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Review Because I'm Bored and Feel Like It Review (Devil May Cry PS2)


Fake Geek Girl.
Platform: Playstation 2
Publisher: Capcom
So, as you can see from the title I feel like doing a review. I've noticed other people in the forums do reviews so hey why not. I thought if I'd review anything first it would be of course the genre defining Devil May Cry for PS2. Yea, I know I'm late to the punch but the internet allows me to freely do stuff like this so who cares. Hope you enjoy.

A long time ago, when the gaming industry was actually more fun and we weren't being overun by an over saturation of terrible military games there was a system everyone and their grandmaw had, the Playstation 2. Then a company known as Capcom released a demo of a new IP with Code Veronica X called, Devil May Cry. It was a little taste of what would be pretty much a genre defining franchise. It caught alot of people's attention. So, when it came out, Capcom saw dollar signs! We were then introduced to the demon slayer named Dante and some crazy bitch who drives a motorcycle in shops and tries to kill him. This is where our story begins, well review.

So, Devil May Cry starts off with one corny opening scene with some movie trailer voice guy narrating while a demon guy is showing off his kung fu. We then switch to our white haired protagonist chilling in his shop called Devil May Cry. Some crazy lady then bust in to destroy half his shop (which he seems a little too ok with) and tries to kill him. Dante survives this endeavor and joins the crazy lady on an island to help defeat the evil demon king Mundus and save the world.

So yea, first off you get the impression Devil May Cry is a bit absurd but that's a funny thing.

What really made Devil May Cry stick out amongst the crowd was its fast paced and easy to learn combat. You jumped around slicing and dicing and if you don't think knocking a demon up in the air and keeping him there using a barrage of bullets is fun I think you need to understand what the word fun means because you obviously are one very boring person.(and you fail at life)

It blew my mind when I was younger and this right there pretty much set my standards for action adventure games since. The combat felt good, oh baby so freaking good. I loved it so much I went pick up toy swords and guns where I played out DMC outside which ultimately cost me some time to accept there was a reason I wasn't Dante because I wound up cracking the windshield of my mom's car. It was all for the sake of saving the world from demons though and my mom didn't understand how that I saved the world. Alas, the price a hero must pay.
Back to DMC though. The combat was really the bread and butter for this game. The rest of the game would be filled with alot of token game elements of things like collecting stuff or mating two objects together and hope they'd give birth to progress. Still, HOLY CRAP DID YOU SEE WHAT I JUST DID! I jumped in mid air shooting a demon then I slamed him back to the ground with a sword. I am a god amongst men! I am a badass! I am the best! I'm Batman.

I think you can tell, I thought it was a very fun game. It was definitely a very important series to me as it held some sentimental value and went in my list of favorite games. The only thing that was kind of weird was getting to the final boss when things turned into a rail shooter but it was short lived. Also the dialogue. Yea, who else laughed at Dante wanting to fill Trish's dark soul with light? This was Capcom though and they write everything from The Big Book of Cheese and Cliche. And are quite frankly just idiots but it's kind of part of the charm. I see their plots and I'm just saying "Oh cute, it's trying again." (See Resident Evil)

Devil May Cry, despite all its sillyness was a definite genre defining game. It opened alot of doors to hack n slash action adventure games and became iconic. Funny how it basically was a thrown together game that stemmed from Resident Evil. Yep fun fact, Devil May Cry actually started off as an early Resident Evil 4 but since it differed so much they convinced Capcom to just make an entirely new game (Guess they weren't thinking that way when they were making Resident Evil 6 but *shrug*) Still, I'm glad it did become Devil May Cry just how I'm glad RE 4 turned out the way it did because 4 is also in my favorite games ever list too. DMC was really quite the experience and I'm happy to have enjoyed it.

THE VERDICT: Screw that. I don't really like number scores so I hope you got my answer from the review.

So, I hoped I at least entertained you a bit on the interwebs in between youtube videos, maybe some idiots on social networks, rule 34 maybe, and cats (because if the internet taught me anything, it was cats) and I might come back with more Just Because I Feel Like It Reviews. Maybe I'll suffer through Devil May Cry 2 to refresh my memory of how bad it was to give a review and because I'm a masochist. No, I won't. I owe you people nothing. I'm Batman.
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