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Reboot DMC 4


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
I think that DMC 4 was what destroyed the series and that rebooting it will bring back the awesomeness in the series. So what are your ideas for a reboot?

Mine is this: Vergil is trapped in yamato, Nero is a halfbreed 8 year old. He was the result of demonic experiments where young women were impregnated with demonic semen. Nero was among the few surviving babies. turns out that nero is in vergil's bloodline. His "father" was sparda's little brother who was banished from hell. Thus sparda's brother is trying to come up with something to impress the rulers of hell to get back. he plans to raise an army of halfbreeds with enhanced powers and give it to the rulers of hell as a present. Yamato was found by sparda's brother and he used it to extract vergil's essence and insert them into nero to enhance his strength. Nero, one day stumbles upon yamato and unleashes a weakened vergil. The release of vergil lets out a surge of aura which is picked up by Dante and he quickly makes his way towards the facility. Vergil takes some of his essence back from nero, temporarily giving him back his powers and he starts making his way towards the exit, while fighting demons and Nero follows him. Dante finally arrives and they reunite at the gates of the facility. Sparda's brother too arrives at the gate and proceeds to attack, vergil looses his powers again and while dante fights sparda bro, nero and vergil escapes with the aid of a mysterious woman. Dante is defeated, however, an old demon comes to his rescue and takes an unconscious dante back to his house. All of them reunite at a warehouse and the old demon is revealed to be a sort of father figure to sparda and his brother, while the woman is nero's mother. The old demon pleads Dante and vergil to help him bring down sparda bro and they both agree because vergil wants to know more about his father and Dante cant just refuse a the large sum of money he is offered. Then comes the missions and stuff. Vergil needs to get his powers back first. Stuff happens, things blow up. Nero is needed to actually destroy sparda bro, vergil stops the destruction of sparda bro to know more about aqcuiring his powers. Another DANTE VS VERGIL takes place. a good ending takes place where vergil understands that he needs to stop. Old man sacrifices himself. Dante cries because he wont get the money. Sparda bro dies and before dying reveals that sparda is still alive but dormant. and that sparda is the thing that he wanted to present to the rulers, not nero. Nero is only a key to aqcuire sparda.

My theory is only a basic outline with numerous plot holes and stuff. Im not much of a writer, Im just bored and wanted to express myself. feel free to add to my theory and include more details about the involvement of nero and his mother. ( his mother is only 28, same as vergil and is a potential love interest)


Good thread, i liked your overall view and you got some impressive ideas there. But i think you're talking more about remaking than rebooting itself, i don't want to get too much on a etimology discussion, but i think that "remaking" fits better your general idea.

I would like to see, generally speaking, the same story but with things explained much better and with minor changes, like:

- Make more clear (doesn't need to make the players 100% sure, some room to speculation always make a story live more on the minds of fans) the relationship between Nero and Vergil.
- Make more clear the time gap between DMC1 and DMC4, making it more fitting to the writters ideas on what Nero's relationship with Sparda and the twins are.
- Explain what the devil bringer is (through descriptions in game, not making clear that the characters have knowledge about what it is) and how the demonic power of Nero works in his body.
- If Nero is Vergil's son, give at least a background to who is his mother was and how Vergil met her. Using this as a way to explain Vergil's motivations better in DMC3 would be good too.
- Give tips on how Yamato really works, and how it's strongly linked with Vergil, like Reb was linked to Dante's blood.
- Show more about Kyrie and Credo, at least introducing their family to the players and if they died show their reactions with that event.
- Show all this story without excessive cutscenes, like introducing quick flashbacks in-game and in cutscenes (like MGS4 did) depending on the character you're seeing or playing. Obviously, just make this on segments that don't have combat (long corridors, or areas were you just solve some puzzles), the combat is the main pleasure and aspect in a DMC game and should not be hurted by storytelling. I think that 2 hours of cutscenes is the maximum needed to explain a good story (there are much movies that are less than this).- Give Dante his own role, scenarios and enemies in this game. Backtrack is allowed if it's not too much, and fighting the same bosses should be allowed if it were only 1 ou 2 of them.
- Relating The Order and Fortuna itself more with Sparda's story (one of the few cool comments i've already seen on YouTube were talking about how DMC games tells a little bit more about Sparda in each new installment) without making it clear, Sparda is intended to be that mysterious character just like Eva. But i think they can give a little "taste" of his story and relation with Eva for the sake of making the human relationships more deep within the game story. Just showing one image of their family united in a cutscene/flashback would do the job of making players think more about how Sparda were like a father, Eva like a mother and the realtionship between Dante and Vergil as little brothers and more "human" childs.

I honest think that DMC story has a great background to go with a decent and touching story. I like all the morals (even if they are kinda cliche, the presentation is very good) behind Dante's actions and beliefs, and i think they can go into more depth with it showing more of tha human Dante and his family.

EDIT: I think that this simple montage shows a lot of what i'm talking about, DMC story has much potential to be a touching and cool story.


V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Well technically the phrase is retcon as you aren't starting back the whole franchise from scratch.

I have a few ideas-

1. i would make him Dante's kid who ends up being on the motorcycle in Lucia's ending. He comes in to check on his dad and hears her story and goes to help out. Reason why he wasn't with his dad was that he's in his twentys so is doing other things and has other demon hunting jobs.

I dont know who is mom is and its either trish or lady for simplicity. he raised by Dante and Trish/lady till his early teens when trish/lady died. Dante became despondent and closer to how he is in 2. Nero had to take care of himself so he ends making plenty of mistakes and fell into a bad crowd.

He looks more like a unused nero concept art that has more of a cowboy feel to it. He's meant to be a character we can spinoff into his own anime as Dante isn't a character that can work in a medium without gameplay. The anime was pretty boring after all and we dont want a repeat of it.

plus i dont think dante works on a day to day basis so Dante/vergil would be put into the games(the big cases/apocalypses) while Nero takes over the day to day running of the business.

He fights with a martial arts flare favoring hand to hand combat.

2. If he is vergil's kid which is possible since vergil would procreate if it means sparda's legacy lives on and there is another chance for eva to be avenged but vergil wouldnt do it with a human being since he would want to give his offspring abilties and strengths they dont have.

He view his humanity as a weakness so why would he give his kids the same liability.

For kicks we would have Vergil mate with a figure from Japanese mythology like a Yuki-Ona or a Kitsune etc. Vergil feels like he might have a Japanese fetish in regards to women and there is alot of untapped potential with Japanese mythology. Plus there are no minority characters in DMC outside of Lucia so...

And DMC as a whole feels underdeveloped with regards to worldbuilding and the mythology feels so lacking so why not do something bold?

He mostly grew up with his mother's side so has a stronger feel for her culture which is reflected in his fighting style as he doesnt have a strong grasp on human weaponry. Im not sure what his mom side actually is so you get to offer choices.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted
1. Endow a consistent personality for Dante that follows after DMC1.

2. A dire need to improve the storytelling.

3. Elucidate Vergil's outcome after DMC1(technically they did in DMC history, but some people are still in denial).

4. The Sparda usable as a weapon with its Devil Trigger + powers included.

5. Dante needs a better stylish design.

6. More variety of weapons.

7. The eradication of Nero's existence.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
I really think Nero should not be more than 8 years old if DMC 4 is remade. If he is 8 years old, things could be much easier to explain, no matter whose son he is

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I really think Nero should not be more than 8 years old if DMC 4 is remade. If he is 8 years old, things could be much easier to explain, no matter whose son he is
Not really because you dont have to stay true to kobayashi's timeline.

But i feel nero's main problem was that he came out of nowhere so had we seen him before he was playable in 4 then we might not have objected to him so hard. So if he was introduced in the anime as a kid but people liked him that would have set up his solo game better.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
Not really because you dont have to stay true to kobayashi's timeline.

But i feel nero's main problem was that he came out of nowhere so had we seen him before he was playable in 4 then we might not have objected to him so hard. So if he was introduced in the anime as a kid but people liked him that would have set up his solo game better.
sorry, but who's kobayashi?


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
1. Have an opening scene that takes place 1 year before DMC3, showing Vergil and Nero's mom (Who I shall call Cate for simplicity's sake) living and fighting demons in Fortuna. Then it'll have a prologue level in which Vergil and Cate's home is attacked by demons, who until then didn't dare enter. You play as Vergil as he slaughters his way through demons, struggling to get to Cate, currently pregnant. At the end of the level, you'll hear a scream and a baby crying. A cut scene of Vergil slashing through the remaining demons, only to find his lover's dead body and a demon holding the newborn child, attempting to kill him. This triggers a flashback to Eva's death for Vergil, and unlocks his Devil Trigger in his rage and grief. Vergil slays the demon, comes back to himself, and wraps the baby in the black shawl his mother. Swearing to get the power to protect them both, he delivers the baby to the orphanage, telling him "I'll return, little Nero." and goes to acquire Force Edge. There! Now we have a clear and concise backstory for Nero.

2. Have Dante be like his DMC1 persona, mature and badass, but still cocky and fun to be around.

3. Kyrie. Give her an actual personality instead of just "Incorruptible pure pureness"

4. Nero gets Devil Arms of his own.


6. Either imply Dante knew who Nero was all along, or have a short "Figures it out" scene.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I honestly wouldn't reboot it. It's failure is why my favorite Devil May Cry incarnation (DmC) exist, so I say leave it's overused, shonen, cliche style as it is.


SSStylish Swordsman
I really dont believe dmc4 "destroyed" the series at all i mean yes the game had character holes and it was repetitive but it was fun well done in terms of gameplay and graphics and the storyline was fun in a lot of ways i do hope they redo it however i hope they redo it to make the story line match up with the series and fix the character holes..dmc4 made me love the devil may cry series ill never believe it destroyed the franchise


Solid Ocelot
Naah, I don't think DMC4 ruined the series. It was not a 'failure' as many DmC supporters/nostalgiaboobs like to say. If it were, it wouldn't get such high review scores. I get that you don't like DMC4, but it's by no means a terrible game.

I think Capcom's greed and laziness ruined the series, really. Sure, DMC4 raised a lot of questions - so what? You don't have to answer them by rebooting the game. You can just make a sequel that includes a short explanation or background story in anime style or something, Like ME2 did with its Genesis DLC. Or make the game revolve around Nero figuring out where he came from, and so on. They ruined the series for me, anyway. First they develop an entire franchise spanning four games, then they suddenly feel the need to reboot it. Probably because they don't feel like coming up with a new game instead of piggybacking on what came before. Really, I see them going: ''well, Devil May Cry failed. You know what we should make? Another Devil May Cry game, only dumbed down this time!''

If Capcom are still halfway competent, they can explain Nero's origins and just continue with the original franchise. Nobody asked for a reboot, and yet, DmC is now what RE6 is to the old REs. No need to change anything, and if there is, just let the series die already. I, for one, would not like to see the series get milked.


SSStylish Swordsman
Naah, I don't think DMC4 ruined the series. It was not a 'failure' as many DmC supporters/nostalgiaboobs like to say. If it were, it wouldn't get such high review scores. I get that you don't like DMC4, but it's by no means a terrible game.

I think Capcom's greed and laziness ruined the series, really. Sure, DMC4 raised a lot of questions - so what? You don't have to answer them by rebooting the game. You can just make a sequel that includes a short explanation or background story in anime style or something, Like ME2 did with its Genesis DLC. Or make the game revolve around Nero figuring out where he came from, and so on. They ruined the series for me, anyway. First they develop an entire franchise spanning four games, then they suddenly feel the need to reboot it. Probably because they don't feel like coming up with a new game instead of piggybacking on what came before.

If Capcom are still halfway competent, they can explain Nero's origins and just continue with the original franchise. Nobody asked for a reboot, and yet, DmC is now what RE6 is to the old REs. No need to change anything, and if there is, just let the series die already. I, for one, would not like to see the series get milked.



Supporter 2014
My name is Nero.

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