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So, where's this "Magical" DMC5 Fanfiction that supposedly is better than Capcom's Ideas?


Supporter 2014
I seriously mean it. People keep saying that the old, derelict DMC series "CAN GO PLACES" and that "THERE'S STILL SO MUCH TO THE STORY".


So, I'm asking anyone who knows about them to post them here.

You know why I think they haven't posted them yet?

Because a real writer (like Final Mark, Chancey, Elldawn or even Rebel Dynasty, who's a major classic DMC fan btw) just might come along and rip apart this GREAT DMC5 IDEA apart piece by piece.

Who knows? Maybe it's in the fanfiction section. I haven't bothered to check 'cause I'm not into fanfiction and I'm not going to go through the trouble of checking all the threads.

But it's also just a little off-kilter (you see, berto? you can use other terms besides "odd") how these links that may or may not exist weren't actually posted in the threads where the actual arguments took place.

Come on guys. Show me this wonderful story that can "save the DMC series".

Please. Just so I can laugh all the harder at it after I'm done reading.

... I may have forgotten to take my meds today. :S


Supporter 2014

I read this one recently and thought it was a fitting send off. I read a few other good ones but I dont think they count as DMC5 specifically.
Hey, thanks. I remember reading one where it was sort of a "Final Battle" between Dante and Vergil (Dante flipped a coin to decide Vergil's fate at the very end after defeating him with the Doppelganger style -- good, but not what I wanted for DMC5).


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall


Supporter 2014
The only reason I think people won't like that for a DMC game is because of
"WAAA! DANTE'S TOO EMO!! WAAA DANTE ISN'T COOL!! WAAAA I WANT DANTE TO SAY JOKES RIGHT NOW!!!" or some bitching and moaning like that.
See, this is why listening to the fans is almost never the thing to do.

You just focus on quality, and if the fans don't like it and try to prevent sales by telling others not to buy it, then just focus on making a profit, because this is still a business, and returns are still the number 1 priority here.

If the product is good, then profit will follow. That has almost always been the case, and will most certainly always will be; whether it's in a legal or black market.


I Saw the Devil
First and foremost. Calm down, crazy. I'm sure we'll find your meds.

You know why I think they haven't posted them yet?
Because this is not the fanfiction section?

Why do you want a fanfic? What will that prove, exactly? I hardly think DmC has any fics that would do the same for it, the one fic that would justify the game's continued existence.

Because a real writer (like Final Mark, Chancey, Elldawn or even Rebel Dynasty, who's a major classic DMC fan btw) just might come along and rip apart this GREAT DMC5 IDEA apart piece by piece.
Not exactly anything new considering that there are no decently written DMC games I doubt a fanfic will change that.

But it's also just a little off-kilter (you see, berto? you can use other terms besides "odd")
Bizarre, unusual, peculiar, quirky, funny 'strange,' weird, raro, extraño, peculiar, insólito, strano, 奇, 奇妙な, 기이 한, अजीब, off the wall?
Not sure why that one is pointed at me.

how these links that may or may not exist weren't actually posted in the threads where the actual arguments took place.
Because a fanfic is never going to become the game so why would it matter?

Come on guys. Show me this wonderful story that can "save the DMC series".
Well, last time that happened we ended with this:

You are just ganna have to wait a while for the next attempt like the rest of us.

Please. Just so I can laugh all the harder at it after I'm done reading.

... I may have forgotten to take my meds today. :S
DMC is just cursed that way, it seems.

Look, man, at no point was the game in danger because of the 'story.' I don't know where that notion came from but the last thing that the game would die of is it's story. We've put up with the crap writing thus far and the games were going fine. I hardly think that one of the most notoriously famous gameplays in gaming would bite the bullet over plot.

Don't get me wrong, I stand by what I've said before, all it takes is some imagination. To say that the game is dead because 4 was sub par is BS. DMC2 was sub par so why do we have a DMC3?


Well-known Member
"Fanfic"? Frostmourne, I think you're misunderstanding the argument. They are saying that DMC's story has a ton of potential and, thus, should have more sequels to explore that rather than a reboot to start the whole thing over. No one is saying that any fanfic is going to save the franchise.


Supporter 2014
No one is saying that any fanfic is going to save the franchise.
No, it's just that people keep saying that Capcom has no excuse when it comes to running out of ideas and that "even fanfictions have better writing than they do and can continue the story."

But whenever they say this, they never post any links to said fanfictions, so I'm at a loss here.


I Saw the Devil
"even fanfictions have better writing than they do and can continue the story."

Ok. I second this thread, I want to read these fanfics. There is no joke here, I'm not been the sarcastics, I really want to read the material people said existed.


Supporter 2014

You know people have said that DMC5 could be done "especially since fanfiction has done it already."

No, I'm not going to go out of my way just because you asked. Ignored.

Dear God, you are always like this. Always.
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I Saw the Devil
Was that ↑ pointed at me? Because if it was what was it I asked for from you?


Well-known Member
No, it's just that people keep saying that Capcom has no excuse when it comes to running out of ideas and that "even fanfictions have better writing than they do and can continue the story."

Well I know that fanfics can be better than the source material but if the guys at Capcom hit a block, they hit a block.
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