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Sparda's personality

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
We've heard nothing but hints about Sparda's personality. What I wanna know. Is what do you think Sparda would be like if he's ever in either universes. What type of fighting style, hobbies, foods, etc.

DMC Sparda

DmC Sparda


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
original sparda i think would have been a mixture of both dante and vergil fighting wise as he wielded rebellion and yamato but i think he would have been more like dante personality wise and as he liked to use handguns


Well-known Member
In terms of personality he looks like a dark guy shrouded in mystery i.e. doesn't say much but is powerful. Similar to Auron in FFX (Just noticed DmC version looks like him).

As for fighting style I'd say a hard hitting sword master, since he owned Force Edge, Rebellion, Yamato and the Arbiter.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Classic Sparda was said to be reserved and often a bit Vergil like, but had a strong sense of justice like Dante and a bit of a wittiness here and there. As for his fighting style, it was obviously of master swordsmanship with long swords and katanas. however my head canon is that was terrible with guns because of their new age technology. Lol

As for new Sparda, he was said to help Mundus rise to power, which says a lot about how powerful he really is. In terms of character, I'd say he was a better father then classic Sparda because he made precautions and plans if Mundus found them. He even wiped their memories in order to protect them. (a lot of good that did. Once became a hacking genius with a god complex, and the other became a hedonistic rebel whose possibly a bit insane) And for his fighting style I'd say he was good with a sword. beyond Dante and possibly Vergil.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Like others have stated, I see classic Sparda as being a combination of Dante and Vergil (or to be fair since he's their father, their personalities are fragments of his).

I imagine him to be stoic, reserved, and very regal in appearance and somewhat in personality. However, I don't see him as being particularly serious (barring when he's in the throes of an important battle). I imagine he has a bold, rich voice, but that when he speaks, his words are eloquent, maybe even soft spoken. I see him as possessing a sense of humour much like Dante, though perhaps dialled back a bit with some of Vergil's dryness.

As far as swords go, I see him as being a master of all forms of blades and melee weaponry. His own blade "Sparda", or "Force Edge", has three different forms; I imagine he utilized all three.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I forgot to take into account the other parts of your post.

Foods...difficult to say. Hopefully not Dante's eating habits. XD Though I'd have to wonder if Sparda too enjoys strawberry sundaes. If he eats pizza, does he like it with olives, or is he just like his son? I also imagine he'd prefer a good, home-cooked meal to anything too rich and fattening, but then again, from the looks of Dante, a slow metabolism isn't an issue (but then again, Dante's lack of weight gain could be due in part to his physically demanding job).

Drinks: I see him as a tea drinker; I don't know why (it's probably the outfit), but I bet he's the kind of guy who would sit down with his morning tea or coffee in a nice, plush armchair. .

For alcoholic beverages, it would probably be something straight, no mixing-like scotch or gin.

Hobbies: Well, I imagine he'd spend a set amount of time practicing his combat skills each and every day. He'd probably read books on various lore from all around the world; Mythology, History, Geography, Spiritualism, and anything else that would help him learn more about humanity and the world they live in. I also see him being the kind of guy that has a set schedule for each task he performs every day. He'd spend time with his family (teaching his sons when Eva permits it, or isn't looking), going over battle plans with any demons following his example in his fight against Mundus, and perhaps taking up practical hobbies such as carpentry and agriculture.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Foods...difficult to say. Hopefully not Dante's eating habits. XD Though I'd have to wonder if Sparda too enjoys strawberry sundaes. If he eats pizza, does he like it with olives, or is he just like his son?

Of all the foods you'd picture Sparda eating, pizza is one of them?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Of all the foods you'd picture Sparda eating, pizza is one of them?

Out of my entire post, you're nitpicking that one part? I figured there would be a lot more to work with, there. XD

All joking aside: Not really, but if he did, it would probably be the gourmet sh*t. :p


Mercenary of Darkness
I always imagine him (original DMC) as a serious and rebellious like "THIS IS SPARTAAAN~!" or have similar personality as Kratos kind of person as he wields the awesome ultimate swords of rebellion, force edge and yamato. I don't know, but that's what I see through Sparda's personality. Haha


Well-known Member
As Berial said Nero was just like him. From that I would assume that he was like Dante in that he liked to play around with his opponents and was a skilled swordsmen. But at the same time takes things a bit more seriously than Dante does.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
As Berial said Nero was just like him. From that I would assume that he was like Dante in that he liked to play around with his opponents and was a skilled swordsmen. But at the same time takes things a bit more seriously than Dante does.

Only thing is, Berial hadn't been to the human world for 2,000 years-the same time as when Sparda rose up against his fellow demons in the defense of mankind. Berial had heard of Dante, but until their battle, he'd never officially met him.

I think Berial was referring to Nero being like Sparda. That being said, he may not have been talking about Nero's strength, but rather the familiar feeling he got from him (since Nero inherited some of Sparda's power).


Well-known Member
Only thing is, Berial hadn't been to the human world for 2,000 years-the same time as when Sparda rose up against his fellow demons in the defense of mankind. Berial had heard of Dante, but until their battle, he'd never officially met him.

I think Berial was referring to Nero being like Sparda. That being said, he may not have been talking about Nero's strength, but rather the familiar feeling he got from him (since Nero inherited some of Sparda's power).

Sorry if my post wasn't specific. I was referring to Nero being like Sparda not Dante.


Sparda: i think he was a light-hearted man, kinda like Dante but without the over-the-topness and without that mascarade to hide his sadness (although, in DMC4 it leaves implicit that Sparda was not quite right about what he was doing, he still had some feelings towards his own home and comrades) and would get serious easily while still holding some cockiness (think DMC1 Dante more serious but less threatening, more "stoic" but yet cocky). He probably had some Kenshin-like mentality (Rurouni Kenshin), besides falling in love for Eva (which happened just 2000 years after he rebelled against the demons), i think that he lived up as a human to try and redeem all he did while on the demon side. In general, i think that he looked more "cold" and stoic like Vergil, but light-hearted like Dante too, like that quiet person that seems to be peaceful and wise (i imagine him resembling a little Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood in some aspects). And different from NT Sparda, i don't think that him and Mundus had a close relationship, in the original series the demons seems to be much more hierarchical than in the reboot and Mundus acts really like a king, distant and having no compassion or relationships whatsoever with his subordinates (remember Griffon), i think that one of Sparda's best friends in hell were Beowulf, this would explain why he's so ****ing mad about the betrayal too and why Sparda never killed him but probably fought him (and that's why he already lost one eye).

NT Sparda: it's said on the game that he was Mundus' right arm, that's why Mundus get so ****ed with this betrayal and punish him with a "fate worse than death". I don't think he excels in combat skills like the original Sparda, but he probably had a close relationship with Mundus, kinda like his more trusted henchman; i think that he was like that friend worth of all trust for Mundus' before the betrayal. I think it's difficult to take a guess on that Sparda traits because this game doesn't hint anything (while the original places Vergil and Dante like polar opposites, and Sparda like the merge of these opposites). He seems to be responsible and caring (judging by all he did to NT Vergil and Dante) but that's as far as i can get with this.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
I think he was the Anti-Nero, cold and focused in combat, but Light hearted and fun out of it.

That's how I write him anyway.
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