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Spielberg and Lucas about Gaming industry


Well-known Member
There are now three people i hope is held out of Gaming industry. One of them is Anita Sarkeesian, though Dice has hired her for Mirror Edge (their doom), and the other two are these guys:

Addressing the evolution of vidgames, Spielberg said so far, games have not been able to create the same empathy with onscreen characters that narrative forms have. Though gamers might empathize with characters in the cut scenes between game play, he said, “The second you get the controller something turns off in the heart, and it becomes a sport.” Lucas was more sanguine, saying the game industry can and will create empathetic characters, but it hasn’t so far because it’s been driven by hard-core gamers who enjoy onscreen violence.

“The big game of the next five years will be a game where you empathize very strongly with the characters and it’s aimed at women and girls,” Lucas said. “They like empathetic games. That will be a huge hit and as a result that will be the ‘Titanic’ of the game industry, where suddenly you’ve done an actual love story or something and everybody will be like ‘where did that come from?’ Because you’ve got actual relationships instead of shooting people.”

But Spielberg, looking farther ahead, said he thinks the real shift will come when game controllers are obsolete and games are controlled by Kinect-like devices that completely immerse the player in the story. “I believe need to get rid of the proscenium,” Spielberg said. “We’re never going to be totally immersive as long as we’re looking at a square, whether it’s a movie screen or whether it’s a computer screen. We’ve got to get rid of that and we’ve got to put the player inside the experience, where no matter where you look you’re surrounded by a three-dimensional experience. That’s the future.”

As a community it seems we are facing threats from idiots from all fronts.


Fake Geek Girl.
You perceive this as some kind of threat? What?

It's easy for people to critique things they don't understand. You know films suffered this kind of criticism at one point as well. I come from the circle where I also consider video games art and when you think about it video games can be even more effective in how you feel about the character because games have something films don't. Choice.

People want to say you can't feel for a video game character because it's a game but, I know some people who actually cried when Aeris died in Final Fantasy 7 and I myself have gotten emotionally involved in games. The Metal Gear Solid series gave me feels before. There's also games like The Walking Dead aka The Walking Feels out there.

Who cares what these guys think? They're not about video games. They don't understand the medium. Who gives a f*ck?

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Spielberg was involved in LMNO, a first-person parkour game with RPG elements and escape themed gameplay. It was under EA and you might be able to say that Mirror's Edge is a spiritual successor or a game that by coincidence are similar. Unfortunately, it was cancelled in 2010. Also, it was supposed to invoke emotions as a core theme. Racism maybe? The player character travels with an alien named Eve, so maybe like what happened in District 9 or what Hideo Kojima is trying with in MGSV.

When you think about it, artists like people tend to see things in different views. Photographers see something this way. A painter sees something another way. Filmmakers see something that way. Game developers see it another way. All in all there will be pretentious, ignorant, arrogant, delusional, radical, and plain insane people. On the other side, there will be people who are understanding, compromising, optimistic, and dreamy.

Spielberg might be really optimistic with what Oculus is trying to achieve. It's got the visual aspect and aural? aspect of immersion, but not smell, taste, and touch yet. Kinect is limited by today's technology so we won't be seeing stuff like total immersion until maybe 2-3 decades from now, but hands-free controls could happen in a decade or two.

Lucas, despite what people say about him, seems to be hinting at what Hideo Kojima is already doing with his current projects. I think The Last of Us, Bioshock: Infinite, and Beyond 2 Souls are doing that too with the empathetic part of games, films, and art. What I don't understand is the whole "aimed at women and girls". Males can enjoy an empathetic thing too y'know. Emotions aren't limited to just females, I mean why do you think guys get angry, sad, happy, etc. It's emotions, something that is a part of humans. Males aren't all testosterone-laden and think only about violence, women, booze, and the occasional jaywalking.

Anita from what I heard does bring up good points, but she does - from what I heard - misses them by ranting. Like she might point out the stereotypes of women and the whole skimpy outfits, heels, etc. Although she might mention Samus Aran and Jade from Beyond Good & Evil she doesn't do much with them beyond mentioning them. She could have asserted that those types of characters are needed. Heck, Ellie from Borderlands 2 wasn't the typical beautiful women. Instead, she was this strong, defiant woman capable of handling her own; she even defied her mother's ideal image for a lady. This sort of leads to empty arguments and rants that few give credibility.

Hey, at least she's not like that one lady who tried killing Andy Warhol and wrote a book condemning men, politics, and the economy. I think she wanted a world populated only by women and where machines handled the economy. Look up Valerie Solanas for more information.
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