with Eva and him and her being together would be like DMC4 with Nero and Kyrie since Nero after all wears the same colors as Sparda.


Do you know how to install true FEAR?!
Oh yeah, the starting point of the game. That would also be hard to do, since some would be curious as to how Sparda came to be, and how he was able to transform his sword to have the power he needed to win against the Prince of darkness. Sure, they could use the "Heart that could love" tale, but some fans would feel that was a bit overrated. (Not me)

Also do you think that a game of Sparda's meeting with Eva and him and her being together would be like DMC4 with Nero and Kyrie since Nero after all wears the same colors as Sparda.

That is why I found DMC4 like History Repeating itself with Nero. A Demon/1/4 Demon turns his back on his kind/group to save humanity and finds love with a human woman Eva/Kyrie.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
That is why I found DMC4 like History Repeating itself with Nero. A Demon/1/4 Demon turns his back on his kind/group to save humanity and finds love with a human woman Eva/Kyrie.

You think Capcom knew this and that's why DMC4 is like it is, or that fan of Bleach just added the whole "Nero/ Ichigo saving Kyrie/Rukia from a large Society who have the same powers as him?" I hope it's the first.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
That's not how they saw it. Kobayashi said several times that DMC4 was a new DMC for the next generation of councils. So having a fresh start somewhere else with a new character that people didn't need to have a background knowledge of would bring in a newer younger audience. Actually, they said the same reasons for the change of direction in DMC4 as they are giving for the reboot, almost to a T.

seems like they didnt learn anything did they?


I Saw the Devil
seems like they didnt learn anything did they?
Capcom is more interested in making money than improving their IPs. DMC4 made more money than 3 so there was nothing to learn from their perspective.


Do you know how to install true FEAR?!
You think Capcom knew this and that's why DMC4 is like it is, or that fan of Bleach just added the whole "Nero/ Ichigo saving Kyrie/Rukia from a large Society who have the same powers as him?" I hope it's the first.

I hope it is the first too lol

Capcom is more interested in making money than improving their IPs. DMC4 made more money than 3 so there was nothing to learn from their perspective.

Of course they are. That is what most game companies are like which sucks.


I Saw the Devil
That's what most modern game companies are like. Don't forget, gaming companies spend serious money developing game and it is a safer investment to stick to a formula that will work over a new concept that might.


Do you know how to install true FEAR?!
That's what most modern game companies are like. Don't forget, gaming companies spend serious money developing game and it is a safer investment to stick to a formula that will work over a new concept that might.

At least I respect a company that tries new IPs every now and then instead of just giving us the same stuff. And it is not most modern companies, it is most companies that are like this. Don't get me wrong there are still a lot out there that are not like the big ones.
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