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The Ascension of Cthulu [A DMC inspired game] - Story part

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Script :

Narration : How would you feel if one day your favourite fiction books were true?This is the tale of a young man who experiences this.In this world,since time immemorial there have been many wars between “Gods”.In the last and most violent one,Cthulhu was cast in Tartarus,never to threaten anyone ever again and Yog-Sototh was supposedly destroyed.Truly a victory for the Elder Gods.But now the Great Old Ones seek to free Cthulhu for unknown reasons.Meanwhile,a mysterious figure is waiting to take the spotlight...But let us see how this story unfolds...

*Scene changes to an unknown place,with Leon and Nya appearing in the shadows and identified as xxxM and xxxF,respectively.A calm and soothing music plays,as if the setting is relaxing and everydayish.*

xxxM : So...it has laready started.The "game" will begin,once again.
xxxF : You seem to have fun.
xxxM : Shouldn't I?After all this is my only entertainment.
xxxF : It is strange...the way we are all entangled,in this "fun" of yours.
xxxM : It cannot be helped.The gears of fate have started moving again.Once again I shall triumph,once again I shall crush everyone I desire,once again I shall have everything in the palm of my hand.Only to start over,yet again.
xxxF : It's strange...yet so real.
xxxM : Indeed.Everything is mine to command.The fate of everything is predetermined and I,I am in complete control of it.
xxxF : Are you...unhappy about it.
xxxM : [A bitter smile is formed,but only for an instant.]
xxxF : I shall take my leave.
xxxM : Will you stay neutral this time too?
xxxF : You already know the answer...you always...it's always like that...
xxxM : And it will always be like that.[The player gets to see a glimpse of the unknowns eyes,full of sadness and great despair.Those eyes quickly turn back to the eyes he had before.Those bored eyes,those arrogant eyes that look down upon everything and everyone.]It is time...I shall see it through the end...this cycle of fate that I have on my hands...

*Scene changes to the town,in the university*

Sho :[Great!Another boring lecture 's finished.]
Sho :Hm?(Blinking Eyes)[I thought I saw something...nah!]
???? : Hey wait!
Sho : Yes?
???? : Are the one they call “Sho”?
Sho : Yes.
???? : Are you S-
Sho : Please refer to me as Sho.
???? : ?!?OK,if that's what you wish.

*Scene changes : Sho's house,Sho's room*

Sho : No one's home,so they won't hear us.What did you want to talk about in pivate?
???? : I believe you wanted to sort things out too?Right?
Sho : [Perceptive...but who is he-]
???? : You!
Sho : ?Excuse me?Iwas lost in thought-
???? : I know.And I answered your question.
Sho : Huh?
???? : Uh...how to put it...I'm an Elder God,specifically you.I don't-
Sho : Obviously I'm dreaming.As if such an awesome thing as Lovecraft myths and De(cencored)bane exist.Damn!
EGSho : I don't know about De(cencored)bane,but everything Lovecraft wrote is mostly true.[Truth is I wish De(cencored)bane excisted too...] You don't seem that shocked.
Sho : If you really are me,then you should have my thought pattern.
EGSho : And the things I think are the things you think,meaning since we are-
Sho : OK,OK I believe you.
EGSho : Then I'll tell you the reason why I appeared in front of you today,and my ourpose on the earthly plane.It's kinda long.
Sho : I'll be here in a second.

*5 seconds later...[screen rights 5 seconds later,while playing some kind of stupid music]*

*Sho enters the room with a tray full of sweets*

Sho : Sorry I'm late.You can start.

*EGSho tells the story the narrator said,but in further detail*

Sho : Interesting.Yet why us?
EGSho : Being the youngest of the gods,i haven't done anything yet so it's only natural to start with something small such as finding out who wants to free Cthulhu and try and resurrect the evil gods.And being on this plane,I doubt he is that strong.
Sho : You can't stay with me all the time though.How will we communicate?
EGSho : For free and all the time,all around the world,telepathy.But you have to be really concentrated when you talk telepathetically and yell what you say.Also you must have a good amount of psychic powers.Or-
Sho : Or you can simply call 69something from my cellphone.
EGSho : ...Yeah...that was the joke.My phone number is 69X.We have to draw the least attention.Ok?
Sho : What's the first place we search?
EGSho : Me,the edge of the town and the suspicious alleys.You the rest.
Sho : ...Huh...Sounds fair...if you can protect yourself.
EGSho : You should know better.Let's go.
Sho : See you here at midnight.

*Screen changes to town.*

Sho : Nothing.Nothing.Nothingnothingnothingnothingnothing.AAAAAA.I give up.Seriously,we are just like sitting ducks.Not even a clue from his higher-ups.What the hell they think they are-no wait.They really are gods.*Sigh*
Sho : Hm...It came from there...a girl's scream?

*Scene changes to a back alley*

Girl : *Scream*
Sho : Here I thought I found some clues,yet all I find is an angry bull trying to break a great work of glass.
Thug : Got some problem,punk?
Sho : I have a problem with those idiots who do things like this when I have ****ty days.Also I hate seeing people get bullied or mistreated because of the whims of people like you.
Thug : You-
Girl[Different appearance,same voice] : Enough.Thanks for the assist,but I can handle thugs myself.As for you thug,you are going to face justice.

*Silence for a moment...then they both burst out laughing,while the girl looks annoyed*

Sho : *Almost having trouble to talk and breathe*Oh...brother...*snicker*...I'm calm...I'm calm.Oh god that made my day.No.My year.Oh god.Oooohoho...*serious tone*yeaah.

*Quickly beats up thug*

Sho : Like hell I'd forget 'bout you.[Though I feel kind of low,beating him like that...come to think of it,don't i know her...]
Girl : Thanks,for the assist.[Slightly irritated tone.]
Girl : Ahem.Again thank you very much.I had some trouble with this thug.Please though,don't get involved in fights with thugs in the future,since you might not be-
Sho : Joanna.
Girl : Eh?
Sho : Aren't you the girl from the university of philosophy?Also weren't you recently taking some kind of holiday to America?Man the world is small.Yet...*closer look*I really think that you were not wearing these when the thug assaulted you.Also...I thought you were a brunette before the thug assaulted you.The last time I saw you,you were wearing glasses and had your hair in aponytail.
Joanna : No,you are certainly wrong.I'm the protector of justice,-
Sho : Oh,look.Isn't that your boyfriend?
Joanna : I believe you are mistaken,I-
Sho : And isn't that another girl?
Joanna : I don't-
Sho : WOOOO!Now that's what I call a kiss-
Joanna : LUUUCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA![Turns around.]Ah![Sees nothing.][Realizes she was tricked.]Aaaaa...I mean...he isn't...It's not like I care for this man...or anything...
Sho : Didn't you called him by his name?Also you were extremely uneasy all the time I was saying those things.
Joanna : [Stupified.]...You are right...that's who I am.
Sho : [Sooooooooo predictable.I wonder how people don't notice things like that.Seriously at least change your voice.]
Joanna : Please,don't tell anybody...
Sho : I doubt anyone would believe me anyway.However we seem to be able to exchange secrets,due to our strange fate.How about it?Wanna help me search for something that is vital for the moment?
Joanna : If that's what I have to do in order to protect my secret,then I agree.
Sho : Good.While we wait for my...um...link,maybe you can tell me your story.
Joanna : OK.

*While flying over the city*

Sho : [I thought she was just a cosplayer,but it really seems she has something unusual too.What's more surprising is that I find all this normal...wait scratch that.]Umm...Joanna...about the whole secrets exchanging business we were talking?Will you please tell me?
Joanna : I suppose.[After all he shared with me his crazy,unreal story,but I shouldn't get on his nerves.Mad people are dangerous.]
Sho : [Somehow I don't feel well.Does someone speak ill of me?]
Joanna : You probably know about my trip in America,my sudden return from it and my change in style from your friends at the U. right?If you read the papers,you should notice that not while I was away,but even after I returned,reports in the local papers about the most unbelievable thing happening : A super-heroine.Super-heroes existing.
Sho : [So the mass media were telling the truth.Who would have guessed-no scratch that.Everything they say is mostly untrue,unrelated facts,personal talks,star matters and other useless things...just cause they said the truth ones doesn't mean anything.]
Joanna : The American government along with many other enterprises from all over the world are running a project called "Saviour Project".The purpose of it is to create a hero/heroine to fight crime and have justice prevail.I was the tenth candidate and the only success.Isn't it wonderful that finally people started thinking about the other and not their personal gains?
Sho : [My freakin'ass.I can easily guess who're the ones behind it,along with those "innocent enterprizes".I got to hand it to them though.Making money with publicity,by hurting only the criminals but themselves.It's a win situation for most of the world.Crap.And I guess our government is supporting the project.]
Joanna : Also our go-
Sho : I know.Nice story.
Joanna : Is something the matter?
Sho : Nothing...Ah!We're here.

*After landing*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
EGSho : Oh you are late.Eh?
Sho : What?
Sho and Joanna : Eh...
EGSho : Excuse us for a while.

*Grabs Sho and takes him a little further.*

EGSho : What the hell,man?What did I do to you?Why that?
Sho : What?I brought such a cute girl-
EGSho : She is my fiance!
Sho : [Thunderstruck]
EGSho : Sorry for not telling you before that I already had-
Sho : [Crying]At least my EG persona isn't as much a loser as I am.GOOD JOB!Such a cute,nice girl.And she is into cosplaying too.
EGSho : Eh?No!She is like other EG.Deceptive,adamant to the rules,customs etc and nice to their family only.And she hates "human" interactions.
Sho : But-

*Both look at her carefully*

EGSho : Incredible...we are a special case but she is an excellent one herself.
Sho : She is your fiance's counterpart?
EGSho : I'm 99% sure.
Sho : What's the 1% uncertainty for?
EGSho : Her behaviour.Though we have to see that for ourselves.
EGSho : Excuse our eralier freak-out.We just had something to discuss.[Damn.Great cover.]
Joanna : No...not at all.[Is it me,or are the really the same guy?]
Sho : This is the man-scuse me-God I told you about earlier.
EGSho : Whether,you believe it or not,by the way you don't,but it's all true.By the way I'm not a freak and stop thinking about justice.
Joanna : Wha-
Sho : He's a God.Reading thoughts is the least he can do.
Joanna : -OKOK-I believe.So we just have to search for clues about
some "Clutsomething".I'll be off.

*Joanna flies away.*

Sho : I'm impressed.What was the inside of her mind like?
EGSho : I never was inside her mind.I'm not the best when it comes to magick but just seeing the memories of my link[you] and think something up was enough to make her believe.
Sho : Nice.
EGSho : You would do the same.
Sho : We should find nicks.I don't think we need to give our real names to anyone right now.
EGSho : You keep the one you have,I guess and I'll take Sousuke.
Sho : Right.

*Gameplay continues*

*After moving out of the alley and in another alley,the screen goes crimson red and a howl is heard*

Sho : Wha-
Sousuke : [A devil?Here?No,an Evil God!]Take cover!

*Scenery changes in an arena and an Evil God appears.It's the first boss fight.*

Boss : Lesser Evil God

Sousuke : Surprised,monster?Now we can fight without involving innocents.Doesn't that tick you off a bit?


Sousuke : I figured as much.

*After the fight.*

*Scenery changes back.*

Sho : Did anything happened?
Sousuke : I'll explain later.For now,getting home and resting is a priority.

*Scenery changes to Sho's room*

Sho : How come you're tired?I thought he was supposed to be no match for you.
Sousuke : If he wasn't the seventh I faced in a row.And they seemed more powerful than they should ever be.Let's just call it a day.
Sho : True.Wanna eat-

*A loud noise is heard*

Sho and Sousuke : Ooh,FU-

*Both get outside*

??? : *Laughter*
Sousuke : [Another enemy?I won't hold out much longer if this continues.Damn.If only I had my weapons and Al helping me.]Who are you?
??? : So you are the rookie who has a human counterpart.I didn't expect you to be that weak.But I forgot to introduce myself.I am Hathanga.Just one of the numerous servants of my great lord,CTHULHU!
Sousuke : [Damn.He is going to be a much tougher match.Better call them now.]
Hathanga : Oh,you misunderstand my boy.I'm not here to fight.I'm here to bring ruin.
Sho : I thought classic comicbook villains only existed in comics.
Sousuke : Don't worry Sho.Even if he kills everybody,we[the Elder Gods]can bring them back to life.
Hathanga : Not always my boy.And remember,I never said I'm here to kill.I said I'm here to bring ruin.

*A book falls from the sky,along with a large case*

Hathanga : Too late my boy.All the seals are broken.All over the world.
Sousuke : Keep rambling.I won.
Hathanga : That's-NO!
Sousuke :
With righteous anger in my heart
And Justice with me
I plead that I will achieve victory
Lend me your power and protect those I love
Now is the time

Sho : [Isn't that?]JOANNA COME HERE!
Joanna : What-
Sho : Crap.

*Sho takes her by the hand,but not before Hathanga hits him*

Hathanga : [Hm,missed.No matter.]

*The whole neighbourhood disappears,while images of the Earth being destroyed by ecological disasters,like tsunamis, 9 richter earthquackes,thunderstorms and volcanoes erupting,coupled with explosions from army storages and nuclear factories.*

*Sho wakes up.But the scenery has changed to a complete wasteland.The sky is red and thick black clouds are present,letting only some rays of light to pass through.Also thunderstorms are present.Sousuke moves Sho inside a crystal shrine.*

Sho : Wha-what happened-woah.(-*Sees his reflection in a crystal*-)[In a dazed,half asleep tone.]Heyy,hello sexy-no wait!!!!!!!Was I always that pale??And...[Looks closely]what the hell?!????
Souskue : Don't remember what happened?
Sho : After getting Joanna with us,nothing.
Sousuke : ...I see.To cut the long story short,you got burned nearly to death.I revived most of you,the Earth's surface is destroyed by ecological disasters,a huge number of animals and people lost their lives,but I managed to save some.They are in another dimension,created by me,safe and sound,asleep until all this is over.I used the last ounce of my power to restore you and "upgrade" you.But you as you see yourself,you now are more like me.
Sho : Sooo...how bad is it for you?
Sousuke : Let's say I went back to level 1.At least I can still create crystal shrines.
Sho : Wait.You said before that you can revive the dead.Why don't you urge your higher-ups to do so and restore th Earth?
Sousuke : It's not that simple.True,we can do as much,my higher-ups can do even more,but there is a law and everyone of them is a bitch when it comes to laws : Never interfere with nature.It means that if the Earth is destroyed by itself,don't interfere.If life is terminated naturally,don't interfere.
Sho : To put it simply,don't mess with the damage mama nature does to herself like quackes and the like and don't mess with a life that ended normally,like century old humans who die peacefully while sleeping.
Sousuke : Correct.There is however a "window" in these rules.
Sho : I can guess as much : we catch the one who gave the signal for these disasters to begin,beat him up and undo the damage,ourselves.
Sousuke : I'll fill the young lady when she wakes up and call for[-*shivering sounds*-]back-up.In the meantime,you have to start looking for demons and Al.Once you find Al contact me.
Sho : Sure thing...
Sousuke : Is something wrong?
Sho : Actually yes : Now I look like a generic character of ambiguous sexuality...like you.
Sousuke : So that's the problem...
Sho : Yeah!
Sousuke : I wouldn't worry too much about it.Think that every non human up here is like that.And some women on eart do that...not to mention some...men...
Sho : But...
Sousuke : Oh come on,you are 20!It's not your chest hair that makes you manly at this age,they are a plethora of other things that makes young men be manly.Besides you never had that much.
Sho : ...Oh,what the hell.

*Prologue ends here and Gameplay starts from here on*

*After reaching level 2,tutorials end*

Sho : [Wow,seems like I really am getting stronger.Wonder if I can absorb demonic powers?]

*Gameplay continues*

*After finishing the first demon space,you will find a page of the Necronomicon*

Sho : [That's...hm!Ancient greek,latin,arabic and...what kind of language is that?All spells.The Necronomicon...wait-"If you find Al,contact me",huh.Guess I have to go back.]

*Gate is blocked and a demon appears.*

Sho : [Guess they can wait a bit.]

Boss : Demon-Speedfish

*After defeating the boss*

Sho : Huh?[The pain's gone?What happened exactly?]

*You gain the DD ability Sonic Run and Sprint Run*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*Gameplay continues*

*After returning to the crystal shrine.*

Sho : Good news-
Joanna[different appearance and tone of voice] : YOU'RE LATE MORTAL.
Sho : What the-who died and made you queen,miss "immortal"?
Sousuke : Now,now.Both of you calm down.Love,please forgive him,he is still in training after all.
Sho : ["Love"...ah!!!Then she is-]
EGJoanna : These are just excuses.Just because I'm helping humans,doesn't mean I have to put up with them.I still wonder why someone like you has to put up with them.
Sousuke : Come on.Why "put up with" them?They are like us aft-
Sousuke : Aaahhh...ok love.[-*turns towards Sho*-]So did you find Al?
Sho : I found one of his pages.
Sousuke : That means he's still out there.
Sousuke : And it seems we are lucky.Two more and I'll be able to join the fight!
Sho : Huh?
Sousuke : It's not one his pages,it's one of his blancs.In his blancs,my powers are sealed every time I use extremely strong spells,like the one I used before.Shall we?
Sho : With pleasure.
EGJoanna : I hope you take that girl too.
Sousuke : Don't worry.And thanks for everything.
EGJoanna : [-*Blushes*-]S-s-s-stupid!I didn't do it for you...anyway...I got the info only because you asked me...I'll be going!
Sho : [A tsundere?!?!?!Seems even like that I don't have much luck...oh well.At least she cares.]
Sousuke : We are going to the area you found the page.

*Joanna and Sousuke join the party.More tutorials ensue.*

*Gameplay continues.*

*After reaching the first demon area again,some dialogue and a boss fight occurs*

Sho : You never explained to me what I'm fighting.
Sousuke : Nothing much.They are lesser Evil Gods,Outer Gods and Devils.They are like biological weapons to the Evil Gods and the Great Old Ones.
Sho : Still...I've taken the life of many of them.
Sousuke : In that sense,you should feel guilty about all the meat,the vegetables you ate,all the flowers you walked on and many more.These guys aren't even real.
Sho : Sorry...I don't know what I'm saying.
Sousuke : Don't worry.You'll start thinking straight again.It's just from the shock of all that's happened.
Joanna : This place is pretty big.What are we searching for?
Sousuke : Clues.And our first is this page.Since I can't track the mystic readings,we have to do it with the old fashioned way.Can you smell it out?And I mean it literately.
Joanna : I'll try...nothing here.
Sho : What about that?Looks like blood...and from an earthly being.
Sousuke : Survivors?Because I can't think Al bleeds.
Joanna : Why not?
Sousuke : Technically Al is a book.A grimoire.And to top it off,the most powerfull in existence.I don't doubt he can protect himself,yet him bleeding?
Joanna : [What's that sound?]...I believe we have company.
Sho and Sousuke : Huh?
Sousuke : I don't sense any mystic energy nor anything living.Are you-

*Celling explodes and three demons appear*

Sousuke : First time for everything.Joanna get the guy that looks like a humanoid.Sho,take out the other two.
Sho : Wait,I'm inferior to her in terms of power.
Sousuke : Yes.but you can even up with Joanna if you beat them.
Sho : ...Ok.Time to go rough.

Boss : DEMONIC DUO - Adamatus and Gunn

*After the fight*

Sho : I'm sooo not doing this again.
Sousuke : You sure?Lie down and try to sleep.
Sho : I don't think we have time for that.
Sousuke : If you can withstand the pain of the merging it's ok.
Sho : What-

*Adamatus' muscles rip themselves of his body and Guun's nervous system starts moving towards Sho.*

Sho : Oh,Sh-

*You gained the DD abilities Demonic God Muscles[DD] and Devilish Nerves[DD]*

Sho : Aaah...!Hey,I don't feel any pain.At all.
Sousuke : From now on it just keeps getting better for you.Consider yourself a lesser Elder God.Or Evil God.Depends on you.
Sho : ...
Joanna : I found something.Come over here.
Sousuke : Another blanc page.One more and I will be able to figt again.Next stop,Kyoto.
Joanna : Why?
Sousuke : An aquantance of mine lives there.
Sho : But how?It will take days-no.Weeks.
Sousuke : Crystal Shrines are the solution.
Sho : ...right.
Joanna : [I hope we don't run into her again.]May I ask who this aquantance of yours is?
Sousuke : Muramasa.His name is Muramasa Kengo(Kengo Muramasa in the west).
Joanna : Um...you know him?
Sho : Kengo Muramasa was a very famous japanese blacksmith during the warring states period and a little bit after that.His most famous swords were said to be cursed and the only way to find that out was to put them in the river along with a leaf and do a test.Should the leaf be sliced and go with the flow,it would be a plain katana(japanese sword).If the leaf should twirl around the blade,no matter what power the river had,the sword was a Muramasa original.Still why go to him?
Sousuke : I have to find my weapons and you have to get yours forged.It will be very difficult to fight enemies in the future with just your bare hands.
Joanna : What about me?
Sousuke : ...I'll think of something.This guy will probably help you too.So then...to Kyoto.

*After reaching the crystal shrine*

Sousuke : This way.

*You pass through a portal*

*After arriving to the crystal shrine of Kyoto*

Sho : The portal-
Sousuke : Don't worry.I will open a new one once I restore my powers.
Sho : ...Ok.Which way now?
Sousuke : It's marked on the map.Let's move.
Joanna : Before that happens,I wish to ask about our enemies.
Sousuke : ?I believe I explained back in the cave.Unless you want something more?
Joanna : I mean,are they going to be the same?
Sousuke : Ohhh.That.Short answer : no.They are going to look like monsters from japanese mythology(bakemono) and deamons from it(oni).They are going to be a little scarier.

*Gameplay continues*

*After arriving at Muramasa's.They enter his bedroom.*

Sousuke : Old man.I'm back.
Joanna : So clean...and tidy.
Sho : For a sick old man he is pretty clean and tidy I guess.
Muramasa : Oooh,wonderfull.I won't be alone in my final hours...[Bishounen images of him start flying around]

*Sousuke starts punching him*

Sousuke : Just stop it...
Muramasa : Ah...I thee.Tho thethe are your friendth.[Translation : Ah...I see.So these are your friends.]
Sho : [Am I really like that when I get angry?]
Joanna : [I guess neither of them are cute...anymore.]

*After this madness is over*

Muramasa : Welcome and pleased to meat you all.I'm Kengo Muramasa.You must have heard from-
Sousuke : Sousuke.
Muramasa : I see.It's cuter that way.Right Sou-chan?
Sho and Sousuke : Who's Sou/Sho -chan,you stupid old man?
Joanna : Excuse them,please.They aren't usually like this.
Muramasa : No,it's ok.Sousuke just doesn't like to be teased.So then(-*looking at Sho*-),you must be Sousuke's human counterpart,right?Do you want me to call you Sou-chan?
Sho : Sho's just fine.[Glare]
Muramasa : Wonderfull.Now...what do you want me for?
Sousuke : For the most part,information and a request.For the least a visit and check upon you old man.And as usual you act like it's your end.
Muramasa : It's not???
Sousuke : How can a god die from some illness?
Sho : Anyway...I'd like to request something mister Muramasa.
Muramasa : Go ahead,my boy.
Sho : Can you make some exclusive weapons for me?
Muramasa : ...[Serious tone,yet sad.]So you'll fight too?
Sho : I have to.
Muramasa : Very well.What weapons?
Sousuke : The same as my weapons.Also I'd like Al's third blanc page and the chest with my weapons.
Muramasa : Ok.Sho-kun,would you kindly come to the smithing room with me please?
Sho : I get the feeling it's gonna hurt.
Muramasa : Not much,if you are asleep.
Sho : ...

*While Muramasa makes the weapons*

Joanna : They said it was going to hurt...what did they mean?
Sousuke : Worried about him?
Joanna : ...
Sousuke : Don't be.It only hurts a bit.Wanna eat?
Joanna : Thank-what are those?
Sousuke : They are called "ramen".Noodles in soup of some kind...try some.
Joanna : ...[tasty...]Anyway,what did they mean?What are they going to do?
Sousuke : The same thing he did to me : make him exclusive weapons.By that,I mean he is going to take some of his bones and blood and make five different weapons.
Joanna : But,that's-
Sousuke : He is on a different level from humans so he'll be fine.After a day he'll recover completely.
Joanna : Still...
Sousuke : It's a bit harsh,but it's no big deal for guys like us.Don't worry about him.
Joanna : ...

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*The next day*

Muramasa : So,how do you feel now?
Sho : You have to ask?
Muramasa : You really are like Sousuke-kun.He said the same thing.
Muramasa : Here you go.These are your weapons.
Sousuke : !They are the same shape as my weapons.
Muramasa : Truly.You are even more alike than you thought you would be.
Sho : I am very gratefull mister Muramasa.
Muramasa : Oh please,stop with the formalities.Call what you like.
Sho : Oh!...Thanks old man.
Sousuke : Now,it's time for our talk.
Muramasa : That's why I brought these with me.

*Hands over a large chest and a Necronomicon page*

Sousuke : Thanks.I'd like to ask you two things too :
1)Can you tell me the whereabouts of Anemos?
And 2)Do you know of a way to help our young lady?
Muramasa : I'm afraid I don't know about Anemos...but there is a way for the young lady to fight : dragons.
Sousuke : !...That's not going to be easy...right?
Muramasa : Only the first dragon will be a problem.The rest will be easier,since she will posses more power.
Sousuke : Thank you,old man.We are all very grateful.
Muramasa : Don't be.I should thank you for coming over here.
Sousuke : You don't nedd to be so modest.Next time I'll be here,I'll bring "him" with me.I promise.
Muramasa : ...I would be very grateful.
Sousuke : Bye,old man.

*Joanna and Sousuke join the party again,as playable characters.Also Sho and Sousuke have received their weapons*

*You learned Hell's Uprising.Now you are able to learn more skills as you level up,unless they are story related,or have other criteria to meet.*

*Gameplay continues*

*Upon arriving at the old Kyoto temple...what remained of it*

Sho : I always wanted to take a tour to japan,but that's ridiculous.At least stop being crytpic and enlighten us about the person we are searching.
Sousuke : I told you we are searching for Al-
Sho : Stop dodging the freaking question.Why do you do this to yourself?I can understand about our young lady,but me?
Joanna : P...please just calm down.I'm sure he has his own reasons.Yet truth to be told,you are very shaken since we left mister Muramasa's house.
Sho : And is that enough to hide them from himself?
Sousuke : ...I can't-

*A quick flash*

Sho : We got company right?
Sousuke : ...!!!You guys run.

*Flames sprout everywhere*

Sho : What the-
Joanna : Woah.
Sousuke : [It's not him???We are so screwed.What does an Elemental want with us??]Hey!Sorry for butting in,but why do you pursue us?
??? : Huh?I don't pursue anyone.I just want you to accept my youthful FLAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEES!

*More flames erupt*

Sousuke : [This is becoming more dangerous than I thought.The young lady won't hold out.]
Sho : [Joanna is pretty much hurting from the heat,yet I feel nothing...is this what he meant by saying I'm in a different league from humans?]Huh?

*Joanna puts out the flames with a single breath*

Sho : Woah.Huh?

*Flames rise again*

??? : It's pointless.My flames can only be extinguished by stronger flames.
Sho : You know that doesn't make sense.
Sousuke : On the contrary,to him it does...guy's an Elemental.A special kind of Elder God.
??? : I see someone knows about it.True,my name is Drakos.I control fire.
Sho : So if I show you my "flames",you'll stop?
Drakos : [So they are the famous duo...finally.]We'll see.COME AND GET ME!

Boss : Drakos

*After the fight*

Sho : [Did I get him or...]

*flames go out*

Drakos : Very well.No,you two far exceed what I ever expected.
Sousuke : Meaning...!You were testing us?Am I right?
Drakos : Sorry I put you through such danger.I'm sorry,but I wanted to see how you would fare with my own eyes.
Sho : Are you kidding?I didn't win,much less scratch you.
Drakos : Winning isn't everything.You both did great.You both risked your lives for a woman and one of you how futile it was,yet still persisted.As for you my friend,your flame certainly reached mine.And it was a good one.I'm coming with you.
Sousuke : !Thank you very much,uh...sir?
Drakos : Come on.No need for formalities.Those who are righteous need not to feel the way you do my friend.So LET'S GO.LET OUR BLOOD BURN AND PUNISH THOSE WHO DID THIS THIS BEAUTIFULL EARTH.LET OUR FLAMES BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN.
Sho/Sousuke : [So he is just hotblooded and hotheaded...still,not a bad guy at all.]Pleased to meet you to.
Sho : I'm Sho.
Sousuke : I'm Sousuke.
Joanna : I'm Joanna.
Drakos : Nice to meet you,my fair lady.And I heard about you two.Although I remeber your name was S-
Sho/Sousuke : Call me the way I introduced myself.
Drakos : !?Ok,if that's your wish my friends.Despite that,your name was very good.
Sho/Sousuke : ...Thanks.
Drakos : So then,let's go my friends.

*Sho and Sousuke smilling along with him*

Sho/Sousuke : YEAH.
Joanna : [For some reason,I feel left out of this...]

*After arriving at the crystal shrine*

Drakos : Wait.Before heading back,I wish to talk about something with all of you.
Drakos : First I'd like to hear about your plans on finding the other Elementals.
Sousuke : ...Very well.My aim was to find Anemos first and move to Keravnos.Then Gaia and Atalanta would be my best bet before taking you on and Okeanos.
Drakos : I see.Is Anemos an aquantance of yours?
Sousuke : Yes.And "he" as well.
Drakos : I'll help you all the way.I too am aquanted with them.
Sousuke : I appreciate it.
Drakos : Second,I'd like to teach you some things you will find useful.Two of my skills,a spell and a secret.You shouldn't rush with it though.You need the other four to fully understand mine and their secret too.
Sho : Got it.
Drakos : And last of all...young lady,no...Joanna,do you wish to help?
Joanna : Yes.
Drakos : Very well.Tomorrow we are going to the land of the fire dragon.
Sousuke : !?
Drakos : Don't look like that my friend.It will be fine.
Sousuke : But,we can't do this.We are-
Drakos : My friend,you seem to forget one thing : a brave heart can make everything work out.We can do the impossible if we put our mind to it.Look at Sho.He isn't thinking twice about anything.He is already burning with the flame of courage.You should go back to yourself too.
Sousuke : ...Thanks.
Sho : Come on you two.I can't get more fired up.
Drakos : I agree!
Sho : Sousuke,don't be like that man.It's like we are having Gu* from G**G**G** with us,along with many others.As he said,let your fire burn.
Sousuke : YOU'RE RIGHT!

*Drakos joins the party.You learned magic spell Inferno Purge.*

Drakos : Let's go.The land of dragons awaits us.

*Gameplay continues*

*After reaching the land of dragons*

Drakos : ...It's nice to meet an old friend isn't it,Anemos?
Sousuke : !Where is he?
Anemos : And I was going to welcome you to the land.How are you doing Drakos?And you too S-
Sousuke : It's Sousuke...for now.
Anemos : !?Very well.How's it going?
Sousuke : We're fine.You probably know about our quest,right?
Anemos : I will gladly help my friends.And I see there are new faces as well.(-*Looking at Joanna*-)Welcome aboard my lady.
Joanna : Ah...thanks...
Drakos : Still weak for beautiful ladies I see.
Anemos : Who isn't,my friend?Ah,and sorry about negleting you my friend.
Sho : No,it's ok.Old friends have to catch up.By the way I'm Sho.Nice to meet you.
Anemos : Very nice meeting you too.I heard from Sousuke about you.
Sho : Aren't you going to test me?
Anemos : I don't think there is any need.But if you'd like,i'll gladly spar.
Sho : I appreciate it.

Boss : Anemos

*After the fight*

Anemos : You are very good.A little-
Sousuke : [This feeling.How?]
Anemos? : Ah...Finally awake.
Sousuke : Anemos?No,Kyo...it's you isn't it?
Drakos and Sho : ?!?
Anemos[Kyo] : Damn,took me a long time,to take over the coward's body.
Sho : A split personality?
Anemos[Kyo] : So the coward was fighting with you?I hope you don't mind defeat kid.

Boss : Anemos[Kyo][Condition : Hold out for one minute.]

*After the fight*

Anemos[Kyo] : Worthless.Weaker than the dirt in my toenails.
Sho : I wouldn't think so.

*Inferno Purge is triggered on Anemos' hand*

Anemos[Kyo] : !?!
Sho : (Punches Anemos[Kyo])What about now?
Anemos : ...(Laughter)Good,good.I like that kid.How about being my servant?You'll be #1.
Sho : Since when?
Anemos[Kyo] : You're right.The woman here is my #1.You'll be #2.
Joanna : [Blushes abd in an angry tone.]What,I-
Sho : Since when did I become your servant?
Sousuke : Kyo,enough.He is still learning.No need to be mean.
Anemos[Kyo] : Whatever,he is weak.So are you,now.
Sousuke : Even if I am will you help us?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...No_Only the coward,will.If you want an explanation,we will talk,privately at that place.
Sousuke : I was hoping for that.
Anemos[Kyo] : Time to return to my slumber then.

*Anemos changes back to normal.*

Anemos : Ughh...
Joanna : Are you...alright?
Anemos : I'm fine.Thanks for the concern miss Joanna.
Sho : What was that?What happened?
Anemos : Umm...split personality.Even gods aren't perfect.
Sho : ...
Drakos : Welcome to the team,Anemos.
Anemos : It's nice to be with you guys.

*Anemos joins the party.You learned the magic spell Wind Blades.*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Anemos : I believe I should tell you this : It's probably better if we just go and train with the teachers first.There is a high possibillity that Keravnos and Gaia will be there too.Maybe Okeanos too[since he stalks his daughters everywhere they go.]
Sousuke : But what about your teacher?
Anemos : True,I need to see him.So we will have to part ways.Drakos,I hope you will have a safe journey with the rest of them.
Drakos : Of course.
Sousuke : Then we shall be on our way.
Sho : Wait.What about me?Won't I have to train under "him" too?
Sousuke : When we finish talking and you find the rest of them along with the teachers,then you can come at that house.I'll open a portal at the nearest crystal shrine.
Sho : Ok.See you then.

*Anemos and Sousuke leave the party.*

*Gameplay Continues.*

*Anemos and Sousuke gameplay part.*

Anemos : To Muramasa's.

*When arriving at Muramasa's*

Sousuke : Old man.I'm back...with a surprise.
Anemos : I'm back teacher.And I'm not the only one.
Muramasa : Oh Sou-kun.And Anemos too...where is the third person?
Anemos : You are looking at him teacher.
Muramasa : !!!!...I see...we'll talk inside.

*Inside Muaramasa's house*

Anemos : I suppose I have to start about how things came to be like that.

You see,lately the wind elders were very troubled because of our abilities,so the king decided to move out.Instead I offered to move out and destroy him.I had to fool everybody and take him to safety.My plan worked but at a price.I had to give up his body and seal him inside me.Worse,the body was sealed by the king himself.And now...

Muramasa : ...Most unfortunate.It won't be easy at all,this retrieval mission.
Anemos[Kyo] : No,old man,it won't be.
Sousuke : Well,that was fast.
Muramasa : So he was telling the truth...
Anemos[Kyo] : No time to look unhappy,old man.We don't have that much time in our hands.It's a good opportunity to teach us three the final secrets.
Muramasa : Very well.The training will start this evening.But keep in mind that Anemos has already completed the training.
Anemos [Kyo] : [That's how he beat me,huh...no other explanation since I'm the strongest.]
Sousuke : Just like old times,eh?All four of us.
Anemos[Kyo] : I still consider him a bastard for what he did.
Sousuke : That doesn't mean he isn't your friend.
Anemos[Kyo] : Perhaps.[Slight smile.]
Sousuke : After that are you ready for some major cutting down?
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm.I don't approve violence.However those who stand in my way are cut down.With style.That's why I'm the best.
Sousuke : I never had any doubts.
Anemos[Kyo] : Be careful not to stand in my way.
Sousuke : Those precious to you aren't in the way right?Same goes for me.
Anemos[Kyo] : Let's go.

*Sho and Joanna Gameplay part*

Sho : So...where to now?
Drakos : The training grounds.I believe we will have access to them if we enter our the nearest crystal shrine.

*As they begin moving.*

Joanna : ...
Sho : Something the matter?
Joanna : I just feel...left out.
Sho : Don't worry.You heard Drakos.Once we find Gaia and that family,girls will probably join in too.It's just a little bit more,OK?

*Sho walks away and Joanna starts walking too.*

Joanna : That's not what I meant...

*Gameplay continues*

*After arriving at the crystal shrine,The Training Grounds are accessible*

*Training Grounds*

Joanna : Woooaaahhh.It's like an endless garden![Sparkling eyes.]
Sho : It sure is spacy enough.So where to now?
Drakos : The grand training hall.It's a long shot,but I hope to find them all there.
Joanna : But this place is sooo nice.Can-
Drakos : Of course this place is nice.The strongest gather here and compete.And there are many I have yet to surpass.WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!I'M GETTING FIRED UUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!

*Flames erupt everywhere*

Joanna : As always,this person is too hot-blooded for his own good.Yet you-

*Missing Silhoutte*

Joanna : ...[looks to her left.]

*A volcano is formed and even more flames erupt.*

Joanna : ...[Better not say anything.]

*Gameplay continues*

*Grand Training Hall*

Drakos : HEY,I'M BACK.
Sho : I don't think they are is anybody there-
????#1 and ????#2 : *Hotblooded screaming*
Drakos : I'm not so easy ANYMOOOOOOOOOOORE!

*Several clashings and then the battle finishes.*

Teacher[MY] : You really have improved.
Teacher[TW] : Good to see you haven't forgoten to practise this style.
Sho : Uuuuhhh...hi.
Drakos : Oh,allow me to introduce you.This a dear friend of mine,Sho.He is the famous human that currently has occupied every elder gods thoughts.If possible,I'd like to teach him more about hand-to-hand combat.I hope we can all enjoy each other's company.
Teacher[TW] : It will be a pleasure.
Drakos : True,I'm also looking forward to polishing my skills too-
Sho : !
Mentor[ST] : Again...
Mentor[IH] : No choice.Huh.
Mentor[IA] : Oh,stop.
Mentor[TM] : She's right.Why do you have to do these stunts all the time?
Drakos : All of you.SO NICE TO SEE YOU!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Joanna : Is it me or is he truly insanely happy?
Sho : I get that feeling too.
Drakos : Allow me to introduce you.These two couples are my mentors and these two men are my teachers.They are also the Great Teachers of the Carnage Fist School[ShuraKen Ryu].They are all like my family.
Sho : You mean you don't have?
Drakos : No,my parents died at the last war.So they raised me.
Sho : The last war-!Man you are old.
Drakos : I'm not an old man,I'm only 20(millenias).
Sho : Huuhh...In any case,pleased to meet you all.
Teacher[MY] : Likewise.
Teacher[TW] : The pleasure is ours.
Mentor[ST] : Greetings.
Mentor[IH] : Same here.
Mentor[IA] : Please to meet you too.
Mentor[TM] : The pleasure is truly ours.
Teacher[TW] : So then time to start the training.
Joanna : Already????
Teacher[MY] : Of course.We will teach you the ShuraKen Ryu.
Mentor[ST] : I will overlook your Broadsword and twin sword training.
Mentor[IH] : I will overlook your single sword and longsword training.
Mentor[IA] : I believe I can be of some help in the gauntlets training.
Mentor[TM] : I can teach you about the Elder God history.
Sho : That's great.Let's start.

*Gameplay Continues.*

*Now you can start the training.Whenever you feel like it,talk to the people to teach you.*

*You learned an extension of the bare-handed moves.You can also customize your Two-handed Sword,Gauntlets,Bare Handed and Sword attacks and find or even gain new attacks now.*

Sho : Thanks for the training.
All of them : No problem.
Drakos : We'll come again.Soon.
Joanna : So now what?
Drakos : The next Elemental is probably Atalanta.If we are lucky she will be training with her teacher.

*Gameplay continues*

Voices : [Screaming and battle cries]
Joanna : What the-
Sho : That means we are near them-

*An object comes flying and takes Sho with it.*

Joanna : Seriously what the-
Young woman : Teacher!I hope you were holding back!
Joanna : Wha-
Drakos : This is Atalanta.The one we are searching for.And it seems she was sparring with?
Sho : Oooooowwwww~~~~~~~
Young Man's voice : Oh,sorry about that.I'll get of.
Sho : [Finally...air.]Oh no trouble at all.
Young man's voice : I'm sorry about the fuss,but it seems we overdid it with out sparring.
Joanna : Th-the-the-THE ARMOUR TAAAAAAAAAAAAALKS?????????
Sho : Eh?[Looks carefully.]Seriously the armour talks by itself.0_o
Atalanta : That's because my teacher is there.This is his battle armour.
Drakos : Yo,long time no see my fair lady.
Atalanta : Unrefined as always.Not to mention troublemaking,Fire Elemental.
Drakos : Aw,don't be like that.Besides-
Atalanta : Admit your mistakes as a proud warrior and all will be well.
Young Man : Atalanta,that's enough.
Atalanta : ...
Zephyros : I'm sorry for that.My student can be rough,but she doesn't mean it.I'm Zephyros,her teacher.
Sho : Glad to meet you.I'm Sho,the human that's causing an uproar here.
Zephyros : Interesting.And you young lady?
Joanna : I'm Joanna.Just a girl.
Sho : We came here to...take Atalanta with us on our journey.
Atalanta : I refuse.As a knight,I yield to non but my lord.If you wish to recruit me,you have to be worthy.
Sho : Fine by me.
Atalanta : Learn the sword arts from my master and then fight me with what you learned.
Joanna : Eh?
Sho : Suits...me?
Drakos : Can I train too,can I?
Zephyros : I don't see why not.While Sho practises his sword skills we can have sparring sessions.
Joanna : Not again.
Atalanta : I'll agree with you...lady.

*You learned the rest of the Sword attacks.*

Atalanta : Whenever you are ready,talk to me.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Boss : Atalanta[Special condition : You have to hit her only with sword attacks.No skills and no other weapons.]

*After the fight*

Atalanta : You pass.
Sho : Glad...to hear it...oh boy![Faints.]
Drakos : Well,that was mean.
Joanna : I have to agree.
Atalanta : Hm.
Zephyros : It's decided then.
Atalanta : I'll be leaving then,teacher.
Zephyros : Whenever you need me,you can come and visit me.
Sho : S...sure...
Drakos : You can go to my family's place.The more allies stick together,the stronger their friendship develops.Like us.
Zephyros : I'll take that advise my friend.

*Atalanta joins the party.You learned the magic spell Metallic Fury.*

*Gameplay continues*

Sho : Can't we rest a bit?
Drakos : Why do you say that?
Sho : Oh come on you guys,I'm not like you.
Atalanta : I see that you are still in need of training.You aren't even worthy to be a squire.
Joanna : Oh,that's just harsh.Besides we all need to rest and eat something.
Drakos : I guess you are right.BUT,if we continue that way we'll reach Keravnos' place.And he can cook us a great meal.
Sho : I thought he was a fighter,not a cook.
Atalanta : You will be surprised by this little man.He can put to shame most women when it comes to house chores.
Sho : [I wonder how the rest of the people we are going to meet will be like?Up until now I'm getting aquinted with "familiar faces"...and that's not a bad thing AT ALL.]Very well.Onwards.
Atalanta : Spirited fool.

*Gameplay continues*

Sho : Finally here...[colapses...]...FOOD.[rises up.]
Joanna : [He really likes food,huh?]
??? : Oh,welcome.I see we have new faces,I daresay.
Drakos : Yo,what's up?Brought you two new friends,Sho and Joanna.Guys,this man is Keravnos.
Joanna : Whaaaaaaat?[Looks at him.]How?How old are you?You look younger than me.
Keravnos : Oh...I wonder myself...28,30(millenias)...
Atalanta : It's true.Everybody still wonders what his secret is.
Joanna : [She is ****ed of.I can tell she is ****edof like me.]
Drakos : Come now,these things don't matter at all.Let's dig in.
Sho : MHFUMFUUFU.(Agreed.)
Drakos : See,he agrees.
Keravnos : Glad to see my cooking's appreciated.
Joanna : [Just...just what kind of situation is this...]

*After everybody eats their share.*

Sho and Drakos : Excellent.My regards to the chef.
Keravnos : Glad you liked it.
Joanna : ...
Keravnos : Is something the matter miss Joanna?
Joanna : N...no!It's a nice house.
Keravnos : It's not mine.It's my teacher's and his wife's.
Atalanta : Despite his looks and skills,this man is homeless and likes to wonder.
Sho : If you like it that much,why don't you join us?
Keravnos : To help in your quest,correct?
Sho : Correct.
Keravnos : With pleasure.Let us go.
Sho : 0_o!Seriously.We won't fight.
Keravnos : There is no need to fight.
Drakos : Welcome to the party man.
Joanna : Glad to have you with us.
Atalanta : It's good to have a fine knight with us.
Keravnos : Ahaha...you are exaggerating.

*Keravnos joins the party.You learned the magic spell Thunder Clash.*

Keravnos : My teacher will be here soon so you may learn something from him.
Sho : We'll see.
Keravnos : Oh teacher.
SSotLDTSS : I see we have visitors.
Sho : Please to meet to.
SSotLDTSS : Glad as well.So you are the one.Oh,this is my wife,Sofia.
Sofia : Pleased to meet you all.
SSotLDTSS : If you want to train you can ask me.
Sho : I will.

*You can now train with the SSotLDTSS.You can now customise your Katana moves.*

*After training.*

Sho : Thank you for everything.
SSotLDTSS : No problem.We will start heading towards the place Drakos suggested too.
Keravnos : We'll come and see you when we have time teacher.
SSotLDTSS : Be sure too.

*Gameplay continues*

Joanna : So it has come to the last two,huh...
Sho : Yup,it seems only Gaia and Okeanos remain.
Sho : You heard something?
Drakos : That's him.
Keravnos : Along with one of his daughters.
Sho : Daughters?[Looks towards the direction the voices are coming.][Exessive nosebleeds and more...]
Joanna : What's with him?(A little ****ed of.)
Keravnos : Perhaps he saw his daughters.
Atalanta : I won't blame you if you get ticked of.

*The CG shows Okeanos' daughters.*

Keravnos : Ah,beatiful and refreshing as ever.
Drakos : Yup,not to mention cuter and more beautiful than you.
Joanna : Was that supposed to be sarcastic?
Drakos : No,why-
Joanna : (Extremely ****ed of.)Was that supposed to be sarcastic?
Drakos : No,why?
Atalanta : It's no use.

*The players go towards their place.*

???[Female voice #2] : Oh look dear,visitors.
Okeanos : HARHARHAR,welcome aboard travelers...ohho!I didn't think I'd see you walgy rats again so soon.[Looks at sho and Joanna.]And those two are?
Sho : You must have heard about the human that plans to oppose all those Evil Gods,no?
Okeanos : Never 'eard of 'im.
Thetis : Oh,don't be so harsh on young people.Forgive him.I'm his wife,Thetis.
Styx : I'm the eldest,Styx.
Afroditi : Welcome.I am Afroditi.Pleased to make your aquintance.[Hand-shakes everyone.]
Kasumi : ...
Thetis : Is something wrong,my dear?
Kasumi : ...I'm...going...
Thetis : Forgive her.Kasumi isn't good with people.She is a bit shy,my baby.
Sho : Yeah...such beaty.Aha.

*Okeanos steps in.*

Sho : Su...such beautiful daughters...ahha?
Okeanos : WHY,YOU-
Thetis : Go easy on him honey.
Okeanos : Aye dear.
Sho : Wait,what did I do?
Afroditi : Forgive him.Father is a little sensitive when the topic changes to us.
Sho : Ahh,I see,no worries...(mellow expression.)
Styx : Get'im dad.Waste his remains cap'n.
Sho : Eh?Wait I-
Styx : Let him walk the plank.WOOOOOOO!
Sho : Guys...help!

*Keravnos and Drakos are having drinks offered by Thetis and Afroditi.*

Drakos : Go man,go.
Sho : YOU...Joanna some-
Joanna : Screw you!
Sho : Wha-...I beg you Ata-
Atalanta : A worthy hero must overcome all the challenges along his way.
Sho : I agree bu-

Boss : Okeanos

Sho : No...no more...
Okeanos : YARHARHAR.Whatta loser.Just like all landsters.
Sho : [Hehe.Just wait,you freak pirate.]
Okeanos : YARHARHAR...what's that?

*Inferno Purge is triggered on Okeanos' hands and coat.As he heads towards the water,Sho triggers Thunder Clash and hits Okeanos the moment he is in the water.*

Sho : Victory.Woohoo.
Styx : Wahoo.Yaren't bad attall,land rat.How about you become me first mate when I become cap'n?Ya'll have that rare priviledge ta be in ma crew.
Sho : Wi...with pleasure.

*A huge explosion ensues.*

Sho : Wha...
Thetis : Go,darling.
Afroditi : Oh,dear.It seems father is uncontrolable now.
Styx : Enough dad.This man's mine.I won't let you.
Okeanos : whawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhaWHAAAAAAAAT?Oh my baby,my girlie,don't say such things.He is just-
Styx : ENOUGH capn'.This man does have what it takes to be with me.And stop treating me like a child.Imma first mate now.
Okeanos : [Tears flowing.]My baby...'as grown up.Allright ya mangy land dog.You can be part of ma girlie's crew.
Sho : Aaaahhh...thanks...
Joanna : Hm!
Atalanta : Well done.It seems you are improving.Steadilly.
Sho : Ahh,thanks.
Atalanta : You still have a lot of ways to go,squire.
Sho : [Just you wait.I'll make you accept me.]
Drakos : Congrats man.
Keravnos : I have to say,I'm very impressed.Very good.I'm glad we didn't fight.
Sho : Come on,now.
Thetis : Dinner's ready.
All : WHOO,coming.

*After dinner,a lenghty explanation is given about the current situation.*

Okeanos : I see...
Afroditi : That is...rather unfortunate.I'm sorry to hear it.
Thetis : Oh,poor child.
Kasumi : ...
Styx : uhh...oh,come on now,first mate.["Hugging" Sho.]With me and our crew,nobody will stand on our way.We'll beat them landsters in a spiffy and rescue them all.Come on.
Drakos : Styx's right.BURN,MY SPIRIT.
Keravnos : Drakos is right.We can't let that hinder us.
Okeanos : Ya sure are a lively crew.We'll join ya.
Sho : Glad to have you all with us.

*Okeanos,Thetis,Styx,Afroditi and Kasumi join the party.You learned the magic spells Aura and Ocean's Relentlesness.*

*Gameplay continues*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*Gameplay continues*

Sho : How long 'till we find Gaia?
Keravnos : Not long I believe.She should be around here.
Sho : Is that her?
Okeanos : Yup,that's 'er,'right!
Gaia : Welcome.What bussiness would you have with me.
Styx : We'd like ya ta join our crew.
Gaia : Eh?
Afroditi : My elder sister wishes that you offer us your help by assisting us,if it doesn't bother you.
Gaia : No,it doesn't,but what kind of quest is that?
Sho : Maybe we should talk about it properly.

*After a long talk*

Gaia : I see.If that's the case I will gladly join.
Sho : Thank you.Glad to have you with us.
Drakos : More members.YAHOOOO.[Slips and falls down.]Hmmm???
Gaia : Oh,you poor thing.Wait.[Goes and brings bandages and herbs.]There!All that and get-well kiss will do the trick.Alright.
Drakos : It's that bad.I mean worse has happened.
Gaia : Don't worry,mama will take care of you.
Joanna : Did I miss something?
Sho : That's what I wonder too?Unless she realy is the one I'm thinking of...[And she is not the only one...that guy back there...Zephyros,huh..not to mention Atalanta...]
Keravnos : Miss Gaia has a strong motherly streak you see.She acts like this.
Styx : Pah.A weak addition.
Sho : Don't say that-
Styx : C'mon mate,set sail.
Kasumi : ...
Atalanta : With this we can really start.
Sho : Not exactly.We have to go back to Earth and pick our two missing members.
Okeanos : What are ye wait'n'fo?Set sail.

*Gaia joins the party.You learned Earthly Prison.*

*Gameplay continues*

*After you reach Muramasa's house.*

Sousuke : Hm?Oh,welcome.It's nice to see you guys again.
Sho : Yo.
Sousuke : So everyone's here.Just like a family reunion.
Drakos : You don't say.The last time this happened was 10 years ago.
Afroditi : Truly;very much.
Joanna : So you know each other?
Sousuke : Apart from Drakos,I knew everyone else.But,unlike Keravnos and Anemos,I've met them only once in a meeting ten years ago.If they are here,I assume you are all as I remember you.
Okeanos : We wouldn't change fo anythin' land prawler.
Styx : Aye.Ya grown finely,brat.Ain't it right,first mate?
Sousuke : First mate?
Sho : I'll explain later.
Anemos : !Oh,you came Sho.How was the journey.!I see you are here too my friend.
Keravnos : Same here.It's been ten long years.
Muramasa : Oh,what a happy gathering.It seesm you have succeeded,Sho-kun.
Sho : Heh.
Muramasa : Then we can start your training.
Sho : Right of the bat,huh?
Anemos : It won't be that bad.

*You can now customize your Tachi moves.*

Muramasa : Before leaving for your quest,we have to do two things first.
Joanna : We have more to do?
Atalanta : What could that be?
Muramasa : The first one is the awakening of your weapons true forms.I didn't forge your weapons on a whim.
Anemos : And the second actually is something personal.I'd like your assistance on the matter though.
Gaia : Very well.
Drakos : I'm ok with that.
Muramasa : Then Sho-kun has to head out alone and destroy a certain devil.And when he returns he will face a test to prove if he can wield the weapons.
Sho : ...I'll do it.
Sousuke : Then I'll stay here.
Sho : I'll be of then.
Joanna : ...
Sousuke : Worried?
Joanna : No...
Kasumi : ...
Sousuke : Come on.We all have work to do.

*Gameplay continues*

*The player will face three bosses and will have to find five pages of the Necronomicon too.These bosses are in different locations,marked on the map.After that the player will gain Teleportation Arts[DD],Lightning Speed[DD] and Body and Soul[DD].The Necronomicon pages you found contain : Teleportation Arts[NSPR],Lightning Speed[NSPR],Body and Soul[NSPR],Wind's Blessings[NSPR] and ???.After you complete all your tasks a scene triggers.*

Sho : [So that is everything needed-]Hm?[A passage?Was it there when I first entered this place?Oh well.]

*You enter the passage only to find yourself in a foggy city of the early 20th century that resembles a mix of an american city and an brittish city.The gameplay continues[no enemy encounter] until you enter an old bookstore.*

Sho : Hello.Is anybody here?Hello?[What's with this city?And this bookstore...something's way off.]
Rough Male : May I help you?
Sho : Oh,hello.I was just looking around and-
Rough Male : Please wait.I'll get the manager.
Sho : Oh...thank you.[What is this-]
??? : Welcome.May I be of any help?
Sho : Uh.[What...what a babe...and that outfit...is she provoking me?No,it's not time for that.]Hello.
Nya : I'm sorry if I startled you.I'm the owner of this bookstore...I'm...Nya.
Sho : I'm Sho...not that it will mean anything.It's not a proper name.
Nya : Maybe because the proper name is...[Nya leans near his ear and whispers his name and then blowing in his ear,erotically.]
Sho : [Eehh*Shivering sounds*.How e-]Wait,how did you now my name?
Nya : Such a great name,it is written all over you.And that's not the only thing that's great about you...such stuborness,yet such a good soul...so beautiful...so very beautiful.So much potential in everything a human can and can't do...if only you weren't underestimating yourself.
Sho : [What the...am I like that?No,this is what mum,dad and all of them say...I'm really nothing special,but how did she know about it?]Uh...I've been meaning to ask...why is the city so empty?And what kind of books do you sell?
Nya : Oh,it seems that now is the siesta,so everyone is resting.And about my bookstore...I sell grimoires.
Sho : ...
Nya : For example do you know what this is?[Takes a book from the self.]
Sho : No idea...no idea at all.
Nya : It's called the Book of Eibon.A powerful grimoire.And the original that is.Not an immitation or another version of it.The moment on holds it,one can understand it's originality.Here.
Sho : [Can it be?]Thanks.[Touches the grimoire and suddenly he kneels while seeing various images that are inside the book and hearing voices that are the text of the book.]Ah...
Nya : So?[Takes the book and puts it back.]Did you see it too?
Sho : It's incredible...the book...what was that?A vision?
Nya : A warning.Powerful grimoires have a concience of their own and are able to choose their masters.There are even more powerful grimoires that even have a soul of their own.
Sho : I see.Thank you for showing me.Can I buy any of them,or even the one you showed me?
Nya : I'm afraid I can't do that.You already have a grimoire.A more powerful and more fitting grimoire.
Sho : I do?
Nya : Yes.Al Azif,the Necronomicon itself.
Sho : [She means Al?But he is not mine.]Maybe you mistake me for someone else.I don't posses it.
Nya : But you do.Maybe you aren't aware of it's great power calling out to you,it's master.
Sho : [Maybe...just maybe because we are the same...that must be it...]Thank you very much miss Nya.I hope we can meet again.
Nya : Leaving so soon?
Sho : I have to...I must finish the jobs I'm assigned.
Nya : Won't you at least join my for tea?Just for company.
Sho : [It's not like I've been getting much rest lately.]...Of course.Allow me.

*They both sit down and have lenghty conversations,enjoying themselves.When it is time for Sho to leave...*

Sho : Thank you for everything.
Nya : No,I should be thanking you.It was very nice.
Sho : Truly,it was very nice.I hope I can come here more often.
Nya : Can't you?
Sho : Currently,I have something I must do.A quest perhaps is the most appropriate and fitting naming for it.I don't know how much longer it will continue,but when I finish,I promise to come often here.
Nya : I wish for it too.
Sho : I wouldn't miss your great company miss Nya.
Nya : Good luck with your quest.
Sho : Thank you-

*At that moment Nya kisses Sho.When the kiss ends both are flustered and somewhat red.For an instant,in Nya's eyes,love is reflected.Nya leans once more and the both embrace and kiss once more.*

Nya : See?Once you have some self-confidence you truly shine.Brighter that you or anyone can imagine.
Sho : I...guess.
Nya : Take care.
Sho : You too.Goodbye.

*As Sho opens the door,a gushing light is shed over him.He then awakens at a crystal shrine.*

Sho : [Where-huh?The crystal shrine?I must have fallen asleep when I finished.Then...all this was...a dream...(Manly tears flow down)I really am...so pathetic...Ahou...I've got to get back.]

*As he leaves the crystal shrine Nya appears from the crystals and watches Sho as he leaves.Then the scenery changes in a dark throne room where Leon is sitting,still covered in darkness.*

xxxM : It seems you are getting extremely attached to your pawn,"miss" Nya...no...Nyarlathotep.
Nya : ...For what purpose am I summoned here?
xxxM : Just for a talk.
Nya : You are really enjoying all this.
xxxM : Alas,it is true.His efforts,his battles his fight with me are my entertainment.And no matter how many aeons pass,I never get tired.Not even[sad tone]...one bit.
Nya : ...

*Gameplay continues*

*When Sho is near Muramasa's house a cutscene is triggered.*

Sho : [I really am...soooo...uh...at least I may have a chance with the other girls...*random flashbacks*...what am I saying...]Huh?

*Weird noises start coming from all over the place.*

Sho : Ooooooooook...weird...

*Suddenly Byakhees appear and encircle him in the center of a hurricane.*

Sho : Wha...are those...Byakhees?Oh not good.

Boss fight : 100 Byakhees

*After the fight is over*

Sho : [That was...easy...was I really that strong when the journey started or...no use finding out now.Gotta go back.]

*Gameplay continues.*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*Gameplay continues.*

*After reaching Muaramasa's house.*

Sho : I'm back.
Sousuke : And right on-

*EGJoanna makes a slapping motion but is stopped by Sousuke,Styx and Joanna.*

Sousuke : Enough.That's going too far.
Styx : When ya hurt ma first mate,ya have ta answer at me,the cap'n.Got that,whale chick?
Joanna : Can't you understand the situation?
EGJoanna : ...
Muramsa : Did something happen-Oh you returned safely Sho-kun!Welcome back.
Sho : Yo,old man.
Drakos : Welcome back man.
Atalanta : I see you returned successfully.[slight smile.]
Okeanos : YARHARHAHAR.WELL DONE!Touch my daughters and yar dead.
Sho : Eh?No,it's-
Gaia : Here,don't move.
Sho : [This isn't too bad...I had forgotten about it...]
Kervanos : Good to see you are back and in time for dinner.
Sho : Dinner?
Keravnos : Yup.Madam Thetis and miss Afroditi are helping me.
Anemos[Kyo] : Laid back as always.Yet you did well.As expected of my #2.
Sho : What do you mean by #2?[Irritated.]
Sousuke : It seems you have some catching up to do.
Sho : I'll do it when we are eating.You have some catching up to do too.
Kasumi : [Grabs his arm.]...
Sho : Oh,hi....Is something the matter?
Kasumi : ...Welcome back.
Sho : ...T-thank you.
Keravnos : It seems you are very lucky Sho.She hasn't opened herself that much but she was concerned about you.
Sho : Really?
Keravnos : For all of us.
Sho : Wow...I...but I don't even got to know you guys,nor you did...I mean-
Keravnos : You do.It's just that we know you better.
Sho : Huh?
Keravnos : After all you and him are like twins.
Sho : [Slight smile.]So what's for dinner?
Keravnos : [Slight smile.]Well are you familiar with...

*They all sit down and have dinner and Sho tells them,nearly,everything that happened.*

Drakos : Byakhees?Does that mean that Hastur's advent is coming?
Anemos[Kyo] : What a pain.
Afroditi : This can be troublesome fo us.And painful...
Styx : RAHAHAHAHA!C'm'on sis.Don't act like the land losers.It'l be over before ya know it.
Atalanta : True.It will be troublesome.But heroes have to face what's in front of them.The squire is proof of my words.
Gaia : Hastur?The wind lord?The Unnameable?
Keravnos : Correct.He will be a troublesome opponent like his Byakhees,however we cannot back down.
Anemos[Kyo] : Unless you are like the coward.And you resemble him most.
Keravnos : ...
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm.
Sousuke : Kyo.
Anemos[Kyo] : What?
Muaramsa : This is not the time.Right now we all have to concentrateon our last task,before we move to the dragonlands.
Anemos[Kyo] : That is to find my body.
Sho : And where would that be?
Anemos[Kyo] : No idea.
Sho : Then how do you expect us to-Oh let me guess.That's what bossy lady is here for.
Sousuke : Bossy lady...it's not like that...
EGJoanna : Why should you care?After all he is my fiance.Be happy that I shared this info with the rest of you.
Sousuke : Oh come on.What you did was life-saving.
EGJoanna : [Blushing and steam gushing from her ears..]Y-yes,I know.I...I'll be going now.
Joanna : [How disgracefull.]
EGJoanna : [Like you should talk,human copy.]
Joanna : [Somehow I get the feeling that someone's mean with me.]
Drakos : So the location is...the wind temples complex?
Keravnos : It is your home I presume?[Looking at Anemos.]
Anemos[Kyo] : [Glaring back.]...
Kasumi : ...T-then...let's go get it...right?

*Everyone looks at Kasumi,stupified.*

Thetis : ...My baby.Oh,my baby.Mama is so proud.
Okeanos : YARHARHAHAR,That's ma girl.She's got ma spunk.
Sho and Sousuke : [Get real,blackbeard.]
Drakos : She is right,LET'S GOOOOOOO!
Keravnos : Let's move out.
Gaia : It is going to be difficult,but we'll make it.
Afroditi : I hope we will succeed.
Atalanta : Let us go forth.We are heroes after all.[Looks at Sho.]Except for you.
Styx : Let's go first mate.Set sail.
Anemos[Kyo] : [A smile is formed.]Hm...
Anemos : [Just like old times huh...Kyo?]
Anemos[Kyo] : [No comment.]
Sousuke : Will your answer be the same,if I ask you the same thing?
Anemos[Kyo] : No comment.
Sousuke : You never change.
Anemos[Kyo] : That's one of my good points.
Sousuke : No comment.

*As they all depart,Sho is shown with Drakos,Joanna,Gaia,the whole family and Atalanta clinging on him like friends and we are also shown with Sousuke,Anemos[Kyo] and Keravnos walking together along with an afterimage of Anemos,all together.Then both groups join and they depart together,all in arms.*

Muramasa : Good luck.And...I hope you return...Anemos,Kyo,my sons...Skotos.
Skotos : Yes?
Muramasa : Can I depend on you for their safety?
Skotos : You don't have to ask.I too am concerned about the future of these kids.
Muramasa : When they return,a celebration will be needed.
Skotos : Should I bring Hypnos too?
Muramasa : Why not?I'm sure he is eager to meet them to.
Skotos : Next time,I'll meet them in person.
Muramasa : [Smile.]
Skotos : I'm off.
Muramasa : Be careful.

*Sousuke,Joanna,Drakos,Anemos[Kyo],Atalanta,Keravnos,Okeanos,Thetis,Styx,Afroditi,Kasumi and Gaia join the party as playable characters.Sousuke obtains Teleportation Arts[NSPR],Lightning Speed[NSPR],Body and Soul[NSPR] and Wind's Blessings[NSPR].A tutorial is ensued explaining the abilities you gained along with the powers of the new players.*

*Gameplay continues.*

*When you reach the first boss in the wind temple a cutscene ensues.*

??? : Heh!
Atalanta : !Get back!

*Several daggers fall*

Arachni : Excellent!The way you dodged it was excellent.Not something trash can do_Oh,by the way,I'm Arachni.When I erase you,one by one,remember who send you to oblivion.
Atalanta : I think not.It is more fitting for the heroine to fight scum like you.Go.
Gaia : But...
Atalanta : You've got the heroine's word : I'll catch up.
Sho : Damn!
Arachni : A foolish move...or not...I actually enjoy playing "chase".However...I hate girls like you!
Atalanta : I don't need to be liked by evil anyway.

Boss : Arachni

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Atalanta's Extreme Style Attack to finish her off.After Arachni dies,Atalanta resumes her normal form again and takes of to catch up with the others.*

*Gameplay continues*

*After you reach the second boss,a cutscene ensues.*

??? : Web,SPREAD.

*Keravnos intercepts and slashes the web.*

Keravnos : Go.I'll get rid of the pursuers and follow you later.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...
Afroditi : Please be careful.
Keravnos : [Looking everywhere]...Show yourself.
Atlach-Nacha : So,you are the loser who stayed behind huh?What hope can you have against me,Atlach-Nacha?
Keravnos : Atlach-Nacha?What bussiness does a Great Old One like you has with us?
Atlach-Nacha : You killed my poor little sister...it's enough for me to come and extract revenge from her killers.
Keravnos : You mean Arachni?I'm sorry lady,but I can't let you kill any of my friends.[However...I can't excactly hurt a lady....]
Atlach-Nacha : Come if you dare.

Boss : Atlach-Nacha[Condition : don't attack her for one min.]

*After the fight she hits Keravnos*

Atlach-Nacha : *Laughter*What's this?They think that this kind of vermin is even enough to slow me down?You trash,I'll kill you and then kill your friends.
Keravnos : No...you won't...
Atlach-Nacha : And what are you going to do?Just die you idiot!

*Keravnos intercepts the death blow and counters.As he raises his head,he changes to his murder persona.*

Keravnos : No mercy...I'll kill you.
Atlach-Nacha : This is how you should be from the start.
Keravnos : Enough talking.You talk too much for someone that is going to die.

*Atlach-Nacha then changes to her true form : a lavender haired woman with six arms,web-like tatoos covering her "private areas" and the spider's belly hanging like a tail while her teeth become sharp and she grows big enough to destroy the room and make the place more open.*

Boss : Atlach-Nacha - True form

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Keravnos' Extreme Style Attack to finish her off.After Atlach-Nacha dies,Keravnos resumes his normal form again and sits down to rest before catching up with the others.*

Keravnos : I'll...catch up...later...be careful...*sleeps*

*Gameplay continues*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*When you reach further inside the temple,another boss fight will be triggered.*

Sousuke : A branch?
Anemos[Kyo] : Ch!Troublesome.Which way?
Joanna : There is something ahead in both tunnels.However,the smell is stronger from the left.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...Woman,what about someone that smells like me?
Joanna : ...The right one,but it's very faint.
Anemos[Kyo] : Then the left one is a trap.
Sho : Worse thing,is if we don't get "caught" we'll have more pursuers on our way.
Okeanos : We'll go.
Drakos : Why not me?
Kasumi : Further...further ahead the left tunnel...branches in five different ways...
Styx : Five enemies for five opponents,huh?
Thetis : Oh,my.That is exiting.Like when I was young.
Styx,Sho and Sousuke : You mean you aren't now?
Thetis : Ara,did you say something my dear children?
Afroditi : Mother.
Thetis : Oh,well...
Gaia : So we part ways again.
Sho : Be careful.
Styx : What?'Tis nothin'.

*The group parts ways and the first boss fight is against Okeanos.*

Okeanos : Water?The sea?
??? : [Growl]
Okeanos : What?

*A strange creature surfaces.*

Okeanos : Kraken?So they managed to capture it.However for a true pirate,killing you would be the ultimate chalenge.Prepare yourself!

*Okeanos jumps at the sea,walking on the surface of water.*

Boss : Kraken

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Okeanos' Extreme Style Attack to finish Kraken off.After Kraken dies,Okeanos resumes his normal form again.*

Okeanos : That was a fair challenge.YARHARHARHAR!...Now ta get otta 'ere.

*Scene changes to Thetis heading up the tunnel.*

Thetis : Oh,my.Such a wide area.Shouldn't the boss character be here?

*Buzzing is heard.*

Thetis : Ara?

*Byakhees appear.*

Thetis : Ara,what ugly birds.Well then,can you swim?

Boss fight : 50 Byakhees

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Thetis' Extreme Style Attack to finish her off.After all the Byakhees die,Thetis resumes her normal form again.*

Thetis : So exciting!I really feel 17(millenias) again.It's so good to feel young.

*Scene changes to Styx.*

Styx : ...Come out,come out whenever ya 're!


Styx : Ch.A dud?

*Footsteps are then heard.*

Styx : Eh?
Shoryu : [Panting.]...I'm sorry.I'm late for our death match.Allow me to introduce myself : I'm Shoryu,a disciple of the wind style and master of the nunchucks.
Styx : Confident aren't'cha?Very well.

Boss : Shoryu

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Styx's Extreme Style Attack to finish him off.After Shoryu is defeated,Styx resumes her normal form again and sits down to rest before catching up with the others.*

Shoryu : Why...why didn't you finish me of?I lost.
Styx : Ahh,c'mon now.Yar not bad.The others were Evil Gods,weren't they?
Shoryu : ...[sigh]It's true.I don't know why,but after the war master changed...he started getting evil gods and other creatures in this temple as mercenaries or animals.
Styx : What?Is that true?
Shoryu : Absolutely.He even gave the order of sealing the second Anemos.Instead of receiving the blessing,he named it a curse!
Styx : So that's it...Thank you.[I have to catch up with the others.]

*Scene changes to Afroditi.*

Afroditi : It really is very quiet and tranquil around here...perhaps I am the only who is lucky?Is this really a dead end or a trap?
??? : ...
Afroditi : Is someone there?
??? : ...
Afroditi : Please show yourself...it's not very nice.
Hakoryu : I am Hakoryu...
Afroditi : Oh,how nice.Pleased to meet you,I'm Afroditi.
Hakoryu : Is it over?
Afroditi : Pardon?
Hakoryu : I was hired as a merc here to exterminate the intruders not young girls.I'll spare your life...perhaps...
Afroditi : Oh,how very nice.I too,detest fighting and violence.What is your condition?
Hakoryu : The condition is...TO SCREW YOUR GUTS OUT!

*Hakoryu starts laughing hysterically and sheds his clothing and skin revealing his true form : a strange humanoid,hammer head shark like monster with snake skin and tentacles.*

Afroditi : [Scream]
Hakoryu : [Hysterical laughter]FINALLY!FINALLY A WOMAN!!I'LL **** YOU SO MUCH BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!****ING TIME!!!!
Afroditi : This is going to be unpleasant but...[readies stance]it seems I don't have much choice when it comes to facing devils and evil gods.

Boss : Hakoryu

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Afroditi's Extreme Style Attack to finish him off.After Hakoryu is killed,Afroditi resumes her normal form again and sits down to rest before catching up with the others.*

Afroditi : Father,mother,sister,Kasumi...I did it.I have to catch up with!

*Scene changes to Kasumi*

??? : Wohooo.Hello pretty.Didn't know you were into costume playing.
Kasumi : I am...not.Who...are you?
[Lord]/High Byakhee : I have no name.But if you are wondering I am a High Byakhee.A lord among Byakhees.Maybe you could call me Lord Byakhee.
Kasumi : Get...ready...if I don't beat you...the others...I have to catch up to the others!

Boss : High Byakhee

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Kasumi's Extreme Style Attack to finish him off.After the High Byakhee is killed,Kasumi resumes her normal form again and sits down to rest before catching up with the others.*

Kasumi : I'm on my way!

*Gameplay continues*

*Further inside the shrine two new enemies wait*

Sho : Seems like we have to separate this time too.
Anemos[Kyo] : Woman,quickly,which way?
Joanna : Straight ahead.
Drakos : I'm going left.See you guys soon.
Gaia : I'll take the right.
Sousuke : Good luck!

*Scene switches to Gaia*

Gaia : Come out low-lifes.We don't have much time.
??? : Oh,dn't be hasty,missy.We have plenty of time...especialy when it comes to man-woman interaction.
Gaia : Hm.Another deep one?No you must be a devil.
Kimeryu : Correct.I'm the devil Kimeryu.Now,how about you prostrate yourself to me and let me have a good time?I'll probably have a second thought about keeping you alive longer.
Gaia : How come you guys find the courage to spew so much crap.
Kimeryu : You'll regret~ this~!

Boss : Kimeryu

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Gaia's Extreme Style Attack to finish him off.After Kimeryu is killed,Gaia resumes her normal form again and sits down to rest before catching up with the others.*

Gaia : Phew...it took too much effort for his kind...I wonder how the others fare...

*Scene switches to Drakos*

??? : You must be a complete idiot...
Drakos : There you are.Let's not waste any more time.
??? : Why?Is someone chasing you?Or are you late for a date?
Drakos : Enough.Let's fight.
??? : Would you fight if I said I knew something about your family?
Drakos : [Mom and dad?]What would you know?
??? : I know enough.Like that you lost them when you were very small and witnessed their deaths first hand.Want to know how they were killed?
Drakos : STOP IT!
??? : "Why should I stop enjoying myself,you ****ty brat?" is what I said I believe.

*A flashback ensues with Drakos witnessing his parents cruel deaths by the hands of enemy,saying excactly what he said now.*

Drakos : ...mom...dad...
??? : I never introduced myself properly that time...
Drakos : ...up...
Nergal : I'm Nergal.And I hope you provide me with some entertainment.
Drakos : ...shut up...
Nergal : Did you said something?
Drakos : I said...SHUT UP!You scum...how dare you...you won't leave this place alive!
Nergal : [Laughter]You think you can take on,ME,THE GREAT NERGAL.My name is carved in legend boy.You are just dirt in front of me.
Drakos : We'll see about that!
Nergal : We'll see about that.
Drakos : Mom...dad...my family...my friends...give me power...and my soul...BURN!

Boss : Nergal

*After the battle,a cutscene starts and shows Drakos executing his Mars Inferno and his Golden Sun skills and then he uses his Extreme Style Attack to finish him off,destroying everything in the process.After Nergal is killed,Drakos resumes her normal form again.*

Drakos : [Mom...dad...everyone...I did it...my friends...hurry up.]

*Gameplay continues*

Anemos[Kyo] : !It's close.
Sho : Finally!
Joanna : !
Sousuke : Is something the matter?
Joanna : I smell...books...and pretty old ones.
Sho : Books?
Sousuke : ...Al?Maybe it's Al.
Anemos[Kyo] : Seems like we have to scatter again.
Sousuke : Why-

*The group avoids a blast aimed at the them.*

Anemos[Kyo] : Ch!Great.

*A group of people appears*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Sousuke : Al!
Al : ...
Sho : That's the Necronomicon?
Sousuke : He is.
Joanna : But...isn't the Necronomicon a book?
Sho and Sousuke : Yeah,so?
Joanna : [And you find it normal???]
??? : Finish them of,my sweet.
??? : As you wish,master.
Sousuke : More trouble is brewing.Go,Kyo!
Anemos[Kyo] : Ch!I'll get my body back and then I'll come back.
Sho : Shouldn't we worry about saving our buts?The middle guy seems the most troublesome of them all...especially if "he" is who I think...
Sousuke : What do you mean?
Sho : Think about it : who has the appearnence of a humanoid,three-eyed bat thingie?
Sousuke : ...!!!You don't mean..."that"?
Sho : A confirmation,would be either confronting or disasterous to our moral right now.
??? : Care to share your thoughts with me?
Sousuke : ...You...what did you do to Al?
??? : Me?I did nothing.
Sousuke : Sure...it's so believable...
Nyarlathotep : I am Nyarlathotep...I don't see any reason for lying.
Sho : We were saying?
Sousuke : Well...crap.
Nyarlathotep : And this little lady is the Pnakotic Manuscripts.
Sho and Sousuke : !!!
Joanna : Uhh...anybody care to explain?
Sho : In many words : were in deep ****!In one word : ****!
Joanna : That bad,huh?
Sousuke : No use,crying over spilt milk.
Nyarlathotep : I appriciate the fact you wish a fair fight,but-[snaps fingers]

*Sho and Joanna are transported*

Sousuke : What?Trying to separate us?Or aren't you confident enough to take us on?
Nyarlathotep : I though that humans usually want to spent their last hours with someone they like and engage in sexual activities.Ami I wrong?
Sousuke : Just where do you guys get those ideas,anyway?
Nyarlathotep : Sweetheart,go.
Pnakotic Manuscripts : As you wish,master.

Boss Fight : Nyarlathotep,Pnakotic Manuscripts,Al Azif

*After the fight,Nyarlathotep dies screaming and the Pnakotic Manuscripts returns to book form.*

Sousuke : I'm...alive?Yeah?They were so weak?Or was I too strong?
Al : Uuh...
Sousuke : Al!
Al : Uh...!Master?Master what happened?

*Smacks Al on the head.*

Sousuke : Don't call me that.I'm not some kind of slave trader or something.
Al : Sorry So-

*Smacks Al,again*

Al : WHY?
Sousuke : Don't call me that!"Sousuke" will be fine from now on.
Al : [Suspicious look]...Why?Are you ashamed of your own name?
Sousuke : My reasons are-...uh...ok,yeah.I am.So is the other "me".
Al : You really are strange.
Sousuke : I don't need to hear it from you too.[Smile starts forming.]So I was so late.
Al : What do you mean by late?I am fine on my own.I'm not some 10 year old.
Sousuke : I guess you never change either.
Al : I wouldn't want to anyway.
Sousuke : How about we go and meet up with the others?
Al : Others?
Sousuke : You will be surprised.
Al : ...
Sousuke : Is something...Oooooooohhh,you little...I understand.It's not manly at all to leave a lady exposed like that.
Al : Eh?
Sousuke : Go on,take her.
Al : You mean...the Pnakotic Manuscripts?But a grimmoire can't own a grimmoire.
Sousuke : I never said that.As a man,don't you feel bad that a lady was mistreated?
Al : ...Very well...
Sousuke : See,it wasn't difficult admiting it.
Al : But,grimmoires can't do those kind of things-
Sousuke : You have a human form,you can talk,you can make decisions on your own.How the hell can you be a book?Or is it that you prefer-
Al : [Disgusted look]You are worse than Ahzrad himself.
Sousuke : ...This will take a while...
Al : So?We've got all the time we want,in our hands.Isn't that so?
Sousuke : [...little bastard :)]Let's move.

*Scene changes to Sho and Joanna.*

Joanna : Uh...That was a nasty fall...where is-
Sho : [Muffling sounds that would normaly be heard as : "If you are wondering,I'm over here."]
Joanna : Huh?[Looks everywhere.]Where?
Sho : [Muffling sounds that would normaly be heard as : "Over here,the human pillar."]
Joanna : What is he saying-A...A-a-a-a--a-a-a hu-human-A HUMAN PILAR![Screams]
Sho : [Muffling sounds that would normaly be heard as : "Yes.You found me."]
Joanna : [Screams as she pulls him out.]
Sho : Wooo,thanks...is something wrong?
Joanna : [Horrified faces.]
Sho : ?[Looks at his body.]Ugh...now I know what the kid from that Exo***** film felt![Turns head to normal.]
Joanna : [Faints.]
Sho : Nice.Just plain nice.Oh god.

*Clapping sounds*

Sho : What's so amusing?Come out.
Hathanga : Long time no see boy.
Sho : Ah!You are-
Hathanga : Yes?
Sho : ...Who are you again?
Hathanga : ...Huh?
Sho : ...Wait.I know.You are that famous gravure model that had the worst body ever.
Hathanga : I...am not...A WOMAN!
Sho : Oh!Now I remember!
Hathanga : Yes?[Irritated]
Sho : You are thug No 175667548.
Hathanga : NO!
Sho : Oh,sowy,did I scwew up with the big bad bully who depwived me of evewyhing?
Hathanga : Say my name...
Sho : Only if you lean next to me.
Hathanga : WHAT?
Sho : Pwetty pwease!Look at how helpless,wittle bunny is.
Hathanga : Very-[Stabbing sound]!You-[Vomits blood.]
Sho : I...what?
Hathanga : That's...low...
Sho : You are right.It would be better if you died on your own.But since you are incapable of doing that,I thought that I should help you.Unfortunately,I got stains on my sword now.
Hathanga : You[more blood]...you low-life!
Sho : Coming from another low-life?I guess we are even then!
Hathanga : That's one thing...I never expected-[blood]...good think I plan ahead!
Sho : What?

*Hathanga dissolves into some kind of dark mist and goes into Joanna's body.*

Sho : Wha-
Hathanga's voice : Time for my entertainment.
Sho : You...just come out you slimy,feminine coward.
Hathanga's voice : Or what?Will the poor wittle bunny wabby hurt me?[Maniacal laughter.]
Sho : You are so dead!
Joanna? : No.YOU are!

*Joanna? punches Sho throught the walls and out in the open fields.*

Sho : Ow...
Joanna? : Stand up!
Sho : You punch the living daylights out of me and you expect me to stand up?Not gonna happen.
Joanna? : Then die.
Sho : Yo,yo!I'm standing!
Joanna? : Small difference.

*Sho avoids the hit*

Sho : Did I do something?
Hathanga's voice : I wouldn't know myself,boy,but it seems that pure evil doesn't like you.
Sho : [So that's what the mist was earlier.Crafty bastard.]Hm?Wait! There are two of you running around?
Joanna[Pure Evil] : Just because I got out of her mind,doesn't mean I'm like her.
Sho : Somehow,I feel that this is a huge rip-off.
Joanna[Pure Evil] : Prepare yourself.
Sho : Oh well.

Boss : Joanna[Pure Evil]

*After the fight...*

Sho : Uh...crap...
Joanna : Did you have enough?
Sho : ...damn...
Nya's Voice[altered a bit] : I can't have you dying here...my precious pawn...my master sleeps within you after all...
Sho : ...Miss...Nya...?

*A flash engulfs everything.The scenery becomes white.*

Sho : [Where?]
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : ...
Sho : Who...who are you?
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : ...
Sho : Wait!Where is this?Where is miss Nya?
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : ...[(Turns around)He recognised me?Or...]
Sho : Please,answer me.Where is this?And how come I can't move?
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : [He didn't...he just recognised the voice...]It's nothing.Soon you will be able to move.After the ritual is over.
Sho : What ritual?
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : The one needed to unlock your powers.However you can't be defenceless like that.
Sho : But-
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : Sleep.

*After the light fades*

Joanna[Pure Evil] : Uh...Huh?Nothing happened?
Sho : ...
Joanna[Pure Evil] : Time for a one way trip.To hell.
Sho : ...

*As Joanna[Pure Evil] is ready to strike Sho down,he unconsiously intercepts the lethal hit.*

Joanna[Pure Evil] : So,he isn't unconsious.

*Sho throws her away and stands up.*

Joanna[Pure Evil] : What the-
Sho : [Bestial roar,echoing everywhere.]
Joanna[Pure Evil] : Wha-
Sho : [Bestial Roar]

Boss : Joanna[Pure Evil]{Condition : During the fight the Bestiality skill will be active until the battle is over.}

*After the fight,Sho is shown mercilessly killing the evil apparition by ripping the heart and slashing her to pieces,resulting in her dissolvement to mist and returning back to her original body.As this finishes Sho roars one last time exhibiting his full power.*

Joanna : Ow...my head...what happened-...Sho?
Sho : [Bestial sounds.Looks around.]...[Bestial sounds of relief and hapiness before fainting.]
Joanna : Wha-Hey?

*As he falls down he dissolves and is transported elsewhere.*

Joanna : What?What's going on?

*Scene changes an unknown place with Sho lying down.*

Sho : Uuhh...

*Sho gets up*

Sho : ...Hello?...Is anyone here?


Sho : ...

*Gameplay continues*

*After you pass through the first door,you will reach the dark throne room that Leon is shown to be.The room is still dark.{No enemies are encountered.}*

xxxM : Welcome.I was hoping we could meet.
Sho : Who...
Leon : I am Leon,the master of the underworld,the priest of destruction,the human carnage.In ancient times,I was called "Mega Therion",in your country.
Sho : Leon...
Leon : Please remember me,hope of humanity.
Sho : ...[This man...]
Leon : How about we start?I want to see what your abilities are,since you are "her" chosen.
Sho : ...["Her"?Does he mean that girl?]

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Boss : Leon[Condition : You cannot damage Leon and you cannot come closer than a 1 metre radius.Hold out for one minute.]

Leon : ...A dissapointment...why don't you take me seriously?
Sho : [He must be joking...I just unleashed all my power and he is hasn't even stood up from his throne...what a monster...]
Leon : ...Maybe you haven't unlocked all your power?
Sho : What do you mean by that?
Leon : I see...I'll wait then,until the ritual is over.Then we can have our fun.
Sho : [Seems to me like you want to torture me mentaly!...Does he mean that white background?It would be better if I was just back there.{Closes his eyes.}]
???[Nyarlathotep/Nya] : If that is your wish.
Sho : [Opens eyes,but closes them again as he faints.]
Leon : It has begun...

*A flash of light is emmited from Sho's body and he is transfered somewhere.Scene changes back to the white background.*

Sho : [I'm here,again.]


Sho : [It's awfully quiet.As if no one is here.]


Sho : [(Sigh...)!Was there was always a door here?]

*Sho opens the door and a blinding light is emmited.He is at the outskirts of a town.*

Sho : Ugh...[This is...this is the same town!How am I here again?So it wasn't a dream.]

*Gameplay Continues[no enemy encounters].When you reach the bookstore...*

Sho : Hello.Miss Nya.
Nya : Sho!Oh,you are back.
Sho : Sorry I couldn't drop by earlier.
Nya : Is something the matter?
Sho : Nothing,nothing!So...would like some help?
Nya : I'd be glad to.

*Several scenes are shown with Sho helping Nya at the bookshop and when they close he helps her with various jobs such as mopping and cooking.During dinner they have many conversations about several things,enjoying themselves,almost like a couple.When they finish eating dinner,the cutscene continues.*

Nya : That was very good.You are a very good cook.
Sho : Glad you like it.I only wish I would wear something more appropriate when I arrived at this town.
Nya : You are fine,like that.
Sho : I guess...I never got to ask what the name of this town is.
Nya : It's Arkham City.
Sho : [!!!What?How can this bepossible?]I think I heard of this town before...but wasn't it fictional?
Nya : It was.Here in Rhode Island we constructed this town as a tourist attraction but it slowly became the home of many people.After the earthquake we had a hard time rebuilding the city but we managed to do it.Imagine our surprise when we learned that magic was real and that mages existed,when this bookstore was discovered years ago by my parents.
Sho : Wow!Too bad I didn't visit this town earlier.Wa it always thhis misty?
Nya : No it's been like that ever after the earthquake.We don't have any radio or tv here,since the locals don't like them but it is worrisome that we haven't had news for a month.
Sho : [...]It's nothing,people just have it hard from the earthquake as of lately,since many cities were leveled.It's a miracle that we didn't have that many casualties.
Nya : Is that so?That's good news.
Sho : Yeah...[I can't tell her the truth...I can't tell the truth to the locals either.]I was wondering,how come you changed so much since we first met.
Nya : Due the nature of my bussines,I need to keep this kind of "stunt".It's not usual at all for poeple like you to come here.But you are very nice and kind...like the locals.
Sho : So.I'm one of a kind,huh?Good to hear.
Nya : Yes...especially for me...
Sho : [Just like the locals said...such a woman...too bad,I can't...no time to think about that!]So,I'll be on my-

*The sound of thunder.And then a storm started.*

Sho : ...[THANK YOU GOD!ONE NIGHT WITH SUCH A WOMAN IS THE DREAM OF EVERY MAN.No matter how we spend the night.]May I stay here for the night?
Nya : Since it's raining so much,isn't that it?
Sho : Yes!Exactly!
Nya : Nothing more?
Sho : Li-like...?[Crap!Clear thoughts,clear thoughts.Come on!]
Nya : Isn't it for some other reason?
Sho : ...
Nya : ...[Sad face.]
Sho : ...Yes...I...like your company.I know I'm troubling you here,but I-
Nya : [Snickering.]
Sho : [Blushing.]...
Nya : Don't be like that.I like your company too.Besides...[Blushes.]

*They both share another kiss.*

Sho : So...
Nya : ...Yes...

*He takes her into his arms and they both go to the bedroom.As soon as they reach it...*

Nya : ...Is something the matter?
Sho : I...I just never imagined I would be so lucky...
Nya : [Smile.]Neither did I.

*As they fall to the bed,the scene changes back to Al and Sousuke running at the hallways,trying to catch up to Anemos.*

Al : How long-!Are you ok?
Sousuke : [Tears running.]Why are asking that?
Al : For some reason you are just crying.Are you hurt,or...[snicker]are you simply scared you scaredy cat?
Sousuke : [Still crying.]No,these are...MANLY tears.
Al : Sure...men cry when they are scared to death-WOAH,now it's getting worse.
Sousuke : [Still crying.]For some reason,I can't stop.It's like the best thing that has ever happened to a man,is happening to me.It's that kind of MANLY tears that I'm crying.
Al : [Disgusted face.]I hope I'm not the one-
Sousuke : [Still crying.]Stop being stupid.I like girls!...Women!...Females,what else do I need to say?
Sousuke : [Still crying.]I AM NOT A PEDO!
Sousuke : [Still crying.]WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?
Sousuke : [Still crying.]Wait up!I'm sorry...
Al : No!
Sousuke : [Still crying.]Come on.
Al : Then stop crying!
Sousuke : [Still crying.]I can't!
Al : Why you...
Sousuke : [Still crying.]Wait!

*Scene changes to Anemos[Kyo] and the gameplay continues.*

*After you reach the end of the shrine...*

Anemos[Kyo] : Finally...my body!
??? : So,you returned!
Anemos[Kyo] : Don't worry,I don't plan to stay.
??? : Why's that?Still mad at me?Just because I did the right thing for everyone?
Anemos[Kyo] : Is that so?
??? : Now...prepare yourself!

Boss Fight : ??? and Iced Body[Objective : Deplete all the HP bars of the Iced Body.]

*After the fight*

Anemos[Kyo] : Got it!
??? : Damn!

*A bright flash blinds them both*

??? : Ah,my eyes!
Anemos : Ugh!
Anemos[Kyo] : ...Finally...finally.I'm back.
??? : Damn you!
Anemos : Kyo!
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm.It seems that your turn has arrived as well,shrine elder.
??? : I don't think so...
Anemos : ...!Kyo,be careful!
Anemos[Kyo] : !

*A foul aura starts to engulf the elders body and then his flesh starts melting revealing a new form,the true form of the creature.*

??? : [Bestial roar,very distorted.]
Anemos : What is he?
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm.Freaking monster.
Hastur : Ahhh...I missed my own body.To think I had to discard my cover just to fight you two.I,HASTUR THE UNNAMEABLE!
Anemos : Hastur?
Anemos[Kyo] : So you weren't killed in the war.Tough bastard.
Anemos : It was the elder that was killed and you took his body.
Hastur : Correct.However no matter how good my plans were,I never thought that you would ever rebel against me.
Anemos : Shouldn't I?You were suspicious from the start,but your orders to kill Kyo were enough for me to cut any ties I had with this shrine.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...[Slight smile.]Hm.
Hastur : So that's why you volunteered and brought his frozen body here.
Anemos : The plan consisted of finding a very suitable opportunity to take it with me but your mercs found me.
Hastur : That's why you escaped to the dragonlands.
Anemos : Correct.
Hastur : Such wasted effort.
Anemos[Kyo] : Isn't it time you shut up?
Hastur : What?
Anemos[Kyo] : I'm tired of hearing your blabber.And the worst thing is that I have to dirty my hands by killing a grunt like you.
Hastur : Me...a grunt?You value me to low.
Anemos[Kyo] : Not at all.I believe I'm even insulting all the grunts in this world.
Hastur : You...
Anemos[Kyo] : Enough talking.Let's go...brother.
Anemos : Eh?
Anemos[Kyo] : [Smiling]Is something wrong?
Anemos : Nothing.[Smiling.]
Hastur : It's amusing that you two think you can beat me,the supreme ruler of the Byakhees,the master of the wind,me,Hastur the Unnameable.
Anemos : What makes you think we can't?
Hastur : Give me proof.
Anemos : I can give you more than enough : Unwavering courage,unabated fighting spirit and unseen bonds.
Hastur : And these are?

*Behind Anemos are shown all of the members of the gang,along with Al and Muaramasa and besides him,Anemos[Kyo],smiling.*

Anemos : These are the signs of friendship!

Boss : Hastur the Unnameable

*After the fight*

Hastur : [Scream]Why...why...how?
Anemos[Kyo] : What's the point in explaining?
Anemos : You would never understand.
Hastur : You...YOU IMBECILES!
Anemos : It seems you don not understand!

*They both unleash their Extreme Style Attack on Hastur,destroying everything in the process.After that Hastur dies screaming in pain as he dissolves from the might of the attack.*

Anemos[Kyo] : Hm...That took a lot of effort for trash like him.I must be getting soft and idealistic!
Anemos : Time to go and find the rest,don't you think?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...Yeah!Let's go!

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*As the two set of to find the others,the scene changes back to Sho and Nya...with Sho making breakfast and Nya waking up.*

Sho : Oh!Good morning!
Nya : Good morning.[The sunset as a background.]

*After a while*

Nya : Good morning![Sparkles.]
Sho : [Wow!How refreshing and beautiful!]Good morning.

*After they eat and clean Sho is ready to go...*

Sho : Time for me to go.
Nya : [Sad look]...
Sho : ...I'll be coming back.
Nya : I hope so...
Sho : Wha-why are you saying that?
Nya : Something is bothering you.Something grave.
Sho : ...
Nya : Is it that bad?
Sho : You are right!It is grave,but only for me.I'm sorry it got in our way.It's just that...I am not good with dealing with sad stuff,so I don't get over them easily.Next time there won't be a speck of sadness in me.I promise!
Nya : [Smile.]It already started dissapearing.
Sho : Yes.

*Another kiss.Sho opens the door and leaves as they wave at each other.*

Sho : Time to get back...![Scream!]

*Suddenly light flashes from Sho and at an instant the light becomes darkness and engulfs everything.The rest is shown from Sho's view.*

Leon : Oh!Excellent.This is trull excellent!It is far better than everything I ever expected!
Sho : You!
Leon : Welcome back,Sho!
Sho : How did I get here?Is this your doing?
Leon : Mine?Ypu are mistaken.I did nothing.The ritual is just over and your desire brought you here.
Sho : What are you talking about?What desire and what ritual-
Leon : You understand it right?
Sho : Back then...when I fought that evil clone...that's when that ritual of which you speak begun.And that berserk rage was the defence mechanism to preserve my life and to protect the one inside me to finsh the ritual.
Leon : Almost correct.The one doing the ritual wasn't inside you.And this ritual is merely an accelaration of what would happen in the following years.
Sho : So this ritual just sped up a process.But what kind of process?
Leon : Can't you tell?It's like the process humans,mammals,bugs,fish,every living being in this universe undergoes.
Sho : Evolution?
Leon : Not exactly.Growing up.
Sho : Growing up?[!Wait...did I always had nails that long?And for some reason something's...weird with my teeth.]Light this room.
Leon : So you wish to see it?I will show it to you with pleasure.Behold,YOUR TRUE FORM!

*The room lights and Sho's gaze wonders around for a mirror of some kind.Ultimately he finds one and sees his reflection.The view changes from first preson to third and his form is revealed.His Devil Within/Evil God Form is now awake.*

Sho : Wha-
Leon : How does it feel?
Sho : What am I?
Leon : ?It is weird that you ask such a question.
Sho : An Evil God?But...
Leon : As you grow stronger you will slowly shed your "shell" to reveal your true form.Ever since the world was destroyed,this process begun.If this ritual didn't take place now,you would have to wait for years to awaken effectively and truly.Or you could absorb many devils and Evil gods to speed up the process.
Sho : ...
Leon : So,are you ready now?
Sho : ...
Leon : That is excellent.This ferocity,this evil,these eyes.Trully it will be interesting.
Sho : [Scream.]

Boss : Leon

*After the fight.*

Leon : Truly excellent.You truly are very amuzing.It will be worthy fighting you.
Sho : I'm not fighting for your amusment.
Leon : Of course not!You are the hope of humanity.The one who will restore humanity.And the gran finale is the entertaining climax of this chapter.
Sho : You still make it sound as if you enjoy this.
Leon : It is because...this is the only thing that is even worthy any more.
Sho : ?
Leon : Before I leave,take this.

*Throws a set of pages towards his direction.*

Sho : What are these?
Leon : Something that will help you realise the full extend of your power.
Sho : What are these pages?Spells?Or missing pages from some grimoire?
Leon : Quite close.They are made from the Necronomicon's blank pages,written with my blood.It's something I made.
Sho : ...
Leon : I bid you-
Sousuke : HOLD IT!

*Sousuke and the others enter the scene.*

Al : Seems like the enemies won't stop.
Gaia : It is troublesome.
Anemos[Kyo] : More trash after all!Figures.
Anemos and Keravnos : Prepare yourself.
Drakos : YEAH!
Atalanta : You will now face justice.
Afroditi : Shouldn't that be "judgement"?
Kasumi : I think...she refers to herself.
Styx : Makes sense.
Okeanos : Yar!
Thetis : Oh!More adventures!
Joanna : !Hold it!
Al : What is it...breasts monster?
All : [Harsh!]
Joanna : Wha-I'm not!You are just a pimp for not loving them!
Al : I'm a book.What's there to love in your fat?
All : [Harsh!!]
Joanna : Why you...

*Claps.Everyone turns to Leon's direction.*

Leon : Your party is really funny.I applaud you for making it here.And I see you saved me the trouble of searching for what I lost.
Al : And that would be?
Leon : That would be my grimoire,the Pnakotic Manuscripts,Necronomicon "Al Azif"!
All : !!!
Sousuke : ...If that's the case...then you have a very weak grimoire.
Leon : Not at all!I had to rip many pages to bring it to a level that can entertain you,Master of Necronomicon!
Sousuke : So you know about me...bet you know about al of us.
Leon : Indeed.I have no wish to fight you or even to get aquented to you.Only to Sho.
Atalanta : Speaking of which,where is the squire?
Joanna : !Ah!That is what I wanted to tell you.
Styx : Wha?
Joanna : Sho was in this room,but it seems he left a while ago.
Sho : ...[What now?]
Leon : How cruel.Are you really his companions?
Drakos : Of course we are!Someone like you wouldn't understand it at all!
Leon : I don't need to.Isn't that right[Turns towards Sho]...Sho?
All : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sho : ...
Leon : I understand your surprise,but my time is running short here.I will now take my leave with my book.
Al : Oh no you-
Leon : Awaken and return to your master,my grimoire,Pnakotic Manuscripts!

*A light surrounds the grimoire and it turns in it's human form,the little girl.Then the missing pages fly from Leon's hands and start combining with the grimoire.The scene shows the pages circle around the profound points of her body as she "grows up".The girl then finishes her transformation : she has become a young woman with lavender hair and purple eyes and with a body that rivals Afroditi's.During that time,Al gets exessive nosebleeds without fainting!*

Pnakotic Manuscripts : Yes,master!
Leon : So then,farewell everyone.
Al : Don't think you can get away.Especialy after all this!
Sousuke : Says the guy who was nosebleeding during her transformation.And still has his blood all over him.
Al : I can't help it.I'm in love!
All : ...
Gaia : Despite all that...
Sho : ...
Keravnos : Seems that some explanations will be necessery.
Sho : ...

*After the explanations of everything...even THOSE little details.[Except for Al[He already explained,he is attracted to books],Anemos[Kyo],Keravnos,Okeanos and Thetis everyone else was either completely red from blushing or had exessive nosebleeds.]*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Sho : And that's about it![Whacky sweat drops!]You guys sure listened to me?
Sousuke : I don't know about you guys,but after that amazing scene with the t-
Sho : YEEEEESSSS???[Dark aura etc]
Sousuke,Drakos and Anemos : I'm kidding,I'M KIDDING!
Sho : Et tu,Brutus'?
Drakos : What's with the latin?
Afroditi : [Stuffed nose sounds!]I don't believe that's the case here,sir Drakos.
Sho : Um...maybe you wipe the blood of and clean your clothes,miss Afroditi...
Styx : Seriously sis!How can you have nosebleeds?Only men have those.
Sho : Like you're one to talk...cap'n...
Styx : As I said,only men get nosebleeds.
Keravnos : Without being rude,I believe your very actions contradict your logic.
Sho : Can you get over this and concentrate on my problem?
Al : For the first time,I have to admit,it was rather interesting and I'd like to-
Sho : [Death Glare etc]
Al : Nothing.
Sousuke : ...Maybe if you are tired enough,you will turn back to normal?Or if you try to control the demons inside you?
Sho : ...Seems worth a shot.[Closes eyes.]
Sousuke : As long as he tries,we have to narrow down our info.I suggest we start from intel that concerns this place and then move to this "Arkham City".
Drakos : May I?
Styx : Yup!
Drakos : Apart from the true identity of this place's leader,nothing else.
Anemos : We alreadey told them.
Drakos : Other than that...
Sousuke : I guess that practically everyone gathered the same info right?
Keravnos : Not exactly!I didn't get any info.
Sousuke : Better list what we fought up until now.
Atalanta : Then we should do it in order.
Gaia : Agreed!
Atalanta : I fought a villain named Arachni.No special note.
Keravnos : I faced off with Atlach-Nacha.And I came out victorious...
Anemos : It's ok.You couldn't do otherwise either way.
Keravnos : ...She said that Arachni was her little sister.And I've got these pages.I believe they belong to the Necronomicon.
Al : Indeed,they are mine!
Okeanos : Then it's us!Yar...I faced off with kraken.And it was fun!YARHARHARHAR!Also got these pages!
Al : They aren;t mine though...perhaps the Cthaat Aquadingen.
Gaia : But...how will they helo us if we don't that grimoire in our possesion?
Al : No worries!There is a reason I'm called the ultimate grimoire.I can assimilate these pages...the power won't be as good as the original,but at least I'll have new powers.
Thetis : Oh!Oh!My turn!
Styx : Oh,god...
Thetis : I suppose was the most boring...only 50 Byakhees.
Styx : [Only?]
Okeanos : YARHARHAR!That's ma woman!Give this sea dog your love!
Thetis : Oh,darling!

*As they hug,the setting changes to one with pirates and Thetis is dressed like a princess,while pirate music is heard.*

All : ...
Styx : Moving on-I faced off with a spork named Shoryu.Nothing special,but he told me that their leader was strange,ever after tha war!
Afroditi : I...I...it was very awfull...a...a very dreadfull creature attempted to take advantage of me...and my body...I don't want to remember it...
Okeanos : Ohhh,com'ere ma girlie.There,there!Daddy's here now!
Thetis : Mama,too.


Styx : Ch!Crybaby...
Kasumi : I...I defeated a High-Byakhee...easily...that's it.

All of the family : GOOD JOB!
Gaia : I fought against a creature named Kimeryu!Seemed like one of those manufactured creatures.
Al : It wouldn't be a surprise if most what we faced,were something like that.
Drakos : I...I fought and killed Nergal.
Joanna : Nergal?What is that?
Kasumi : Nergal is...an ancient god also appearing in the Babylonian mythology and a high ranking,original Great Old One.
Anemos : That is...really impressive!
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm!Not bad.I wouldn't even be damaged!
Sho : And you know about me.
Joanna : After we got separated,I found Sousuke and the book.
Sousuke : As for me,I faced off with Al,the little girl and Nyarlathotep...or something...
Anemos[Kyo] : And you won?Impressive!"It" isn't killed though.
Sousuke : I didn't?
Anemos[Kyo] : You should know by know the two things that can effectively kill an Elder God and those of it's class.
Sousuke : And if I don't?
Anemos[Kyo] : [Sigh while smilling.]
Anemos : Complete death comes from either envoking the strenght of an elemental destroying the body and the soul's ability to regenerate the physical body or inhabit any other.The other method is by using the forbidden magic that is lost many eons ago.
Sho : [Opens eyes]...That guy...he gave me these pages a while ago.
Al : Right.I should be able to process these pages-!!!!
Sho : ?
Sousuke : Is something the matter?
Al : We need to go to the old man,immediately.[That guy...not only he created a new way of killing gods,he perfected my arts and found the original "God-Slaying Blade" and it's writtings.Things are bound to get very interesting now.]

*Gameplay continues.*

*Sho is stuck in this form.He can only use his bare-hands and no magic or skills.Also the player has unlocked the Extreme Style Attacks of the Elementals along with their transformations.*

*As soon as you reach the house.*

Muramasa : Oh,welcome back-
Sho : Yeah.Hi...
Muramasa : I see that you really changed since the last we met...did you get a suntan?


Muramasa : Oh,I get it.You need help.
Sho : Much better.
Muramasa : What do you need?I 'll try my best to provide you with anything I can.
Sho : If you can,please make me these weapons inscribed here.[Hands over the pages.]
Muramasa : ...Very well.Leave me your weapons and I'll do my best.Sousuke you two.
Sousuke : Me?Why?
Muramasa : Think of it as an upgrade.
Sousuke : ...Ok.But you better have them ready when we return.
Muramasa : I will.
Joanna : So?Where to now?
Sho : The land of Dragons.More accurately,the LANDS of Dragons.You have to learn some magic too.
Joanna : [Horrified face]...
Sho : You will come.
Joanna : [Defeat]...Fine...

*Gameplay continues.*

*The team moves on and fights several Dragon Bosses namely Fire Dragon,Ice Dragon,Wind Dragon,Earth Dragon,Metal Dragon,Thunder Dragon and Queen Dragonness.After that Joanna gets her full set of moves and skills.When this quest is finished the party must return to Muramasa's.Outside his hut a cutscene starts.*

Sho : ...Wait!Before we go in I have a request.
Sousuke : What is it?
Sho : Can you,Al and Joanna go inside the hut?I wish to talk in private with the rest.
Sousuke : ...Is everything ok?
Sho : Depends...

*They go inside and therest of the crew stays out.*

Sho : ...
All : ...
Sho : ...So...
Sho : What I wnat to say is...as of lately,things have gotten pretty much,out of control and we barely had any time for actual interaction...from what I saw though...how come you are all...one-side characters?
Gaia : What do you mean?
Sho : I don't mean to offend you guys,but you seem like actors that play one certain minor or some comicbook,manga,whatever character that is just that : his character.He never grows up,he is never human...why?
All : ...
Sho : ...I'm sorry if I offended you-
Drakos : You didn't.
Keravnos : It's just that...that's how we've been brought up.
Anemos[Kyo] : [Serious face]...
Anemos : ...
Sho : I thought...never-mind...
Atalanta : Is something the matter?
Sho : I just...I don't know...maybe I'm too human...I know that I have something very big to do,a very big responsibility on my shoulders...and I've thought that maybe someone can handle the weight,but...
Anemos[Kyo] : But what?
Sho : I-
Anemos[Kyo] : Come one,say it : you think we are freaks.We don't fit in.We aren't human as you hoped.
Sho : ...
All : ...
Anemos[Kyo] : The truth sucks right?
Sho : ....
Anemos[Kyo] : Come on say something.Unless you want me to continue.
Sho : And what excactly can I say?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...That's your comeback?
Sho : What?What do you want me to say?
Anemos[Kyo] : Better give it up.
Sho : What?
Anemos[Kyo] : Whatever you are trying to do,because as you say you are too "human".Proper translation : you are far too stupid.
Sho : What?
Anemos[Kyo] : At first you go all around doing random things before we got my body back,dragging everyone along,you keep your feelings bottled up,putting on a brave face like nothing happened and when you reach your limit you patheticaly give up.
Sho : Even if that is true,what of it?
Anemos[Kyo] : What?Got a problem?

*From here on the two start yelling.*

Sho : Yeah,I have!My family and friends are in danger,my life currently sucks because of an effeminate mother****er laughing his ass of at us and what can I do?Nothing.All I do is go around,trying to averse an irreversable situation with a book,my crush,a stuck-up version of myself and a bunch of human looking creatures.How the hell do you think I feel?
Anemos[Kyo] : How the **** should I know?You never tell anybody,you don't trust anybody and you haven't befriended anybody and you always do your goddamn thing.Did you even try to think what the others feel?
Sho : Oh?And how excactly do they feel,huh?You hypocritical montser?The only thing you do is spew foul words and laugh every time we fight.You are worst than them.You are a demon.
Anemos[Kyo] : At least I'm not the asshole you are.

*From here on things quiet down.*

Keravnos : It seems hat all of us are stressed beyond their limits.Let's go inside and rest,shall we?
All : ...

*Inside the hut.*

Joanna : Hey everyone....what happened out there?You are all very shaken.
All : .../Anemos[Kyo] : Who cares?
Sho : ...I'll explain later...
Skotos : EVERYONE!
Sho : Whoah?
Drakos : Who are you?
Skotos : I'm Skotos.But there is no time for that.The garden is under attack.
All : !!!!!!
Skotos : I'll be coming with you.
Sousuke : I guess we really can't sit and dailly-dally.Let's go.

*Gameplay continues*

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
*After arriving at the garden of the Elder Gods*

Sho : ****!This is worse than I thought.
Skotos : ****...they demolished everything.
Sho : Ok,everyone,we need to-

*Only Sho and Joanna remain on the spot*

Sho : ...
Joanna : I guess I don't need to say where each one went and what they said...right?
Sho : I think I too know all too well.GODDAMN!WHY CAN'T THEY ACT LIKE HUMANS?
Joanna : ??
Sho : Nothing!Let's go!

*Gameplay continues*

*When they arrive at the destined position,pinned down at the map.*

Sho : Looks like we found the main villain-
Joanna : What?
Sho : ...Who is that guy?
Joanna : What?
Sho : Look at him,it's not the asshole we fought back at the shrine...Leon!That guy.
Joanna : So?
Sho : Well...I couldn't think of anyone that could do this and now this random guy shows up...
Villain : Ahem.May I-
Villain : Excuse me,then.I didn't know mr almighty was at work,throwing chicks down.
Sho : ...[Extremelly ****ed and angry]...Just wait a bit Joanna...once I finish with mr "Dio" here,I'll get on with what we were doing before.
Villain : Just try it-wait,how did you know my name?
Sho and Joanna : !!!!

*Akward silence*

Sho : ...Because you are an asshole...like him.
Dio? : I know not who this Dio is,but it's ok.Though my name is translated that way in Italian,it's not my original.
Sho : Oh,**** of pall.
Dio? : Not before you beat me.
Sho : Yeah,right.As soon as you say that,your goons will come after me.
Dio? : I am amazed with your quick wits.Guards.

*Ten really tough monsters appear.*

Sho : ...Oh...snap.

Boss Fight : Guards

*After the fight*

Sho : And now for the finale.
Sousuke : Right.

*Sho looks back.*

Sho : About damn time.
Dio? : Ganging up on someone?That's hardly fair or heroic.
Sho : Yeah,keep-

*Screenshot of Dio being behind the group*

Dio? : Doing what,pray tell?

*Screenshot of everyone getting slashed,mangled and sliced in a flash,as if it had happened before they even started.*

Dio? : I'd like to "stick" with you ladies and gentlemen,but we don't "fit" together.Tata.

*Dio? vanishes.*

*The scene changes back to Muramasa's house.*

Sho : ...
Skotos : ...How long are you going to stare the wall?
Sho : ...
Skotos : ...
Anemos[Kyo] : Just leave him be!He just experienced his first loss.Nothing important.
Anemos[Kyo] : Shut the **** up!You will wake them up.
Sho : Don't tell me what to do,you heartless one sided fake human.
Anemos[Kyo] : Big words from a crybaby who trusts nobody!
Sho : It's because I trusted everybody that this happened!
Anemos[Kyo] : Oh yeah?How about going solo then?Then you won't have to argue about it.
Sho : yeah,I might just do that.
Skotos : Wait-...he's gone.
Anemos[Kyo] : Hm!
Drakos : Don't you think you were too harsh on him?
Anemos[Kyo] : Hell,if I care.I'm not his mother.
Drakos : ...Maybe not.We are all friends though and we stand together in difficult times...at least that's what my teachers said.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...They weren't wrong...however this not a manga nor a game.It won't be so easy.
Drakos : Don't you think he is jsut troubled?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...I guess...
Drakos : Don't you think we all misunderstood each other?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...Perhaps...
Drakos : !Where are you going?
Anemos[Kyo] : Where else?After him of course!
Drakos : But,that's totally reckless!
Anemos[Kyo] : And what he is doing is absollutelly safe,right?Come on.
Drakos : At least take me with you.
Anemos[Kyo] : No chance.He wants to see humans,he will.I'll just go smack some sense back to him.
Drakos : What makes you think we are not?
Anemos[Kyo] : I don't mean to be rude,but none of you have escaped the "role model" you are "assigned".You don't question yourselves or others and you don't even enjoy what you do.He is right in a sense.
Drakos : And you think you are different?
Anemos[Kyo] : Aren't I?I have lived my life up until now,the way I wanted doing things I really want,questioning,searching and doubting and in the end I found myself,the one I want to be.I am not different from him,the old man,your teachers or even you.Maybe girly man[Keravnos] is the same,but I ain't putting my hand in the fire.
Drakos : ...Fine.
Anemos[Kyo] : Glad you agree.
Drakos : ...
Anemos[Kyo] : One more thing!
Drakos : What is it?
Anemos[Kyo] : You don't have to act the way you do if you don't feel comfortable with it.
Drakos : !
Anemos[Kyo] : Well,tell the old man,I'm off.
Drakos : ...He's no different from them...just like a parent.

*Gameplay continues*

*After reaching a certain village*

Sho : So there you are...Let's see how you like a pre-emptive strike.[Evil smile!]Let's see how you like it when you are caught by surprise.
Dio? : I find it amusing,but only when it is I who attempt it.
Sho : *Sweat drops.*[Behind me...he,when?I didn't take my eyes of him...not even for a second and I didn't blink...how?]
Dio? : Come on,you can do better than that...how about a hint that I owe you?
Sho : What hint?
Dio? : I told you that Dio is italian for god.Who am I?
Sho : Hell,if I know!
Dio? : Now,now...

Boss : Dio?

*After the fight*

Sho : [The bastard...he is playing with me...he hasn't used his speed since the match started.]
Dio? : The end!
Sho : Wh-
*Millions of knives are suddenly stabbed in Sho's body.*
Sho : !!!
Dio? : I believe this is called "Game Over"...correct?
Sho : You f-
*Another knife appears and is stabbed on Sho's heart.*
Dio? : Please don't be vulgar.Now-
*A sandstorm rises and after it subdues Sho is gone but the four beasts from the Four Beasts technique remain.*

*Far,far away from there.*

Sho : *Heavy breathing.*
Anemos[Kyo] : Feeling better?
Sho : ...
Anemos[Kyo] : Did you say something?
Sho : *writes on the sand*.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...I'll wait then.

*Several minutes later*

Sho : Aaaaaaa.
Anemos[Kyo] : Seems you can talk now.
Sho : Yeah.Thanks for the rescue.
Anemos[Kyo] : Don't mention it...*eyes sparkle*although a favour wouldn't be bad.
Sho : You...could you stap acting like that?
Anemos[Kyo] : Why?
Sho : It ****es me off.I mean,I like manga,anime,games and movies among other things but I hate people acting like the heroes from them.Stop it.
Anemos[Kyo] : What makes you think I'm acting?
Sho : What makes you think you don't?
Anemos[Kyo] : ...You mentioned the word "human" many times up until now.Yet you don't seem to put us in the group.Maybe we are different but that doesn't make us any less human than you.To be human...to be human you have to have lived the life you want,do things you really want,question,doubt,search,struggle not only with your life and the problems you face in your everyday life,but with yourself too and in the end,you always find yourself,the one you want to be.I am not saying that love and care take second place or that friendship is worthless,but the above traits appear in other forms in other animals of the world.However the very nature of human is that : the doubt,the question,the search for answers,the shaping of one's self.To suppress these feelings,makes one unhuman.Am I not correct?
Sho : ...You read too much greek philosophy.
Anemos[Kyo] : *Anger mark.*Just answer.
Sho : Even if you say that,there is no way you can prove you are human...
Anemos[Kyo] : ...Do I seem to force myself?
Sho : !
Anemos[Kyo] : I have lived longer than you,so you might noy believe it,but I too had and still have questions,doubts,but you know what?I search for the answers.I have already shaped my whole being into the man I want be.I am me.Just like your father and mother.If I was acting human,I would never have come here without doubts.
Sho : ...Such as?
Anemos[Kyo] : Like this one : "Are the rest trully just role-models?Was he right?"
Sho : !
Anemos[Kyo] : This questions were pounding in my head,but I have found my answers.I doubted myself,but you were right.Most of them are...however!Flame boy.girly man and Sousuke are human.As human as you and I are.
Sho : ...I guess I owe you an apology...no.I owe all of you an apology.
Anemos[Kyo] : "To er is human",right?Don't worry about it,I was wrong back there too.

*Both shake hands and then hug with the hadshake.*

Anemos[Kyo] : One more thing : if you tell anybody about this,I'll beat the crap out of you.
Sho : Why's that?
Anemos[Kyo] : I have a reputation to keep.I maybe a good person but I want my badass image to shine more than that.
Sho : *Sweat drop*...You must be doing a good job since I must have screwed up the moment I had this idea...
Anemos[Kyo] : Enough with that.Now we have to take care of the pest there.
Sho : ...There is not much I can say.He appers to be able to materialize objects out of thin air,move extremely quick and still hasn't given us his name.
Anemos[Kyo] :Materialize objects out of thin air?
Sho : Remember the knives that were stuck on me?
Anemos[Kyo] : It wasn't just knives...there were swords too and forks.
Sho : Are you sure?
Anemos[Kyo] : Seems that the knives were for a frontal assault,while the rest for the blind spots.
Sho : If so,why so much variation for such an attack?
What's the-!
Anemos[Kyo] : !
Sho : He isn't materializing them,he took them from the village...but...
Anemos[Kyo] : The problem lies on his speed right>He obviously moved faster than anyhting we can perceive,but at such speed the objects would have melted because of the friction.
Sho : Excactly...how...he didn't slow me down that's for sure.
Anemos[Kyo] : A strange technique...
Sho : ...!Could it be...!!!!F-
Anemos[Kyo] : What?
Sho : Think.He said Dio is god in italian,however most demons have either greek or some strange names.If anything this is a "hint".Rome is in Italy and once Rome had the same gods as the greeks.He must be a greek god.
Anemos[Kyo] : If that's the case who is he then?I don't think there is any god that has power over speed.Or time.
Sho : Time?That's it.I know his powers.
Anemos[Kyo] : !I get it.He said that but the "hint" isn't just that,it lies in the world's common language,english.English is also a language that had latin as it's base and there is one word in english that it's difficult to pronounce and seperate as a word unless it's written down.
Sho and Anemos[Kyo] : That's Chronos because it sounds like Kronos.The titan that started the "time[chronos] of the gods".
Sho : So,he has power over time?
Anemos[Kyo] : That's gonna be troublesome...imagine what would happen if we didn't solve this "riddle".
Sho : Even if we did...we don't know the extend of his powers...only then will our theories be correct.
Anemos[Kyo] : ...What about this then?

*Back at the village*

Dio? : ...It seems they are going to be here soon.
Sho : Yo,asshole,I'm back.
Dio? : I see.And your mouth is foul as ever.
Sho : Well excuse me mr whatever-your-name-is.
Dio? : You seem confident.Did you solve my riddle?
Sho : If a nickname is considered a riddle,then no.Make a better one next time.
Dio? : I don't think there will be a "next time".
Sho : Truer words couldn't come out of your mouth.*Scream*

Boss : Dio? Round 2[Hold out for one minute.]

*After the fight*

Sho : You...
Dio? : It's time I suppose.Now-
Sho : NOW!!!!

*Anemos[Kyo] appears below him,coming out of the sandhill he is standing stabbing him through.*

Anemos[Kyo] : *Scream*
Sho : *Scream*

*Sho proceeds and starts slashing Dio?*

Dio? : *Gurgling sounds.*

*The player sees that time stopped and Dio? escaping.*

Dio? : *Heavy breathing*.
Sho : Your secret is out.Using your time stop against us is futile now,Chronos.
Chronos : *Heavy breathing.*
Anemos[Kyo] : You can stop time completely for 1 minute but after that you have to wait about another 30 seconds to use that,without performing any magic at all.If I had to guess you must use all your magic for that trick and hope to kill everyone in one shot.Also those 30 seconds must be the time neede for you to recover your magic energy.
Chronos : *Distorted sound due to healing*Excellent...however,I am a master of time and I'm not limited at stopping time.I have a lot more tricks.
Sho : Ready?
Anemos[Kyo] : What about you?
Sho : You know full well.

Boss : Chronos

*After the fight,Chronos attempts to stop time again but this time his is pelted and stopped by Sho's weapons and held by Anemos'[Kyo] sword during the duration of his time stop unable to get free.When time resumes it's normal flow he is dead.*

Sho : Oh,god.
Anemos[Kyo] : We did it...
Sho : It seems that his remains have started to disengrate in thin air...
Anemos[Kyo] : Probably he was created,that's why...!
Sho : !

*Both go and pick up a red orb that is wrapped in Necronomicon pages*

Sho : Just look at that...seems our luck is getting better.
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