ema is called Devil May Cry 5 Wish List - Post your ideas! in this theme is to create ideas of the game devil may cray 5 this theme in capcom unity this theme will be published before it still does not exist devil may cray this idea I invented it but capcom made my idea different is not the sts costume megaman mega buster This says this topic in Capcom Adhesive Units: Devil May Cry 5 Wish List: post your ideas!9 years ago :: May 05, 2009 - 12:38 PM # 1IHaveNoNameIHaveNoNamePosts: 229There are too many ideas threads of Devil May Cry 5 around these parts, so it would be much more appropriate if we had a single thread in which to share our ideas, instead of having to search several for the same types of thread. .Also keep in mind that the threads of any future idea will be blocked. This will be floated to make it easy to find.The idea is simple: post your ideas and wish lists for Devil May Cry 5. Have fun!I SAID THIS IDEA IN THAT ESE THEME I SAID months ago :: July 22, 2018 - 3:57 AM # 1157sergio kings ledesmasergio kings ledesmaMessages: 1,085[Street Fighter X Mega Man] gaman x devil may cray 5A weapon that recreates the legendary Mega Man legendary Buster. With an unmistakable silhouette, it is designed for long-range attacks. When equipped, the special variants of the break and jump are activated. You can see in action in the game Devil May Cry 5 game located at the top of this article.As a curiosity, Devil May Cry 5 is Amazon Japan, gaining access to the Devil Breaker. http://www.capcom-unity.com/devil_m...99/devil-may-cry-5-wishlist---post-your-ideas