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Single world government


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today in my excelled class meeting we some person thought it would be nice if the word was all one government proceeded to start saying NO! multiple times why Many people have tried before
Alexander the great
Basically the were all conquerors secondly when the Empire got bigger more people died there are other things to
post your thoughts below

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
What's wrong with a single world government? Stuff all these conspiracy theories about a New World Order and the Illuminati and a pending very likely but not yet proven alien invasion.
As long as Angel and Steve run the government as well as they run this here forum, I'm all for it! (I'd also like to be promoted from pigeon to owl, thanks ;) )

On a more serious note, I condone a single world order. As long as it doesn't take violence and hate to be established, and as long as it's God running the show and not some foolish human being. Otherwise, nah.


Well-known Member
Well, with technology and media like the Internet reaching more and more people the borders of different countries are shrinking. I mean look at this forum alone. We have members from all over the world. There are people in the UK, USA, Europe, wherever DS lives :)P) and so on signing on and talking to people from all over the world.

Speaking of DS. I still picture her as looking like this:


But holding a pencil in one hand and a Dante plush in the other. Why? I don't know. The same reason I picture Ebony as some woman sipping tea.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
One world government I am against it because its a stupid idea. Their are too many different religious and moral differences. It would be chaos. The world is ok as it is.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I don't think a unified world government would last long. Different beliefs would end up splitting it apart, or it would be too large to manage, like the Roman Empire and the French Empire.


Well-known Member
One world government I am against it because its a stupid idea. Their are too many different religious and moral differences. It would be chaos. The world is ok as it is.
While I agree that trying to unite all countries under one rule would not work for a number of reasons to say the world is fine the way it is is an ignorant way of thinking. Many Middle Eastern countries what Israel blown up, Africa's been carved up and its cultures and languages divided up by bullshit borders, Europe's economy is failing, North Korea doesn't know what decade it is, China and Russia watch what people say about them and control the media, and the US....*headdesk* The world needs change badly. But one ruler is not it.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
While I agree that trying to unite all countries under one rule would not work for a number of reasons to say the world is fine the way it is is an ignorant way of thinking. Many Middle Eastern countries what Israel blown up, Africa's been carved up and its cultures and languages divided up by bullshit borders, Europe's economy is failing, North Korea doesn't know what decade it is, China and Russia watch what people say about them and control the media, and the US....*headdesk* The world needs change badly. But one ruler is not it.
When I said "the world is ok as it is" I met in the sense of how each area governs itself.
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Entertain me.
The bigger the government the larger the cracks. Chinks that can be overlooked when a government only has to look over millions of people could be catastrophic when you spread it out over what we have now: nearly 7 billion people.

Yes there would be local governments within the larger ones, but who's to say that the local governments will get the resources they need when compared to all of the other ones? Who's to say that a corrupt local government would get caught? and what hope would we have of fixing things when the world's government starts breaking rules? Every war would suddenly be a civil war. How does the all-powerful world government handle a civil war without alienating one of its provinces?

No thanks. There's too much potential for a conflict of interest. I'm happy with things the way they are now.


Oldschool DMC fan
If we had a one world government, how would you ever get away from it if you didn't agree with its policies? Right now if you really hate a place and its government, you at least have the option to leave the country and seek another place.

You have to think of the downside of things in order to appreciate what this would mean in reality. It would be fine if the One World Government was exactly the way you wanted it to be. But what if it wasn't? Governments and politics is always in flux. What if it became something like China's government, or Iran's? or Russia's? Would it be fine then? I personally wouldn't agree.

I think it's fundamental to the idea of 'freedom' itself that there is variety of government and some freedom of movement for the people of this planet. Besides, I'm sure in the blink of an eye if this ever did happen, someone somewhere or some group would disagree with the government, break away and begin its own enclave eventually leading to separation and a second government - probably violently, if history is anything to go by. Separate countries with different governments is stable enough to exist with the world the way it is. I don't think a One World Government would be stable at all - it wouldn't last a couple of decades. Human beings have a fundamental need for "other options".
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Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i best answer this when i'm in a different mood because the answer right now would be bombs
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