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Some advice for us all


Well-known Member
OK! Well there has been some bickering on here lately. Some small things, some big. It seems like every time it starts to simmer down something happens and it starts back up again. :wacko: Soooo I'm writing this up in order to offer some advice in order to (hopefully) keep things happy. ^_^ So here's my advice. Also, if anyone has any advice to add, please do! :D

1. If someone says something you don't like don't call them stupid, wrong, childish, or not a real fan. Stuff like that are asking for conflict. If someone says something you don't like don't resort to those kinds of words. Instead maybe point out where the person may have been offensive or whatever you got from them. BUT!!!!! Do it nicely. I held my breath almost all day yesterday with all the DmC drama and stayed on for a long time incase something did break out.

2. If someone does offend you don't go in with torches and pitch forks. Instead try to look at it from their perspective. Maybe you said something that sounded harsh even if you didn't mean it that way. You can't assume that just because you don't mean to be a certain way that no one won't interpret it differently than you.

3. Take a break. If tensions are high then walk away for awhile. Take a shower, get something to eat, take a dump. I don't care! This is the internet. No one is forcing you to stay here. Leave and come back later if you feel yourself getting frustrated.

4. Now if all that fails and you're reeeeeaaaaally mad at them you wanna do this; open Microsoft Word, or whatever you use, and pour you're heart out. Everything you want to say to person, put it down. That way you got it off your chest without actually posting it. And that's good. ^_^

5. Now if this person that is bugging you is really really freaking annoying then use the handy dandy ignore function.

6. Lastly, and this is a really radical idea, tell the staff. I know! I know its crazy, but stick with me. The staff here is helpful and reasonable. If someone has insulted you and put you down then let them know. Now if you contributed to the argument then you might want to bake them cookies first. ;)

Well that's my advice. Again if anyone has any other ideas then please share! :D


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Well, i can't be bothered to argue anymore.

Here's a bit of advice from me.

If you bite at what these ppl say, you are feeding the troll, and if they know that you are getting to you they'll wind you even more.

So DON'T bite at them. Let them get themselves into trouble by trolling the forums and trying to stir things

Rep to meg for peace keeping and the epic line of taking a dump


Dante enthusiast!
Nice one Meg. ^_^

The way I see it is that it's only a forum! Your PC has a handy little off button and whatevers bugging you has gone away! Yay!


Well-known Member
Thanks guys! :$ Good points to.

@VB- Glad you find that line epic. :lol:


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't have a problem with anyone here. Some people are high strung but as far as I'm concerned life's too short.


Well-known Member

I would say a troll is someone that looks for trouble. Or maybe just someone that doesn't pay attention to what they are saying and offends people.


Well-known Member
Don't worry. You're safe from Meg Rage. For now. ;)

Maybe I should repost this in the DmC section under READ ME. :lol: ;)


Well-known Member
I knew you were kidding. Hence the :lol: Although I will if you want me to. ;)
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