Hmm. Not I.
I don't play all games for gameplay or for story. I play for whatever I find appeal at.
For games like racing titles I play for the fun. MotorStorm isn't something I'd turn my back on because it has no story, I get a kick out of it just the same. If a game has no story but I'm having a blast then there is an appeal to me. Doesn't always have to be an exelarating experience like a racing game, it could just be a beautiful game, like Ico, or adictive or a visual feast type game like Lumines and Child of Eden (which I don't think anyone else likes).
If a game, however, has more story than game then, depending on whether or not the game is even playable, I'll stick with it and play on just to see how it turns out, like Matt Hazzard. Not a well made game but the story was worth the frustration.
And there are degrees of balance on each end. There are games like Silent Hill that play like crap but are just damn awesome to experience. So as long as the game deliver somewhere I'm happy to play.
There are, however, alot of games that deliver on both fronts ao to then I say rock on!
So, as long as I find a certain appeal to the game in any front, whether it be story, gameplay, music, or visuals, I'm there.