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Stop SOPA 2013


Smile it confuses people
I'm just going to copy/paste this post from tumblr that I found:​
Okay so SOPA is back, guys. This time it’s trying to make streaming copyrighted material a felony. Do you know what that means? It means you can be charged and even do jail time for
  • Making fanart
  • Covering a song
  • If there’s a song on on the background of a video, it still counts
  • Writing fanfiction
There’s a petition to stop it from happening, and it still needs 82,000 signatures so please sign it here
I don't know how much of the ones mentioned above is true, but I'm signing just to be on the safe side incase they did try taking away our right to draw fanart and write fanfiction >_< God that'd be **** me off if that part were true.​

Annnd I put this in the wrong section...doh!

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Oh great, this again... This reminds me, stuff like PETA, SOPA, DOMA, etc. while sometimes intending to bring awareness to something or whatever can seem to be luxuries. Why luxuries? Well, ask the starving men, women, and children in places like Africa, North Korea, the Middle East, and *gasp* our own nations. The unemployed, uneducated, unfed, and those without access to medication are probably bigger priorities than "the sanctity of marriage". Oh, some guy decided to stream videos without permission, that's such a crime against humanity. Let's forget about the children forced into military and children who will never be able to live in comfort. Yes, what great crimes that man has committed that our attention must be focused on him instead of millions who cry for help day after day.

Y'know what's funny? For what "first-world nations" stand for, I am shocked to find poor and uneducated people stuck in ghettos and projects. Yes, there are parasites who feed from governments all over, but there a plenty of people wishing for life outside the hell they call home. If first-world nations' ghettos and projects are hellholes, imagine what third-world nations' impoverished districts must be. It ain't heaven, that's for sure. Oh well, what can we do? No empire from what I'm aware of has solved this. All they can do is raise the floor of poverty. I mean the poor of a first-world must be the middle-class if not rich in a third-world.


Supporter 2014

Don't let these downloading rapscallions take away our musicians extra income!

How else will they pay for their million-dollar mansions and gold toilets?



I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
If it's been thrown out once... surely there is no hope in hell's chance of this passing a second time?
I want to meet the people behind this and slap them all with a wet and slippery kipper... fudging idiots...
Freedom of Speech my arse...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I posted a video about it in the ranting thinking thread, no one seemed to notice though. >_<

EDIT: The very same video that Wesker just posted, actually.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
If it's been thrown out once... surely there is no hope in hell's chance of this passing a second time?

The problem here is that now that Obama isn't worrying about getting reelected, he can do what he damn well pleases to line his pockets, and if that means being a massive hypocrite and going back on his word to stop bills like this, well then by Jove he'll do it.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
I wish Morgan Freeman was President :'(

Sorry, the man was already the President of South Africa. I'd like Clint Eastwood to be President. Seriously, would you mess with him? Then again, he owns a pet rabbit. Still, the man was intimidating even with a rabbit. Mahatma Gandhi's reincarnation or disciple would make a fine world leader. Them, or Chris Tucker. No one would ever want to mess with the United States if he was President. Wanna know why? Try listening to him and try to understand everything he says without laughing or going insane.

Go on. Make his day.


Enma Katana no Kami
Copyright protection is something that needs to be done but when effort is made to prevent copyright violations online things are taken further then they should be. at the same time i don't think i have ever heard anyone opposed to this type of thing try to make a more reasonable suggestion on how to update copyright law. when people decide that they should be able to get whatever they want for free regardless of the effort put into creating it and have the ability to make that happen something needs to be done. the people that have reason to fix things have no reason not to take things too far and the people who have reasons to keep things reasonable are the same people that have reasons to make sure nothing is done at all.... so, what can be done about this?


Enma Katana no Kami
1. Simple, copyright your material.
Keep the original offline.
2. Don't place anything on the web then get upset when others use it without your permission.
All pictures, images, draws, whatever becomes free game to everyone on the web.
If i put my artwork online then it becomes free game to everyone.

Putting things online doesn't negate copyright and most of the issues come from other people putting things online for the purpose of making things that are intended to be sold available for free. overly strict laws are not being passed to protect the crap on random deviant art accounts. they are being passed to protect people and companies that produce copyrighted material for the purpose of gaining income from losing that income because of entitled people who think that they don't have to pay for other's hard work.


Enma Katana no Kami
I know & i understand that.
And in that situation what else can be done to protect online business.

enforcing copyright of course. the only problem is that the people who try to prevent excessive laws don't have an idea of what would be a more reasonable law and the only options end up being not enough protection or to strict protection.
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