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Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
This is sudden. Apparently Insomniac Games wants to make one final game for the PS3 before moving on to next-gen systems.

Here's the announce trailer:

It'll be out in Fall for $29.99 on the PS3; a PS Vita release is unconfirmed but possible and likely. Here's an article from Kotaku: There's A New Ratchet & Clank Game For The PS3, and one from Joystiq: Ratchet and Clank headed Into the Nexus this holiday. Both hint to Into the Nexus being a return to the original series' platforming, adventure, and crazy weapon and gadgets use unlike the recent All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault titles. Joystiq added that this could be a rebirth of the Rachet & Clank: Nexus game for the PS2 that was cancelled in favor for Deadlocked. More news soon.

Edit: Also, Into the Nexus will continue where A Crack in Time left off or maybe after Full Frontal Assault. In a way All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault were probably side stories and experiments for Insomniac Games since I don't remember any Ratchet & Clank game - that I played; never played the PSP ones - had zero gravity being this much. I wonder who the brother is... Tachyon maybe? Or perhaps a returning villain or someone entirely new. That creature in the tube looks suspiciously Lombax-like with the ears, but hey, it could be a new species. I hope Talwyn returns as an on-screen character rather than the cameos, references, and off-screen appearances she had after Tools of Destruction.

And will Qwark try to destroy save the world? Will Nefarious return to evil? Or will he return as an anti-villain? Will Lawrence get a chance to perform his bass solo for everyone? Stay tuned for the next Ratchet & Clank.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I bought the Ratchet and Clank collection on PSN since I've never played any of the games, so I'm gonna start from the beginning. It was mostly that R&C movie trailer that got me into R&C.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i think the villains are entirely new but there is a return of the thugs-4-less from ratchet and clank 2


Lord Cheesington
Yea they look fun, i never played any though.
Looks like a great PSVita buy :)

One of the most interesting aspect about the game is the weaponry. I found myself playing through the same game again and again in order to get enough bolts to buy new weapons. I mean seriously, you can't argue with a gun that plays the 1812 Overture when fired.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Hey, guess what? Five minutes of gameplay with Insomniac Games's Brian Allgeier commentating it.

Talwyn Apogee returns! Hopefully more than just a voice telling what to do, though. As usual, we get crazy, wild, and humorous weapons. As Mr. Allgeier speaks, he mentions "gravity" a lot with the weapons, this plays with the "gravity" themed gameplay Into the Nexus is targeting; zero-gravity gameplay is part of this game, puzzles are gravity themed, etc. Also, whenever he says "spooky", it just adds to the whimsical feel Ratchet & Clank games have. It's not scary; it's spooky. So, what do you think about Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus?

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
This is a demo of the preview above, which means no commentary, just gameplay.

For one, the Thugs-4-Less are a group of intergalactic, Russian-British er... thugs. The heli-pack has a new sound effect. Winterizer has holiday music whenever it's being used; a similar feature from the RYNO V. Raritanium returns as currency for weapon upgrades. And the game looks as beautiful as the past games.


Let's rock, baby!
I hope they bring back that ninja costume from Deadlocked!

And will Ratchet be able to find his fellow lombax race throughout the movie? Or is this last one?
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