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Story help


Well-known Member
Ok, so I've got ideas kicking around in my head for a story, but I need help with a title as well as some organization. I'm writing it more out of therapy than for enjoyment. It takes place in my unconscious mind as I try to deal with real life problems I'm having. Its really complex and full of symbolism. Stuff I normally shy away from. If anyone would be willing to help let me know, so I can give more info.

Thank you. :)

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I can help. My story is pretty complex and has a bunch of symbolism (at least, I like to think so) in it. I'm not good with titles, but I can help with organization if you wanted me to.


Well-known Member
Thank you guys! :) I'd love your help. Ok. There's a lot going on so I'll explain it in parts. Also! If other people would like to help let me know. :D

As I said it takes place in my unconscious mind. A general knowledge of Freud's theory of the three part self as well as psychoanalysis in general would be good. Yes there are prerequisites to helping me. :lol:

Here's the characters:

Meg (me :lol:)- A hard working, strong willed, and determined young girl that got a lot of crap dumped on her. The three main areas of her life; college, work, and home are all really stressing her out for different reasons. Her unconscious mind wants her conscious mind to understand the difference between what she wants and what she needs. Symbolizes the ego. (Obviously)

Zu'Coni- Meg's favorite character that she created. Sent to help Meg get through all the crap her unconious mind has planned for her. Zu'Coni is an anti-hero willing to go to extreme measures, casting aside morals if need be, to get the job done. Symbolizes the id. Since she is a part of Meg's imagination Meg is more tempted to listen to her. Symbolizing how much more appealing the things a person wants is apposed to what they need.

Lightning- If I need to explain who this is you shouldn't be helping me. XD A strong willed confident young woman sent to help Meg through all the craziness. Symbolizes the superego. Her harsh and blunt words symbolize the cold truth that you can't get what you want when you lack what you need.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Oh, crap. I guess I'm going to have to do some homework. I have no idea who Freud even is. ._.


Well-known Member
^ Yeeeaahhh this story is very VERY heavy in that kinda stuff. Sorry. XD


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Meg;282473 said:
^ Yeeeaahhh this story is very VERY heavy in that kinda stuff. Sorry. XD

I'm good at psychoanalysis, though, don't get me wrong. In fact, I used to do it for a (minor) living. Symbolism is one of my strong points. It's why I understand Silent Hill as well as I do. :p


Well-known Member
^ Mmhhhmmm ;)

I meant the theory behind psychoanalysis as well as the actual practice. Lots of theories in this here story. XD


Nein, not ze puppies!
I can attempt to help in certain parts if you need it ^^; I can't garentee how much use I may be to you though XD


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Already on that. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist, and a damn good one at that. He specialized in the repressed memories of the mind, often trying to coax his patients to relive memories that they thought they had long forgotten. He wrote a book about the psyche, which he titled The Interpretation of Dreams, which was written in 1899. He proposed there was a conscious, unconscious, and a preconscious. He also believed that many people repressed painful memories, something he later proved true. He also came up with many theories on psychosexual development, and also talked about the Id, the ego, and the super-ego. He also studied the life and death drives in the human mind, including masochism and sadomasochism.


Well-known Member
^ Find that on Wikipedia did ya? :lol: Well yeah that should be good enough. :lol:


Nein, not ze puppies!
Truly magnificent...The mind is beautifully complex. Now after reading about Sigmund Freud do I really understand that we only scratched the surface about uncovering secrets locked within our brain...there's so much more I want to say but I'm incapable of doing so>_<

This story of yours will turn out great :)

Edit: Somehow I knew all about this but I never truly understood it...man, after reading it all I'm confused with all the scientific mumbo-jumbo (nothing that a dictionary can't fix :) ) but I can grasp the information a bit easier though


Well-known Member
^ Thank you. ^_^

I'm HUGE on introspection and all that making it important to get everything I can picture in my head on paper right. I like to think I have a better understanding of the unconscious mind than most people, but that's mainly because I spend so much time staring off into space with a "duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" look on my face. :lol:

Ok, so the next bit of info about the story is here:

The working title is Kingdom Tarts because I'm mocking KH a lot in the story. XD However, I don't want that to be the official title because I don't believe it does the story justice. XD

EDIT: I'm gonna write out a part in it and post it here so you guys can get a taste of what its really about. Unlike every other stroy I've ever written ever I'm not gonna write it from A to Z. Its to complicated. :wacko: That's why I need help! So!!! I'll post in parts and if you guys wouldn't mind I'd appreciate some feedback. :$


Nein, not ze puppies!
OK, so let me try to get the story facts straight.

You, Meg (the ego) are going through a tough time between college, work and home. This is the reality you're facing and you're confused between what you want and what you need. So your two other personas, Zu'Coni (Id) Lightning (super-ego) are consantly butting heads between right, wrong and childish desires that disregard all consequences. In all this you're struggling to make it through the constant turmoil that your mind has created and what life has planned for you?

That's how I see it so far...I may be very wrong about my entire thing here. Correct me if I am dead wrong about it all XD

Edit: Feedback is what you will get when I have the time :)


Well-known Member
Faustinasa;282497 said:
OK, so let me try to get the story facts straight.

You, Meg (the ego) are going through a tough time between college, work and home. This is the reality you're facing and you're confused between what you want and what you need.


So your two other personas, Zu'Coni (Id) Lightning (super-ego)


Faustinasa;282497 said:
consantly butting heads between right, wrong and childish desires that disregard all consequences. In all this you're struggling to make it through the constant turmoil that your mind has created and what life has planned for you?

No. XD

Its really hard to explain. I'm working on part of it now. Hopefully it will make more sense once you read it.


Nein, not ze puppies!
No worries, I can't wait to read it:) The reason for the one part is because it just seems like the story of your character, Meg, is fighting for what's right for the current situation despite the truth...So yeah...I can see why it's complicated. I'm terrible with explaining, perhaps I should just listen and give feedback instead from now on XD <_<
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