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Reasons why I don't like Korra from Legends of Korra.


The Dark Savior
1. Korra is always pushing away those that try to help her. Example: Her dad, in the first episode of season 2, her dad wanted to keep her from her creepy uncle and cousins. Buuuuuttttttt Korra was like "OH! Why does everyone want to help me. I'm the Avatar *Whine, Whine, Whine*

2. Korra thinks she's the greatest avatar in the universe. Just because she can do a little bit of airbending she thinks she's a master like Aang. In earth bending, Chief Bafong would probably leave her in a pile of rubble. In fire bending, Zuko would sent a small fire ball at her and destroy her. In water bending, Katara even though she is 80 years old would still kick her ass. In Airbending, well everyone.

3. Korra abuses her title and abilities, she's always saying "Hey I'm the Avatar." Don't get me wrong, Aang did that too, but only when it's necessary. Korra always abuses her avatar state. Example: when she raced Tenzin's kids, she went avatar state.

And those are some reasons, there are many others. And please don't comment and say, I'm being sexist because I wanted a girl avatar when I saw Avatar Kioshi. But not one like this.


Devil hunter in training
In season 1, I was okay with her being a little mouthy and brash because she was still learning about who she was and exploring the world...but right now in season 2, she's being really unreasonable with Mako. I would have thought she'd mature...obviously not.

I'm hoping she'll get better as the season progresses.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Blame it on raging hormones. She's a teenager after all and unlike Aang who was raised to be mellow - Airbenders are sort of like monks - Korra was sort of left to her own devices. Come to think of it, Aang was raised old-school which is what Tenzin is (trying) to do with his children. Korra is more like a product of modern parenting. In other words she could end up as an ass or someone well-aware about her world. Hopefully and it seems like that way, she'll mellow out as the series progresses. Aang went from a reluctant, unsure, sometimes-prone-to-mood-swings boy to a wise, confident, and reserved individual. Korra is like water even though she seems to be more like fire. Water has many moods. She can be gentle and calm. Sometimes silent and dead. Other times she's free and moves without a care. And then, she can be harsh and violent. Water is also influenced by many things. Tenzin, Mako, Bolin, Asami, and many others have influenced her somehow.

Back to the growing up thing, Korra is really insecure about herself. She uses her status as the Avatar to gain attention. In the end of Book 1, she told Mako to leave since she wasn't an Avatar anymore; Korra was just a girl who could bend air not the four elements and more. Korra wasn't comfortable about herself, the person Mako is attracted to and that her status meant nothing to Mako, her friends, and family. From what I remember, she tends to lash out and hit things rather than talk; pretty much the opposite of Aang who would rather talk it out or just leave, which is kind of the basis of Airbending and Baguazhang and many martial arts that prefer to follow the flow or go with the least resistance. Similarly, Zuko did lash out a lot before he became calmer since he was confused about what he was, what he wanted, and why.

Also, remember that this is still an early part of Korra's story. Me, I did not like Zuko from the beginning, then as the series progressed, he became my favorite character alongside Iroh.


"Plough the lilies"
In season one, Korra's character is still pretty decent but she never really developed that much. The main conflict of season one is not just Amon vs Korra. The main conflict is the political and ethical battle of ideology between the equalists and the benders. But she never really addressed the ethical and political battle and plus, almost everybody in team avatar resorts in this black and white thinking. Heck, over the course of season, i have never heard of anyone saying "I oppose amon because......"

Oh, and what ever happened in that Air Bending training in season one? Over the course of the season, we never really see them train that much do we? In this Air bending training, Korra have potential to gain tremendous character development but the pacing just sucks and they focused on other sub plots. Plus during that wack sauce of an ending, she immediately gain the avatar state(heck master it in some degree) before even mastering air bending. I have very low expectations about this season anyway and the atrocious pacing that plague season one will also probably gonna be here.


Devil hunter in training
The main conflict is the political and ethical battle of ideology between the equalists and the benders.
And this season, we have two brothers with opposite ideology again...which is making me wonder if it will end the same way as Tarrlok and Noatak..you know, with the boat and then it explodes...:p Surely they can't do that kind of thing twice.

At least this time the conflict is about spirituality VS modernity turning people away from their old ways. This could be interesting.
Already, Unalaq is being a bit like Tarrlok and Noatak by brining military into the Southern tribe. Makes me think he might either set curfews like Tarrlok did, or just do outright fear tactics like Noatak. I just don't trust this guy. We've already had 2 waterbending brothers fighting, so I'm wondering what to expect, especially with episodes titled 'Civils wars 1+2'.
I think Unalaq has his heart in the right place, but he'll become too extreme and do something pretty terrible before the season ends. It really seems like it could be leading to something like that.

As for Korra, while I'm not keen on her personality right now, I have only seen the first 2 episodes of season 2, so maybe I'll grow to like her more. Plus, having the conflict this time be about her own family might give her some interesting character development. Ijust wish she wasn't so harsh on Mako when he's only trying to help.

As a side, I'm kinda liking the twins, Desna and Eska. They're pretty creepy and don't seem like interact with anyone much other than between themselves. I got a bit of a chuckle out of Eska telling Bolin how she was going to make him hers. Poor guy doesn't know what he's got himself into.:lol:

Similarly, Zuko did lash out a lot before he became calmer since he was confused about what he was, what he wanted, and why.
Zuko is still confused, especially during this Search comic...and Azula has really lost her mind.:p At least Zuko is a lot better than when he started out in season 1.


"Plough the lilies"
And this season, we have two brothers with opposite ideology again...which is making me wonder if it will end the same way as Tarrlok and Noatak..you know, with the boat and then it explodes...:p Surely they can't do that kind of thing twice.

Exactly! Goddamnit writers. Both of them are such interesting characters and they ended them like that! Ugh....

At least this time the conflict is about spirituality VS modernity turning people away from their old ways. This could be interesting.
Already, Unalaq is being a bit like Tarrlok and Noatak by brining military into the Southern tribe. Makes me think he might either set curfews like Tarrlok did, or just do outright fear tactics like Noatak. I just don't trust this guy. We've already had 2 waterbending brothers fighting, so I'm wondering what to expect, especially with episodes titled 'Civils wars 1+2'.
I think Unalaq has his heart in the right place, but he'll become too extreme and do something pretty terrible before the season ends. It really seems like it could be leading to something like that.

I do hope they make it right this time but then again, my expectations is pretty low. Unalaq so far is the most interesting character this season. Again, there are already tons of potential about the plot this season but execution is what matters the most.

As for Korra, while I'm not keen on her personality right now, I have only seen the first 2 episodes of season 2, so maybe I'll grow to like her more. Plus, having the conflict this time be about her own family might give her some interesting character development. Ijust wish she wasn't so harsh on Mako when he's only trying to help.

Yeah, they wanted to portray the trope of rebellious teenager and where she gradually become more respectful in her parents again. I can live with that. But am i the only one who dislikes the Korra X Mako relationship? I mean i pretty much even dislike Mako lol

As a side, I'm kinda liking the twins, Desna and Eska. They're pretty creepy and don't seem like interact with anyone much other than between themselves. I got a bit of a chuckle out of Eska telling Bolin how she was going to make him hers. Poor guy doesn't know what he's got himself into.:lol:

I like them too. Desna and Eska are very animeish for some reason but can't say that i dislike that! :D

Zuko is still confused, especially during this Search comic...and Azula has really lost her mind.:p At least Zuko is a lot better than when he started out in season 1.

When is the search part 3 coming anyways? I really like these after war comics. The promise comics is also good where it shows Zuko's political and psychological struggle of being the firelord. Really, like those comics.


Devil hunter in training
Exactly! Goddamnit writers. Both of them are such interesting characters and they ended them like that! Ugh....
I think I get why they ended it like that...Noatak and Tarrlok were too messed up by their father. And Tarrlok knew they could never go back to the way they were as kids, even if Noatak really believed they could. I guess Tarrlok figured they were too damaged to live, plus his political career was in ruins, so the only way to end it all was to blow up the boat.

But this season, I really hope we don't have any more double suicide, fratricide plots going on. This season, I would be expecting some kind of peaceful soultion to the sibling conflict. Failing that, maybe the spirits will turn on Unalaq, maybe trap him in the spirit world for causing unrest in both tribes.

When is the search part 3 coming anyways? I really like these after war comics. The promise comics is also good where it shows Zuko's political and psychological struggle of being the firelord. Really, like those comics.
Part 3 is scheduled for the end of October in comic stores, but November for book stores.


The Dark Savior
Really, the main problem I have with Korra is that she dropped the most badass airbender since Aang. And she thinks she's an awesome airbender, I bet you Milo could do twice as much as her when he was two.


Devil hunter in training
Really, the main problem I have with Korra is that she dropped the most badass airbender since Aang. And she thinks she's an awesome airbender, I bet you Milo could do twice as much as her when he was two.
That's part of her being immature. She thinks just because she suddenly did airbending in season1 that she's a pro...
What is is with the female avatars being more violent or brash than the male ones?:/

Avatar Yang chen: Raised to be non violent because she is Air nomad, and yet she tells Aang to kill Ozai which goes against Air nomad beliefs, and was quite feared during her time as avatar.

Avatar Kyoshi: Quite happy to kill people if it brought justice and peace, such as the guy who tried to take over her home. Plus because of her, the Kyoshi warriors exist due to her being a fighter herself.

Korra: She's also quick to take a violent option, or rush in to use bending, but hasn't killed anyone yet.

Then the male avatars:

Kuruk: He didn't really do much as his time being avatar. Got his girfriend stolen by Koh due to his inaction, and then couldn't bring himself to kill Koh in revenge because it had her face. And when he advises Aang about Ozai, he doesn't tell him to go for the kill.

Roku: He was friends with Sozin which kept him from taking any decisive action, even though he saw what Sozin was doing. And even spares his life due to friendship.

Aang: Refuses to kill Ozai because of his Air nomad belief that all life is sacred and instead takes away his bending. Same with Yakone.

I wonder if this is intentional? All the female avatars we have seen have certainly been more inclined to violent or more brash behaviour compared to the male avatars. Korra is certainly not an exception to this. So, it's making me wonder, will she end up killing someone eventually because they've brought too much danger to the world?


The Dark Savior
Well, Episode 2 wasn't all that bad. Korra smoothed over by the end of the episode, but she really needs to get her creepy senses checked, because in season 1 she was all over Tarrlok and now she's being dumb and not realizing she needs to send the ****ing north back north.
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