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Review because I'm bored and feel like it 2 (Playstation All Stars Battle: Royale)


Fake Geek Girl.
Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale:

Well, I've gotten my hands on the Sony brawler and thought since it's the middle of the night, I'm bored and I can look at naked ladies later so why not another forum review. So is Playstation All Stars a worthy rival to Smash Bros?

The Concept:
Take a bunch of characters from playstation and make the sony version of Super Smash Bros. Now, even though I like Smash Bros. I'm not going in with a bias comparison but when people try to tell me that it's drastically different I don't buy it and will speak exactly what it is. It's a Sony Smash Bros. type game. Is it fun? It's like Smash Bros. so yea you should have some fun. But does it hold up on it's own as the better fighter?

Short answer, not really but it holds up in its own right.

The Characters:
First things first, we all know that Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, and at least someone like Cloud should be here but dafuq man? Yes while these are characters that should be a no brainer I know it wasn't the developers fault and this has some cool and unique characters to make up for it. Dante, Sackboy, Sly, Parappa the Rappa, and even Sir Daniel from MediEval(which is a nice surprise because back in the gat you guys should remember MediEval) but also has characters that I feel are forced and shouldn't be here. Like annoying Nathan Drake who should have been replaced with someone like Lara Croft and the Killzone guy. Overall I think that Sony doesn't have that worth while of a selection but I do appreciate how alot of these characters play differently instead of being clone characters.

The Levels:
I think it's really cool how it makes levels with this hybrid of alot of different franchises and it definitely makes the backgrounds interesting to look at but sometimes it can get a little bit too hectic. Especially when the camera zooms out a little too far the backgrounds could become a tiny distraction when you're trying to track your character. Other than that I like the idea and some levels are just fun to see sometimes.

The Gameplay:
Ok, now this is where it really matters and people say it's different from Smash Bros. and while it sure as hell is, it isn't at the same time and I would rather it reach the obvious conclusion and just copy Smash Bros. entirely. It plays well but I have a complaint. My biggest gripe is how landing specials are the ONLY way to win a match. Now this usually makes battles fast pace because everyone is almost always on offense but on the other hand I guess it just seems weird because of things like this: If specials are the only way to win you can really be kicking ass and dishing out combo after combo but if you just miss with your special maybe by accident it's not like your opponent suffers any kind of punishment but being beat up for a while.

It kind of deems any progress you made up to that point just pointless so you better practice getting your timing just right and cross your fingers because if you miss you have to start all over again. That's probably my biggest issue with All Stars because also some specials seem more broken than others. Like some level 1 specials can take out 2 to 3 people if done right but other level ones like Parappa's little flash kick really only takes out one if you hit him point blank basically. Also some level 3s can be quite frankly bullshit when someone like Jak can go god mode and kill you like 2 to 3 times before he goes back to normal. This was like Sonic's bullshit final smash that makes everyone take off Smash balls because that one stubborn prick in your group of friends picked him on purpose just to do that. No items, Final Destination ass! There's multiple characters in All Stars who can do this. I hate Kratos and this game makes me hate him even more because he's one of the most ridiculous people in the game.


Playstation All Stars is a solid fighter that you should have fun with but compared to it's obvious competition Smash Bros. is the better brawler. Now if you never got in on the Smash Bros. craze because you always stuck with Sony here you go. Go pick this up. If you want a fun multiplayer game to play with your buds then get this. You really have no excuse. It's one of those kind of games that if you are in to this you can't really go wrong. Plus if you got a vita and you go with the ps3 version you get the vita version for free and it has cross play and that's kind of cool. Playstation All Stars really seems like the pilot for a franchise here and the lack of content is another thing that bugs me but I can see this series getting better in the future if a sequel rolls around. It's a game you should have fun with and it holds up despite being a little lackluster in some categories. If your a Smash Bros. fan and have a Ps3 this should hold you over until Smash Bros. 4 comes around and as for everyone else, if you're interested in this game, play it. I'm pretty sure you know what to expect and you will still have fun. It's fine. It also has a cool intro theme song. ^_^
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