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So what is your real sign?


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
chnically, Ophiuchus is not a zodiacal sign in "Western" astrology due to a historical system in which 12 signs divided equally into 30 degrees each are vital. At present, the Sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 17.

However, I give you Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer:

In fact, Ophiuchus is a Sun-sign in the Real Solar Zodiac, i.e. the Sun can be seen against the stars of Ophiuchus between 30th November and 17th December each year. [The dates of the cusps move a little from one year to the next, so sometimes they are quoted as 1st December to 18th December.] Aquarius, the Water Carrier, is the actual 13th, and last, sign of the Real Solar Zodiac.

So why isn't Ophiucus in the Commonly-Used Western Zodiac?
Ophiuchus is a Sun-sign. The Moon and planets all are seen against the stars of Ophiuchus. Unfortunately, the answer to the question is that Ophiuchus isn't in the Tropical Zodiac not because there is something wrong with Ophiuchus but because there is something wrong with the Tropical Zodiac. The Tropical Zodiac is an inaccurate oversimplification of the heavens dating from a time when we did not have telescopes or computers. Follow the Zodiac Wheels link for a description of the history of the Zodiacs.
According to this; the properties of the Serpent Bearer are:
interpreter of dreams, vivid premonitions,
attracts good luck and fruitful blessings,
serpent holder, lofty ideals,
a seeker of peace and harmony,
doctor of medicine or science, natural-pathic,
adds, increases, joins, or gathers together
poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities,
seeks higher education and wisdom,
overseer, supervisor of work,
fame - either grand, or completely misunderstood,
longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man,
architect, builder, reaches for the stars, figuratively and literally,
tax assessor, or levys taxes,
astrological talents, intuitive,
large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young,
the number twelve holds great significance,
foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times,
has secret enemies in family or close associations,
many jealous of this subject,
notable father, apple of father's eye when young,
high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death
feelings of granular, wise, genius mentality,
likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors, and plaids in particular,
receives the favor of those in authority.
So the Astrological Chart should look something like this:

Sun Sign Meaning Dates
01: Pisces the Fishes 12 Mar to 18 Apr
02: Aries the Ram 19 Apr to 13 May
03: Taurus the Bull 14 May to 19 Jun
04: Gemini the Twins 20 Jun to 20 Jul
05: Cancer the Crab 21 Jul to 9 Aug
06: Leo the Lion 10 Aug to 15 Sep
07: Virgo the Maiden 16 Sep to 30 Oct
08: Libra the Scales 31 Oct to 22 Nov
09: Scorpius the Scorpion 23 Nov to 29 Nov
10: Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer 30 Nov to 17 Dec
11 Sagittarius the Archer 18 Dec to 18 Jan
12: Capricornus the Sea Goat 19 Jan to 15 Feb
13: Aquarius the Water Carrier 16 Feb to 11 Mar


So...what's your sign? :p


Super Penguin Number 2
Apparently, I'm actually a Sagittarius

But I'll stick with Capricorn, since my traits more closely resemble those of a Capricorn.


Nein, not ze puppies!
That's pretty cool, I never knew that there was a hidden zodiac.:O Either way, I'm still a Leo. ^_^


Don't trust people
Storm Silves;287402 said:
Was an Aquarius, but now I'm a Cancer. Good. Cancer traits fit me better.

The traits of cancer fits you better? XD

10: Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer 30 Nov to 17 Dec

Yupp... that is me. The HIDDEN ZODIARK! XD


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Ebony;287418 said:
^ really? Well I always knew I was powerful! This must be why! :D

And since I'm now a Cancer, I'm the fake last boss. XD Aquarius isn't in RefleX. ;_;

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
:wub: Astrology :)
I got into it a long time ago to try find answers, or rather explanations, revolving around my faith. An obscure area to start looking, yeah, since I've always been warned not to read Horoscopes or pay attention to clairvoyant people because it's 'evil'.

But I figured, it's on earth and it's part of the human knowledge basis, and God never said we're not allowed to be curious and question things (we were created to THINK, after all) and how better to 'protect' yourself against a subject than knowing all there is to know about the subject, right?

Anyway, considering the alignments of the planets, the day, the year, the month, the time of day, the season, all play a huge role in the moment you are born (which we simplify by grouping a hundred intergral little parts into what we know as our zodiac signs), and certain specific factors that revolve around all those elements (the intervention of the moon and sun signs at times)will in future effect how you perceive events, will be able to predict what is going to happen to you and what place you'll be in at a certain time (mentally and emotionally and spiritually), and in a sense we can predict what lies ahead for each individual. Although it'll take a sharp mind to keep track of and keep all factors considered, but once you get past that complicated brain-teasing phase, it's quite easy to link it all together and make an intuitive conclusion of another person's past, present and future situation. (an example would be from a radio station back home when a complete stranger mailed the station (they had a daily horoscope 'predicter' on air) asking them for a personal read, giving them no details aside from their birthdate, and from that the clairvoyant was able to tell that the woman was in the middle of a divorce due to her emotional state, and was able to take cues from her past to make an accurate prediction of what her future was going to be like after the divorce is over). For some this is easier to do than others, depending on how familiar you are with the zodiac and all that it entails.

Anyway, I came to the conclusion that we can only make accurate predictions of what people will go through. We can warn them. But really there is no getting away from it - it's predetermined, when an individuals' planets fall in a certain order that predict hardship, there really is buggerall anyone can do about it, no matter how detailed the prediction is or how much the person tries to prepare or avoid it. You can't move the planets in a different direction to suit your needs, you can't bend astrology to your whim. You can learn about it, you can grasp a firm understanding of it, but you can never alter it.

And this is what I now take to mean that God has laid out the paths for each and everyone of us, (and I have a better understanding now as well how He could know each of us better than we can know ourselves, how He could know and love us before we are created, how it's possible that we were conceived in His mind long before we were actually conceived, because as the song goes, 'it's written in the stars') that it's all predetermined, that it's set in stone how and when and where and why we are born as we are and how and when and where and why we will die, and we really don't have any control over any of it. It's deep, and complicated, and if you consider astrology as the hand of God, it's mind-blowingly terrifying and awesome at the same time. How great is our God.

I have several of the qualities of a Serpent Bearer, but then everyone has a little of this and a little of that at some point or another, am I right or am I right? :p

I recon Ophiuchus has fallen away from the Tropical Zodiac and the astrological chart as a whole because 1- there is too much bad omen attached to the number 13 and people born in the 13th sign will be seen as unlucky/evil/doomed, and 2- the serpent represents evil and also the end of the world (see the book of Revelations in the Bible), or rather the destruction of it before the world is reborn and purified by fire. So, nevermind the end of the Mayan calandar in 2012, or the 'coming of Christ' in May 2011 - maybe everyone is wrong and the real **** is going to hit the fan before Christmas this year? I wouldn't be surprised, whatnot with sinkholes inexplicably caving in at random in Germany, earthquakes and tsunamis hitting islands and shores here in the pacifica like there's no tomorrow (pun intended), and ginormous fissures appearing overnight in Africa. IT IS THE END!!!!!!!!!!!

^_^ Anyway, back on topic!
Going on the 13 Astrological chart, I'm a Sagittarius.
But really I prefer being a Capricorn and don't see any of the other zodiacs being adequate enough to be mine. Pride and all, y'know...hey, don't think me arrogant. Capricorns are known to be proud buggers. :p LOL


Entertain me.
i've known about this for a while, i'm really a taurus.
but miraculously, i fit the description for taurus AND gemini, what a coincidence!
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