Some fantasy book recommendations please!

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Well-known Member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm looking for some new series to get into. Right now I would prefer trilogies/short series. Moderately accessible. (Nothing ultra complex) Here's most of the series (plus one standalone) I've already read and how much I enjoyed them:

Malazan (Love)
Earthsea (Love)
Black Company (Love)
A Song of Ice and Fire (Like a lot)
The Witcher (Like a lot)
Harry Potter (Like a lot)
Faithful and the Fallen (Like)
Chaos Born (Like)
The Wheel of Time (Like)
Once and Future King (Like)
Night Angel (Did not like the ending, rest was good)
Farsala Trilogy (Meh)
Inheritence cycle (Did not like)
Lord of the Rings (Respect it, but good gosh that writing style)

Currently considering reading Mistborn or Assassin's Apprentice next. Feel free to weigh in on which of those two I should prioritize or recommend something completely different. Thank you for any and all suggestions!
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Having read all of the Mistobrn trilogy, I would say it's definitely worth reading. I was a little unsure at first because I didn't like the end to Wheel of Time, even though I know Brandon Sanderson wrote it based on extensive notes left by Robert Jordan - I was worried I wouldn't like his original work, but I was completely wrong.

The Magister Series might be worth a look and also, although more Young Adult, you might possibly find Maria V Snyder books ok. I personally liked the premise of them but there was far too much sexual violence for my tastes - some of it came across as a little indulgent in places.

Don't get much time to really enjoy a good book these days, but fantasy is by far my favourite genre
I'd recommend the Iron Druid Chronicles and The Dresden Files.
Both are more urban fantasy. When I first started with Dresden I thought I wouldn't like it but here I am waiting for the next book... only 2 more months hopefully.
While this is actually a YA's book series there is an italian fantasy book called Water Mirror. I only finished the first book, since by the time the second came out I had completely forgotten they existed, but I remember liking it quite a bit. The series is called Dark Reflections and they're not very long. You can get the whole trilogy in one book. Author's name is Kai Meyer.
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How'd I miss this? =D

Recs! (Sorry if there's a lot of YA on here; I read across target audience levels, but I seem to have a lot of YA in particular).

-The Dresden Files

-The Chrestomanci Series by Diana Wynne Jones

-Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

-A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, and A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
(I could have said the "Shades of Magic" trilogy, but there's also a series of graphic novel prequels, and I didn't want to cause confusion).

-Vicious and Vengeful (also by V.E. Schwab).

-Pretty much anything by Neil Gaiman

-The Ascendance Series (The False Prince) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

-Rebel of the Sands (trilogy) by Alwyn Hamilton

-the Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown (there are more books, but the first three cover a specific story arc).

-The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black (The Cruel Prince).

-The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

-the Snow Like Ashes trilogy by Sara Raasch

I could recommend more, but I don't want to go too crazy. ^^;
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Ah, I couldn't get on with Shannara - but I know lots of people enjoy it.

I read, a very very long time ago now, a series by Terry Goodkind called Sword of Truth, I think? It was...odd...but most was ok.

If you don't mind terrible, try-hard humour and fairly lighthearted stuff, David Eddings' books aren't too bad. They pass the time, if nothing else.
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