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So this came to mind


You will not forget this devil's power!
Ok! So you know when in DMC1 at the end of the fight with Mundus? And the dialogue went like this..

Trish- Looks like we have a winner!

Dante- Jackpot!!

Mundus- Nooooo!

Mundus- Dante, I will return. And I will rule this world!

Dante- Goodbye. And when you do come back, give my regards to my son will ya?

So could it be possible that Nero be Dante's son or was he just bluffing?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
dante was bluffing. the time frame between DMC and DMC4 is long but not long enough for dante to have a child. plus it was confirmed that nero was vergil's boy. dante just said that because we all know that the possibility of dante of all people in the DMC universe is the most likely the last person to have children


You will not forget this devil's power!
dante was bluffing. the time frame between DMC and DMC4 is long but not long enough for dante to have a child. plus it was confirmed that nero was vergil's boy. dante just said that because we all know that the possibility of dante of all people in the DMC universe is the most likely the last person to have children
So is there any solid evidence that Nero is vergil's son 100%? I saw the old thread but..I'm not sure if its legit or not.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
So is there any solid evidence that Nero is vergil's son 100%? I saw the old thread but..I'm not sure if its legit or not.

i heard that someone had a link to an interview from someone who worked on DMC4 that proved that nero is his son (sorry, i'm too lazy to find the link). and there is a book that proves it (or so i hear). but for me, all evidence points to neor being vergil's son


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
id say he probably said it as mundus took 2000 years to break free from his seal so dante probably assumed it would be his son taking up the next fight
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