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Teenager Shot Dead for Holding a Wii Remote


Devil hunter in training
Heard about this yesterday. Sadly, things like this are not isolated cases. What is wrong with officers who think they can open fire in that manner and take the life of someone who was not a threat?!

And I bet hardly anything will be done to the one who took the shot. Officers have been allowed to go back to duty after gunning people down before. They also seem to think it's alright to force women to strip at gunpoint. It's appalling., sick and disgusting. They have too much power and seem to be able to hide easily when something like this happens.

It makes me wonder what sort of people they are letting into the police when incidents like this happen. They should be stricter about who they let in and have harsher punishments.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Heard about this yesterday. Sadly, things like this are not isolated cases. What is wrong with officers who think they can open fire in that manner and take the life of someone who was not a threat?!

And I bet hardly anything will be done to the one who took the shot. Officers have been allowed to go back to duty after gunning people down before. They also seem to think it's alright to force women to strip at gunpoint. It's appalling., sick and disgusting. They have too much power and seem to be able to hide easily when something like this happens.

It makes me wonder what sort of people they are letting into the police when incidents like this happen. They should be stricter about who they let in and have harsher punishments.
It doesn't help that police officers are usually edgy especially considering that certain places like the US and Russia are often targets of outrageous crimes. There are good cops, but there's not enough of them and I'm assuming that governments would rather have strict although twitchy cops, the "bad" cops, than nice, tolerant, but too good for anyone's safety cops, the good cops. Russian cops as far as I'm aware are much heavily armed than cops in the US. They have access to carbines, heavier armor, and other stuff that the US doesn't really equip cops with. Though it probably has changed, I think US cops only have pistols, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns along with standard armor. SWAT, on the other hand, are better geared along with many militias. The fact that weapons are easily acquired and criminals have been running around with LMGs, SMGs, and other military-grade weapons probably puts more stress on US cops compared to other cops. Russian cops are evening the match. Cops in South America and Mexico are basically the military at this point considering drug cartels have shown access to Humvees, LMGs, explosives, etc.

Also, it's dependent on the places too. I don't think I have ever heard of stuff like this coming from Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, and even Japan where cops don't have guns unless it's completely necessary. Pretty much everything is handled using quick submissions unless of course, someone's shooting people up, then they'd probably call for armed forces. Most of the horrific crimes I remember from Japan were knife crimes which I think the UK has more than gun crimes since guns aren't readily available compared to the US. Anyway, maybe it's because those places have more stable governments or people just like living there more than everywhere else. South America, parts of Asia, parts of the Middle East, Africa are places where there's corruption, poverty, and generally anguished populations who probably would resort to crime to survive or violence as a means to solve a corrupt government or something.

Anyway, I think this boils down to the world being mad. There was never a time in this world where it was calm. We just live in a mad world.

Still, incidents like this usually leads to people hating cops which leads to cop-killings and retaliations. It might even result in cops completely unrelated getting killed because some other crap cop did something stupid. Some of them are just doing their jobs. Some are actually nice cops. Some are corrupt and some are actually bad cops, but most are probably afraid. Nobody knows what could happen and one wrong move could make things go horribly. Usually, there's millions of wrong moves and possibly no right move. In this case, I have no idea what the hell happened. Apparently there was no warning at all before he was shot, that's not something like seeing a guy put his hands into his pocket and trying to pull something out. That's justifiable, this one isn't.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Okay, so first, there was no verbal warning. Which you're supposed to give before you draw your gun and shoot someone. Second, it was a frigging teenager. He was literally two years younger than me and a Wii remote, as the article says, in no way, shape or form resembles a firearm or any kind of IED or god forbid the cop thought the kid had a lightsaber or some **** like that...


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I like the comments on one of the articles. It's something like "Cops aren't allowed to have an IQ above 104". Why's that? Because they'd actually have to think about their actions...


Devil hunter in training
Okay, so first, there was no verbal warning. Which you're supposed to give before you draw your gun and shoot someone.
Yep, it's part of protocol to give verbal warnings, so on top of murder, it's failure to follow proper proceedings. Usually officers are all too willing to scream and shout about how they will shoot, even for minor infractions like pulling someone over for speeding.

It really does make me think the police force is full of unstable nut jobs going on a power trip when cases like this happen.

I like the comments on one of the articles. It's something like "Cops aren't allowed to have an IQ above 104". Why's that? Because they'd actually have to think about their actions...
Sadly, because of the actions of well publicised incidents like this, it does give the impression that police officers are dangerous incompetents, or crooked and not to be trusted.
For example, the recent story of a woman who filed an abuse case and the police officers were recorded calling the woman 'f--ing slag' and other disgusting names while driving to take a statement from her. Now it just makes it look like male police officers can't be trusted with female abuse and rape cases because they'll blame her and say insults in secret.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Sadly, because of the actions of well publicised incidents like this, it does give the impression that police officers are dangerous incompetents, or crooked and not to be trusted.
For example, the recent story of a woman who filed an abuse case and the police officers were recorded calling the woman 'f--ing slag' and other disgusting names while driving to take a statement from her. Now it just makes it look like male police officers can't be trusted with female abuse and rape cases because they'll blame her and say insults in secret.

And that's just one case, if that's just two officers, how many more are like it.
Personally, I don't think male officers should be put on rape cases. I'm not being sexist, i think if a woman has been put through such a personal and traumatic experience, then female officers should deal with it.


Devil hunter in training
And that's just one case, if that's just two officers, how many more are like it.

Too often, it's blaming the woman, making fun in private or saying she shouldn't have been doing this, that, or the other. Here's an idea: tell people not to rape.
There was even case of officers arresting a man just because he hit another man who was trying to rape a woman. I just don't know what goes on in these officers heads. The man was helping a woman out of an horrific situation, yet he is arrested and charged.

Personally, I don't think male officers should be put on rape cases. I'm not being sexist, i think if a woman has been put through such a personal and traumatic experience, then female officers should deal with it.
I don't think it's a question of being sexist. It's more about women being able to relate in a way a man can't. Besides, seeing a man and explain what happened in detail after going through a rape could be the last thing a woman wants.

Same as if a man was raped, then only a male officer should be sent. I don't think a man would want to explain to a woman that he was raped considering the idea that still persists about men not being able to be raped.


Supporter 2014

"A 13-year-old boy arrested for allegedly hitting a Chicago police officer with a snowball says he was wrongly picked out of a crowd of kids walking home from school."



These cop thugs are not held accountable 99.9% of the time; It's the same thing with the department of "justice"and the fact that they protect white-collar criminals who steal millions every day.


No accountability = zero justice.

Mexico got it right. They took the law into their own hands, and thus created a better economy for themselves, and a better society overall.

Here's an idea: tell people not to rape.

Yes, I'm sure the law will just fix itself if we just wish hard enough, right? Who knows? Some of the courts might even listen to us... HA. :laugh:





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