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Robocop remake, unneccesary


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
One of my favorite movies, is getting remade, and I am mad as hell. I have my reasons too.

Reason number 1. You can't do that with CG

Before the movies filming, Peter Weller trained for 7 months to walk like he was a robot, when the suit came in it restricted his movement and the movement could not be done. The director came to him and said "Ok Change of plans, To make the cyborg illusion, Don't walk like a snake, walk like a beast, a beast ready to pounce." So he trained for another few months in the suit learning to walk like that. He eventually nailed it.

Reason number 2. Hidden messages in the original movie.

Robocop showed little to no emotion in the movie for a reason. The movie was actually more of a drama than an action movie. It was Alex Murphy learning that he had in fact died, and that the ones he loved had moved on. He pondered how he could know all about police work, but not know that he had a son. He was Robocop now, not Alex Murphy and he had to deal with it. But as we see the movie progress, his emotions come back, his human spirit make its way through the steel shell, and when he is asked what his named is in the end of the movie.

Reason number 3
Remember the last 2 times someone who wasn't Peter Weller tried to play Robocop, we got Robocop 2 & Robocop 3, Robocop is to Peter Weller as Terminator is to Schwarzennegger. No one else can play him as good.


Oldschool DMC fan
I agree, Robocop is actually my favourite childhood movie. You can watch it now and hardly any of it seems outdated... definitely not the Robocop costume. And if anything, the dark satire and corporate greed theme is MORE relevant now than it was then.

Also I hear Robo is going to have 'glasses' rather than a helmet obscuring most of his face. I think that will look terrible and take away a lot of his intimidating qualities. Nothing wrong with Robo's original helmet. Now I suppose he'll look like he's wearing sunglasses or something.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
I agree, Robocop is actually my favourite childhood movie. You can watch it now and hardly any of it seems outdated... definitely not the Robocop costume. And if anything, the dark satire and corporate greed theme is MORE relevant now than it was then.

Also I hear Robo is going to have 'glasses' rather than a helmet obscuring most of his face. I think that will look terrible and take away a lot of his intimidating qualities. Nothing wrong with Robo's original helmet. Now I suppose he'll look like he's wearing sunglasses or something.


I wonder where they could've gotten the sunglasses idea from. Really, just because Robocop wasn't as popular as Terminator doesn't mean they have to turn him INTO the Terminator
both cyborgs were great with their own respective features


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Another classic that will be destroyed...
It's ironic, when the reboot is successful, most of the time, they will milk it for all it is worth
and with each movie the value diminishes,
I mean just look at the Alvin and the Chipmunks movies 3 movies and I could've sworn I just overheard the commercial for an Easter special

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
That's what worries me, the milking of the movie. I understand that if something is good your going to want to piggy back ride it and get all the money you can but like you said it truly diminishes the movie. Personally I'm not into remakes of classic films for many reasons, but I won't get into that.

Chipmunks, Yamato wants a word with you.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
unfortunaly this is something that cant be solved by nukes......but with missles!!!!


Oldschool DMC fan
What's ironic is that a reboot now would probably still be deemed more successful than the other film (as long as it wasn't utterly awful) because it would probably physically gross more, and they won't take into account the difference between the values of the currency then and now. Robocop when it came out in 1987 WAS a huge commercial success. But Robocop if it came out now, would be seen to 'wipe the floor' with the previous film just because of the numbers. And by that rationale, people will automatically assume it is "better".

The same thing happens with games. Resident Evil 5 - the biggest grossing game of the franchise... and IMO, one of the worst of the main console titles in it. But the companies making the games automatically switch priority to the biggest grossing title and think "this is what people want" and try to make more like that, when maybe it isn't what people want. Certainly not all of the 'fans' of the series anyway.

And... they probably *will* use CG to render in Robocop's suit. It would simply be cheaper. I heard the original suit Peter Weller wore cost close to $1 million to design and produce, and it was difficult even for him to work inside, despite months and months of training and being skinny enough to fit in it. I don't think they'll go to that trouble now, when they can just do it all in post-production. A CG Robo though, if you'll excuse the pun, I would consider a huge cop-out.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
What's ironic is that a reboot now would probably still be deemed more successful than the other film (as long as it wasn't utterly awful) because it would probably physically gross more, and they won't take into account the difference between the values of the currency then and now. Robocop when it came out in 1987 WAS a huge commercial success. But Robocop if it came out now, would be seen to 'wipe the floor' with the previous film just because of the numbers. And by that rationale, people will automatically assume it is "better".

The same thing happens with games. Resident Evil 5 - the biggest grossing game of the franchise... and IMO, one of the worst of the main console titles in it. But the companies making the games automatically switch priority to the biggest grossing title and think "this is what people want" and try to make more like that, when maybe it isn't what people want. Certainly not all of the 'fans' of the series anyway.

And... they probably *will* use CG to render in Robocop's suit. It would simply be cheaper. I heard the original suit Peter Weller wore cost close to $1 million to design and produce, and it was difficult even for him to work inside, despite months and months of training and being skinny enough to fit in it. I don't think they'll go to that trouble now, when they can just do it all in post-production. A CG Robo though, if you'll excuse the pun, I would consider a huge cop-out.
I would definitely see this reboot failing, Robocop as I have said, was a role that was basically tailor made for Peter Weller
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