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Satoru Iwata punches former shareholder...after MASSIVE insult to Nintendo.


Fake Geek Girl.
Microsoft is worrying about p!ssing everyone off and releasing virtually the same stuff the other people release anyway. With more Halo :ermm: .

Sony is trying to create Facebook.

Nintendo is making games to play on your nostalgia and having an occasional identity crisis with Fisher Price.

The big 3 all have things they need to work out. However, I can at least give Nintendo props for still focusing on video games even if they are trying to force you to make friends with their toys.

I give Nintendo a rough time but I do sincerely love Nintendo and they are one company that should never leave the gamer's mind and also a company that damn well deserves some respect. Gaming wouldn't be here today as strong as it is if it weren't for Nintendo. If Nintendo would somehow vanish off the gaming market it would be a grim day for gamers everywhere. Think about it.

That guy deserves to get punched. And you can tell Iwata is passionate about the company, franchises, and hardware they've created. I can't say I hate Nintendo. The SNES and N64 are some of my favorite consoles ever. Plus everyone had a Gameboy as Nintendo rules the handheld market. Sony should pack it in because they are looking just desperate with that Vita nobody wants.

I hope Nintendo really gets it sh!t together because I hate making fun of you Nintendo. Give me a reason to stop please.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Industry speculators are one of the most annoying people I hear about. When the Wii U was announced, there was this article that a speculator said that the Wii U and future consoles should output at 4000 native resolution. Do you know how much bull that is? Even PCs are having a hard time outputting 2560x1440 resolutions with one card, depending on the game that is. PCs capable of 2560x1440 are at least $1000. Yes, oh wise one, let's make Ferraris and sell them to everyone. Screw Fords, Chevrolets, Hondas, and Toyotas. Just screw them. What an idiot.

Other times, I see stuff like Sony and Nintendo should just quit and become third-party developers without ever mentioning Microsoft. This creates a monopoly, you dumbass. Microsoft will have to pay fines or be divided and that'll kill it too. Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple, etc., they all have to exist unless you want the gaming industry to go under. Hell, I swear that there are articles saying that Sony and Nintendo should be mobile, third-party developers. Really? Did you get dropped on you head when you were born? Mobile games, handheld games, arcades, and home games all fill a niche in the industry. Eliminating one screws with the industry. Other times, it's the other way around where mobile gaming should just die. Or how the PS Vita and 3DS were complete failures when they're doing fine except for the Vita since so few developers are doing anything on it - wasted potential. That still doesn't mean it's a failure instead that's a failure on Sony's part for not increasing focus on the Vita.

Pricing, oh, this is one hell of a migraine. The 3DS, PS Vita, and Wii U when they were released and probably along every other console, handheld, what-have-you these experts said that the parent company should drop the price immediately. Are you freaking kidding me?! You of all people should know that companies need profit. Companies can't hand out products like freaking candy on a street - kids, please don't take candy from strangers. For the Wii U, for what it is, its pricing is great, just like the Wii. Why? Cause it's not like the PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, NeXtbox as consoles pushing performance floors. It's just something to have fun with. Oh yes, let's drop the price of newly released and untested technology that cost the company a ton of cash to research and develop. Idiots. Try going to Intel and tell them to sell i7s for under $200 and i5s for under $100. You'd have prototype terminators on your ass.


Lord Cheesington
I do like that about nintendo.
They are a console gaming company that's not pretending to be a smart phone.
Even though i love Sony, i think they & microsoft can learn a few things from nintendo by not trying to push ridiculous smart phone gimmicks on the gaming public.
Nintendo also needs to stop with their gimmicky controllers. BTW, I don't recall the PS4 having any smart phone features.


Lord Cheesington

Yea i agree with that.

Touch screen controller feature, camera, facebook ap, share feature, etc.​
Touch PAD. The existense of touch pads predates smart phones and furthermore, smartphones are not the first devices to have a touch screen which the PS4 does not have.. Sony had camera peripherals since 2003 and what does having a camera have to do with smartphones? What's more, social networking originated from the PC so there you have it.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
P4rgaming is a troll website.

Love how there's no source or proof of that happening in that article.
Doesn't stop gaming industry speculators or speculators in general from being stupid, obnoxious know-it-alls. Sure there are competent speculators, but the ones who are incompetent are freaking annoying and usually make headlines.


Lord Cheesington

PS4 controller touch screen
The touchscreen or touchpad may offer better controls for the player or function like a second screen to view game inventory or map. The strip at the back seems to be made up of the same material as the PlayStation Move and possibly function in the same way with the PlayStation Eye. Or it could just be a way for the PS4 to get a sense of how far the person is from the console and won’t work if the gamer is too close.

Now first off entirely not the point i'm making.
Secondly CheeseKao, stop being so freaking obnoxious.​
It's a touch pad just like those on laptops. You can't use a touch pad to display anything. Also, you are just oversensitive. Please look at the controller and show me a screen. Also, that article was written BEFORE the press conference and that itself is self explanatory.


Well-known Member
Sorry VW, but he is right. It is simply a touchpad, not a screen. And as he pointed out, many of the PS4 features predates smartphones and are definately not exclusive to such devices.

The PS4 simply enters the future of gaming accessibility and becomes more than just a gaming console.

As for the OP article... That's just funny. Respect to the man.


Lord Cheesington

No you take everything said to literal, trying to give a textbook explanation for something hardly anyone cared about while missing the point entirely.
I'm very tired of giving you a reason for every little thing i say in order to justify my meaning simply because you don't understand & wanna challenge it.
In other words go troll someone else, i'm through playing your game.​
I'm merely stating facts and you resort to the 'you're a troll' card instead of providing a proper argument. Sigh...
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