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something you laugh at when you remember


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
Hello guys
This thread for talking about situations you have been through sometimes and they make you laugh at your self or laugh at the situation it self when you remember it.

I'll start

my neighbor has a half wrecked car and he was always trying to fix it's engine "I don't really what he wants to do" , he makes noise everyday and night even at late hours he wakes me up with his noises , and my father always telling him to sell it as a wrecked car , last week the car blew up on his face and the fire started in his backyard and it was all over the place , my mother started screaming "FIRE FIRE OUR NEIGHBOR GOT BURNED . . . HELP!" and his sons came out from the house and started to extinguish the fire.
After all he didn't get burn or even get scratched.

I LOL so much when I remember this.


Entertain me.
I used to hang out with a guy (we'll call him Darren) who's mind was hardwired to talk only about himself, usually complaining. If anyone started talking about anything Darren would immediately divert the conversation back to himself, either to point out how rough he's had it or how he's a genius at something. At first I didn't really notice it but once I did me and my friend (we'll call him Alex) made a game out of it. He was so consistent it was hilarious.

The game worked like this: Alex and myself would plan something REALLY positive to start talking about.
I met a really nice girl at school and we're hitting it off, Alex managed to get good grades, it's great that Darren found a job, etc. We would try to predict whether he would say he was really good at something mentioned in the story, if he would complain about something (if so, what it is). If he ran out of things to complain about that were relevant, he'd start complaining about how he sprained his ankle 4 years ago and it's never been the same.

Me: Alex, it's ****ing awesome you did so good at school this quarter. Maybe now your parents will get off your ass and we can go on that road trip.
Alex: Yea man, I'll have to talk to them first but if they're still against it I think we'll just f-n go anyway.
Darren: My ****ing mom ate all the chocolate chip cookies today. I couldn't have breakfast. She's such a bitch. (sounds harsh but that's usually how it would go. in his defense she was not a nice lady)

EDIT: Swiping 14 50lb fire extinguishers throughout my friends apartment building and stashing them all in his room. Setting one off in the hallway and throwing another out the window onto the SEPTA train tracks.


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
Hmm.. I have a lot of those memories...but one that I think is appropriate for a DMC thread is prolly when I went to Anime Boston with some of my friends and we just got out of the car and were about to go on the elevator to the top floor and I said "oh gawd, I hope I see a Dante cosplayer >0<" and just as I turned around, I saw someone walking towards us with white hair, a gaint ass sword, and a red trench coat.....I think everyone knows who it was xD I was freaking out and jumping up and down and screaming "DANTE OMG DANTE I KNOW YOU!! I LOVE YOU!!" and I was fangirl squealing the whole time xDD I was talking super fast cuz I was so excited and I couldnt stop staring at him when we were in the elevator together xDD my friends were making fun of me the whole time, they say my fangirl moments are hilarious and that day was just the icing on the cake for them and they still tease me about it xD


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Our last cat... he used to lick the curtains, and he also used to claw at my mum when he wanted attention.
I Also laugh at his 'vergil-look'.


Is not rat, is hamster
Watching my extremely drunk friend trying desperately to pull a gay guy and then yelling at oncoming traffic: "come on! I'll take you all on!"

Prolly made all the more humorous by the fact I was completely hammered myself at the time. And we were wearing ballgowns...


Welcome to my world....
My friends and I were playing a game called Articulate, you just pick a card and you have to describe what it is to your team mate without actually saying the word and it’s in a time limit so it’s a bit frantic.

So, I got a card and it said Charles Darwin. Easy, methinks! Timer starts and I tell her “He came up with the theory of evolution!”
To which she replied”…… Charles Xavier…?”


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
When i was in high school my friends and I were playing soccer in the class when everyone were at break time . one day we asked our teacher to play in her class and she said ok but don't make noise cuz the principal roams through the corridor from tome to time , and we said ok .
then we started playing and when we were playing I was watching my friends shooting the ball like they are playing in a field , I got excited tooooooo much and shot the ball right to my teacher's head , and she went like >_< . it was one of the funniest moments in my life

La Femme Fatale

Her Royal Nonsense
The first thing that comes to mind, mainly because my co-workers won't let me forget it, is calling my manager, whose name is Fernando (which apparently is hard to say when you're wasted) 'Fermambo' on the night we all went out. I either laugh or put my head in my hands and cry depending on the mood.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
the day i was in primary school started day dreaming next thing i know is my body is slamming on the tables shouting penis i woke back up and miss shouted at me everyone burst out laughing XD thing is i didn't remember anything

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Um...lemme think.

...when they were selling stressballs at school (basically a squishy bag of balloon material filled with flour) and my BFF got one. She was constantly fidgeting with it and it was driving me nuts. Then, whilst we were in history class and the teacher had our full attention (probably giving homework or tips on passing a test), my BFF squished the ball against her lips a little too hard and it exploded in her face.....HA HA HA HA HA....XD... even after all these years it's still friggin hilarious! Her expression was priceless! Tee hee hee hee :D

...when my hubby and I made a prank phone call to our buddy. Hubby pretended to be a girl called 'Fransesca', and a very bad girl at that. I kept thinking our buddy was going to go 'aah, ha ha, good try guys', but he didn't, which made it funny. He hung up on us. So we called him back and my hubby said in his 'girly' voice 'It's Fransesca again, why did you hang up on me, I thought you loved me' etc etc. He hung up again, so we called him again, and at this point we were hosing ourselves because he still didn't catch on that it was us and he was getting so angry! The more angry he got, the funnier it became. So he ended up hanging up on us and turning his phone off cos we kept getting his voicemail, LOL. When we picked him up that evening to go out, he started telling us about this crazy chic (I'm giggling even as I'm writing this X3) who kept calling him and how irritated he was by her. So my hubby went 'are you talking about Fransesca?' and our buddy was all 'O_O YOU KNOW THIS CHIC?!'
I mean... it was seriously epic. XDDDD

...when my hubby made a make-shift funnel with a piece of paper and put 100's&1000's in it to decorate a cake. It started rolling out the back so he angled it the other way, but then it started falling out the other side so he eventually tried to catch it with his mouth....lol...my hubby doesn't have silly moments like these often enough...I laughed so hard at him I was almost crying!

...when my hubby decided to come running into the lounge and do a summersault onto the mattrass we'd put on the floor. He misjudged the distance or his momentum because when he rolled over, he smacked his feet into the coffee table. Then he turned around with this surprised look and said 'did you see that?!' Tee hee hee...the funny thing is I was filming him on my phone so it's kind of like...HA HA HA, of COURSE I saw that, I got it on video too!! ROFL! (I now also see that our son really does take after his dad with his silly stunts like that)

...and then there's the funny incident from last night which is for all means and purposes censored. All I can tell you is my hubby said ' I thought something hit the couch', and that's what made it FRIGGIN HILARIOUS! Epic moment in our history together. Really. LOL XD


Welcome to my world....
A blonde moment my friend had:
We were travelling from Cardiff Airport in Wales to Edinburgh Airport in Scotland when we passed the bureau de change my friend exclaimed “I haven’t exchanged my money!” And ran to the desk. We were all in fits of silent giggles ‘cos none of us wanted to tell her. Only when she got to the desk and pause for a bit then asked the lady behind the counter “What do they use in Scotland?” The lady thought she was taking the micky XD
Bless her…


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
I have plenty of those too. But I'll share one for now. It's an AnimeBoston story as well.

Two years ago I cosplayed as Zack Fair and went with a couple of friends. we were heading back into our room to get ready for the rave. I was waiting for the elevator. One finally came along and opened and next thing I know, I almost got ran over by DJ equipment. The guy kindly apologized and I told him that it was no problem and we went our separate ways. I however stopped as I realized something.

That guy who ran me over looks awfully familiar.... Was that Greg Ayres? Nah it couldn't be.... Could it? Holy crap I think Greg Ayres almost ran me over! SHIAT!

Ever since then it's been bugging me for a year. So when it came to AB last year (This time I was cosplaying as Alber Wesker), I was standing in line to get Greg Ayres autograph. My turn finally came along and I finally asked him. " Do you remember nearly running someone over at AB last year with DJ equipment?" And oddly enough, he remembered and confirmed it. I just had to say these next three words. " Well I survived...." Then we both had a laugh and shook hands and talked for a couple of minutes.

Even now I keep thinking back and laugh at it. " I almost got killed by one of my favorite voice actors. That's a death I'll be happy to accept."

He'll most likely will be back this year, and when I see him, I'll tease him about it. " I still remember!"

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
When my mum in-law dropped something in front of the kids and said 'for sucks' face!'

Oh, and this:
"If you fudgin' touch me again I'll fudgin' kill ya"
"Very good!"

Heeheeheeheeheeheehee XD
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