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Story time! :D


Well-known Member
Post a story! Be it about you, your friends, your pet, or made up. Just tell us a story.

Here's mine:

Once upon a time there were two albino twin boys. Their mom was killed by demons and their dad....well no one really know's for sure. Anyway. So the boys grew up, one wore blue and the other red. They didn't like one another and fought over silly things like the fate of humanity and things like that. Well eventually the the albino in blue died (sorta) and the one in red decided to run around and do nothing while another albino with a weird arm that is somehow connected to the other two did everything. Then one day a ninja came by and kidnapped the bro in red. It turned albino into Al Dino and no one knows what to think anymore.

The End (for now)

Your turn. :lol:

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Ok this went on a bit longer than I expected so ill stick it in a spoiler.
Once there was a 12 year old girl who lived in a small American town. One day when she was in school she got a urgent phone call from her mother telling her that very soon everyone in the city was going to start getting angry and confused, that something terrible had happened and she needed to drop everything and run home as fast as she could. Once she got home her mother rang again and told her to go to the safest place she could think of and if she saw ANYONE hide and stay very quiet, that anybody she sees will definitely try to hurt her without thinking. She would go and meet her there as soon as she could.

But the little girl never saw her mother or her father again instead she ended up finding a young woman, she knew this woman didn't want to hurt her. Instead she protected and rescued her from that horrible angry place, she was warmer and more loving than her workaholic neglecting parents ever were. After all these years of feeling unhappy and alone she finally felt truely safe, she finally felt truly happy this is where her life would change for the better or so she thought.

The little girl dreamed of a happy peaceful life with her savior but instead the woman told her she had to leave, she had to find her brother. The little girl begged and pleaded "please don't go I don't want to lose you" but it was no good. The woman refused to let her come with her and refused to stay with her there was no changing her mind. And just like that she was gone, but before she left she promised the little girl she wouldn't forget about her, that she would see her again.

The little girl was eventually rescued by a bunch of men in suits. She spent the next few months in their care, they stuck her in a cold empty room everyday like a prison, they mistreated her and did bad things to her and she didn't understand why. She would cry herself to sleep almost every night but never let go of the small hope that young woman wouldn't forget about her and save her from that horrible place. She had experienced something so traumatic and on top of that was now scared and totally alone again. As time passed that small flicker of hope grew darker and darker as did her heart.

After just over a year of being there a man in black appeared at her bed in the middle of the night. He told her he was an old friend of her dead fathers and that he wanted to save her, that he knew how unhappy she was and that if she came with him she would never be lonely or unhappy again. As far as she was concerned she had nothing to lose so she agreed to go with him. The man who rescued her originally had an ulterior motive, he wanted what the bad men wanted, he wanted something in her blood. But as time went on he grew attached to her. The little girl reminded him of her father, his oldest and only true friend. He decided to keep his promise and take her under his wing and taught her everything he knew.

The girl spent the next few years obsessing over this mysterious woman who forgot about her. She found out exactly who she was and that her brother was a member of an elite police unit and an ex soldier. Perfectly capable of looking after himself and according to the man in black he was very self righteous. She grew intense feelings of hatred and resentment towards her and her brother as the years went by, how could she do this? Choose him over me? a scared and alone child who desperately needed help and she was the only one who could. She became completely obsessed and swore that one day she would find the both of them and free herself from the crushing hatred and resentment that had consumed her for so long...

Skip ahead 10 years and the girl is now working alongside the man in black. Working in the shadows alongside him like a ghost. And they are now both planning something terrible. And ironically the ones who are attempting to stop them are the woman and her brother. This is her chance, she will kill them both but first she will teach them both a lesson. They are not heroes, either of them, they are people just like her and they can be pushed over the edge just as easily all she needs is a spark.

She has the cop’s former partner who he is looking for and she plans to torture and kill his partner right in front of him with him unable to do anything about it, in her eyes that death will trigger unbearable anger and a desire for revenge in the cop and as a result he will turn on his sister and blame her for everything. He can't kill the little girl though...for in her murder she proves that he is not a hero that there is no such thing as good or evil. She will prove that everything they have lived and faught for for is a lie. That we all carry the potential for evil these dark feelings and emotions just under the surface, this immoral presence, this dormant poison, this resident evil. She will be free...one way or another.

That was an idea for an alternative plot for Resident Evil 5 I did when I was bored a few months ago. I am just so fascinated by Sherry’s tragic story and her mysterious disappearance after she was abducted by Wesker/The Organization.


Lin Kuei (Forest Demon)
This is more of a poem. I wrote this like two or three years for a school magazine or a collection of something. Man, my writings got me in trouble with the law.

He wouldn't tell her
As she was dying in his arms,
It felt as he was the one in harm,
There was blood on her lips,
So he rid of it just a bit.

There was a flood,
Of gruesome blood,
On her wounded chest,
He tried to seal it with his best.

The blade was his sin,
When she stab it on her skin,
As he pulled out the blade,
She slowly started to fade.

She had committed suicide,
Because he was going to commit genocide.
She asked for a kiss,
But he didn’t want to take the risk.

She laid her hand on his face,
But there was no place,
So she put it beside his hair,
And his heart began to tear.

She then asked what he was,
For it is because,
He didn’t seem like a human,
But more like a demon. (note: i couldn't think of a specie)

He wouldn’t tell her,
That he is suppose to be a killer,
She began to frown,
And it made him feel as if he had drowned.

The air had stopped running in her nose,
Then her eyes started to close,
She then now passed,
And his heart had driven fast.

When she left with a smile,
It had turned him into a child.
Now that she died,
He immediately cried.
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