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Stories that blew your mind


Well-known Member
Did you ever read a book that may not have been your favorite, but the story and characters just made a big impact on you?

For me it was The Fountainhead. I don't agree with Objectivism so some of the ideas in the book I was like "Ermm......no. Just no." but over all I thought it was beautifully written and brilliantly executed. It truly is a masterpiece.

The real big thing about it though is that it got me thinking a lot and helped me work out how to explain my own philosophy on how to live and I'm currently planning to write a book about it. So, thank you Ms. Rand! ^^

Anyway, what about you guys? :)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The entire Dragonback series had a huge impact on me. They were a sci-fi book series, but the amount of fantasy put into it made it seem unreal and awesome, while still maintaining a suspenseful plot and great characters. I recommend it to anyone who can find it, the first book is named Dragon and Thief and is made by Timothy Zahn.


Oldschool DMC fan
Der Steppenwolf, by Hermann Hesse. This book described the condition of my life perfectly.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Star Trek: To reign in hell; The exile of Khan Nooien Singh.
When you realise what the main character went through, you can understand why he went mad... almost insane even.

(Sorry its not something more... cultural...)

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Seize the Night by Dean Koontz.

It's was the catalyst for how I treat my friends. And I could semi-relate to the main character.


Unwind by Neal Shusterman. It presented a very horrifying possibility in a way that made it feel like it was already law. ._.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
The Eye Of The Samurai.

It has nothing to do with swords really, the story was written correctly and the characters could be easily understanded.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014

...sorry, it just makes me happy when I'm given the opportunity to gush about this book.
The Forbidden Game trilogy by L.J.Smith had a major impact on me when I was a kid. The book is aimed at young adults, and I was a couple of years below the target audience so I didn't fully grasp the concept of the books at first. But I do remember very colourful characters that captivated me, and the message not to mess with things I don't understand was what I walked away with the first time.

I reread it again a few years later and came away having learnt a lot of lessons, like, the value of friendship, respect for others and respect for one self, to know what I want and not to be influenced by anything else to change my mind, etc, which were all more personal lessons that I applied to my own life.
The bigger and more general theme that stuck with me is that there is some good in every person, just as there is some bad in every person. You are the one who decides which side you're on. And that love can change you for the better, and there is always hope.

The story itself blew me away. It's a unique story with creative characters (aside from Summer...I mean, really) dealing with surreal situations but in a very realistic way. I've never come across another book dealing with the same elements. So it really is a refreshing read when all the stereotype books start to numb my mind.

The only issue I have is that the final message kind of screams out to me: there isn't always TIME for change. The bad guy turns good, and because he turns good, he gets pawned. Because nothing good happens to good guys. People take good guys for granted or trample over them. If he'd stayed the bad guy, he would have been the one wiping everyone else AND he would have gotten the girl. Damn it!


Entertain me.
Ender's Game. i read it in the 3rd grade, then grew up and found that everyone else hated it because my high school had made it required reading.

battle royale suffered a similar fate.
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